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(mid tempo music)
- [Jenna] Tonight, Taliban victory.
(speaking in foreign language)
Celebrations in the streets
after the US withdrawal from Afghanistan,
with up to 200 Americans left behind.
Plus the heartbeat bill.
- If a physician performs the abortion
they can be sued by a private citizen.
- [Jenna] Taxes bans any abortion
after a heartbeat is detected in the womb.
This amid a cultural shift or shall mind.
- An abortion minded woman comes in,
she has been told it's a blob of tissue,
she sees the ultrasound and bingo.
- [Jenna] Abortion clinics closing,
as more pregnancy centers,
helping mothers across the country, open.
All this and more,tonight on "Faith Nation."
(upbeat music)
- The US military operationin Afghanistan may be over,
but the political fallout isonly beginning to heat up.
Welcome to "FaithNation," I'm John Jessup.
- Good evening, I'm Jenna Browder.
Well, President Bidenofficially marking an end
to America's forever war,
but tonight he and his administration
face a firestorm of criticism
over how they handledthe troop withdrawal.
That criticism comingat them from all sides.
- Meanwhile the Biden White House
continues to tell thewithdrawal as a success,
praising the US service members
who helped evacuate6,000 American citizens
and 124,000 Afghan civilians.
With more on the aftermath of the ending
of America's longest war,
Capitol Hill correspondent,Abigail Robertson, Abby.
- Thanks, John.
Well, just about 48 hours
since the last US troops left Afghanistan,
General Mark Milley says he understands
that of the 800,000 troopswho served in the country
over the last 20 years
are going to have very differentviews on the withdrawal,
but he assures them thatthey did not serve in vain,
and he encourages them tolook back on their mission
with thoughtfulness and respect.
- And we're gonna learn fromthis experience as a military.
How we got to this moment in Afghanistan
will be analyzed andstudied for years to come.
These have been incrediblyemotional and trying days,
and indeed years.
We are all conflicted withfeelings of pain and anger,
sorrow and sadness combinedwith pride and resilience.
- New footage was released today
of the last US troops leaving Afghanistan
just before midnight on Monday,
marking the end of the 20 year war.
The Taliban has taken tothe streets to celebrate,
holding a mock funeral for theUnited States and our allies,
parading coffins drapedin us and NATO flags,
while also firing off guns and fireworks
and posing in left behindmilitary equipment.
And White House PressSecretary Jen Psaki said today
that the state department
is working to get theremaining US citizens
and Afghan allies out of the country.
And she claims that every refugee
that is coming into the United States
has been thoroughly vetted.
- I can absolutely assure you
that no one is coming intothe United States of America,
who has not been througha thorough screening
and background check process.
And there are many individuals,
as you noted who have notbeen through that process,
and they have gone to Lily pad countries
as that process is being completed.
It doesn't mean that that'sbecause there's a flag,
it means they have notcompleted their paperwork,
and we were working to savetens of thousands of people,
hence we evacuated themto these third countries.
- Psaki added that the reality is
that not everyone whowants to leave Afghanistan
will be able to,
but she says the administrationand state department
will stay in touch with the US citizens
still in the country, hoping to leave
and do their best to get them out
through diplomatic channels.
John, Jenna.
- All right, Abigail Robertson.
Thank you very much.
And joining us now
is CBNs chief politicalanalyst, David Brody.
David, the President underfire from all sides tonight.
"The Wall Street Journal" today,
editorial board had an opinion piece,
titled a Dishonest Afghanistan Accounting.
I want to read a quote for you,
"President Biden'sdefiant accusatory defense
"of his Afghanistan withdrawal
"and its execution was so dishonest
"and so lacking inself-reflection or accountability
"that it was unworthy of thesacrifices Americans have made
"in that conflict."
David, your thoughts.
- Spot on analysis.
Couldn't say it better myself.
Look, we all want to succeed as a country
as it relates to Afghanistanand what happened there.
But the truth of the matter is this
Joe Biden was dishonestwith the American people.
And there are two pointsto point out here.
Number one, there weremore than just two options
as the "Wall Street Journal" points out.
This idea that it was either escalation
or total withdrawal is not true.
He was given many other different options,
some were in the middle.
Number two, he said he wouldnot leave Americans behind.
He actually said those words,
"I will not leave Americans behind."
Americans have been leftbehind in Afghanistan.
So he has lied.
And then beyond justthat there's so much more
to talk about as it relates towhat he has done over there.
He says over and over and over again
that he was surprised thatTaliban took over so quickly
and that the Afghan armyjust caput, just left
and the president ofAfghanistan just kind of,
wow, he left the country, I had no idea.
That's a load, that's not true.
Joe Biden's a smart man.
46 years as a United States senator,
20 years with Afghanistan,he knew the deal.
No joke, not being facetious.
He understood exactly thatthat was a soft Afghan army,
and he's selling the American people,
a bill of goods thatis basically making us
all look like fools,
to say that he had no ideathis was all gonna happen.
Of course, he had an idea
and Milley had an idea,
and they all had an idea
and it's a coverup.
And so it's dishonest.
And everybody talks about DonaldTrump and his moral issues.
He's got plenty by the way,
we can go through them anytime you'd like.
But Joe Biden,
who ran as the moral president
has been dishonest whenit comes to Afghanistan.
- David that same editorial says
the administration istrying to close the books
on Afghanistan and pivotto domestic affairs.
David, if that happens,
do you see the press letting up on this?
Given the less than favorable reporting
that's been out there already?
- Well, we'll see what the press does.
The press did a great jobholding Joe Biden accountable
on all of this.
I thought CNN, MSNBC, NewYork Times, Washington Post,
through the legacy media,
they did a very good job
holding his feet to the fire on this.
So you've gotta give them kudos,
give credit where credit is due.
I think the problem forthe Biden administration
is that the ineptitude that they showed,
as it relates to how wegot out of Afghanistan
is transferable not just to Afghanistan,
but to other issues.
In other words if Americansee that Joe Biden
and this administrationbungled it on Afghanistan,
what else are they bungling?
Crime in America, COVID, the economy
go down the list.
And that's just not analysis for me.
If you look at the poll numbers,
his poll numbers arecratering in many other areas.
And I think Afghanistanis not just a one-off.
It's not just an issue
that Democrats think theycan turn to and move on.
I don't think this is a move on issue.
I'm not suggesting people aregonna vote against Democrats
because of Afghanistan in 2022.
But I do think that theBiden administration,
if they think they can justmove on from Afghanistan,
I think it's a transferableissue to many other issues.
- Yeah, we'll see.
There's a new Morning Consult poll,
political poll out today.
6 in 10 voters think weare on the wrong track.
David Brody, we'll leave it there.
Thank you so much.- Thanks David.
- You bet guys, thank you.
- Well, tonight, Texas makingwaves on the abortion front,
where it's now illegal toabort a baby with a heartbeat.
- The unique elementof this heartbeat bill
is that private citizens can sue anyone
who helps someone facilitatean illegal abortion.
CBN's Brody Carter joins us.
Brody, the Supreme court decision
not to rule this case isseen as a pretty big win
for the pro-life community.
- John and Jenna it certainly is,
but the White House,which considers abortion
as a healthcare necessity is calling
the Texas legislature'sdecision unconstitutional.
Take a listen.
- It's extreme Texas law
blatantly violates theconstitutional right
established under Roe V Wade
and upheld as precedentfor nearly half a century.
It will significantly impair
women's access to thehealthcare they need,
particularly for communities of color
and individuals with low incomes.
It also deputizes private citizens
to bring lawsuits against anyone
who they believe has helpedanother person get an abortion.
- Statistics show there could be
as many as 3000 abortionsin the US each day.
And while this heartbeat bill
is expected to trim that number in Texas,
it's also reminding the countryabout life inside the womb.
- So as of today, babiesin Texas are being saved.
- [Brody] Aborting a baby with a heartbeat
is now a crime in the state of Texas.
- What unimagined joy itis to see Roe crumbling
in front of our very eyes.
- [Brody] Senate Bill 8, makesit illegal to abort a baby,
once a heartbeat is detected,
which can happen as early asfive weeks into the pregnancy.
What's key is this lawmust be enforced by police,
it'll be in the hands of private citizens.
- The abortion lobby is freaking out
and they're saying,
"oh, you can put abounty on someone's head
"if you take them to havean illegal abortion."
But the answer to that is,
well, then don't take someoneto have an illegal abortion.
- [Brody] Alexis McGill Johnson,
president of plannedparenthood said in a tweet,
their abortion clinicswould remain open in Texas,
promising to help Texans,
"navigate this dangerous law."
Just hours before thelaw went into effect,
the pro-abortion organization,
asked the Supreme court foran emergency injunction,
but the High Court didn't intervene.
- All of America's a littlebit confused right now,
even pro lifers.
Where is the court?
But we know one thing Roe is crumbling
and it's a really excitingtime to be a pro-lifer.
- The Supreme court alreadyhas a major pro life case
on its hands to be considered this fall.
That's the Dobbs late abortion case.
And when they're going toaddress the very question
of whether bans on abortion
before the point of viabilityare always unconstitutional,
or whether there are exceptions there.
- [Brody] The Supreme court
can still respond to the injunction.
For now, however,
this becomes the law of the land in Texas
and is expected to save thelives of 150 babies each day.
- I worked at plannedparenthood for eight years
as a clinic director,
I saw a 13 week old baby fightand struggle for his life
against the abortion instruments.
And I knew then that therewas life in the womb,
there was humanity in the womb.
And if those two things were true,
then I knew that I was on thewrong side of this debate.
- It's important to notethose private citizens
who report someone seekingan illegal abortion
could be compensated up to $10,000.
In addition to this new law,
Texas representatives also passed a bill
to decrease the timeframe
that a woman can receivea chemical abortion
from 10 weeks intopregnancy to seven weeks.
John and Jenna, back to you.
- CBN's Brody Carter, thank you, Brody.
Well shock waves coming from the FDA,
with two of the agency'stop vaccine leaders
announcing bombshell resignations.
The departures of vaccineresearch director,
Marion Gruber, and DeputyDirector Phil Krauss
come as the federal regulator
weighs whether to authorizebooster shots for adults
and vaccinations forchildren, as young as five.
This as millions of kids,
head back to school andpediatric cases continue to rise,
with more than 204,000 reported last week,
and with 300 kids dailybeing hospitalized.
(effects whooshing)
- Here with us now, CBN News,
medical reporter, Lorie Johnson.
Lorie, let's start with theseresignations with the FDA.
How significant are they?
- Well, Jenna, they're really a black eye
for president Biden
because these FDA representatives
who have been with the agency for decades
and are very highly regarded.
They quit after president Biden,
went on television a number of weeks ago
and told the American people
that eight weeks afterthey were fully vaccinated,
they would need a booster shot
and that the FDA would beauthorizing those boosters
by September 20th.
And now it turns out the FDA
really didn't know anything about that.
And so they said
that they really don't have the data
to support that type of astatement that the president made.
And they also feel that the president
by saying that is pressuring the FDA
to authorize these boosters,
and they may not reallyfeel that the science
is there to do that.
So it really speaks to the integrity
of these two FDA officials.
But again, it's a problem that we've seen
with President Biden and the FDA,
because remember President Biden
has been in office formore than seven months
and he has yet to name an FDA commissioner
in the middle of a pandemic.
He's getting pressure fromboth sides of the aisle
and he just won't do it.
- Lorie, as you well know,
because it's a topic you hiton the 700 Club earlier today.
Many of the millions of kidsthat are heading back to school
find themselves stuck in themiddle of a heated debate
between parents, school administrators
and even government officialsabout whether to mask up.
Lorie, any advice on how parentson both sides of the debate
can navigate the stark divide.
- Well, really the bestthing parents can do
is go to the school board meetings,
because it's usuallythe local school boards
that are making these decisions.
And as we've seen some ofthese school board meetings
get very heated becauseparents are basically split
right down the middle.
And so we've been seeing these parents
in these awful shouting matches,
and believe it or not,
some of these school board meetings
have actually gotten violent.
But a new Gallup poll,
shows that 48% of parentsfavor mask mandates in school,
41% want the masks to be optional
and 11% say they wantonly the unvaccinated kids
to be masked up.
So yes, it's a very contentious problem.
Here's something thateveryone can agree on,
is that in-person learningis what's best for children.
And if these schooloutbreaks become too much,
the schools are gonna have to shut down
and the kids are gonna have to go
back to distance learning,
which no one wants.
- All right, CBN medicalreporter, Lorie Johnson.
It's great to get your take.
We always appreciate yourwisdom and your insights.
So thank you so much.
- Thank you Lorie.- Thank you.
- And coming up a bigannouncement from Facebook,
what it means for politicalcontent on your newsfeed.
(mid tempo music)
(upbeat music)
(people chattering)
- But having sex before you're married,
is a bad idea.
(upbeat music)
- [Man] Don't tell methere is no such thing
as drug and violence.
- That just depends on yourdefinition of when life begins.
- [Announcer] Watch Dan andDale tackle trending topics
that test your faith onthe next "Faithwire,"
Monday night at 8:30 onthe CBN News Channel.
- [Announcer] The "Global Lane,"
takes you around the world,
providing facts over fiction.
- What might rising tradeand geopolitical tensions
mean for you on the home front?
- [Announcer] With over45 years of experience,
award-winning journalist Gary Lane,
brings you the truth from a global angle.
- What about the issue of immigration?
- [Announcer] World news analysis,
you won't see anywhere else.
- [Gary] And it's all righthere on the "Global Lane."
- [Announcer] Thursday night at 8:30
on the CBN news channel.
(upbeat music)
♪ And where there's joy there's action ♪
♪ It's like a great attraction ♪
♪ It starts a chain reaction ♪
♪ With an innermost satisfaction ♪
♪ I know of the way this joy ♪
♪ Makes me move ♪
(upbeat music)
♪ Yeah, I've got joy ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I've got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy inside my heart ♪
(upbeat music)
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I've got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy's inside my heart ♪
(upbeat music)
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy's inside my heart ♪
(upbeat music)
♪ Joy ♪
- Welcome back.
Well, for those of you who have Facebook,
you might start to notice fewerand fewer political posts.
The social media giant announcing today
will begin limiting politicalcontent on users' newsfeeds.
Since February Facebook has tested
this reduction in political posts
and after what it callsa positive results,
it's now expanding those tests
to more users here inthe States and abroad.
- Joining us now is Tony Perkins,
president of the Family Research Council.
Tony, welcome back to "Faith Nation."
You are in Louisiana, as I understand,
so we'd be remiss not to ask,
how bad is it down there, Tony,
and what are people doing to help?
- Well, it's pretty bad.
We're getting tooaccustomed to these storms.
The Southeastern portion ofthe state hit the hardest,
down at the coast as it would be expected,
but all the way up into...
Past New Orleans, LaPlace, Louisiana,
those areas hit pretty hard,
Hammond as well.
We're helping coordinatesome of the relief efforts.
So we're continuing to encourage people
to pray and support organizationslike Samaritan's Purse
and others who are alreadyhere on the ground,
helping citizens to recover.
- Yeah, Tony we wish you andyour family the very best,
and a quick recovery foreverybody down there.
We do wanna talk to you abouta couple of topics here.
Facebook's move to reduceposts regarding politics.
They say it's in responseto user feedback.
Tony, what's your thought on that?
- Well, I'm not so surethat it's user feedback.
How do we know?
But look, remember backduring the election,
where they began to limit
in effect a ban onpolitical ads and issue ads.
So I think this is just a continuation,
but this time it's organic material
that's being restricted.
Now look, there was a Pew poll
that was released earlier this week
that shows that Republicans,
trustworthiness of the media has...
Legacy media that is,
Has dropped by 50%, but righton its heels is social media.
And I think this is whywhen you see Facebook,
restricting the content that people see
or just not showing it,
it raises more suspicion,
especially when you lookat the organizations
that Facebook is aligned with,
or big tech is aligned with
like, Southern Poverty Law Center,
that has a clear mission
that is to silence Christianand Conservative voices.
- Tony to the Texas abortion law,
which we just talkedabout a few minutes ago.
What do you think it wouldmean for the status quo,
if the Supreme courtwinds up taking the case,
challenging the foundation of Roe V Wade?
- Well, I think this is avery significant moment.
This is the first time in 48 years
that we have had a statethat is protecting the unborn
after the point of six weeks.
This is quite significant.
And the fact that thelaw has gone into effect,
and of course we're waiting to see
what happens from the Supreme court.
There's also the Dobbs case,
which oral arguments aregonna be had this fall.
But look, this is an area
that we should be very happy about.
We're seeing this progression
of America moving back to apredominantly pro-life nation.
And the reason is we've not given up,
we've continued toadvocate for the unborn,
we've continued to help the mothers
who find themselves inunwanted pregnancies.
This is what happenswhen you don't grow weary
in doing good.
And so I'm encouragedby what Texas has done,
I'm encouraged by the initial fact
that this has gone into effect.
Of course we'll wait tosee what the court does,
but we're winning on life.
And this is an example of why
we just need to stay the course,
when we know what isright and what is just.
- And we know that there are other cases
like the Mississippi case,
that's also gaining a lot of attention.
Tony Perkins, thank you somuch for being with us today.
And as Jenna said earlier,
we wish you and everyonein Louisiana, the best.
- Thanks guys, I appreciate it.
- [Jenna] Thanks Tony.(effects whooshing)
When we come back cultural shift.
Pregnancy centers nowoutnumbering abortion clinics.
What it could mean for Roe V. Wade.
(mid tempo music)
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(gentle music)
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Call the 700 Club.
- Well, welcome back.
It appears a cultural shiftis taking place in America.
Abortion clinics are closing,
while more polite pregnancycenters are setting up shop
outnumbering abortion clinicsby rate of four to one.
- And now with a moreconservative Supreme court,
pro-life advocates see a real chance
to strike down Roe V. Wade.
So does that mean pro-abortion forces
will just pick up and go home?
Charlene Aaron reports onwhat lies ahead in the fight.
(effects whooshing)
- For 25 Years,
the National Institute of Familyand Life Advocates or NIFLA
has equipped pregnancy centers
to serve women and their communities.
Now, after all the time work and money,
its leaders and supporters
are talking about the potential end
of legalized abortion in America.
The numbers andaccomplishments tell the story
of how this organizationhelps women choose life.
Some 1600 US pregnancy centers.
The introduction of using ultrasounds
to the pro-life movement.
- Since we started that over1300 pro-life medical clinics
utilizing ultrasound are inexistence across the country
an abortion minded woman comes in,
she's been told it's a blob of tissue,
she sees the ultrasound and bingo.
We've seen huge numbersof women choose life
because of that.
- [Charlene] Alveda King,
applauds the boots on the ground work.
- The pregnancy care centers,
are the heart of the pro-life movement.
And the reason I believe that,
they don't just say to amother who comes to the door
and she's pregnant andfaced with a decision,
to birth a child or not,
but they speak to the mother,
they support the birth of the child,
the father is welcome andthe community is welcome.
So I'm very fond of NIFLA's work.
- [Charlene] NIFLA recentlyhosted a gathering of pro-lifers
as part of its annual leadership summit.
It comes at a time whenmany in the movement
are more hopeful than everthat the Roe vs. Wade decision
might be overturned.
Charlene Aaron in CBN News.
(effects whooshing)
- [John] Thank you, Charlene.
Still ahead, how someresidents in hard-hit Louisiana
are stepping in and taking relief efforts
into their own hands next.
(mid tempo music)
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- Finally tonight rescueand relief efforts
continue in Louisiana in theaftermath of Hurricane Ida.
- Government officials aredeep into water rescues,
but local residents are chipping in too.
Vincent Ochello's community of Lafayette
was hit hard by the storm ,
leaving many without power,
so he started responding to Facebook posts
from people desperately lookingfor updates on their family.
Ochello now searches homes for survivors
and carries them to safety,
while broadcasting on Facebook Live.
Jenna, you know, I'mnot big on social media,
but I think this is oneway to use social media
in a good effect.
- Oh, no kidding, he's ahero for that community.
- For sure.
- Good work.
All right, well, thank youso much for joining us.
- See you back tomorrow.