Texas Bill Banning Abortions Once a Heartbeat is Detected Goes Into Effect
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- CBN's Brody Carter joins us.
Brody, the Supreme Courtdecision not to rule on this case
is seen as a pretty big winfor the pro-life community.
- John and Jenna, it certainlyis, but the White House,
which considers abortionas a healthcare necessity,
is calling the TexasLegislature's decision
Take a listen.
- This extreme Texaslaw blatantly violates
the Constitutional rightestablished under Roe v. Wade
and upheld as precedentfor nearly half a century.
It will significantlyimpair women's access
to the healthcare they need,
particularly for communities of color
and individuals with low incomes.
It also deputizes private citizens
to bring lawsuits againstanyone who they believe
has helped another person get an abortion.
- Statistics show there couldbe as many as 3,000 abortions
in the US each day.
And while this heartbeat bill
is expected to trim that number in Texas,
it's also reminding the countryabout life inside the womb.
- So as of today, babiesin Texas are being saved.
- [Brody] Aborting a baby with a heartbeat
is now a crime in the state of Texas.
- What unimagined joy it is
to see Roe crumbling
in front of our very eyes.
- [Brody] Senate Bill 8 makesit illegal to abort a baby
once a heartbeat is detected,
which can happen as early asfive weeks into the pregnancy.
What's key is this lawwon't be enforced by police,
it'll be in the hands of private citizens.
- The abortion lobby isfreaking out and they're saying,
"Oh, you can put abounty on someone's head
"if you take them to havean illegal abortion."
But the answer to that is,
well, then don't take someoneto have an illegal abortion.
- [Brody] Alexis McGill Johnson,
president of PlannedParenthood, said in a tweet
their abortion clinicswould remain open in Texas,
promising to help Texans quote,
"Navigate this dangerous law."
Just hours before thelaw went into effect,
the pro-abortion organization
asked the Supreme Court foran emergency injunction,
but the High Court didn't intervene.
- All of America's a littlebit confused right now,
even pro-lifers.
You know, where is the Court?
But we know one thing, Roe is crumbling
and it's a really excitingtime to be a pro-lifer.
- The Supreme Court
already has a majorpro-life case on its hands
to be considered this fall,
that's the Dobbs late abortion case,
and when they're going toaddress the very question
of whether bans on abortionbefore the point of viability
are always unconstitutional
or whether there are exceptions there.
- [Brody] The Supreme Court
can still respond to the injunction.
For now, however, this becomesthe law of the land in Texas
and is expected to save thelives of 150 babies each day.
- I worked at PlannedParenthood for eight years
as a clinic director.
I saw a 13 week old baby fightand struggle for his life
against the abortion instruments
and I knew then that therewas life in the womb,
there was humanity in the womb
and if those two things were true,
then I knew that I was on thewrong side of this debate.
- It's important to notethose private citizens
who report someone seekingan illegal abortion
could be compensated up to $10,000.
In addition to this new law,
Texas representatives also passed a bill
to decrease the time frame
that a woman can receivea chemical abortion
from 10 weeks intopregnancy to seven weeks.