'Everything is Coming Together:' Pro-Lifers Say the End of Roe v. Wade is Closer Than Ever
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- For 25 years, the National Institute
of Family and Life Advocates, or NIFLA,
has equipped pregnancycenters to serve women
and their communities.
Now, after all the time, work, and money,
its leaders and supportersare talking about
the potential end oflegalized abortion in America.
The numbers andaccomplishments tell the story
of how this organizationhelps women choose life.
Some 1,600 US pregnancy centers,
the introduction of using ultrasounds
to the pro-life movement.
- Since we started that, over1,300 pro-life medical clinics
utilizing ultrasound are inexistence across the country.
And an abortion-minded woman comes in,
she's been told it's a blob of tissue,
she sees the ultrasound, and bingo.
We've seen huge numbers of women
choose life because of that.
- [Charlene] Alveda King applauds
the boots on the ground work.
- The pregnancy care centers are the heart
of the pro-life movement,
and the reason I believe that,
they don't just say to amother who comes to the door
and she's pregnant andfaced with a decision
to birth a child or not, butthey speak to the mother,
they support the birth of the child,
the father is welcome, andthe community is welcome.
So I'm very fond of NIFLA's work.
- [Charlene] NIFLA recentlyhosted a gathering of pro-lifers
as part of its annual leadership summit.
It comes at a time whenmany in the movement
are more hopeful than ever thatthe Roe versus Wade decision
might be overturned.
Mississippi recentlyasked the US Supreme Court
to take another look, arguingthat states should be allowed
to decide whether to regulate abortion.
Now with a majority of conservativeSupreme Court justices,
many say that time is right.
That includes Abby Johnson,
a former manager in the abortion industry.
- Right now, though, I'm so hopeful.
I mean, we've got, Ithink almost four times
the number of pregnancy centers
as we have abortion clinicsin the United States.
Abortion clinics are closingdown year after year.
Culture is changing.
Young people's minds are changing.
- [Charlene] Glessner agrees.
- But it just seems likeeverything's coming together
at the right time.
We have six potentialjustices on that court
who could vote to overturn Roe.
And if the court does notvote to actually overturn Roe,
if they uphold theMississippi law, Roe's dead.
- [Charlene] That, says King,would be an answer to prayer.
- My prayer in the pro-life movement
is that people will wake up,that the eyes of the nation
and the world will open and realize
that life is sacred fromthe womb to the tomb,
and that there arelife-affirming solutions
that do not require that wekill the youngest, the weakest,
and most innocent, the babies in the womb.
I pray that we wake up, openour eyes, and choose life.
- [Charlene] Meanwhile, ifRoe v. Wade is abolished,
the issue will move to the states,
a fight Glessner says abortionproponents are relishing.
- You're gonna see a huge,huge hysteria coming from them
and maybe some violence.
I think we'd better be prepared for that
because they will bescreaming and hollering
how this court has takenaway women's rights.
- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.