Evacuations out of Kabul are continuing after yesterday's deadly suicide attacks that killed at least 100- people including 13 u-s service members. "America is back" - that's the story President Biden told Allies when he took office. As the ... ...
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- Welcome to "CBN Newswatch"for Friday, August 27, 2021.
I'm Mark Martin.
Coming up, evacuations continue
after the suicide attacks in Kabul.
We will have the latest developments.
one critic says PresidentBiden's Afghanistan withdrawal
has led to what seems like open season
on American interests.
- Across the board, thisis just a terrible signal
of American weakness.
- [Mark] Caitlin Burke hasreaction from officials
in both the Trump andObama administrations
to the chaotic withdrawal.
And Las Vegas is one ofthe most unchurched cities
in the country, but there maybe signs of that changing.
- I think there is hope.
The North American Mission Board
is planting hundredsupon hundred churches.
- Heather Sells reportson these new findings.
All this and more coming up next.
Out of Kabul are continuing
after yesterday's suicide attacks
that killed at least 100 people,
including 13 US service members.
Now the rush to evacuate people
under the threat of more attacks
as the president'sdeadline to withdraw looms.
Jennifer Wishon reports.
- Abbey Gate. Follow the water.
- [Jennifer] US troops are continuing
their near impossible mission
to evacuate an estimated1,000 remaining Americans
and tens of thousands of Afghan allies
under constant threat ofanother attack from ISIS-K,
or IS-K, short for the IslamicState of Khorasan Province.
- We believe it is their desireto continue those attacks
and we expect those attacks to continue,
and we're doing everything we can
to be prepared for those attacks.
- [Jennifer] The USrelying on the Taliban,
a group that spent yearsworking to kill Americans
to prevent terrorists fromentering the airport's perimeter.
The president promising retaliation
for the 13 American lives lost.
- We will not forgive.
We will not forget.
We will hunt you down and make you pay.
- [Jennifer] IS-K is theregional affiliate of ISIS
in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
And while not as organized as the Taliban,
it's much more extreme and violent.
- Some of them are disaffectedTaliban that joined IS
because they thought theTaliban were too soft.
- [Jennifer] The jihadishave notoriously attacked
a girl's school, hospital,even a maternity ward.
- They attacked a maternity,
shot to death babies, pregnant women.
- [Jennifer] The tragedy Thursday
postponing the president's meeting
with Israeli Prime MinisterNaftali Bennett until today.
Meanwhile, critics argue the West
is now facing greater terrorist threats
because of the Bidenadministration's gravely botched exit
from Afghanistan.
"The hundreds of jihadistsreleased from prisons
with the Taliban victoryare already on the attack.
More Americans will become targets,
and far beyond theborders of Afghanistan,"
writes the "Wall StreetJournal" editorial board.
A new poll from YouGovfinds 68% of Americans
believe the US withdrawalhas been handled badly,
including 55% of Democrats.
And now with just four days remaining
before the president's August31st deadline to withdraw,
it appears Afghanistan hasonce again become a haven
for terrorists, withAmericans and our allies
once again in their cross-hairs.
Jennifer Wishon, CBN News.
- America is back.
That's the story Biden toldallies when he took office.
Now, after the chaoticwithdrawal from Afghanistan,
friends question our reliability
while adversaries couldexploit the situation
and test resolve.
National Security CorrespondentCaitlin Burke has more.
- America is in damage control
and our enemies are taking advantage
by going on the offensive.
- We have Iran resuming oil shipments
to both Afghanistan andLebanon in open defiance
of the administration,some sort of bizarre attack
on the vice president'straveling party in Singapore.
It seems like it's openseason on American interests.
- [Caitlin] Not tomention increased pressure
from China on Taiwan and Hamasfiring rockets on Israel.
Victoria Coates, a memberof President Trump's
national security councilsays this goes beyond
just testing a new administrationthanks to the message
the botched Afghanistan withdrawal
is sending our adversaries.
- Across the board, thisis just a terrible signal
of American weakness.
- [Caitlin] And our enemiesare making the most of it.
(Hassan shouting in foreign language)
- [Caitlin] Hezbollahleader Hassan Nasrallah
says US behavior during theTaliban takeover of Afghanistan
indicates the moral downfallof America, saying, quote,
"They evacuated the dogs whoworked in the security forces,
but not those who aided them.
They took out their equipment,
but left the human beings behind.
These are the Americans."
China points to the failure
as another sign of American decline,
using an op-ed to warn Taiwanthat if war breaks out,
the US military won't come to their aid.
Russia also using the hastyretreat to sow seeds of doubt.
Vladimir Putin's topnational security advisor
claiming that America will abandon Ukraine
just as they did Afghanistan.
Brett Bruen, the directorof global engagement
in the Obama White House,
says America's foreign policy is changing,
and if we don't provide a clear narrative
of what that means, ourenemies will continue
to do it for us.
- One of the things thatI was really pressing for
when I worked in the Obama White House
was this idea that Americaneeds a new story for the world.
Roosevelt, Churchill,Reagan gave the world
and gave Americans a sense of who we are
and what we were doing.
And right now, and it was, youknow, under President Obama,
it was under President Trump,and now under President Biden,
we don't have that meta-narrative.
- [Caitlin] With more foreignpolicy challenges ahead,
both Coates and Bruen sayit's time for a shakeup
of Biden's national security team.
- He's got to get somenew leadership in there.
He's got to reassure bothfolks here in Washington
as well as in foreign capitals
that the right team is in place,
that they have learned the lessons
of what went wrong with Afghanistan
and that, going forward,we are going to be
a more reliable partner.
- [Caitlin] Caitlin Burke, CBN News.
- As the evacuation deadline
for Afghanistan approaches quickly,
humanitarian groups arehelping charter private flights
to get aid workers and othersout before it's too late.
CBN Middle East CorrespondentJulie Stahl has more.
- [Julie] The first charterflight left Afghanistan
carrying more than 340 people
just days before the explosions in Kabul.
- We formed a coalitionof like-minded partners.
Most of us are faith-basedand we're working together
to push ahead to try andsave as many souls as we can.
- [Julie] Charmaine Hedding,president of the Shai Fund,
says they're opening seatsto citizens of America
and other nations, Afghans whohelped international forces,
plus religious and ethnic minorities.
- Many of them are Christians now,
but they come from a Muslim background
and they are in fear of their life.
They received a letter from the Taliban
before they even closeddown the whole of Kabul
saying, "We know who you are.
We know where you are."
So they've got them on a listand they're hunting them down.
- [Jennifer] But a few days later,
they weren't so successful
when people ready to flywere put out of the airport
and others can't get in.
Iranian American journalistFarnaz Fassihi tweeted about it,
saying, "A 345-seat charteredplane to evacuate Afghans
leaves Kabul empty today becausethey couldn't get through
Taliban checkpoints and USmilitary gates at airport."
While more than 100,000people have been evacuated,
no one is saying how manyremain in the country.
There could be thousandsof Americans alone.
According to the "New York Times,"
refugee and resettlement experts
estimate at least 300,000Afghans face threats
from the Taliban for theircontacts with Americans.
Hedding, a veteran humanitarian aid worker
in places like Syria and Iraq,
says she's never seenanything like this disaster.
- First of all, we can praybecause we need a mighty move
of the hand of God to save these people.
But secondly, we needto contact your senator,
contact your congressman,and tell them that you care
and that you don't wantany of these people
that have fought for freedomand for what we stand for
in the West that have become believers
in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior
and are now going to die.
Reach out to your senator and tell them,
"Do not leave them behind."
- [Julie] She also warned
nothing has changed about the Taliban.
- This is not the new moderate Taliban.
They've already stated
what they're gonna do to the Christians,
these believers that havefrom the underground churches.
We know what they're gonna do.
They sent them a letter.
They're gonna capture themand they're gonna behead them.
We have to rise up as fellow believers,
as brothers and sisters in Christ.
- [Julie] Julie Stahl,CBN News, Jerusalem.
- [Mark] More stories likethis from the Middle East
with Middle East BureauChief Chris Mitchell,
who you see there, andhis team on this station
or on the CBN News Channeltonight at 8:30 Eastern.
Coming up, see how theseLas Vegas missionaries
are growing churches during the pandemic.
Stay tuned.
(dramatic music)
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(soft electronic music)
- And welcome back to "Newswatch."
Here are some otherstories making headlines
in the CBN newsroom.
The Supreme Court blocked
the Biden administration's extension
on the COVID evictionmoratorium on Thursday.
The court saying if a federallyimposed eviction moratorium
is to continue, Congress mustspecifically authorize it.
Now to the latest on the coronavirus.
The US is now reporting
more than 800 deaths from COVID per day,
with a possible 100,000 or more deaths
between now and December.
Hospitals continue to be overcapacity along with morgues.
Liberty University is steppingup its COVID restrictions,
going to virtual classes
and suspending large events on campus.
The decision was made in an effort
to migrate the spreadof the virus on campus,
to prevent the migration of it.
The new policy takes effect on Monday
and will remain in placethrough September 10th.
1,500 migrants, all ofthem COVID positive,
flooded into McAllen,Texas in just one week.
That's only the tip of the iceberg.
Hundreds of thousands of them
are landing in Americancommunities day after day,
the highest number in 21 years.
Here's Tara Mergener with more.
- In July alone, a record 210,000 migrants
entered the US along the border,
often with the help of smugglers.
Many of those putting their feet
on American soil for the first time
are said to be carrying COVID.
Detention facilities out ofspace, agents overwhelmed,
and border communities like McAllen, Texas
in a state of emergency.
- It's an issue, and I keep on saying
we shouldn't have to be dealing with it.
- [Tara] As thousandsof migrants per week,
none vaccinated, maketheir first pit stop here.
- In one week alone, Joe Bidenand Kamala Harris released
1,500 illegal immigrants into McAllen
who were COVID positive.
- [Tara] Across theentire southwest border,
illegal crossings are at a 21-year high.
- Judging from the number ofpeople I'm seeing down here
on Mexico's southern borderin the city of Tapachula,
those numbers could be aboutto get very much worse.
- [Tara] Swarms of people,
including 19,000-plusunaccompanied children,
turning themselves into agents in July.
- [Reporter] Our drone videoshowing a massive group
of illegal immigrantsbeing held by Border Patrol
under Anzalduas Bridge.
It's the largest group we have ever seen.
- [Tara] Critics are soundingthe alarm across the country,
blaming Biden's border policies.
- They will defend the illegal immigrants
against the right of Americans.
- [Tara] Day after day,hundreds of thousands
of migrants landing incommunities across the nation
via planes, trains, and automobiles.
- Why don't you get this border secure,
and until you do that, Idon't want to hear a blip
about COVID from you.
- [Tara] But those blips aren't going away
given the Delta variant.
- People are dying and willdie who don't have to die.
- [Tara] And if anything,the Biden administration
and the CDC are focusing on unvaccinated
and unmasked Americans.
- Something supersedes that need
to do exactly what you want to do.
- [Tara] While almostignoring the border crisis.
Actions like that causing some on the left
to call for the president to impose order
on the increasinglyout-of-control migration.
- The "Washington Post" editorial board
is as liberal as they come,
probably the most liberalpaper in the nation
competing with the "New York Times,"
they know that this is apolitically toxic issue.
- Agencies on the border report
as many as one in five migrantsare showing up with COVID.
The administration is reportedly preparing
to help control it byoffering them vaccines
paid for by US tax dollars.
In Washington, Tara Mergener, CBN News.
- Sin City, Las Vegas,holds the distinction
as one of the most unchurchedcities in the country,
but now that's changing.
A wave of church plants istaking the city by storm
fueled by social media.
Senior National AffairsCorrespondent Heather Sells
brings us the good news.
- Las Vegas is one of thefastest growing cities in the US
and one of the most unchurched.
It's why church plantershere say this city is key
to advancing the gospel.
- The overall majority ofpeople, I guarantee you,
especially if they're from the West Coast,
have never had someone sitdown and explain who Jesus is.
- [Heather] Seeing themselvesfirst as missionaries,
Josh Carter and Joseph Gibbons
work as Southern Baptist church planters.
Their mission field, what they describe
as the pre-Christian culture of Las Vegas.
- These are people that didnot grow up around church.
It doesn't fit within theirnorms of how to do life.
- [Heather] That's why Carter,Gibbons, and their team
hope to take what many knowas Sin City for the gospel.
They're planting 13 churchesin this booming metropolis
of two million.
- Good morning, friends!
Good morning!- With an updated playbook
that uses social mediaas a starting point.
- It, literally, that isthe front door for people.
They're gonna check you out.
They're gonna follow you.
- [Heather] These churchplanters also rely heavily
on meeting their neighbors face to face.
For Gibbons and his wife,
that has meant local Vegas playgrounds
during the height of COVID.
- Really, nothing was open.
We have little kids, five and three,
and so my wife would take 'em out to parks
and she would meet moms.
- [Heather] That led to relationships
that then moved towarda focus on the Word.
- For us, it's about notthinking of ourselves
more highly than we ought,but getting into a posture
of we all need to meet each other
on the ground level of the gospel.
- [Heather] And from there,Favor City Church began to grow
right in the midst of a pandemic.
- When the limit of gathering was 10,
we were like, "Great, we have six."
And so we just started to gather.
- [Heather] Favor City is part of a wave
of Southern Baptist plantsthat are moving the needle
in the right direction.
The denomination's NorthAmerican Mission Board, or NAMB,
launched close to 600 lastyear, up 36% over 2019.
- I think there is hope.
The North American Mission Board
is planting hundred upon hundred churches,
surprisingly high numbers, even in 2020.
- [Heather] And thesechurches are diverse.
Six in 10 last year were non-Anglo.
That is crucial as experts predict
that whites will declineto a minority population
as early as 2045.
Researchers say plants like Favor City
could lead the way as the church in the US
seeks to diversify and reverse trends,
especially out West and in New England,
where large numbers of peoplehave no religious affiliation.
They're also battling church closures,
which outpaced openings in 2019.
To keep up with these closingdoors and population growth,
Lifeway Research estimates
that nearly 2,000 newchurches must open each year.
That means the call for church planters
is as urgent as ever, butthose in the trenches caution
the work is difficult and slow.
- You don't necessarily, like,
magically launch a church on one day.
You engage a city over a period of time.
You make disciples.
- [Heather] Favor City recently baptized
a new group of believersand began services.
So while it's seen as anuphill climb in this city,
Gibbons says the spirit is moving.
- I'm not building this thing.
I'm just stewarding where God is active.
- [Heather] Reporting in LasVegas, Heather Sells, CBN News.
(people clapping)
- [Mark] God is on the move in Las Vegas.
Well still ahead,
a pro golfer is offeringhope in a unique way.
Find out about his ministry next.
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- [Shawn] It's about the competition.
- I kind of put that pressure on myself
and I think people had expectations.
- [Shawn] It's about overcoming.
- We use this phrase allthe time, keep chopping.
Keep practicing hard.
- [Shawn] It's about going the distance.
- You know, I think as afather, it's my job to lead.
Just be the best husbandand father I can be.
- [Shawn] Watch "Going theDistance with Shawn Brown"
Saturday night at 7:30on the CBN News Channel.
(rhythmic music)
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(uplifting music)
(child giggles)
- Welcome back to "CBN Newswatch."
Pro golfer Jimmy Stanger is on the cusp
of joining the PGA Tour.
He's also rooted in his faith,launching Birdies of Hope.
It's a ministry that buildschurches around the world.
Sports Director Shawn Brown has more.
- Jimmy, it's great to be with you.
So excited for all that youhave going on in your career.
Right now, you're on thecusp of joining the PGA Tour.
How are you feeling?
What's going on through your mind
as you're furthering yourcareer at this level?
- Yeah, it's an exciting time for sure,
especially being four years into my career
as a professional golfer.
We're not to the PGA Touryet, but we're very close,
and it's pretty amazingto think about that dream
that I've had since I wasseven, eight years old
becoming a reality very possibly soon.
It's both exciting and nerve-wracking,
so it's something I'mtrying to take day by day
and give to the Lord as best as I can.
- For a lot of professional athletes,
they wait till they getfurther in their career
before they start partneringwith different organizations.
But for you, what impressedme was that you started early,
even before you even joined the Tour.
You've already partneredwith organizations,
specifically for you, ICM,the global church developer.
Why ICM?
What stood out about them?
And I know it's a personal story for you.
Would you mind sharing that?
- Yeah, of course.
Well, I really appreciate what you said
and I attribute thatvery much to my parents,
my family being a givingfamily growing up.
When I was six years old,
my little sister, Theresa Maylei Stanger,
was adopted from China.
And my family, whenever wewent over in that process,
had been working with ICM fora couple years at that point.
They knew Dois Rosser very well.
They knew the Gills family very well.
And ICM and my familypartnered to build a church
in my little sister's hometown
and right next to Wuhan, China,
right in the middle of nowhere.
And it was pretty amazing
to go and visit her and pick her up.
Even at a young age atsix, seven years old,
I remember the church opening.
We were there for the dedication,this big, pink building,
and seeing the hundredsof people packed in there
hearing about our Lordand Savior Jesus Christ.
That definitely leaves amark on a young kid's life.
And just to know thatICM is willing to do that
and to be able to see firsthandthe impact that they have
in third world countries at ayoung age really impacted me.
When I became a professional golfer then
and quickly realizedthat professional golf
will not fulfill all yourhopes and expectations
as you think it will as yougrow up and you start realizing
that it's more blessedto give than to receive,
I started looking intoways that I could give back
to both the community around me
and to this world in general.
ICM, partially because ofmy family and just partially
because of knowing someof the people up there,
was one of the firstcharities to come to mind.
- Wow.
And now you've partnered
and started your own ministry called,
is it Birdies of Hope?
Tell me about that and whyyou're passionate about it.
- Yep, yep.
So it's called Birdies forHope, and what we're doing is...
You know, it's interestingthe way it started.
It's just a combinationof a whole lot of things
and I wish I had timeto go into all of it.
But essentially, it's this idea that I had
where I've had a lot of peoplewho've been following me
on kind of a day-to-day basisover the last few years.
And it's blown me away tosee, friends, strangers,
guys that I meet in pro-ams on Wednesdays,
guys that I meet back home in Tampa,
people that I meet on the road traveling
for non-golf reasons, justtexting me after rounds
saying, "Hey great, greatjob on these few holes."
And it was one of thosethings where I realized,
like, "Hey, this could be a way
to get people both interested in my career
and use their interest in my career
to give back to the community."
So the idea of Birdies for Hope is,
for every birdie that Imake on a Korn Ferry Tour
and the PGA Tour both in 2020and 2021 and in the future,
I'm donating $10 of my personal money
to help build, you know, a certain church.
Right now, we're focusingin Colombia with ICM.
And I'm getting peoplearound the country to join me
for however amount thatthey feel comfortable.
I've gotten a lot of people to join
for just 1 and $2 a birdie.
Fortunately, gotten some people to join
at 10, $20 a birdie, which is incredible.
And it's been remarkable for me to see
how taking this step in faith,
God has been very goodto bring people around me
to help donate to this causethat means so much to me
and is helping andimpacting so many people.
- [Mark] Great to see himso bold for Jesus Christ.
Well, to see the full interview,
be sure to tune in to "Goingthe Distance with Shawn Brown"
this weekend on the CBN News Channel.
It's Saturday at 7:30 p.m.and Sunday at 6:30 p.m.,
both Eastern times.
And we'll be right back.
(dramatic music)
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- And that's gonna do it
for this edition of "CBN Newswatch."
Thanks for watching.
Have a great day and a great weekend.
(dramatic music)