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Studio 5: Donald’s Goshen Prayer - August 25, 2021

Music man Donald Lawrence takes us inside the Goshen album and theater performance. Worship artist Tasha Layton shares the story of her hit song “Look What You’ve Done.” And We’ve got a first look at a modern take on the “Cinderella” ... Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- Welcome to "Studio 5."

Music man Donald Lawrence,recording artist Tasha Layton,

and a modern take onCinderella are the headlines

for this week's show.

But first, let's begin thecountdown of the top five stories

in the world of upliftingentertainment this week.

Here are the first two.


At number Five.

- In the journey of life andin the journey of obedience,

while you're smack dab in the will of God.

- [Efrem] A "Studio 5" firstlook at "Journey With Jesus."

- When Jesus invites you on a journey,

you have no idea thatwhere He's taking you to

is something that is beyondwhat you're comprehending

at the time that you start out.

- He needed his friends.

Often we discount thestrength of community

in our journey to Jesus.

- [Efrem] It's aforthcoming documentary tour

of the Holy Land, tracingthe steps of Christ,

with Pastor Tony Evans and his daughters,

Chrystal Evans Hurst,and Priscilla Shirer.

- I've never been soexcited to see nothing

in all of my life.


I love that it's empty.

- [Efrem] Pastor Evansposted the video saying,

"I'm so excited to sharethe trailer of my new movie,

"Journey with Jesus."

In theaters, November15th, 16th, and 17th.

- When the power of Jesushelps you to overcome

what looks like is overcoming you.


- [Efrem] At Number Four.

- [Announcer] The guest hostof "Jeopardy," Mayim Bialik.

- [Man] We have our firstguest host as "Jeopardy"

again starts the search for a new host.

Mayim Bialik will anchorthe first three weeks,

after word that MikeRichards was stepping down,

nine days after being pickedto replace Alex Trebek.


- The countdown continuesthroughout the rest

of today's show.

We turn now to songwriter,producer, composer,

music and choir director, Donald Lawrence.

He is a Grammy awardwinner with multiple albums

to his credit.

What prompted our conversation is

his latest project, "Goshen."

It's a unique album heproduced with an eye and a plan

for what he calls aconceptual music project.

That tour will come in the near future.

But this week we got a sneak peak,

as part of Chicago DanceTheater's 25th anniversary

season celebration in thecity's Millennium Park.


- A call was sent to heavenabout power being abused.

Heaven chose a deliverer,the most unlikely to be used.

Go tell those in power,

to whom much is given much is required.

Tell them they can't really lead

unless they're leading withthe eyes of those they hired.

- In describing you, it saidyou're the man who wears

many musical colors.

What does that mean (laughs)?

- Shouldn't determine theamount or the pay raise.

I do so many things.

I've worked in multiple genres.

So whether it's gospel,whether it's musical theater,

whether it's, you know,R and B, I started there.

- Amen!

♪ Respect my people ♪

- So I go from producerto choirmaster, to artist,

to musical director, tosongwriter, to whatever.

I'm just kind of all things to all people.

♪ Respect my children ♪

- What brings us here todayis your work "Goshen."

- Yeah, the album "Goshen" that I did,

I created that work

with the idea that Iwould take it to the stage

and create it as dance theater.

♪ The joy of the Lord ♪

♪ In this time of stressing ♪

So we actually did the music first,

knowing that I was eventuallygonna take it to the stage

and pair it with a dancecompany to tell the story

on stage with dancingand singing and lyric.

And that's pretty much what that's about.

- So the plan was alwaysto tour this, correct?

- Honestly, last summerwe were gonna premiere

the full premiere with Broadway Chicago.

We were doing it onBroadway Playhouse, Chicago,

Broadway Chicago was presentingit and the pandemic hit.

We didn't get to finishit due to the pandemic.

And as a "Heal Chicago"kind of music event,

the city came together with"Deeply Rooted Dance Theater,"

who are celebratingtheir 25th anniversary.

They wanted to do something inspiring.

So "Deeply Rooted" reachedout to me and said,

"Let's give the city theworkshop, the preview of "Goshen."

♪ We pray Goshen ♪

♪ Goshen, over you ♪

♪ God's protection for you ♪

I'm excited to just shareit and inspire people.

And I love art and I'm justreally excited about, you know,

sharing art and showing those of us who do

inspirational music,faith-based music, whatever,

all the nuances, the waysof delivering your story

and your music.

You don't have to doit one particular way.

And I've just never been that person.

I've always been like, let me find my path

and I'll leave a trail of me and hopefully

it inspires somebody else to do something.

- It's one of the things I love about you.

Where was this whole idea of this marriage

born for you for this particular project?

- Most people don't knowthat my background really

and education is in musical theater.

I've always done that.

I've always loved that.

Even when I was a younger kid in church,

I would always be the oneto take the songs we did

and try to put some type of drama to it

or some type of scene to it.

And I always wanted to take my work

and just do it like that.

So that's why a lot of timesif you listen to the music,

it's very theatrical,because that's just a passion

that I've always had,even just growing up.

And this particular project, you know,

I had started working on, saying,

I wanna tell the story of the Exodus,

but I wanna tell it in a unique way.

And I had started working on some songs,

and this young writer came to me and said,

"I have this song I would love you to hear

"and maybe rewrite it or, you know,

"do whatever you wanna do to it."

And it was "Goshen."

And I was saying, "This is interesting."

And I said, "But do you really understand,

"like the concept of this?"

And he's like, "What are you hearing?"

And so I said, "Allow me tokind of rewrite the lyric."

And I decided that insteadof titling this album,

Exodus or whatever, Goshenwas the better title,

because it was so unique.

It was something that wedon't focus on as much,

but it really tells the story as well.

And once I explained tohim the way I saw it,

he was like, "wow."

So he allowed me to rewrite the song.

So we co-collaborated onthe song and that just

led to being the titleof the album, "Goshen."

- What is Goshen?

- Goshen is a body of land where,

you know, the Hebrewslived right near Egypt.

So during the time of their oppression,

they lived in this one little body of land

that was right near the Red Sea,

and it was called Goshen.

But this particular bodyof land was very special.

Some people say it, I say it like this.

I say, "Goshen is a supernatural zip code

"that those who lived thereachieve against all odds,

"because they achievedstuff against all odds."

And I used this whole storyto parallel where we are now

or where we are, you know, when I wrote it

and that story to let everybody know that

you could carry Goshen with you.

That everywhere you place your feet,

success follows you becausethere's a Goshen inside you.

There's a body of land.

There's an imagination.

There's a faith inside ofyou, that if you just focus

on it and realize who youare, Goshen travels with you.

So we always kind of use this tagline.

"May God's Goshen be withyou wherever you go."

And not just you, thosethat you love and those

that are connected to you,

that supernatural protection happens,

but also that you achieve thethings that you've desired

to and dreamed of achieving.

♪ Whom shall I be? ♪


- We'll keep you posted as more develops

with Donald Lawrence's "Goshen" project.

We can tell you, he and theTri-City Singers will unite

for rehearsals in Octoberto record more music for it.


Still to come:

♪ Look what you've done ♪

♪ Look what you've done in me ♪

From out front on"American Idol" to back up

for Katy Perry andcenter stage in worship.

Tasha Layton joins us with a new project

and her full music story.


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- [Announcer] At Number Three.

♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ Can it be? ♪

♪ That you love the mostunlovable one of me ♪

- [Efrem] Kirk Franklinwill help deliver stories

of music, faith, andfamily in a new series

called "Kingdom Business"and he'll partner

with filmmakers, DeVonFranklin and Holly Carter.

♪ Melodies from heaven ♪

♪ Rain down on me ♪

♪ Rain down on me ♪


- [Efrem] At Number Two.

- Many of us were devastatedto learn of Chadwick Boseman's

tragic passing after he privately grappled

with cancer for several years.

- [Efrem] This year's "StandUp To Cancer" Telethon

paid tribute to the late Chadwick Boseman,

with a musical performance from his wife.

♪ I'll be seeing you ♪

♪ In every lovely summer's day ♪

♪ And everything that's light and gay ♪

♪ I'll always think of you that way ♪


- Welcome back.

With that we have onemore headline to share

in this week's countdown.

We now turn to Tasha Layton.

You may remember thename from an older season

of American Idol, alongsidethe likes of Lauren Daigle.

Ms. Layton also sang backup for Katy Perry

for quite a few years.

Now, if you still don't know the name,

you will recognize the voice.

She's a worship leaderand recording artist

in her own right.

Her latest single is called"Look What You've Done."


♪ Look what you've done ♪

♪ How could you fall so far? ♪

So Tasha, good to see you.

The headline is "TashaLayton soars into summer

"with second consecutive top 10."

How does that feel?

♪ They got some roots that run deep ♪

- I think I try not toread too many headlines,

'cause you never know.

I think it's good not to beswayed by the good or the bad

and only what the Lord says (laughs).

♪ Diggin' all the roots up ♪

♪ I feel you healin' all my wounds up ♪

- Now the single that we'retalking about and listening to

right now is "Look What You've Done."

Tell me the backstory for that song.

Where'd it come from, what happened?

♪ You spoke your truth into the lies ♪

♪ I let my heart believe ♪

- I really just wanted to write a song

that was my life's testimony in a song.

I walked in that day and I said,

"I want to capture thegold nuggets, so to speak,

"of what God has done in my life."

And that has mainly centeredaround Him replacing

the lies I believed about myself and Him

and other people with His truth.

And so I had to do a little digging

to get to that.

Sometimes we need a littletherapy help to get to the roots,

but then I let the HolySpirit do the work.

And it was a reallybeautiful shift in my life,

feeling that truth movefrom my head to my heart.

Okay, God, this is what you really say

about me and about what hashappened to me in my life.

And one of my favoritelines in the song is

"I thought I was too broken, but now I see

"you were breaking newground inside of me."

And I think sometimes when wefeel like we're too far gone,

we're really close to breakthrough.

- I love that.

For people who may not befamiliar with your story,

I'd like to dive a little bit into it.

You were at the point of suicide

at one point in your life, correct?

- Yes.

So in college I was verydepressed, very isolated,

just felt very alone andreached a point where

I just didn't wanna live anymoreand tried to take my life.

And at that lowest of low, I realized that

in all the searching that I'ddone in the previous year,

in different religions,from mysticism to synagogue,

to Buddhist meditationcamp, I kind of did it all

looking for truth.

I realized in all those otherpaths that you're striving

to be good enough andyou're trying to reach God.

Whereas in Christianity,it's Immanuel, God with us.

He's in pursuit of us.

And that changed thetrajectory of my life.

- So when the connection is made,

how does that change your lifeprofessionally, career wise?

- I think for mepersonally, I felt courage

and boldness to do whateverHe called me to do.

That's what shifted.

Everything about my life shifted.

I started seeing myself differently.

I knew how much God loved meand how much He cared about me.

And that changed everything.

That changed the story.

♪ I'm singing, look what you've done ♪

- Another song that you performed

that is doing very well andI love it 'cause it's just,

it's like a rallying cry and a reminder,

and that's "Into the Sea."

♪ From beginning to the end ♪

♪ You're so close ♪

♪ You have never letme down and you won't ♪

♪ In the valleys, in the shadows, I know ♪

♪ You're so close ♪

- I think this song isreally a lesson in just being

faithful with what youhave and being faithful

in the every day, becausewe wrote this song

the year before the pandemic.

I walked in and I justthought, you know what?

This isn't about me.

I'm just gonna write asong that helps people.

It really was just the words I was saying,

describing what I wasfeeling to the other writers,

I mean literally just put to music.

And so that song has reallybeen a gift from God.

And it's clearly bigger than us.

God's plan is bigger than us,

and it's very humbling to seethe response to that song.

♪ It's gonna be okay ♪

♪ I'm gonna be okay ♪


- We'll keep you posted onTasha Layton's full album

release as we get closer.

For now, though, you cansnag her latest single

and other releases whereveryou purchase your music.

And on that musical note,this is a great time

to share this week's story in pictures.

Here's your "Studio 5"Snap Shot for the week.


It's a new take on a literary classic.

Steven Spielberg produces anddirects "West Side Story."

It's based on the scriptfrom Academy Award nominated

screenwriter and PulitzerPrize winning playwright,

Tony Kushner.

The film has been adapted for the screen

from the original 1957 Broadway musical.

Release isn't scheduled until December,

but this early look at these images

is this week's "Studio 5" Snap Shot.


And we're coming back with a new take...

- Cinderella, it's onlymy love for your father,

rest his soul, that stands between you

and a life on the street.

- [Efrem] on the Cinderella story.


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- And welcome back to "Studio 5."

We've got a modern takeon the Cinderella story

to share with you this week.

Take a look.


- This is it.

(dramatic music)

Dresses by Ella.

♪ You've gotta follow the (indistinct) ♪

- Here's a laugh.

This girl fancies herself a businessman.


- Cinderella, there's onlymy love for your father,

rest his soul, that stands between you

and a life on the street.

- I have to make a life for myself.

I'll sell one of my signature dresses.

Soon everyone will love my name.


- To make sure yournuptials are done properly,

we shall hold a ball.

You shall find a bride.

♪ Find me somebody to love ♪

- Cinderella, you don'tneed to go to the ball.

- Please, stepmother, I spentweeks making this dress.

My future depends on it.

(magical music)

- Oh yes, I am your fabulous godmother.

Do you wanna go to thatball and meet a bunch

of rich people who will change your life?

- Yes, I was just cryingand singing about it

like two minutes ago.

- Then go you shall!

- Oh, look at that!

This is different.

- Okay, dang.

You said you wanted to be a businesswoman.

It's magic time.

- Oh me.

- Where's my tail?

I can't balance without my tail!

♪ I'm imagining the world outside ♪

- Oh my God.

It didn't happen and evenif it didn't happen--

- Hi!

Would you like to dance?

- Right now?

- Where did you get that dress?

- I designed it.

- I pick you to be my princess.

- What about my work?

I don't want a life stuck,waving from a royal box,

any more than a lifeconfined to a basement.

♪ If it's a minute to wait ♪

♪ I'm gonna be there I want it ♪

I have dreams that I have to chase.

♪ I'm gonna be a ♪

♪ I just can't afford ♪

- Marry him and all of ourproblems will be solved.

- It's too late.

Life outside thisbasement starts right now.

♪ The world's half asleep ♪

♪ It's gonna wake up and sing ♪


- That's a fun first look.

Cinderella's release isset for September 3rd.

Before we take a quick break right here,

we've made it to the finalheadline in this week's countdown

of the five best stories in the world

of uplifting entertainment.

Here's Number One.


At Number One...

♪ Lord, I give you all of the glory ♪

♪ For what you've given me ♪

Gospel's first lady,Pastor Shirley Caesar,

is going viral again.

This time for a real estate ad

showcasing her NorthCarolina home for sale.

- I'm shocked!

I thought beans, greens,potatoes (laughs).

But this?

The Star Wars house?

Wow, that's all I can say.

- [Efrem] That's right.

Her home comes completewith a Star Wars themed

movie theater inside.

- It was just overnight.

It just became this sensation

and the more eyeballs the better.

- [Shirley] The storm trooperand outside of this room,

we have Darth Vader.

- [Woman] The elaboratehome movie theater,

with a mix of Star Warsand Star Trek memorabilia

is what everyone is talkingabout on social media.

Was this part of the reason youfell in love with the house?

- I think it was the number one reason.

I said "I got to have it."

If anyone would have ever told me

that a girl from Durham, North Carolina

would be able to witnessall of these things

that God has been doin',isn't it wonderful?

And I want my house to sell.

Come and get it!


- [Efrem] Just moments away.

♪ Deliver me ♪

- Take your time.

♪ 'Cause all I see to do is ♪

- Anybody out there got that message?

- [Efrem] Singer andsongwriter, Donald Lawrence,

is back with a messageto keep us all goin'.


- [Announcer] Come home tothe sounds of Southern gospel

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- [Narrator] It's about the competition.

- I kind of put that pressure on myself

and I think people had expectations.

- [Narrator] It's about overcoming.

- We use this phrase allthe time, "keep chopping,"

"keep practicing hard."

- [Narrator] It's aboutgoing the distance.

- You know, I think as afather it's my job, you know,

to lead, just be the besthusband and father I can be.

- [Narrator] Watch "Going theDistance with Shawn Brown."

Saturday night at 7:30on the CBN News Channel.

- [Announcer] Life

It's meant to be lived fully.

Jesus said it.

"I came to give you life,

"life to the fullest."

Life in your family.

Life in your finances.

Life in your body, mind and spirit.

Life in your every day.

(gentle upbeat music)

At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

(gentle upbeat music)

We're here to help you discover life.


Live it fully.

(music resolves)

- And welcome back to "Studio 5."

As you can imagine, thesoundtrack for this week's show

is Donald Lawrence.

Watch him team up with Josh Groban

for "America the Beautiful."


♪ America ♪

♪ God shed His grace on me ♪

♪ And crowned thy good ♪

♪ With brotherhood ♪

♪ From sea to shining sea ♪


On that musical note, let's now look ahead

to what we're working tobring you come next week.


♪ Never a day, never a day ♪

♪ Never a day, never a day ♪

♪ Your goodness knows no season ♪

♪ Your kindness knows no bounds ♪

♪ There'll never be an hour ♪

♪ Your mercy can't be found ♪

Husband and wife, Brian and Christa Yak

are the duo "For the Fatherless."

- It was a big part ofmy identity growing up

of just being fatherless.

That was just a big part ofkind of what defined who I was.

Obviously those are really critical parts

of both of our stories andkind of just our childhood.

- [Efrem] There's a storybehind the name and their music.

♪ When I'm afraid then I can trust you ♪

And they're sharing both withus right here in "Studio 5."

♪ Ohh, there's never a day, never a day ♪


Now be sure to join us for thatand so much more next week.

As for this week, wewanna give the final word

to Donald Lawrence.


- If I could go backand talk to young Donald

after I've been throughall the things I would do,

I think I would have pushedhim to be more confident

in what he was gonna do earlier.

I think I got there late.

I would push him to really trust his gift,

trust the things, the ideashe has that's not normal

and that's unique to himand not down the middle.

Just to really trust thatand get there earlier,

so we have more time todo it and develop it.


- Well, that's a greatfinal word for this edition

of "Studio 5" and this week's look

at uplifting entertainment.

Until next time, make timeto uplift someone around you.

And then please, come on back

and see where "Studio5" takes you next week.

Bye bye and thank youso much for watching.

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