- Yes, it is true.
The Taliban are looking for people
who have left Islam andare now following Jesus
and so it's a desperate timefor our brothers and sisters
and we need to stand in prayer with them
and advocate for their situation.
- John, the Taliban havealways been doing that,
looking for Christians or thosewho they consider apostates.
What's different now?
Are they actually draggingthem from their homes
and killing Christians?
What's the truth there?
- Well, the difference nowis that they're in control.
So in the past,
if they were not completely in control,
they were limited in what they could do.
But you're right, theiragenda is directly against
the advancement of God's kingdom.
But in this case now,they've become the bully
or they've become the powerhouse,
and so yet, sadly,they're using and abusing
that power that they have andthey are going house to house.
And it's not just targetedagainst Christians.
I mean, it's people that have helped
with the American government
and just anyone that's different
and not embracing Sharia lawis under threat right now.
But our main concern isfor God's people there,
that they would weather this storm
and advance God's kingdomthrough the difficult challenges.
They're like sheep among wolves, Gary.
I know people are familiar with that film
and that concept in Luke 10,
but that's really the image that describes
what our brothers and sisters are facing
right now in Afghanistan.
- So John, if they are notbeing murdered right now,
Christians are definitely under threat.
- They are definitely under threat.
Gary, it's very likely
that some have alreadylaid down their life.
But yet, at least in our main networks,
thankfully, none of the mainleaders have reported that yet
because many of them havefled to a different location
or they're in hiding or they've moved
or we've helped them relocate.
But yes, they are being hunted,
they are being targeted,and it is a danger,
extreme danger that they're in right now.
- And John, one concernis, if all of them leave,
who will remain to be salt and light
and share the gospel with Afghanistan?
Your thoughts on that.
- Yeah, Gary, so our heart is
that some might be called to leave,
and if they want to leave,we're trying to help them.
But many feel called to stay.
They know this is, youknow, their home country,
and now as citizens of God's kingdom,
they want to be salt andlight, they want to stay.
Some are willing to embrace the suffering
or persecution that mightcome, and we're gonna trust
that some of the second and third,
fourth generation believers that are there
will be able to weather the storm.
Many of them are not so high profile,
meaning it's the leadersthat have been involved
for many years that arefar more publicly known,
and so when you think second,third, fourth generation
of believers or house church movements,
some of them are under the radar
and we're trusting that Godwould give them grace to stay
and they would see the fulfillmentof the Great Commission,
the gospel spreading to every tribe
and nation throughout Afghanistan.
- And finally, quickly, John,how should we pray for them?
What should we pray at this time?
- Yeah, please pray.
We know God's with them, butpray they would know that,
they would know the goodnessand the mercy of God,
the voice of their Good Shepherd,
He would be with them in the suffering,
and if they do have to flee,
that we and others could help them,
different organizations that are involved.
But let's pray for those that will stay,
that they will remain true and faithful.
And Gary, let's remind listeners
to pray for the salvation of the Taliban.
It's one of the largestunreached people groups,
the Pashtun people.
Let's pray.
Surely God has highlighted.
His heart is for the nations
and for the peoples of Afghanistan.
Let's pray that this would further
the advancement of God's kingdom
and the spread of His gospelamong the Pashtun people.
- Okay, John Weaver,
humanitarian and relief worker,
author of the book, "Inside Afghanistan:
A Mission of Mercy to a War-Torn People
Before 9/11 and Beyond."
Thanks, John, for being with us.