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News on The 700 Club: August 23, 2021

As seen on “The 700 Club,” August 23, 2021. Read Transcript

- Welcome to "The 700 Club"

Ladies and gentlemen, I want to say

my heart is literally broken,

when I see the tragedyunfolding in Afghanistan,

and I hear the cry ofpeople who want to get out

and they're not allowed to do it.

I hear the cry of people whoare being trampled by mobs.

I hear the cry of those whosay, please, please help us,

we can't get out of hereand our lives are in danger.

And instead of that,

we hear, do not try tomake it to the airport

though the president says the way is open.

That's the current warning to Americans

from the State Department

in light of a new terrorthreat in Afghanistan.

So how are the thousandsof trapped Americans

going to get out?

And why is presidentBiden still so clueless

about what has been a massive debacle

with thousands of Americansand their helpers,

in danger of beingexecuted by the Taliban.

And what about the vicepresident Kamala Harris?

Well in Singapore, I mean,she's in Vietnam right now.

She says, we'll make a thorough study

of the matter of what caused it.

That's really what those peoplewho are helpless now need

is a thorough study ofhow come it happened.

Here's Dale Hurd.

- [Dale] And Afghan soldier was killed

and three wounded in a firefightnear the airport today.

This amid incredible threatsthat ISIS in Afghanistan

is plotting attacks around the airport.

The US State Departmentis warning Americans

not to try to get to the airport.

US military aircraft fireflares during takeoff,

hoping to confuse possibleheat seeking missiles

from the Taliban who surround the airport.

Joe Biden insists hemade the right decision

and said the withdrawal would be messy

no matter how it happened.

- I think that history is gonna record,

this was the logical, rational,and right decision to make.

- [Dale] But he's taking firefor not getting Americans out

before withdrawing troops.

US citizen David Fox is stuck in Kabul

with his wife and child,

turned away after reaching the airport.

- The airport is very dangerous.

So the Taliban enforcershave these, you know,

big rubber bands,

I think they're calledlike motor fan belts.

I actually got whacked with, you know,

with one of these like,you know, fan belts

for not moving fast enough.

- [Dale] Desperate Afghansare taking desperate measures.

This infant was handed toAmerican troops silver razor wire.

The boy has been reunited withhis father at the airport.

This young girl was begging to be let in.

(speaking in a foreign language)

Meanwhile, vice president Kamala Harris

on her trip to south Asia laughing

as a reporter shouts questions

about the debacle in Afghanistan.

- [Reporter] What's yourresponse to reports of Americans.

- Hold on, hold on.

Hold on everybody.

- [Dale] Republicanleaders are calling out

the administration for thecatastrophe at the airport

and a new and growing threat to the US.

- This is an embarrassmenton the world stage

that Joe Biden has provided us.

This has set us back decades.

The Taliban now has moreBlack Hawk helicopters

than Australia.

- Our mission in Afghanistan

was to deny terrorists a sanctuary.

And the Biden decisionnow to completely withdraw

has handed them an entire country.

- Joe Biden now saysthe August 31st deadline

to withdraw US troopsand evacuate civilians

could be extended, but there's word,

the Taliban will not agree to it, Pat.

- Dale, I understandthe president's numbers

have been dropping.

There was this poll that showed that

the majority of Americanpeople don't think

he's even gonna be physicallyable to finish out his term.

Could you tell us whatthe latest numbers are?

- Sure, we have an NBC poll that says

that an overwhelming number of Americans

no longer approve of Biden'shandling of Afghanistan.

60% disapprove with only25% saying they approve.

And new evidence that the Afghanistan mess

is affecting thepresident's overall ratings.

A CBS poll on the question

of whether the president iscompetent, focused, effective,

a majority now saying he is not.

And when confronted withthese numbers by a reporter,

the president reportedly laughed.

But there are signs in themedia, which as you know,

has given the administrationa pass pretty much

in the first months of the administration,

the media is waking up now

that there is a serious problem here.

- Thanks Dale.

Ladies and gentlemen, they own it.

You know, whoever heard ofbringing people like this,

if the media hadn't covered up

the problems with Hunter Biden,

if they hadn't covered up the laptop,

if they hadn't covered up all the things

that were known along the way,

it was just said it wasquote, Russian disinformation,

but the media is complicit in this debacle

that we're having in our country.

And as I say, it breaks my heart

to think the greatest nation on earth

is led by somebody who is incompetent

and who along with himhas got a vice president

who has nervous laughter andsaid, well, what about it now,

I'm gonna do a thoroughstudy of what's going on

and all these people are dying.

It breaks your heart.

In another news, 17 foot waves

slammed the New England coast this weekend

with 75 mile an hour winds.

While central New Jersey wasdrenched in eight eight inches

of rain and flood waters.

Also in Tennessee, historic flash flooding

has killed at least 21 people,

including seven month old twins

who were swept out of their father's arms.

So what now?

Mark Martin reports onthese epic twin storms

and their aftermath.

- [Mark] Henri is nowa tropical depression

lingering over the Northeast.

The storm bringing windgusts up to 70 miles an hour

as it came ashore in thecoast of Rhode Island Sunday

causing 100,000 poweroutages as it moved inland.

But its worst damage might be yet to come.

The storm's rain bands arespread out over nine states,

putting 40 million peopleunder a flash flood watch.

This tree almost fell on two homes.

- He told me that it felldown and I said, no, sir,

I thought he was lying.

So when I came out here,I couldn't believe it,

that it didn't hit anything.

- [Mark] Waves up to 19 feetslammed the New England coast.

Farther south residentsof central New Jersey

saw eight inches of rain and flood waters.

Rescue workers, carryingscores of people to safety.

Meanwhile, in Tennessee,

an historic flooddisaster over the weekend,

at least 21 people diedafter record setting rainfall

caused flash flooding.

It happened about 75 milesSouthwest of Nashville

in the cities of McEwen and Waverly.

- The houses are washed away,knocked off foundations,

just totally gone.

Still people missing,

lots of cars are mashed up.

- [Mark] Humphreys Countysaw 17 inches of rain

in less than 24 hours,

at least 20 peopleremained missing overnight,

rescuers believe thedeath toll will climb.

Among the dead, seven month old twins.

Their family says the floodwaters

swept them out of their father's arms.

- I would expect giventhe number of fatalities

we've seen so far that we're gonna see

mostly recovery efforts at this point.

- [Mark] The floodingdestroyed entire neighborhoods,

lifting homes off their foundations.

The waters also tookout bridges and roads.

- It started,

it was raining all night,but when I got up at 4:30,

it was starting to really flood

and it just happened so fast.

By 6:30, we were on the roof of our house

and hoping that we were gonna make it.

- Scary scenes thereand Pat, as the Henri,

the National WeatherService says this system

is predicted to hover Monday

near the Connecticut, New York state line

before it then travelseast across New England

and then pushes outinto the Atlantic Ocean.

The agency says Henri could add

one to three inches of rain today

and could cause majorflooding as it moves out.


- Thank you very much.

Ladies and gentlemen, youknow, you look at these things,

we are now the greatest nation on earth,

but we don't have a leader,we really don't have a leader.

I was reading today in theBible where it says that

David was made king and he guided them

with the skillfulness of his hands.

We don't have a skillfulleader, we don't have one.

We've got a president whois in capable of command,

we have a vice president who is a joke,

and then we have Nancy Pelosi.

And if you look at the chain of command,

if something happens to the president,

people are saying, well, he should resign.

So he resigns, who do you get?

You get Kamala Harris.

If something happens to her,who do you get after that?

There's Nancy Pelosi.

I mean, if that's the chain of command

and you realize whathave we done as a nation,

we have killed 60 million,at least unborn babies,

60 million.

We have promoted and made legal

something that the Biblecalls an abomination,

we have actually enshrined it in our laws,

we've done that,

and we exported thisstuff all over the world.

And on top of that, wehave wasteful spending,

our debts are growing tomonumental proportions.

There is no way that we'reever gonna pay it off

the way we're going now, it won't happen.

And what I'm saying isladies and gentlemen,

whether you want to hear it or not is,

this nation that should be blessed of God

is under the curse of a righteous God.

And we must repent and call upon the Lord.

Now second Chronicles 7:14says this very clearly,

if my people who are called by my name

will humble themselvesand pray and seek my face

and turn from their wickedways, I will hear from heaven,

forgive their sin and heal their land.

Now that doesn't just apply to Christians,

it applies to the whole nation.

When Solomon was talking,

the people who were called by his name

are the whole nation of Israel,

that's called by thename of the Lord, Israel.

So America needs to turn to God.

Will we ever do it?

It's unlikely.

The book of revelationsays it's not gonna happen

and I doubt if we will.

But maybe, maybe there willbe a sense of repentance

that somehow God and his mercy

will spare this great land

because this is the greatestnation on the face of the earth

and this is the hope of freedom.

So what happens if America goes down?

We have this feckless leadershipright now, it's horrible.

And we have mounting debts

and wild spending going to bankrupt us,

we have all these things going on

and we cry out to God,will you please help us?

So my message to you today is

let's put second Chronicles 7:14,

if my people who are called by my name

will humble themselvesand pray and seek my face,

humble themselves and pray.

Then I'll hear from heavenand forgive their sin,

and heal their land.

We need healing because thisnation is in serious trouble

and we ought to all beon our face to pray,

and I do believe in my heart

that God is going to senda great spiritual revival.

I don't know that we're gonna get,

somebody who's gonna blowus up with an atomic bomb,

I don't think that's gonna happen.

I don't think there's going to be

a destruction of our whole nation,

but I do think there'sgoing to be a turning to God

somewhere along the way wherethere'll be national revival.

But that's what we allshould be praying for.

God hear our prayer and heal our land.

Well also right now on the news,

the big question is theimpact of the 2020 census

will have on the midterm elections?

And which party willreap the biggest benefit?

Capitol Hill correspondentAbigail Robertson has more

on the frantic race to redistrict

in states across the country.

- Seven Congressional Houseseats are shifting in 2022

with three GOP strongholds gaining seats

while blue states like NewYork and California lose them.

- We're seeing vast changesin the United States.

- [Abigail] Texas will add two seats

while Florida, North Carolina,Colorado, Montana, and Oregon

will each gain one.

- Particularly in states thatare have one party control,

you're gonna see some effortsto try to redraw lines,

to try to benefit that party

that tends to favor Republicansmore than Democrats,

but it's gonna happen everywhere.

- [Abigail] ABC News's Rick Klein

told CBN News's "Faith Nation"

that how this plays politically

will depend on the particularrules in each state.

- It's going to be aseries of massive battles,

all in a very tight timeframe

in advance of the primaries next year.

- [Abigail] While we expect alot of talk of gerrymandering

around the country, the legalbattles can't go on forever.

- The sooner that the statescan draw their districts,

finalize their maps,

the sooner the legal processcan begin to play out

and all of that needs to takeplace well in advance of 2022.

- [Abigail] Zack Smith ofThe Heritage Foundation

tells CBN News, voter eligibility

was not included in census results.

- The district will beallocated, as I understand it,

based on actual population,

but not simply based on citizenship.

- [Abigail] Another big factorfor next year's midterms,

will voters support themassive spending plans

pushed by Democrats?

- Democrats are essentiallybetting on themselves

and their ability to sell this.

Otherwise they're staringdown the possibility

of not the likelihood of losing the House,

and perhaps the Senate as well.

So it's as high risk a momentas you can imagine politically

for the Democrats to be pushingsomething of this magnitude

on their own.

- Klein adds that if Democrats are able

to pass their spending plan,

it will lead to additionaltaxes on Americans.

And that's a tough thingto sell politically.

Reporting from Virginia,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.

- The thing, we've onlygot 15 more months, and

I was wondering, what do you do

if you've got Nancy Pelosistanding in the role,

potentially the next presidentof the United States.

If something happens real quickly

to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris,

then she is in line tobe the next president.

And I asked our staff to checkout the rules of the Senate

to see if there could be achange before the election.

Now I believe withoutquestion the election,

the House is going to shift to Republican,

the chances are that the Senate

will shift to the Republicans

and there's going tobe a monumental change,

but 15 months is a long time to wait.

So the truth is accordingto the rules of the House,

if a particular partycaucus comes together

and declares that the office

of speaker of the House is vacant,

they in turn can cause a another election.

And it might be, thereare enough Democrats

who are sick of the spending problems

and the other problems of this government,

that they would get rid of Nancy Pelosi

and put somebody else in,

it doesn't have to be a Republican,

it could be another Democrat.

But whoever it is couldbe a different speaker.

But we're not sure about that,but that's what could be done

if you want to get alittle into the future.

Well CBN Senior Washington correspondent,

Jennifer Wishon is here

to tell us more about what could be coming

in these midterm elections.

Jennifer are there anyraces we should be watching

as indicators of 2022?

- Absolutely Pat,there's a few test cases.

This year only two stateshave statewide elections,

New Jersey and Virginia.

Now in New Jersey, it looks like

the Democratic incumbent governor there

is gonna be cruising into a second term.

But Virginia is pretty interesting, Pat.

Right now, the Democrat and the Republican

running for the governor's mansion

are in a statistical heat.

And this is interesting because Virginia,

a red state turned purpleand has really been blue

the last few cycles, reliably blue,

this is a pretty interesting development.

Along with the governor's mansion,

all 100 seats of the StateHouse are up for grabs.

I've spent time with Glen Youngkin,

who's the Republican running for governor,

I've spent time with someof these House candidates.

And here's what they'rehearing from voters.

They're concerned about crime.

These efforts to defund the police

and undermine police are backfiring.

Pat, the murder rate in Richmond,

the capital city of Virginia

is up nearly 40% over lastyear, that is a big deal.

Also, voters concerned aboutwhat's happening in schools

we've reported on Loudoun County,

the school boards who werepushing critical race theory,

parents have had enough of that.

They've had enough of effortsto oversexualize children,

they're done with that.

Also in Virginia, there's been a push to

do away with advanced diplomas

and parents are pretty upset about that

after they watched theirstudents work so hard.

So these are the issuesthat these candidates

are hearing from, and Pat,

this was so important because the margins

that we're talking about inVirginia where this could go,

it's the Republicans way.

We're talking about the suburbs.

These are women who in 2016voted for president Trump,

in 2020, they voted for president Biden.

Have they had enough withthe Democrats agenda?

We'll see.

But right now Republicans feel like

the wind is at their back.

All eyes are on Virginia Pat,

to see what could happenin 2022 across the country.

- Jennifer, if I'm correct,

usually the polls reflectthe Democrat majority

by a quite a bit.

And they often when thefinal vote is counted,

it comes up much closer.

If it's a statistical tie now,

that would really favor theRepublicans, wouldn't it?

- You would think so.

And they really, really feelthe momentum, I mean, I think,

and, you know, Virginia hasbeen under one party rule

and Virginians and Americans generally,

they like to have some balance.

And so with a Democrat in the White House,

who's facing so many problems,

they just really,

Republicans really feel likethey have a great chance

to, as they see it, hold the line

and you have, you know,

keep Democrats from, you know,

just having one party rule in Virginia.

- Well, we live here,that is our home base,

and I noticed that our district here was

so strong for Republican and then

the man who was thecandidate had some issues

and tried to pull a cutestunt and it backfired on him.

And he was beat by a former Navy commander

who is a Democrat,

but any of these seats are open right now

and it looks like ifwe can wait 15 months,

there's gonna be a tsunami of change.

We can see the seats in Georgia

come back again to Republican.

A whole lot of things could be happening

where the Senate and House can change.

But 15 months is a long time to wait,

and a lot of things canhappen in the meantime,

while we're watching thedebacle in Afghanistan,

the suffering of so many people,

the flood of immigrants across the border,

the crime wave, the defunding the police,

all the rest of it.

People want to make a change,but they've got to wait.

And unfortunately, a lotof things bad can happen,

including wrecking our economy.


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