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News on The 700 Club: August 20, 2021

As seen on “The 700 Club,” August 20, 2021. Read Transcript

- Well, welcome to The 700 Club.

America is at war withan ever-changing target.

What is it?

The coronavirus andits multiple mutations.

But there is a secret weaponthat could make the difference

between life and death foryou and your loved ones.

So what is this secret weapon

and why is it essential

to get this little knowntreatment as early as possible?

Dr. Chauncey Crandall explainsin this exclusive report

from Lorie Johnson.

- This week,

President Biden announced alladults will need booster shots

eight months afterbecoming fully vaccinated

because of data showing adecrease in their effectiveness,

illustrating we're in a waragainst an ever-changing enemy.

- It's mutating, it'smutating, it's mutating,

and it's really, you know,your audience are Christians.

This is really like the devil himself.

He is going after everyoneand he wants to kill

and destroy everyone in his path.

- [Lorie] Florida cardiologistChauncey Crandall says

people should try toavoid becoming infected,

but should know whatto do if that happens.

- The best thing is reallyalways stay strong and healthy.

You know, there's always adebate about the vaccine.

If you get the vaccine, Ithink you have some advantage,

but those that are unvaccinated,

and many Christians are unvaccinated,

you need to take precautions.

And if you do appearthat you have symptoms,

you need to get tested, and youneed to get tested early on.

Don't wait.

- [Lorie] That's becauseof a little known treatment

called Regeneron.

- This is a dramatic treatment for those

that have COVID early on,

not for the people that are hospitalized,

but for the people thathave early diagnosis.

- [Lorie] Regeneron wasgiven to President Trump

after he became infectedwith COVID last year.

The FDA granted emergency useauthorization in November.

The synthetic antibodybegins fighting the virus

soon after entering the body.

- Regeneron is the thingthat we must use today

to fight the battle, andit is a winning tool.

- [Lorie] Florida governorRon DeSantis set up

Regeneron infusion sites across the state.

- You go there, you will get an ID,

they will infuse this for an hour,

and then you'll be underobservation for an hour.

And if you do well, you go home.

- [Lorie] Can you takeRegeneron prophylactically?

In other words, can you takeit instead of a vaccine?

- Well, sometimes it isapproved for families.

Those are also candidatesto receive Regeneron therapy

as a protective measure.

And we know that this therapy,

which is a monoclonal antibody,

will prevent them from gettinginfection in a household

that is already infected.

- [Lorie] Dr. Crandall says,if more people used Regeneron,

perhaps hospitals wouldn'tbe so overwhelmed.

- Do you know that thefamilies aren't even allowed

in these hospitals?

Ministers and churches aren't allowed in

and they're not going in,

but I don't see the church outside.

So I'm calling on thepeople of God to pray,

this Friday and Saturday night,

for all those that are in the hospitals

that are sick and dying right now.

- Dr. Crandall's ministryworks with area hospitals,

offering prayer to patientsvia telephone or Zoom.

And he's holding a prayerevent this weekend.

And for more information about that,

viewers can go to

This is a virtual event.

So you don't have to be inthe West Palm Beach area.

You can join from anywhere.


- Lorie, I want you to know

that Chauncey Crandallis a dear friend of mine.

He came to prominence,

one of his patients died,

he's the Head of Cardiologyat Palm Beach General.

And one of his patientsdied, and he was in there,

and all of a sudden thepower of the Holy Spirit came

upon him, his hands began to tremble.

He laid his hands on this person and said,

"In the name of Jesus."

And the man came back to life again.

That's the doctor we're talking about.

Lorie, let me ask you,

how does somebody get theirhands on this Regeneron?

- Yeah, before you goon, I just wanted to say,

I also have had a personalexperience with Dr. Crandall

when he was here.

We prayed together.

A lot of our viewers know himbecause he's been on the show.

And if people want to watch that testimony

that you just talked about,it's on the internet.

They can search it.

And I agree with you wholeheartedly.

He's that wonderfulcombination of a medical doctor

and an evangelist who loves theLord and who knows the Lord.

And he's concerned aboutthese people in the hospital,

not just about their health,

but particularly about the unsaved people,

the people who don't knowJesus, who might die.

And so I agree with you wholeheartedly

about what a wonderful man he is,

but, getting to your question,

how do people get theirhands on Regeneron,

go to the Regeneron website,

and you can put in your zip code,

and you can find infusion sites near you

so that you'll have it on hand

so that if, God forbid, youdo become sick with COVID,

you know where to go quicklybecause that's the key.

Dr. Crandall says,

you really want to get thatRegeneron within three days

of the onset of symptoms.

So you should know where to go

if you do, you're already ahead of time,

so that you know what todo if you become sick.

- Lorie, we were toldthat if we got vaccinated,

we were pretty much home free.

Now they're saying that thevaccines aren't as effective,

or why don't they work aswell as they should have?

- Well, that's a great question.

We do know that theydon't work as well now.

We've seen data from the United States

and other countries,for example, in Israel,

they showed that the vaccineshad that 95% effectiveness

from January throughApril, but then in April,

things started to taper off.

And now a study from Israel showed

that the vaccines are only 39% effective.

So the question is why,

and is it because thevaccines just wane over time?

Or is it because they'rejust not very good

at fighting Delta, or both?

So it's a little unclear at this point

why they're not working aswell as originally hoped,

but that's where we are, Pat.

- Well, it's shocking,

but really people stillought to get the vaccination,

you're not saying that they don't get it.

It still keeps you fromdying in the hospital, right?

- Absolutely.

Doctors are saying thatwe still need vaccinations

because the vaccines doproduce those antibodies

that fight the virus.

Just not as much as wehad hoped at originally.

And so that's why they're sayingthat we need more vaccines.

So that's why a lot ofdoctors are still saying

vaccines are the best protection.

We're still seeing, Pat,that hospitalized patients,

90% of hospitalizedpatients are unvaccinated,

but we are seeing morefully vaccinated people

being hospitalized andsadly, Pat, even dying.

- Thank you, Lorie.

Thank you for that report.

Regeneron, courtesy ofDr. Chauncey Crandall.

We're now turning to theescalating catastrophe

in Afghanistan.

Blowback is hitting President Biden hard.

His poll numbers are dropping,

with job approval seven points down,

the lowest in his presidency.

Now a classified cable fromthe US embassy has revealed

there was intelligence thatAfghanistan could quickly cave

to the Taliban,

despite the President'sprotests to the contrary.

The international communityis also turning its outrage

on Biden, with one Europeanleader calling his blunder,

quote, the greatest debaclein the history of NATO.

Here's Jennifer Wishon with more.

- [Jennifer] As many as 15,000 Americans

and tens of thousands more Afghans

who helped the US militaryremain on the ground

in Afghanistan, desperateto escape the Taliban.

US troops have restored someorder inside the airport,

but outside,

(gunshots ring out)

panic continues.

Reports that at least 12 peoplehave been killed this week

due to gunfire or stampedeas the Taliban blocks people,

even some Americans with passports,

from getting through checkpoints.

President Biden says no matterwhen US troops withdrew,

chaos was sure to follow.

- Getting out would be messyno matter when it occurred.

- [Jennifer] But a classifiedcable from the US embassy

in Kabul to Secretary Blinken, July 13th,

warned of the Taliban swift gains

and the collapse of the Afghan military,

and called for speeding up evacuations.

Now the President faces criticism

from America's NATO allies.

"This is the greatestdebacle that NATO has seen

since its foundation.

And it is an epical change we are facing",

said Armin Laschet,

who's expected to becomethe next German Chancellor.

In Britain, Members of Parliament united

to hold President Biden in contempt,

accusing him of throwingthe UK and everybody else

into the fire

in a move they fear willembolden Russia and China.

- Like many veterans,

this last week has been onethat has seen me struggle

through anger and grief and rage.

The feeling of abandonmentof not just a country,

but the sacrifice that my friends made.

- [Jennifer] And now America'sEuropean allies are looking

inward, frustrated withBiden's unilateral move

they say damaged and humiliated NATO.

- We can set out a vision,clearly articulated,

for reinvigorating ourEuropean NATO partners,

to make sure that we are notdependent on a single ally,

on the decision of a single leader.

- [Jennifer] And this afternoon,

President Biden is set to update Americans

on evacuation efforts.

Jennifer Wishon, CBN News.

And, Pat, the President haspledged to keep US troops

on the ground in Afghanistan

until every single American is evacuated.

- Jennifer, there werereports of Afghans rising up

in protest to the Taliban.

Can you tell me what'shappening on the ground?

- Sure, you know, ironically, Pat,

yesterday was AfghanistanIndependence Day.

And so you saw pockets ofAfghans waving their flag

and protesting thistakeover by the Taliban.

They say the Talibandoes not represent them.

They unfortunately were quickly dispersed

with gun-wielding members of the Taliban.

And this is where we are.

We have the Afghan peoplein a matter of days

have gone from freedom to living in fear.

We know that women whohave enjoyed freedom,

who have been going to school,

who have been holding jobs,

are now burning evidence of all of that.

We have reports of womenwho say that young girls,

they and their friends areprepared to kill themselves

if the Taliban comes to their doors

and tries to take them away

because they think deathwould be much better

than anything they could experience

at the hands of the Taliban.

Men also burning any evidence

that they worked alongside the US.

And here's the problem.

You know, yesterday thePresident made it sound

like the Taliban was giving safe passage

to Americans and their allies.

That is not the case.

The Taliban is manning these checkpoints

as people try to go to the airport

They're manning them with guns.

And so you have Americans

who are having a hardtime getting through,

even if they have an American passport,

you have America's allies whoneed to get to the airport,

but they're afraid toshow the Taliban evidence

that they worked with the US.

And so it's just a debacle.

It's gonna take a miracleto get all the Americans

and all of the alliesout in a timely manner.

And, Pat, I can't help but think,

it sure would be helpful ifAmerica still had control

of Bagram Air Base.

- Jennifer, this Presidentreally is clueless.

You know, he got on the air,was being interviewed and said,

"There's nothing. How couldI have made any difference?

I couldn't see it."

He doesn't know anything.

We have a nation thatis without leadership.

Did you have anything in the polls?

They were really starting to turn,

the American people are turningagainst him, aren't they?

- Absolutely, Pat.

This has been a totaldisaster for this President,

and we now have the numbers to show it.

You look at thePresident's approval rating

on Friday, August 13th.

That was the Friday a week ago

before Afghanistan fell to the Taliban.

On that day,

he was enjoying a 53% approval rating.

Fast forward to Monday,August 16th, this past Monday,

his approval rating dropped to 46%.

That is a 7% drop injust a matter of days.

And as you said, Pat,

this President is tonedeaf about the situation.

And he only continues todouble and triple down

on these decisions that he's made.

You know, I think this,anyone who lived through 9/11,

anyone who lived through thebeginning of the Afghan War,

you look at my generation.

I know people who fought in the war.

I know people who arestill living with injuries

from the war.

I know people who died in the war.

You have parents who lost children,

you have Americans, injust a matter of weeks,

will commemorate 20 years sincethe attacks of 9/11, 2001,

and once again, the Talibanis in control in Afghanistan.

I think Americans are outragedat what they're seeing,

the desperation of the Afghan people

after so many, you know,

we're proud of seeing Afghans get to vote

for the first time.

It truly is just a terriblesituation for this country,

certainly for the Afghanpeople and for this President,

and his agenda iscertainly dead on arrival.

This is gonna be with himfor many weeks and months.

- Anybody resigning?

I mean, the Secretary of State is a loser.

The chairman of theJoint Chief is a loser.

The Secretary of Defense, I mean,

he's got a group ofincompetents surrounding him,

and he himself, apparently,this nation is leaderless.

Is anybody resigning onaccount of all these things?

- Well, pressure isbeginning to grow there.

The President, you know,

is standing by his decision.

And he says that his militaryadvisors did not advise him

to keep a small number of troops there,

that everyone was on board here.

But you'd have to wonder,Pat, about the intelligence.

We've been there for 20 years.

Didn't we know,

didn't we see how quicklythe Taliban was moving?

Didn't someone read that cablefrom our embassy employees,

more than 20 Americans workingin the embassy, who said,

hey, the Taliban is taking over here.

The Afghan army is not holding.

We've got to act fast to get Americans

and our allies out of here.

Somebody was asleep at the switch.

And so if the president isn'twilling to take the blame,

then you have to wonder ifheads are gonna begin to roll

in terms of people getting fired.

- Jennifer, thank you very much.

And ladies and gentlemen,

I tell you what, it's up tothe Lord to do something,

but we have the greatest nation on Earth

and it is leaderless.

The President and Vice-Presidentare both incompetent.

And they have done terrible things.

Every decision he's making is bad.

We're having rampaging inflation.

We have the southern borderbeing overrun with people,

thousands of them coming in.

We're busing those peopleunvaccinated throughout America.

And you've got this problemwith job availability

of workers because the President continues

to give these government payments.

So people get more money from not working.

It's a chaotic situation.

And every single thing is going on.

And our nation is without a leader.

And it's time that Americanpeople do something.

If nothing else, askthe Lord for a change,

wherever, because we are,

this is the greatest nation on Earth,

and we are flounderingbecause of bad leadership.

Well, in other news,

2,200 people are deadand 30,000 are homeless.

That's the tragic tollfrom the 7.2 earthquake

that hit Haiti this week.

Some fear the number of dead

could be five times that amount.

Operation Blessing'snational workers are busy

assisting local hospitals andproviding aid to the needy.

Now an international disasterrelief team is en route

with a medical doctor anda clean water specialist.

This team will providemuch needed supplies,

including generators, waterpurification equipment,

chlorine tablets, andmuch more essentials.

By the way, if you want to help,

and we'd love you to do that,

is call Operation Blessing

Disaster Relief Fund, CBNCenter, Virginia Beach.

Let's help those suffering people in Haiti

who have been through suchtorment over the years

with bad leadership,

Papa Doc Duvalier, Baby Doc Duvalier,

and all of the tyranny thathas been imposed upon them.

The Haitians are good people.

They just need to turn to the Lord.


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