Maggie was suffering from horrible brain fog that made concentration difficult as a result of long-term Covid symptoms. See what set Maggie free and gave her back her focus!
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- My name is Maggie Kyle.
I work for CBN part-timeand I love doing that
because I love talking to people,
and I love praying for peoplebecause it gives me a chance
to listen to them, show them compassion.
I had COVID for about five, six months.
I was one of those people thathave the long-term effects.
I was really tired out,fatigued for the longest time,
probably up until April,the first part of May.
That's when I actually started feeling
like I was having the brain fog
'cause it was more pronouncedthen in about April.
The brain fog actually made me feel like
I was wrapped in a plastic bubble.
I felt like I was detached from everybody,
that people would talk to me
and I couldn't process whatthey were saying to me.
Just felt like I wasn't even part
in the environment I was in.
I told the doctor Icouldn't seem to process,
and I would go to the doctor's office
and they would say, "Well,we need to do a test.
You need to turn over on your side."
And they said left sideand I would look at them
and I felt like, "What is my left side?"
I didn't even, I couldn't even correlate
how to turn on my left side.
That lasted actually until July 2nd,
when I had the word of knowledge.
I normally watch "The700 Club" every morning
before I go on the phones at noon.
I turn on "The 700 Club"and I've just had finished
talking to my friend on the telephone
and I was telling herabout this brain fog.
So Wendy had this word of knowledge.
- There's somebody, you justfeel like you are in a fog.
It's like you normallyhave great mental clarity,
but you can't remember anything
and you were just in this fog,
and you've even said to people,"I feel like I'm in a fog."
God is lifting that fogoff of you right now.
Just start praising Him.
That fog is disappearing, in Jesus' name.
- And I thought, "That is me."
I started saying, "Praise you, Jesus!
Thank you, Jesus!"
And I would just wanted,
just jump up out of my chair and shout.
It started, I can feelsomething from my head to toe,
like a sensation.
And it started going.
By the next morning,it was completely gone.
I felt better.
I felt like I was, likeI was part of life again.
I didn't feel detached.
I praise God for that,that He saw me through
so I can continue to do His work.