For years Elizabeth Woods could barely eat anything as a result of severe food and environmental allergies. See what restored her to health and allowed her to eat ice cream again!
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(gentle music)
- [Narrator] ElizabethWoods had had enough
of the hives covering her body,
and the itching that came with them.
So in 2007, she had a fullspectrum of allergy tests done.
She wasn't prepared for what they found.
- The first thing thatcame out of his mouth
was you belonged in another planet.
He had like four pages ofallergies that includes
everything primarilyaround me, the outside,
the indoors, dust, pets, animal.
- [Narrator] Even worse for Elizabeth
was the long list of food allergies.
The other things she could manage.
Completely changing herdiet was another story.
- It took so long for me to grocery shop.
It's usually at least twohours reading the labels.
And I mean, it was a very strenuous task.
It became really depressing.
- [Narrator] Elizabeth hadto start carrying Benadryl
and an EpiPen for emergencies.
Dining out also became a tedious task
to avoid trigger foodslike dairy, soy, or nuts.
- I really have to study the menu.
We had to talk to the waitress.
Sometime I would call beforehand
and ask for the ingredients ofthis and ingredients of that.
- [Narrator] For over 10years, Elizabeth prayed
for relief.
- I get tired of notbeing able to enjoy life,
not being able to eat.
I will use the scripture,
because God said I give youlife and life more abundantly.
And I was praying God, I wantthat life more abundantly.
I want to be able to eatsomething and not to be worried.
I want to be able tobe like everybody else.
- [Narrator] In 2020,Elizabeth started watching
the 700 club on a regular basis,
recording the episodes andwatching them after work.
- I mostly enjoyed the prayer part.
I'm praying for that person with cancer.
I'm praying for thatperson with a broken bone.
I mean, I am praying,you know like, oh Lord,
yes, Lord, heal them Jesus.
He really ministered to me.
- [Narrator] Little did sheknow that on April 6th, 2021,
it would be her day for prayer.
- And, I turn it on towatch April the sixth.
And I heard God say, watch March 31st.
- When the time came for prayer.
- [presenter] Yeah someone else could have
severe food allergies.
I mean, it just keepsgetting worse and worse.
You can hardly eat anything.
God's healing that for you right now,
your whole system is being put in order
and you're gonna be able to enjoy foods
you haven't eaten for years.
- I was just like, oh my God, that is me.
I got so excited.
I was like, oh God, OhGod, and I was blown away.
I mean, God would think of meand remember me right then.
And I needed him to do that.
And I knew, you know,
that he was going to healme from a food allergy.
- [Narrator] Rightafter, Elizabeth decided
to do a little test.
Since two big problem foodswere dairy and peanuts,
she went out and bought someice cream bars with nuts.
One of her favorite treatsshe hadn't enjoyed for years.
- I ate it slowly andthere was no reaction.
None, whatsoever.
I started thanking God.
I called up my friendslike, oh my goodness,
you won't believe what had happened to me.
And I was just so happy and so excited.
- [Narrator] Today, Elizabethis still enjoying the freedom
to eat wherever and whatever she wants.
- I'm just really encouragedbecause I know he took care
of my food allergy,
and he got everythingelse under control too.