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Praying For Your Needs: August 13, 2021

Pat and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing. Read Transcript

- What an amazing and powerful impact

his story had on that whole hospital.

- [Pat] Amazing. Yeah.- Everybody because he was...

- Dying.

- Dying.- Dying.

And God moved in and- Oh that's-

Hey, folks. God is good.

That's what they kept saying. God is good.

We believe in Him. Nowwe want to pray for you.

So you-

So, this is a miracle that'shappened to that wonderful boy,

but God is gonna do something for you.

Now here's an answer that has come in.

"Ken of Maylene, Alabama,took a nasty fall on July 1."

That's this month. Last month.

"It left him with a bonefragment behind his left eye.

He was watching our program on July 30.

Terry said some of youhave an eye condition

and muscles near your eyenot having enough tension

and God's correcting it.

Knowing the word of knowledge was for him,

Ken believed it.

At the prayer,

more tests were done andthat bone fragment was gone!"

Wow.- [Terry] Wow.


Well, here's another one for you.

This is Gerry who livesin York, Pennsylvania

suffered from terriblemuscle pain and scoliosis.

After months of suffering,

she was watching thisprogram this past July

and she heard you, Pat, say,

"Somebody has scoliosis of the spine.

God is just strengthening your back.

You'll stand up absolutely straight.

Stand up right now."

Gerry had always been skepticalof words of knowledge,

but she knew this one was for her.

The pain in her spine andmuscles left immediately.

- [Pat] Well.- [Terry] Immediately.

- You know, I rememberthat and God is good.

Now, listen.

We want to pray for you

and I just believe thatGod wants to do miracles.

You see the Lord said, hitherto-

Listen, hitherto you haveasked nothing in my name.

Ask. Ask and you shall receive.

Why? That your joy might be full.

God wants you to have joy

and He delights in the factthat we give Him praise

when these things happen.

That Terry and I are going to pray for you

and we're going tobelieve God for miracles

and God almighty, He's going to do them.

Father, we thank you forwhat we we are hearing

and seeing with our eyes.

We know that you're a good God.

We know that you answer prayer

and we hold before you

the people in this audiencewho are having problems.

In the name of Jesus.

Marcy, you are being healed

of atrial fibrillation right now.

Put your hand on your chest. Touch her.


- Someone named Connie,

you're praying something for a child.

I'm not sure it's yourown child. It's a child.

God's answering that prayerright now, in Jesus' name.

- [Pat] Thank you, Father. Thank you.

- Someone else with- You haveproblems with your hearing.

It's almost like everythingsounds like it's in a tunnel.

You've been experiencingsome moderate hearing loss.

God's restoring yourhearing to you right now.

Just receive that.

- [Pat] Amen.

There's a fluid buildupin somebody's lungs.

I believe it's Mike.

Just put your hand on your chest

and that fluid buildupthat's been in there,

maybe pleurisy or whateverit's called, is going away.

Your lungs will be completelyhealed, in Jesus' name.

Now Lord, all of this audience,

there are people praying

and we pray especially for our nation.

And we pray for this thinggoing on in Afghanistan.

And we pray for thosepeople that are fleeing.

Of 300,000, Lord,

who are going to be homeless

and they're crying outto you in their way.

And we pray for them.

And we ask Lord, for thisnation that we live in,

to be spared some of the terrorists

that look like it's coming upon it.

In the name of Jesus, touch lives, Lord

and give you-

May your name be honored and glorified.

In Jesus' name, we ask it.

Amen and amen.


- [Terry] Well up next, we have-

- [Pat] Oh, by the way,if you have an answer,

call us, will ya?

We've got a telephone number.

We'd love to hear about the answers.

If we can pray for you, we want to do it.

People at the phone right now

and it's 1-800-700-7000.

So people, even though thisprogram is no longer on the air

because the time's out,we'll still be here.

These folks are on thephone, 24 hours a day, okay?

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