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Despite Iran Threats, Israel-UAE Ties Holding Firm 1 Year Into the Abraham Accords

Despite Iran Threats, Israel-UAE Ties Holding Firm 1 Year Into the Abraham Accords Read Transcript

- [Julie] When Israel andthe UAE normalized relations,

it became the first peace agreement

between the Jewish state andan Arab state in 26 years.

Within four months, Bahrain, Sudan

and Morocco also signedon to the Abraham Accords.

- It's very rare thatthere's an opportunity

for a win-win that canbe transformational,

not just for a country but for a region.

And the Abraham Accords

is that transformationalmoment in history.

- [Julie] What makesthese agreements different

is the focus on includingbusiness, tourism,

education and researchbetween the countries.

That's helped open the doors

to nearly $2 billionworth of business deals.

- This has been a very unique opportunity

between UAE and Israel,

to come with an agreement ofpeace and tolerance together.

- What this has done

is realigned the Middle East

between countries thatwant peace and prosperity

and countries that don't,

and countries that want to continue

to battle age-old conflicts,

and don't care about their people

as much as they should.

- [Julie] Jerusalem DeputyMayor Fleur Hassan-Nahum

and Abdullah Baqer work together

on the UAE-Israel Business Forum.

- The Abraham Accords,

it's not about the Jews and the Muslims,

it's also about the nationalities,

other religions andtheir involvement to this

'cause we all live together.

- We hope that the momentum

that is created will be enough

for other countries to join the alliance

of the good countries in the Middle East.

- [Julie] That kind of thinking led

to an agreement this week

between the JerusalemCenter for Public Affairs

and Bahrain's leading research institute

in light of Iran's recent attacks on ships

and aims to build a coalition

of Abraham Accords countriesand others in the region.

- When people of similar sentiments

in the middle East work together

and expose what they aredoing across our region,

and suggest a different path,

we can actually win that war of ideas.

- [Julie] When it comes to the Accords,

the United States played a major role,

including played like Aryeh Lightstone,

former advisor to theUS Ambassador to Israel.

- There was an artificialline dividing Israel

and other nations inthe region, and beyond.

And it just didn't make sense.

- [Julie] Lightstone says theUS brought allies together,

erasing unnatural divides

and trying to remove the hurts.

- Look at the placesthat are pillars of hope

and light for the region:

Bahrain, United Arab Emirates,

and obviously the state of Israel.

When they can work together,

it's going to drive more opportunity

for more people in the region.

- [Julie] Given therecent leadership changes

in the US and Israel,

some fear the Accords might not last.

- The Abraham Accords and peace in general

is not a Republican thing,

it's not a Democrat thing,

it's an American thing.

And America belongs here in this car

in order to gain this transformation,

and we should be there.

- The Americans did the fantastic thing

of creating the circumstances

for this peace and pushing us all together

but now that it's been signed,

everybody's 100% committed,

and now it's got its own legs.

- [Julie] Lightstone's adviceto those on the outside

is to continue to pray.

- They're called the Abraham for a reason.

This is the reunificationof Abraham's children

and this is brought together

by the United States of America

who saw the region clearly,

embraced our friends, andmade very clear demands

of our enemies.

- [Julie] And next timevisitors travel to Israel,

take a trip to the Gulf states.

- Simply say I'm here because you stood

with Israel and I stand with you.

- [Julie] Julie Stahl,CBN News, Jerusalem.


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