Lawyer, beauty queen, sports agent, and now author, Kelli Masters lives her passion by helping her clients achieve all they can be. In her new book, “High-Impact Life,†Kelli shares wisdom and tips on how everyone can find true success.
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(gentle music)
- When she was five years old,
Kelli Masters got her first chalk talk.
Her dad sat her down and explained
how the Xs and Os
represented players on thefield and their movements,
from that moment on Kelliwas hooked on football,
still she never imagined
that one day she'd makehistory in the NFL Draft.
[Announcer] Kelli Masters wasalready a successful attorney
when she chose a secondcareer dominated by men
and was not warmly welcomed.
Kelli is a sports agent
who's represented moreprofessional athletes
than any woman in the industry,mostly NFL and MLB hopefuls.
Seeing her career as a calling,
Kelli is passionate abouthelping her clients find theirs
far beyond the Gridiron.
She shares her advice withus all in her new book,
"High Impact Life."
- Please welcome to the700 Club Kelli Masters,
Kelli great to have you with us.
- Thank you so good to be with you.
- Why were you so fascinated with football
at such an early age?
- Well, growing up in Oklahoma,football, it really is king.
I just assumed everybodyin Oklahoma loved football
or grew up kind of their schedules
revolving around the football season.
And so from a very early age,
those are my earliest memories,attending football games.
My father did a radio play-by-play
and so I would listen to him,
and I wanted to know everything about it
and I loved the pageantry of it.
And as I got older, evenappreciated the athletic ability
and the discipline thatwas involved in football.
So it was always a part of me.
- You are a successful lawyer
when you began to thinkabout sports agency work,
what sparked your interest?
- Oh my goodness, itwas a winding journey,
I actually gave my heartto Jesus in law school.
And as I was finishing law school,
decided at first I thoughtI was gonna be a missionary,
and then I decided to learnhow to help missionaries
and ministries by learningnon-profit organization law.
And so in the middle of,
I think about five yearsinto my law practice,
I had a chance to work with aformer professional athlete,
helping him and his familywith their foundation.
And that just opened my eyes
to the world of, what ifI combined all my passions
and everything that I held dear?
And really started helpingprofessional athletes
maximize their opportunities
and make their mark on the world
and pursue their callingon and off the field?
So that's where it all started.
- That sounds so logical,
but this was such amale dominated industry,
you endured a lot of prospecttrying to break into it.
What kept you going?
You were persistent.
- Quite honestly, just knowing
that I was right where God wanted me
was the only thing that keptme going and I'm so blessed.
We have amazing opportunitiesin this country.
I faced adversity, but everybody does,
when they step out in faith
to pursue what God has called them to do,
you're gonna run into someroadblocks along the way
and some adversity.
And I was told very early on in my career
by one of the most prominentand successful agents
in the business that women didn't belong
and that I would never be successful
and I would never be respected.
And that just to me,
that was just a challengeto do it even better.
So I'm really thankful,
thankful for the opportunitiesand for the players
that have believed inme through the years.
It's been a really special journey.
- You almost wonderedyourself in the beginning,
whether you could break through that wall,
tell us how a fellowship ofChristian athletes banquet
actually led you to makehistory in the NFL Draft.
- Again, another long storythat is just I look back
and I just am so amazed by God's grace.
I almost didn't go,
I had had been invitedto it at NFCA banquet
and almost didn't go decidedto go at the last minute.
And at the table next to me wasa player named Gerald McCoy.
He was just in high school at the time
and he was receivingsome honor that night,
he was sitting there with his family
and something told me Ihad just become an agent.
Something told me to go talk to him
and fear almost kept me glued to my feet.
I was almost talking myself out of course,
what will I say?
And he's so young, he'sa great player now,
but how do I know he'sgonna make it in the NFL?
And they're gonna lookat me like I'm crazy
because I don't really knowwhat I'm doing yet as an agent,
but I got up off my chair and I went over
and I handed my businesscard to his father
and introduced myself.
And almost five years later,
his father called me and hehad kept that business card
all those years and wantedto give me the first meeting.
And that ended up being myfirst player that I represented
to be drafted in the NFL,
and he was drafted number three overall.
- Yeah worth getting up offyour chair for (laughing)
- Yes absolutely.
- Your faith is part of what you do.
Why does the part of yourjob that nobody asks about,
give you the most joy?
- You know, people would always ask me
what I did as I was traveling,
and when I would say I was a sports agent,
they would say, oh, that's a dream job.
And I immediately, I think,oh gosh, if you only knew,
the whole journey, butto me it's a dream job
because I get to impact lives.
And I may not get toimpact millions of lives,
but I get to impact the lives of people
who are being put in positions
with platforms and with resources
and with the ability to go out
and to make a differenceand to leave a legacy
and to affect changeand advance the kingdom.
And so if I'm doing my job
to help these young athletesrealize their full potential,
not just as football players,
but as people who can trulymake an impact on this world,
then there's nothingbetter, that is a dream job
to really get to influenceinfluential people.
- Your book is chockfull of the personal ways
you have an opportunity to do that.
Your book is called "High Impact Life."
What message do you wantreaders to take away overall?
- You know, it's the same messagethat I give to my players.
We are all born with gifts andtalents and even resources.
And it is our job to look to God and say,
God what is your purpose for my life?
Why did you put me on this earth?
And how can I fulfill that?
And when we focus on the impact
that God wants us to make with our lives,
regardless of what ourjob or our surroundings
or circumstances look like,there's nothing more important,
there's nothing more fulfilling,rewarding to us personally.
And there's nothing morecritical, that we can do
than to make the mark
that God intended for usto make on this earth.
And so that's every reader,
no matter what your vocationor your calling is in life,
you are called to make an impact
and it's important that you do so.
- Well, Kelli your book, Iwanna mention to our viewers
is "High Impact Life"
it's available wherever books are sold.
Great story of how God hasused Kelli in the industry
that she's in,
but also an encouraging storyfor anybody going anywhere.
Thanks so much, Kelli, appreciate you
being with us.- Thank you so much,
I appreciate you.