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New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Steps Down Over Sexual Harassment Allegations

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Steps Down Over Sexual Harassment Allegations Read Transcript

- CBS News correspondent Brody Carter has

tonight's top story, Brody,today's resignation is

really only the beginningof Cuomo's legal battles.

- Well, John, Jenna, Cuomo'sannouncement was unexpected.

That resignation comingafter he took responsibility

for many of the allegations against him,

but not all of them.

However, the DA's criminalinvestigation remains open.

So regardless of theremorse, the apologies

that we saw today, these sexualharassment allegations will

not be taken lightly.

- I said on national TVto a doctor wearing PPE

and giving me a COVID nasal swab,

you make that gown look good.

I was joking.

- [Brody] A year after the first claims

of sexual assault against NewYork Governor Andrew Cuomo

first surfaced, a shocking investigation

by the state attorneygeneral and numerous calls

for him to step down.

- I take full responsibilityfor my actions.

I have been too familiar with people.

- [Brody] The third termgovernor publicly apologizing

to all 11 accusers.

Then to the surprise of many,announced his resignation.

- The best way I can helpnow is if I step aside

and let government get back to governing.

- [Brody] His resignation,however, didn't come

without pushback fromthe governor's attorney.

- He has called peopledarling and sweetheart.

He has had to change with the times.

Yes, he hugs and he kisses his staffers.

He has had to change with the times.

- When I walk past them, Ioften will give them a grip

of the arm, a pat on theface, a touch on the stomach,

a slap on the back.

- [Brody] Cuomo and Glavin say

Monday's impeachment investigation

and the AG's report are filled with lies,

misinformation, and false evidence.

- I kissed a woman onthe cheek at a wedding,

and I thought I was being nice,

but she felt that it was too aggressive.

- [Brody] The governor also faced

a steady demise within his own cabinet,

including his top aid, Melissa DeRosa.

Cuomo's public resignationended with an apology

to his own two daughters.

- Your dad made mistakes,and he apologized,

and he learned from it.

- Now the governor's resignation,

it takes effect in 14 days,making Lieutenant Governor,

Kathy Hochul, New York'sfirst female governor.

When asked about thegovernor's coming resignation,

President Biden said he quote,

"Respects the governor'sdecision to step down."

John, Jenna, back to you.

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