On Newswatch AM August 10th: Senate set to pass bipartisan $1 trillion infrastructure bill, but conservatives worry about growing national debate; Democrats to move on to huge $3.5 trillion budget, which will have no Republican support; Sean ... ...
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- [Narrator] This is CBN Newswatch.
- It is Tuesday, August10th, thank you so much
for joining us, I'm Efrem Graham.
Ahead today, the Senate prepares to pass
a bipartisan infrastructure bill
and democrats get ready to move
on their massive three and ahalf trillion dollar budget,
while conservatives warnabout the possible impact
of all this new spending.
Christians holding a rally in Portland
in the same location theday after Antifa members
attacked believers ata family prayer event.
Israel issuing a warningthat Iran is closing in
on the ability to make a nuclear weapon.
So, how will the Israelis respond?
Will they strike Iran?
And signs, wonders andmiracles taking place today
in New York and why they could spread
to the rest of the country.
All those stories and more are ahead
in this edition of CBN Newswatch.
Want to begin this half hour in Washington
where the Senate is ontrack to give final approval
to the one trillion dollarbipartisan infrastructure plan.
After that, the Housewill take up the measure.
Although the bill isexpected to get around
20 republican votes, asCapitol Hill correspondent,
Abigail Robertson, reports,not everyone is happy
with the price tag.
- While many in Washington are praising
the infrastructure bill as abipartisan win for America,
some fiscally conservative senators
are raising alarms onhow we're going to pay
the 1.2 trillion dollar tab.
- We were all told that thisthing was completely paid for.
Oops, not quite.
- [Abigail] Nearly 30 GOP senators
oppose the infrastructurebill and 3.5 trillion dollar
budget reconciliationplan for one major reason.
- They're projecting totake our federal debt
to 45 trillion dollars.
- [Abigail] Joel Griffithfrom the Heritage Foundation
tells CBN News Americantaxpayers will soon feel
the effects of thisballooning national debt.
- Whether you're payingfor this with a line item
on your tax bill or whetheryou're paying for it
with slow regrowth or with higher prices,
we are going to pay for it.
- [Abigail] Griffith is also concerned
with where the money is going.
- There's just as much money in this bill
for things like Amtrak and public transit
as there is for freeways, highways,
even though most people,of course, travel by car.
- [Abigail] And sees thebill as a down payment
on progressive democrat's green new deal.
- When state governments derive resources
from the federal government tobolster their infrastructure,
they're gonna have to come upwith carbon reduction plans.
- [Abigail] Even thoughit has bipartisan support,
Griffith doesn't think it's a good bill.
- Some of the worstlegislation that's passed
over the past century hasbeen bipartisan legislation.
- The Senate also plans to take up
the budget reconciliation bill this week.
It does not include anincrease to the debt limit,
which tees up a massive Septembershowdown on Capitol Hill
when the treasury departmentwarns will start to exceed
the current borrowing limit.
Reporting from Virginia,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.
- That huge budget bill that democrats
will be taking up nextwill officially cost
three and a half trillion dollars,
but independent analysts have projected
the real costs will be much higher,
around five trillion dollars.
The democratic budget blueprint
reflects the party's shift to the left
and the influence of VermontSenator Bernie Sanders.
The plan aims to spend moremoney from the government
on health, education andfamily support programs,
but critics call it a farleft remaking of America.
No republicans will besupporting that bill.
Just a day after membersof Antifa attacked
a family Christian prayerevent in Portland, Oregon,
Christians rallied in the very location
for a massive gathering praising God.
Worship leader, Sean Feucht,led the praise event.
He wrote on social mediaAntifa stood 10 feet from him
as the crowd liftedtheir voices in praise.
But he said, "We did not back down,
we kept worshiping and Godmoved powerly, powerfully."
Antifa members threw needles,pills and more at the crowd,
but Feucht said one Antifa member who came
to disrupt the gatheringended up getting saved.
You can read more in-depth reporting
of the event and the attack Antifa did
on the Christian prayer eventSaturday at cbnnews.com.
Want to turn now into the coronavirus
as the highly contagious Deltavariant continues to surge.
The Pentagon is taking stepstoward a mandatory vaccination
for all troops.
This, as a large number of Americans
remain leery of taking the vaccine.
Our Jennifer Wishon brings us this story.
- The latest statistics showjust half of the country
is fully vaccinated and thosewho haven't taken the shot
are facing more repercussions.
In a memo to U.S. service members,
secretary of defense, Lloyd Austin,
today announcing alltroops will be required
to get the COVID vaccine, a move supported
by President Joe Biden.
"Being vaccinated willenable our service members
to stay healthy, to betterprotect their families
and to ensure that ourforce is ready to operate
anywhere in the world,"he said in a statement.
- CNN has fired threeemployees who came to work
without getting a COVID vaccine.
- [Jennifer] CNN joinssome of the nation's
largest employers, likeWalmart, Google and Facebook,
all requiring workers to get vaccinated.
Both the Justice Department
and Equal OpportunityEmployment Commission
have decided the mandates are acceptable.
- Certainly, I celebratewhen I see businesses
deciding that they'regoing to mandate that
for their employess.
- [Jennifer] But when Veterans Affairs
mandated healthcare workers get vaccinated
or face possibletermination, doctors, nurses
and other professionals lit up the phones
at Liberty Counsel.
- Well, many of them havebeen distraught, frantic,
some have called us in tears to find out
how they could ultimately respond.
They loved their job, but theydidn't want to get the shots.
- [Jennifer] Liberty Counselpressured the government
to reveal employees can legally opt out
for religious reasons, afact that wasn't publicized.
Many Americans simply aren't comfortable
getting a COVID vaccine.
That's because of questionsregarding both longterm effects
and the reporting ofinjuries from vaccines.
Add that to confusion from the CDC
about breakthrough infections and masks
that's led to mistrust andthe fact that the shots
are still not fully authorized by the FDA.
Like it or not, getting a vaccine
has also become politicized,which is something
the Biden Administrationhas worked to tamp down.
- Why is it that a mandate about vaccine
or about wearing a masksuddenly becomes a statement
of your political party?
We never should've let that happen
and, come on, America, wecan separate these, can't we?
We're incredibly polarized about politics,
we don't really need to be polarized
about a virus that's killing people.
- [Jennifer] Staver arguesit comes down to one thing,
- It is reprehensible, it's un-American,
it's unconstitutional, it'sillegal to force individuals,
particularly ourhealthcare working heroes,
against their will andthat is just despicable.
- This week, Liberty Counsel is organizing
Walk Out Wednesday,encouraging all Americans,
vaccinated or not, to walkout of their workplaces
or schools at noon to stand for freedom.
Jennifer Wishon, CBN News.
- [Efrem] Coming up, awarning from Israel to Iran,
the Jewish state isprepared to launch a strike.
Israel believes Iran is gettingcloser to a nuclear weapon
and all this as Iranhas a deadly new leader.
We're gonna bring youthe story from Jerusalem
when we come back.
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- [Narrator] On The Homefront.
- Thanks for joining usfor CBN's On The Homefront,
where we highlight what the men and women
of America's military doto defend our country.
CBN honors the men andwomen in our military
with an initiative calledHelping the Homefront.
It partners with churchesacross the country
to meet the needs oftheir military families,
from repairing homes towiping out medical bills
for wounded veterans.
- [Narrator] Wednesday atthree on the CBN News Channel.
- [Narrator] Get "Protect Your Sleep!"
and discover how to improvethe quality of your life.
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- [Narrator] Five leadingexperts help remove the obstacles
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- When you don't get arestful night's sleep,
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- [Narrator] Call1-800-700-7000 or go to cbn.com
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- Everything you do, you do better
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- [Narrator] You'll discoverhow food affects your sleep,
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- Israel's defense ministerhas issued a warning,
his country is ready to strike Iran.
He says Iran is justweeks away from getting
the material it needsfor a nuclear weapon.
The warning comes asIsrael also blames Iran
for a recent deadly droneattack on an oil tanker.
And as Chris Mitchell reports,
Iran now has a new president,a man who has been sanctioned
for murdering his own people.
- [Chris] Ebrahim Raisi tookover as the eighth president
of the Islamic regime.
- [Ebrahim's Interpreter]The sanctions imposed
against the Iranian nation must be lifted.
We will support any diplomatic plan
that supports this goal.
- [Chris] Raisi isconsidered a hard liner,
a carbon copy of religiousleader, Ayatollah Khomeini,
and the first Iranianpresident to be sanctioned
by the U.S., even before taking office.
- Ebrahim Raisi is called theButcher of Tehran, actually,
because he has a long trackrecord of killing his own people
going back to 1988.
You can say that he's probably responsible
for at least 10,000Iranians being executed.
- [Chris] Len Khodorkovsky,a former senior advisor
to the U.S. envoy for Iran,says although the Ayatollah
is the ultimate decisionmaker, Raisi won't give up
much in talks to reinstatethe Iranian Nuclear Deal,
officially known as the JCPOA.
- We can expect them to play hardball
and we're seeing themplay hardball right now
through their attacks on our interest,
through the attacks onan Israeli owned ship
just a few days ago.
- [Chris] Khodorkovskysays it's the Iranian
negotiating style.
- What their sensing is thatthe Biden Administration
is signaling weakness, they're seeing that
there's no price that they have to pay
after each of these attacks and in return,
instead of playing hardball,the Biden Administration
makes more and more concessions.
- [Chris] Israel is trying torally international support
for sanctions againstIran, but some 70 countries
and the European Union attended
Raisi's inauguration Thursday.
Israeli Prime MinisterNaftali Bennett said,
"They shouldn't be there."
- [Naftali's Interpreter]Raisi is the most radical
Iranian president so far andthe competition is tough.
- [Chris] Israel's defenseminister, Benny Gantz,
and foreign minister, YairLapid, briefed ambassadors
from U.N. security member states
on Iran's involvement in theMercer Street ship attack
and its nuclear plans.
"Iran has violated all of the guidelines
set in the JCPOA andis only around 10 weeks
from acquiring weapons-gradematerials necessary
for a nuclear weapon."
"Therefore, it is time to act."
"The world must apply economic sanctions
and take operative action against
the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps."
- [Naftali's Interpreter] TheIranians need to understand
that it is impossible tosit peacefully in Tehran
and from there, ignitethe entire Middle East,
that is over."
- [Chris] Israel has longsaid it would not allow Iran
to get nuclear weaponsand now that it seems
the clock is ticking,Israel will have to decide
how far it will go to stop it.
- And Chris Mitchell ishere now with us for more.
So, now, there's been talk for years
that Israel could strikeIran's Nuclear Program,
but so far they have not.
Will they actually do something this time?
- Well, Efrem, that'sbeen a question, you know,
Israel's been asking for about,
the world's been asking for a long time.
Back in 2012, it was actually,like, cabinet decisioned
to not do it, but they were very close
to making that decisionback about nine years ago.
Right now, there's two dynamics going on.
One is the race toward enrichuranium to weapons grade
and as Benny Gantz,defense minister, said,
about 10 weeks away.
And then the increasingrhetoric from Israel
saying they will go ahead and do that.
The defense minister, the chief of staff,
the prime minister, allsaying they will go it alone
if they have to and they haveto weigh the consequences,
whether or not they actually do something,
what's gonna happen after that or the cost
of not actually doing anything.
- Iran's new presidenttook charge just last week
and Israel's prime ministercalls him the most radical ever,
what is Israel expecting from him?
- Well, I think they're already seeing
what they're expecting from him.
We've seen an attack onan Israeli managed ship
in the Gulf of Oman, they'veseen rockets from Hezbollah
and I think a increased rhetoric
and I think they'reexpecting, as our expert said
in this report, you know, ahard line stance on the JCPOA,
and they want sanctions releasedso they can have more money
and billions of dollars, that'swhat they're looking for.
So, I think a more hard line stance
on a number of frontsby this new president,
who's been called the Hangman of Tehran,
he's really responsiblefor the thousands of deaths
of Iranians.
- Let's turn now into the conflict
between Lebanon and Israel.
Lebanon is on the brink of collapse,
so why are Hezbollah and otherradicals provoking Israel
by firing missiles?
- Well, you know, Raisiwas sworn in last Thursday.
Last Friday, for thefirst time in 15 years,
Hezbollah fired 19 rocketsagainst South Lebanon,
I mean, from South Lebanoninto Northern Israel
and I think that was a signal.
This is the kind of hard line stance
they're gonna be taking andwhat it means for Lebanon
is actually really a dire consequence
'cause they are on the verge of collapse.
Hezbollah probably is the most organized,
the most efficient organizationin Lebanon right now
and there's a real danger that Hezbollah
could take over Lebanon,it's on economic collapse,
social collapse, devastatedby the devastating explosion
in Beirut last year, soit's a very dangerous place
with consequences not only for Lebanon,
but also for Israel and thewhole wider Middle East.
- We, of course, seen transitionin leadership in Israel,
how are things going thus far, you think?
- Thus far, it's, it's,they've actually managed
to keep the government togetherfor a few months right now.
It seems like it's stumbling along.
It's a very unusual government,
it would sort of be like takingAOC and the Freedom Council
and putting them togetheror the Freedom Caucus
and putting them together,but they have a self interest
to maintain it, so right now,so far, they're going along.
But the biggest challenge they have,
like any Israeli government, is what to do
with a nuclear Iran.
- Indeed, indeed.
Thank you so much,Chris, we'll be watching
and good to have you in studio today.
- Great to be here.
- Thank you.
Well, still ahead, a moveof God is taking place
in New York, completewith signs and wonders
and miracles following,we'll have that story for you
when we come back.
Stay with us.
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- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Grahamand this is Studio 5.
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- High fevers, heart problemsand unexplained diseases
all healed by the power of God.
That's what the assistantministry director
of the Christian Union New Yorksays is happening right now.
Karen Hetzler told CBNNews's The Prayer Link
this move of God is sweeping the Big Apple
and encouraging manybelievers that miracles
are still happening today.
- Karen, tell us, what in the,
what is happening in NewYork and how did it start?
- Yeah, so, we've been,Christian Union has been hosting
these conferences calledGospel of the Kingdom
where we are inviting the fullness of God,
the presence of the Holy Spirit,
in addition to psalmteaching of the scriptures.
We started these probablyback in about 2015
and I've got about threetestimonies, if time allows,
that I would love to tell you,
documentable things and theseare just representatives
of hundreds of others that have happened
- Praise God.- in the city, as well.
The first one is CarrieDennis, who's actually the wife
of our VP of marketing, hewas coming to the conference
and she wasn't planning to come,
but the spirit prompted herand she hopped on the bus
from D.C. to New York Cityand said she was gonna
surprise her husband and she was the one
that actually ended up prettysurprised by the power of God.
She had been dealingwith some ovarian cysts
and as they were in the meeting, Ken Fish,
who is our guest speaker we bring in,
he's a highly anointedminister of the gospel
and anointed in healing andmiracles and deliverance,
and he said, he had gottena word from the spirit
and he said, "Someone over in this area,
I sense there's somethingwith your ovaries
and the lord wants to heal you."
You know, she looked at her husband, like,
"I think that's me," andso she received prayer,
nothing dramatic like the next two stories
if we have time to get tothose, but she received prayer
and then she went back to, for a checkup
and she told the nurse, she said,
"I don't know what your faithis, if you have any faith,
but I had a group ofChristians pray for me
in the name of Jesus that Iwould be healed of these cysts,
so if they're gone, allglory goes to his name,"
and the nurse of course confirmed
that they were completely gone
- Praise God.- and she said
that there wasn't even any trace of them
and she couldn't believewhat she was seeing,
so she went and grabbed another nurse.
I talked to Carrie lastnight to just confirm
all these details.
And so, she gave gloryto the name of Jesus.
Carrie came for a followup even a couple weeks ago,
two years later from the event
- Praise God.- and they're,
that's all completely gone.
- And, Karen, I understandthat people have even
been delivered from demons.
- Absolutely.
And I actually had not seenthis until a few years ago
when I had first attended one of these
Gospel of the Kingdom conferences.
It is powerful and it'salarming a little bit
at the beginning, I think, for,
to see this for thefirst time, to hear it,
it's, you know, just as Ithink would be expected,
these demons don't want to leave people,
but the power of Jesus and ofhis name is so much greater.
- Amen.- One story of this,
Winston Wu is a New Yorkerwho worked on Wall Street
for many years and he cameto one of these conferences
and the, Ken Fish, theminister, called for this,
the Holy Spirit to fall into the room
and they said, you know,we're just gonna watch
to see where the lord is moving
and we'll come and prayfor you accordingly
and one on the ministryteam came and laid his hands
on his throat and he came to pray,
actually for the gift of tongues,
and Winston wasn't so surewhat he thought of that,
but he went along with it at the time,
and then another followed up and he prayed
that he just, he sawsomething manifesting in him
and he actually said he prayed, "Out, out,
in the name of Jesus, Icommand you to come out,"
and Winston said-- Karen, Karen,
I'm sorry to interrupt, butfor people watching right now
and need a miracle, youknow, do they have to go
to a conference to get a miracle?
What's your advice to them?
- You know, absolutely not.
You know, I think as wesee in the scriptures,
Jesus said that you will dothese things that I have done
and even greater things and that's amazing
and it's hard to believe thatwe can do even greater things,
but we all possess thepower of the Holy Spirit
and our situations test Jesus Christ.
So, I encourage you to find places
where you can learn tooperate in the power
of the Holy Spirit or to receive these,
there's Orbis Ministriesthat teaches about
operating in the power of the spirit,
there's impartation ofthese gifts of healing,
then a deliverance ministry.
By the grace of God, thesehave been imparted to me
at times and I've beenable to lay my hands
on other people and in the name of Jesus,
watch them heal people.- Amen.
- So, you don't haveto go to a conference,
but they're incredibly helpful, of course,
- Praise God.- in teaching us
the things that we may notknow are available to us.
- Absolutely.
- Really quickly, Karen,I know that you guys
are having a conference comingup August the 20th and 21st,
where can people find outinformation about that?
- Yeah, so, these conferences are not yet
open to the public becausewe minister specifically
with a missionary purpose to New York City
and people hear of these things happening
and they come from all over the place,
but you can read about it at gotk.org,
Gospel of the Kingdom is thename of these conferences.
There are audio recordingsof all of these testimonies,
we have audio recordingsbacklogged of all of the events.
They're not yet public,but we hope at some point
to be able to make them publicwhere anyone and everyone
- Amen, amen.- has access to these.
But also, Orbis Ministries,you can learn a lot more,
- [Efrem] And you can receivemore prayer and encouragement
from CBN by watching The Prayer Link,
you can catch it on the CBN News Channel
this evening at 6:30 Eastern,
you can also find it on the CBN News app.
Coming up, more proofthat it's never too late
to start exercising, aswell as introducing you
to a weight lifter who justturned, get this, 100 years old.
We've got the story foryou when we come back.
Stay with us.
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- [Narrator] On the Homefront.
- Thanks for joining usfor CBN's On the Homefront,
where we highlight what the men and women
of America's military doto defend our country.
CBN honors the men andwomen in our military
with an initiative calledHelping the Homefront.
It partners with churchesacross the country
to meet the needs oftheir military families,
from repairing homes towiping out medical bills
for wounded veterans.
- [Narrator] Wednesday atthree on the CBN News Channel.
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- She turned 100 years old Sunday
and she has another greataccomplishment, as well.
She is a weightlifter.
- I thought I just aswell pick up a few bars
and they got to be fun.
- Edith Murway-Traina of Florida
began lifting weights at age 99.
At first, it was just a hobby,
now she is a Guinness World Record holder,
the oldest female competitive power lifter
and this great-great-grandmother
and former dance teacheris not slowing down.
She's already taken part in, get this,
more than a dozen competitions
and she's getting ready foranother one in November.
Way to go.
Puts me to shame.
Time now for your Tuesday Tweetable.
This a message I pray blesses you,
I also pray you'll bless others
by posting, tagging,tweeting and sharing it
with those who follow you.
"Be careful not to enter the prison
of others' expectation."
"There is no freedom there."
"You can't live for anyone else,
no matter how much they love you."
Set expectations foryourself, bathe them in prayer
and trust God to workfor you and through you.
That's gonna do it for thisedition of CBN Newswatch.
You can always find more of our programs
on the CBN News Channelor on the CBN News app,
you can find them there anytime.
We'd love to know what youthink about the stories
you've seen here today.
You can email us, newswatch@cbn.com.
You can also reach out and touch us
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we certainly would love to hear from you.
Make this a terrific Tuesdayand join us back here again,
same time tomorrow.
Bye bye, everybody.
(upbeat music)