- Well, welcome to the 700 Club.
Worse than war, that'show one police officer
and veteran described January the 6th
on day one of the investigationinto the Capitol Hill riot.
Emotions ran deep as otherofficers recounted being beaten,
sprayed with chemicals, andrepeatedly attacked with tasers.
Chilling video shows agallows and one rioter calling
traders to the guillotine.
Abigail Robertson has this report.
- On Tuesday, officerstestified that January 6th was
unlike any protest they'd ever seen.
But before testimonies even started,
day one opened with chillingnew video, giving more insight
into what the rioters were planning
on the Capitol grounds that day.
- They've got the gallows setupside this Capitol building.
It's time to start (beep) using 'em.
- Start making a list!
Put all those names down!
And we start huntin' them down one by one!
(protesters yelling)
- Traitors to the guillotine!
- [Abigail] Four membersof the Capitol Police
and Metropolitan Police departments
recounted their experiences.
- At the hospital, doctorstold me that I had suffered
a heart attack and I was laterdiagnosed with a concussion,
a traumatic brain injury,
and post-traumatic stress disorder.
The indifference shown to mycolleagues is disgraceful!
- [Abigail] The officersdescribed protesters beating them,
spraying them withchemicals, and attempting
to gouge out their eyes.
- I, too, was beingcrushed by the rioters.
I could feel my myself losing oxygen
and recall thinking to myself,
this is how I'm going to die.
- [Abigail] Some protestorseven fought officers
while holding flags insupport of the police
or reading things like Jesus saves.
One officer claimed therewere about 150 officers
verse 9,000 insurrectionists.
- During the Black LiveMatters protest last year,
US Capitol Police had all thesupport we needed and more.
Why the different response?
- [Abigail] While officerspleaded with lawmakers
to make changes to ensurethis never happens again.
- Everything is different,but nothing has changed.
- [Abigail] Down the street at the DOJ,
A group of Republicanlawmakers were forced
to abruptly end a press conference
demanding better treatmentfor January 6th prisoners.
Congresswoman, Liz Cheney,one of two Republicans
on the committee argues,"We must get to the bottom
"of everything that happenedbefore and during the attack."
- We must also know whathappened every minute
of that day in the WhiteHouse, every phone call,
every conversation, every meeting leading
up to, during, and after the attack.
- [Abigail] MinorityLeader, Kevin McCarthy,
who pulled his GOP committee appointees
after speaker Pelosi rejected two of them,
argued, "This committee is a sham."
- Speaker Pelosi will only pick on people
onto the committee that will
ask the questions she wants asked.
That becomes a failedcommittee and a failed report.
- Cheney claims if we don'tfigure out what happened
and hold those responsible accountable,
then we risk seeing an insurrection
after every future presidential election.
- Abigail, let me askyou, is this essentially,
they're going to paintRepublicans as insurrectionists
and it's not just Trumpthey're trying to get at,
they're trying to get afterthe whole Republican Party
going into the election.
Am I reading that right?
- Well, that's true and we're likely going
to see them try and subpoenasome Republican lawmakers
who they believe possibly were involved
in the planning of the January 6th rally,
not necessarily the insurrection,
but the rally that Trumpheld on January 6th.
And they're going to want to interview
some Republican lawmakersand find out who was involved
and who possibly knew what was going
to take place on January 6th.
- Well is it true that therewas word to Pelosi that
she actually had word thatsomething was going to be done
and then she failed to act on it?
Is that correct or not?
- Well, that's something thatRepublicans want answers to
and not a lot of Republicanshave said what we're gonna see
since Leader McCarthy,his committee picks,
he pulled them afterspeaker Pelosi rejected two
of the five people that heappointed to the committee.
And what, what he has saidis that he has threatened
to start his own committeeto investigate what happened
with the security, what speakerPelosi possibly was warned
about and what, why there was not support
for the Capitol policeofficers and the other officers
responding that day and why they were
so outnumbered that ledto this insurrection.
- How long do you think thesethings are going to go on?
- Well, it's unclear right now,
but we'll likely see thisgo out, go on for months.
And I think we're gonna havethe next hearing next month.
- Thank you.
Abigail joins us.
And ladies and gentlemen, Iwant to say over and over again,
this is nothing but a smear job.
Pelosi wants to smear thisto every Republican going
into these next electionsbecause it looks as if
the balance of power is gonna be shifted
away from the Democratsto the Republicans,
and Nancy Pelosi willno longer be Speaker.
So this whole thing is political theater,
just keep that in mind.
Well, in other news, theCDC has done an about-face.
It's now doubling down on mask mandates
for fully vaccinated.
So what's going on?
CBN Medical Reporter,Lorie Johnson has more.
- That's right, Pat.
Back in May, the CDC saidvaccinated people do not need
to wear masks inside, but yesterday,
officials issued an updatesaying some vaccinated people
who get these breakthroughinfections of the Delta variant
can be highly contagious.
Now the CDC is recommendingmasks in public buildings
in parts of the country withsignificant infection rates.
Yesterday, the agencyalso recommended everyone
in schools mask up, includingstudents and teachers,
regardless of whether they are vaccinated.
President Biden may soonannounce all federal workers
will be required to get vaccinated
or subjected to regular tests
and forced to social distance.
And the Department of Justice
and the Equal EmploymentOpportunity Commission weighed in
on private employersissuing vaccine mandates
saying they are legal, Pat.
- Lorie, are there manybreakthrough infections
of those who've been vaccinated
or is this just a scare tactic?
- Well, you know, Pat, this issue has
hit really close to home.
I have two good friendswho just very recently,
fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine,
recently came down withterrible COVID-19 infections,
in fact, one of them isstill at home in bed.
And so these are peoplewho are my age, so not old,
don't say anything, and one ofthem is actually a physician
and one of the healthiest people I know.
Neither one of them are overweight.
The doctor I was telling youabout, he lives in an area
where vaccines are very high,case loads are very low,
and both of these guys really suffered.
Now again, they did, neitherone of them had to go
to the hospital, so we knowthat people who are vaccinated
are at this point, almostcompletely prevented
or protected against going tothe hospital or from dying.
But, you know, we sawthose lawmakers from Texas,
the ones who chartered a plane up to DC,
they were all fully vaccinated.
Six of them tested positive for COVID-19.
We see over at the Olympics, all these
fully vaccinated athletestesting positive for COVID-19.
Jen Psaki, the White HousePress Secretary is being
very cagey about how manypeople in the White House
who are fully vaccinatedhave tested positive.
- There's the Pfizer, there's the J & J,
and Moderna, are any of themmore effective than the others?
- Well, we really need more data on this.
And so what we know sofar is an NYU study showed
the J & J vaccine is only 38% effective
against the Delta variant.
Now that study has not been peer reviewed.
There's an Israeli studyrecently out that shows
the Pfizer vaccine is only 40% effective
against the Delta variant.
Two weeks ago, an Israeli studyshowed it was 68% effective.
And then there's a UK studythat shows the Pfizer vaccine
is 88% effective againstthe Delta variant.
So some of these studies aresort of all over the map.
The CDC really needs to investigate
and pin down exactly what the efficacy is
for these three different vaccines here,
in the United States.
- Thanks, Lorie.
Well also in the news, where is Biden?
That's what Cuban Americans are asking
in the absence of the president's support
for the protests in Cuba.
And what about thereaction from progressives
in the Democratic Party?
It's being described as downright strange.
Could it be becausepeople fleeing socialism
are more likely to vote Republican?
Here's Dale Hurd with more.
- Pat, America is supposed to be a beacon
for all people who want to be free,
but the left's reactionto the Cuba protests
shows they're a lot less supportive
when it comes to communist dictators.
As the protest in Havanaagainst Cuba's communist
dictatorship continue,Cuban-Americans are also protesting
outside the White Housethis week and in cities
across the country, and many are asking,
- Where is Biden? Where it Biden?
- [Dale] To his credit, Joe Biden actually
did express support forthe Cuban protest early on.
But critics say theadministration could have done
a lot more to encouragethe protesters and hasn't.
And the reaction from theso-called progressive wing
of the Democrat Partyand the mainstream media
has been downright strange.
The "New York Times"was ripped for labeling
the protestors calls forfreedom anti-government slogans.
Department of Homeland Security Chief,
Alejandro Mayorkas warnedany potential Cuban refugees
they would not be allowed to enter the US
even as record numbers ofillegal migrants have poured
over the US southern border,causing some to wonder
if it's because peoplefleeing socialism would be
more likely to vote Republican.
Then Democrats like Representative,
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezblamed the hardships in Cuba
not on socialism but on theUnited States economic embargo,
even though Cuba can get anything it wants
from the many othernations it trades with.
In a statement supportingthe protest Cortez wrote,
"We must also blame the US contribution
"to Cuban suffering: our 60-year embargo."
She also called the embargoabsurdly cruel and said,
"the cruelty is the point."
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezis nothing more than
a communist sympathizer whowants to bring socialism
to the United States of America
and I'm sure she sympathizeswith the regime in Cuba.
- [Dale] Whether or not that's true,
AOC is a proud socialist.
- But I want to point outthat, "she's a socialist,
"she wants 10% tax rates."
Those are both accurate, right?
- (laughing) Yeah, yeah I guess so.
- Okay.
- [Dale] Bernie Sanders,an avowed socialist
who honeymooned in the Soviet Union,
last year, defended his positive comments
about Fidel Castro from the 1980s.
- We're very opposed to theauthoritarian nature of Cuba.
But you know, you got, it's unfair
to simply say everything is bad.
You know, when FidelCastro came into office,
you know what he did?
He had a massive literacy program.
Is that a bad thing?
- [Dale] The grandson ofCuban refugees, Jason Poblete
of the Global Liberty Alliance says
the US is missing a golden opportunity
to bring real change to the island
because of the myths theleft has believed about Cuba.
- You know, you don'twanna lose Cuba, right,
because Cuba was supposed tobe this healthcare miracle.
It's supposed to be this,this socialist paradise that
they have been cramminginto the heads of students
and university students.
So yes, we could do alot; we're not doing it.
- And earlier this week, agroup of 19 lawmakers requested
a meeting with President Biden
to discuss a stronger response to Cuba.
So far, no word on aWhite House reply, Pat.
- Dale, what role are Christians playing
in this whole insurrection,if I can call it that,
for freedom in Cuba?
- A major role, so much so thatthe Cuban security apparatus
is threatening clergymenand a number are in jail.
Sometimes when you'll watchsome of this protest video,
you'll particularly the seethe Catholic priests that are
out among the protesters, they feel
it's their responsibility, and we have
the Cuban LiberationMovement which was started
by Catholics, and that is in action.
But a Cuban-American leadertold me he got a call
from a Cuban pastor who saidthe Cuban security service
called him and said if we seeyou in the demonstrations,
you're going to jail and you'llnever see your family again.
And, and that tells you something
about the Cuban government'sfear of Christian leaders.
- Dale, thank you verymuch for your reporting.