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Faith Nation: July 27, 2021


(soft tense music)

- [John] Tonight.

Reliving the riot.

(protesters shouting)

The opening day of the Houseselect committee hearing

on the January 6thbreach of the US Capitol.



- A failed committee and a failed report.

A sham that no one can believe.

- [John] Republicans cry foul

over the Democrats'selected committee members.

Plus, mandatory vaccinesand mandatory masks

amid a fourth wave of COVID cases.

All this and more tonighton "Faith Nation."

(rhythmic music)

New mask guidance from the CDC.

Welcome to "FaithNation." I'm John Jessup.

- And I'm Jenna Browder.

They are back.

Tonight, the CDC reversing its decision,

now urging all people,regardless of vaccination status,

to wear masks indoor as the US combats

surging COVID-19 numbers.

- We'll have more on that new guidance

and its implications forchurches and schools,

but first, gripping emotional testimony

today on Capitol Hill aspolice officers recounted

what they experienced on January 6th

testifying before a selectinvestigative committee.

- Worse than war.

That is how one officer,

an Iraq war army vet, described the day,

saying they fought for theirlives to defend the Capitol

and protect the lawmakers inside.

Tonight, we have full team coverage.

- Joining us, National SecurityCorrespondent Caitlin Burke,

CBN Chief Political Analyst David Brody,

national reporter with ReligionNews Service Jack Jenkins,

but we begin with CBNCapitol Hill Correspondent

Abigail Robertson.


- That's right, John and Jenna.

Today, officers said that January 6th

was unlike any protest they'd ever seen.

But before testimonies even started,

day one opened with chilling new video,

giving more insight into what exactly

the rioters were planning onthe Capitol grounds that day.

- [Rioter] They've got the gallows

set up outside the Capitol Building.

It's time to start (bleep) using them.

- Start making a list,put all those names down,

and we start hunting them down one by one.

(rioters shouting)

- [Rioter] Traitors to the guillotine!

- [Abigail] Four membersof the Capitol Police

and Metropolitan Police Departments

recounted their experiences.

- At the hospital, doctors told me

that I'd suffered a heart attack

and I was later diagnosedwith a concussion,

a traumatic brain injury andpost-traumatic stress disorder.

The indifference shown to mycolleagues is disgraceful.

- [Abigail] The officersdescribed protesters beating them,

spraying them with chemicals,

and attempting to gouge out their eyes.

- I too was being crushed by the rioters.

I could feel my myself losing oxygen

and recall thinking to myself,

"This is how I'm going to die."

- [Abigail] Some protestorseven fought officers

while holding flags insupport of the police

or reading things like Jesus Saves.

One officer claimed therewere about 150 officers

versus 9,000 insurrectionists.

- During the Black LivesMatter protest last year,

US Capitol Police had all thesupport we needed and more.

Why the different response?

- [Abigail] While officerspleaded with lawmakers

to make changes to ensurethis never happens again.

- Everything is different,but nothing has changed.

- [Abigail] Down the street at the DOJ,

a group of Republican lawmakers

were forced to abruptlyend a press conference

demanding better treatmentfor January 6th prisoners.

Congresswoman Liz Cheney,

one of two Republicans on the committee,

argues we must get to the bottomof everything that happened

before and during the attack.

- We must also know what happened

every minute of thatday in the White House,

every phone call, every conversation,

every meeting leading up to,during, and after the attack.

- [Abigail] MinorityLeader Kevin McCarthy,

who pulled his GOP committee appointees

after Speaker Pelosi rejected two of them,

argued this committee is a sham.

- Speaker Pelosi will only pickon people onto the committee

that will ask thequestions she wants asked.

That becomes a failedcommittee and a failed report.

- Cheney claims if wedon't get to the bottom

of what happened and holdthose responsible accountable,

we risk seeing an insurrection

after every future presidential election.

John, Jenna.

- All right, thank you, Abby.

Let's bring in Jack Jenkins,

national reporter forReligion News Services,

and CBN News Chief PoliticalAnalyst David Brody.

Gentlemen, powerful testimony today

from those on the front lines.

David, law enforcement still very upset

and emotional aboutwhat happened that day.

Do you think it was amistake for Kevin McCarthy

to pull all Republicans off the committee

to offer a different perspective?

- Well, I guess we're gonna find out,

politically, as it relates to 2022.

I mean, there's a politicalplay by both parties here.

I mean, clearly, the January6th select committee,

let's put all of the actions

of what happened on January6th aside for a moment.

Let's talk politics.

When you talk politics, thisis a partisan committee.

Let be clear.

This has nothing to dowith bipartisanship, right?

Liz Cheney on the selectcommittee is not bipartisan.

She is a Republican in name only.

Kevin McCarthy callsher a Pelosi Republican.

She has said that she's gonna make sure

Trump never sees the light ofday again in the Oval Office.

That is not someonethat has any credibility

to be on a committee.

Adam Kinzinger, also aRepublican in name only.

So look, there's politics involved.

Clearly, this is a sham, politically.

And then on the Republicanside, to your question,

we're gonna find out.

I think Kevin McCarthy is betting

that this will look so political,

that it will help Republicans in 2022.

- Notwithstanding David'spolitical argument,

today, Democrats made it a point

to reinforce the lawenforcement perspective,

so not so much about politics,

but what law enforcement officers faced.

Jack, one police officerrecounted hearing someone say,

"Jesus is my savior.

Trump is my president."

DC Officer Daniel Hodges said it was clear

that, and these are his words,

"the terrorists perceivedthemselves to be Christian."

You cover religion.

Talk about what you'velearned about the effect

of the use of Christian symbols that day.

- Yeah.

Officer Hodges is reallykind of describing something

that we religion reportershave been talking about

for several months now.

And really anybody who wasthere would have noticed

just the ubiquity of Christian symbols

that were present during theinsurrection, Christian flags,

as the first wave of insurrectionists

broke past police barricades above them,

waved a flag that saidProud American Christian

over a Jesus fish emblazonedwith an American flag.

There were insurrectionistswho led a prayer

inside the Senate dais, youknow, invoking Jesus' name.

And then after the fact,we've had insurrectionists

who are now facing federalcharges justify their actions,

posting videos saying that they did this,

or at least justifying their actions

by saying, "To me, God andcountry are one and the same,"

and they wanted to protect that.

All of this often appealsto what is often described

as Christian nationalism,which is less of a theology,

more of an identity, amarriage of the American flag

and Christianity as a way of perceiving

the way America shouldbe, and that seemed to be

on full display during the insurrection.

- Jack, Democrats are sayingthis is not political,

that this really is about making sure

that we preserve apeaceful transfer of power.

What do you think about that?

- I mean, I think anything that happens

with politicians involvedis gonna be political

to some extent, right, to Brody's point,

and certainly, there'spolitics at play here.

But there is, when we'retalking about the insurrection,

I think the Democrats' argumentis that there is ultimately

a national security issue at play, right?

If you have people threatening the lives

of members of Congress, thatis ultimately a question

about whether or nottheir security is there.

People have talked about howVice President Mike Pence

was also in the Capitol that day.

Near him was an official who had

what's, quote-unquote,called the nuclear football.

Those are the nuclear codes.

And so I think people,the Democrats are arguing

that, really, whatthey're trying to do here

is protect democracy writ large

and also the securityof members of Congress.

- All right, gentlemen,we have to leave it there.

Jack Jenkins, David Brody,thank you both so much.

- Thanks, guys.

Well, the Justice Departmenthas given the green light,

allowing former Trumpadministration officials

to give unrestricted testimonyto various committees

investigating the Januaryattack on the Capitol.

- National SecurityCorrespondent Caitlin Burke

is following this angle for us.

Caitlin, where does theDOJ investigation stand?

- Well, first of all,

this case is consideredunprecedented in scale,

one court filing callingthe January 6th attack

the most complexinvestigation ever prosecuted

by the Department of Justice.

As of this month, over 535 defendants

have been arrested in nearly all 50 states

and more than 20 have pleaded guilty.

- Caitlin, can you talkabout the range of charges

defendants are facing?

- Right, so as we heardfrom today's testimony,

hundreds of law enforcementofficers were assaulted.

So there's more than 165 defendants

being charged with assaulting, resisting,

or impeding officers,and more than 50 people

have been charged with usinga deadly or dangerous weapon

or causing serious injury to an officer.

Now the most common charge is entering

or remaining in arestricted federal building

or on federal grounds.

And then we've also seencharges for conspiracy

and obstruction of official proceedings.

- Caitlin has everyone whoparticipated in that attack

been arrested at this point?

- No, the FBI is actuallystill trying to identify

more than 300 people believedto be connected to the attack,

including 200 people whoassaulted police officers.

They've released videos of those suspects

and are encouraging thepublic to help identify them.

- [Jenna] All right, CaitlinBurke, thank you very much.

- Thanks, Caitlin.

Now to our other top story.

Mask mandates are back.

Late this afternoon, theCDC reversing its decision

allowing fully vaccinated people

to go most places without a mask.

Instead, now calling on all Americans

to mask up indoors dueto the Delta variant.

- Health officials aresounding the alarm though

that it may be too late.

CBN News Correspondent BrodyCarter joins us with more

on the growing number of mandates

and what this can mean for you.


- Well, John and Jenna,

today, the CDC announcing thateveryone vaccinated or not

consider wearing a maskindoors in areas of high

or substantial COVID-19 transmission.

Now nearly 2/3 of all US counties

fall within those guidelines.

K through 12 could be impacted the most,

recommending universal masking

for all students and teachers.

This regardless of vaccination status.

- We don't know exactly nowhow high that peak will become,

but we're clearly at another wave.

- [Brody] It's round two for mask mandates

in areas with high COVIDtransmission rates.

The CDC going back onits word from mid-May,

saying fully vaccinated peopledidn't need to wear masks

inside or outside.

- A lot of what is done, wearing a mask,

asking people to get vaccinated,

is not just about the individual,

but it's about protecting those loved ones

in their household, at work.

- [Brody] Dr. Parham Jaberi,

director of public health in Virginia,

says the revival of the mask mandate

is right on cue with theDelta variant spreading

and infection rates skyrocketing.

In Tokyo, home of the Summer Olympics,

the country setting a new dailyrecord for COVID-19 cases,

reporting a 2,848 infection rate.

The increase exactly what theOlympic staff were fearful of

and why the Games weredelayed in the first place.

- It's quite clear, the Deltavariant has changed the game.

This is about keeping people safe.

- [Brody] Here in the US,

government leaders doingeverything they can

to keep a third wave from happening.

- Simply show proof of vaccination

or get tested every single week.

And I said last week thiswas only the beginning

and we would be climbing up the ladder,

more mandates to come.

- Vaccine mandates now coming to fruition.

New York Mayor Bill deBlasio calling on all city

and government employees,including public school teachers,

to get vaccinated by mid-Septemberor get tested weekly.

The city warning that workers

who don't comply won't get paid.

And the same goes in California,

required vaccines or weeklytesting for state employees

and roughly two millionhealthcare workers.

And those mandates

now making their first federal appearance.

- Veteran Affairs is going to, in fact,

require that all docsworking in facilities

are gonna have to be vaccinated.

- [Brody] And Dr. Parham saysmandates will continue to come

as the ever fluid COVID pandemic rages on.

- When health officials are considering

what the CDC is recommending,they really need to go back

and look at their own state data

and make it applicable to them.

- The CDC's push to fullyvaccinated now in full force,

roughly 50% of Americanshaving received both doses.

The CDC calling on community leaders

to continue advocating for the jab

in our nation's high transmission areas.

The fight against COVID-19 continues.

Brody Carter, CBN News.

- [John] All right, great reporting.

Thank you, Brody.

Coming up, a shocking turnof events at the Olympics.

The medal count and where things stand

for the US after this.

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(rhythmic music)

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(uplifting music)

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- Tonight, a shocker for theUS women's gymnastics team.

Superstar gymnast Simone Bilesis out of the team finals.

Now Team USA is the winnerof the silver medal,

falling second to the Russians.

After USA gymnastics said in a statement

that Biles withdrewdue to a medical issue,

the gymnast said it was the emotional toll

of the Olympic Games andnot a physical injury

that led her to withdraw,adding in an interview

that being head star isn't an easy feat.

The US now leads inthe overall medal count

with 25 gold, silver, andbronze medals combined.

And in the race for gold,China and the US are tied

at nine per country.

Japan leads with 10 gold medals.

- Well joining us now is Kevin Drake,

executive director of Upward Sports.

Kevin, thanks for coming on today.

Let's just start right there.

How shocked were you withSimone Biles' early exit,

and what does this mean forthe US team in the Olympics?

- Yeah, well, it was a littleshocking to see her exit out.

However, if you look at statistics,

mental illness is a realchallenge across our nation,

and the pandemic certainlyled to some of that.

And so we wish her well, obviously,

as she competes in future events.

But she's been a greatasset to the Olympic team

and it's a joy to watch herand continue to root for her.

- Your organization, Upward Sports,

is focused on sports ministryand how churches can use it

to reach out to their community.

How do the Olympics reallyhighlight the importance of that?

- Yeah, well, it's interesting

to be able to watch the Olympics

and you see all of thesecountries coming together

and all the barriers being broken down,

all the differences,through the power of sports

to unite people.

And as a Christian organization

that partners with churchesall across the nation,

we love seeing the power ofsports to help local churches

to re-engage their congregations

and engage their communitiesto spread the gospel.

That's why Upward Sports exists,

to help churches to spreadthe gospel of Jesus Christ.

- So Kevin, along those lines,

tell us about your sports programming

and how you're trying tohelp churches reach out

to their own communities,inspire kids to discover Jesus

through their passion for sports.

- Yeah, we're seeing a greatawakening since the pandemic

where churches are realizingas they're figuring out how...

Pastors are sitting around saying,

"How do I engage my community?

How do I reengage my congregation

to get them active again?"

And so we're seeingchurches across the nation

come to Upward and joining us as partners

to be able to run sports leagues,

whether it's at their campus

or some area where they have rented

to be able to spread thegospel through sports.

And so it's an exciting timeas our country reengages

in what is becoming more of asort of a post-pandemic era.

- Kevin, is there a sport oran event or maybe an athlete

who you're particularlyinterested in this Olympics?

- Yeah, well obviouslyswimming is fun for me.

I sorta miss Michael Phelps.

But I love watching the swimmingevents and Katie Ledecky

and some of those athletes compete.

And so we love sports here at Upward

and, more than that, welove sharing the gospel.

And so it's fun to watch the Olympics

and it's also exciting to seethe local church use sports

to leverage that powerto witness to others

to be an example for Christ.

- Well, we certainly love it.

Kevin Drake with Upward Sports,

thank you so much for making time for us.

- Thank you so much. Have a great day.

- [Jenna] Up next, one of ourown CBN News photojournalists

recounts being on theCapitol on January 6th.

What he says made him stopand pray amid the chaos.

(dramatic music)

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- Welcome back.

On January 6th, many people showed up

at the United States Capitolfor just another day of work,

including one of our own.

- That's right, CBN Newsphotojournalist Mario Gonzalez,

who's often covering theHill with Abigail Robertson,

was there early that morningfor a prescheduled interview

with a member of Congress.

After the events of that day,

I asked Mario to walkme through what he saw.

You were up on Capitol Hillway early Wednesday morning.

Can you describe the scene?

- Because we knew that itwas gonna be a big day,

I had to get there early.

So I got there at about4:45 in the morning,

just hoping and praying thatthere was a spot available.

Some of the other cameramen

on the location were kind ofgiggling and laughing at me

as I walked up with all my gear,

like, "You're number five.

We're having to turn away."

- [John] He thought about setting up

at an outdoor location for media.

- And I was like, "No,it's gonna be too cold."

- [John] But instead, took a gamble.

- I think I'm going to ask for forgiveness

and park right here.


And so that's what I did.

- [John] A decisionwith divine implications

for his protection andspiritual intervention.

Mario eventually made hisway to the Capitol Building.

- You could easily start to feel

the atmosphere kind of change,

that, okay, this can potentiallybecome a major news story.

So the cameraman in me, thejournalist in me was like,

"Okay, let me try to figure out a way

how to get out there togo see what's going on."

So that's when I started to make my moves.

So I get up the escalators

and my first view is isa Capitol Police officer

sitting down on a chair andmedical staff attending to him

and they're cleaning out his eyes.

I immediately changed.

I went from journalist to prayer warrior.

And I got up the escalator and I saw

maybe around six Capitol Police officers

being attended to by medical staff

and my heart just sunk.

And so I'm there, I'm lookingat these police officers,

and I just started to pray.

- [John] A response thatcaptures Mario's heart

and mentality.

He saw other officers hurtand started to pray for them,

but was confronted.

- A police officer ran up towards me,

"No filming, no photos."

And I'm like, "I'm not."

He's like...

And I said, "I'm here to pray."

And he was like, "What?"

I was like, "I'm here to pray.

I want to pray."

"Thank you."

- You and your co-worker,Abigail Robertson,

who cover Capitol Hill, youboth see this as a mission,

not just an assignment.

- We do.

This is an opportunity thatnot very many photogs get,

and that they, thisministry has trusted me

with the responsibility tocapture what takes place

at this location is a great honor.

- Did you allow your mind towander and think the worst?

- No.- Why is that?

- Well, my time living in Israel

I think prepared me for moments like this,

where you learn to keepyour head on a swivel

and you learn to be prayed up.

I think that God's given me the grace

to walk this out, tobe in a place like this

during a time like this,

to be able to handlemyself professionally,

and that's the way I should.

- Great to work with people like Mario

who have a big heart.

We spoke earlier today.

He says where we are morethan six months later

is heartbreaking, adding that his prayer

is for people to overcometheir differences,

treat each other howthey want to be treated,

and see each other as Christ sees us.

- [Jenna] Great interview, John.

Still ahead, a miraculousrescue of a mother and child.

You're watching CBN's "Faith Nation."

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- Finally tonight, an amazing rescue

after a drunk driverstruck a woman and her baby

before smashing intoa New York barbershop.

- Two Yonkers police officersteamed up with the bystanders

to lift the car off ofthe eight-month-old baby

who was trapped underneath.

- [Officer] I got it. I got the baby.

I got the baby.

Hold up. Hold up.

(mom screaming)

Okay, we gotcha.

We gotcha.

- [Jenna] He got the baby.

The heroic team found themother and the daughter

in the wreckage and worked to free them.

Both the mother and daughter escaped

with fractures and burns,

but are expected tosurvive their injuries.

- Oh my goodness.

Just amazing to see- Dramatic view.

- how they both were able to survive that.

- Yeah, I'm so glad they're okay

and that it's a happy,happy ending to that story.

- Well, thanks forwatching "Faith Nation."

- Have a great night.

(uptempo music)

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