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Bible Theater: Gideon - The Superbook Show

Morgan acts out the story of Gideon from the Bible. Read Transcript

- Hey, Superbook Show.

Do you ever get that feeling

that God is telling you to do something,

but you're not completely sure?

It would sure be nice if God were

to send you some kind of sign, right?

Well, there was once a man named Gideon,

who felt that same exact way.

Check out Judges 6 inyour Superbook Bible app

to read the full story.

(audience clapping)

Better hide these from the Midianites.

They can small a CheesePuff from a mile away,

and I can't have himsteal my family's food.

- What's up, Mighty Hero.

The Lord is with you.

- Is he, though?

Why are we under thethumb of the Midianites?

- You're a strong young man--

go and rescue Israel from the Midianites.

I'm sending you.

- Me?

I can't save anyone.

I am the weakest memberof the weakest clan

of the weakest tribe.

- I will be with you.

- If you're really the Lord,then I'll give you an offering

and see what happens.

(plate sliding)


- Hey, thanks!

- Oh, no!

I saw the face of the Lord!

I'm gonna die!

- Chill, dude; you're not gonna die.

- Oh.



I'm gonna go lead that army now.

- Go on.

I'll be with you.



I know you're the Lord,

but I'm gonna need more proofto know that you want me

to save Israel.

So, I'm going to take this towel,

and I'm going to leave it on the floor.

When I come back in the morning,

if the towel is wet, butthe ground around it is dry,

then I'll know that youwant me to go save Israel.

- Easy.


- All right.


See you in the morning.

(chicken wails)


No way!

You did it.

Dry and... wet?

- I know, right?

Now it's time for youto go to destroy Midian!

- Don't be mad.

Obviously you want Israel to be rescued,

but I just want to make surethat it's me you want to do it.

- Of course you do.

- So, I'll leave this towel here.

And then, in the morning,

if I check on it and thearea around it is wet,

but the towel's dry, then I'll do it.

- No problem.

- All right.


See you again in the morning.

(chicken wails)


I can't believe it.

It's wet.

Towel dry.

All right.

Well... what about thosedishes in the sink?

- Seriously?

- If I come back out in themorning and they're clean,

then I'll do it.

- Done.

(finger snaps)

- Whoa!


All right.

What about this pile of laundry?


If it's folded, then I'll go.

(finger snaps)



How about that carpet?

See how dirty it is?

- Now you're just using meto clean your whole house.

Quit lollygagging, andgo rescue the Israelites.

- Sure.


Wish me luck.

- "Bye"?

Weren't you listing?

I'll be with you!

(finger snaps)

(audience clapping)

- It's okay to sometimesfeel like getting in

and just want to show

that the Lord is really talking to you,

but here's the thing,

Gideon didn't have the Holy Spirit,

and we do.

That's why it's so importantto pray, read your bible,

and practice listeningto the voice of the Lord.

And if you're still notsure, talk to your parents,

grandparents, or someone in your church

that you know is in tunewith the Holy Spirit.

Gideon thought that he was alone,

but we can rest assured in the knowledge

that we are never alone.

The Lord is with us.

And, even though he approached

with hesitance and uncertainty,

Gideon remained obedient to God

and was able to do everythingthat God said he would.

So, if you think God istelling you to do something

and you're a little unsureyou want to double-check,

that's okay.

But, after you've prayedand talk with your mentors,

be ready to be obedient toGod in what he asks you to do.

His word is forever alive.

Hey, guys.

Thanks for joining me today.

For the full story of Gideon,

be sure to download theSuperbook Bible app.

And, if there are any other bible stories

you'd like to see us act out,

be sure to email us

And don't forget

to check out

for more videos and devotionals.


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