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Lip-Synching YouTube Sensations Navigate Life Together

YouTube stars Kristin and Danny Adams share the secret to marriage success in their upcoming book, “The Road to Love and Laughter.” Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- Well, she was a DallasCowboy cheerleader,

a top 30 "American Idol"finalist and a TV host.

He was a football player,a Hollywood stuntman

and a comedian.

But none of that brought

Kristin and Danny Adams worldwide fame.

- So what did?

Take a look.

- [Narrator] Lip sync sensations,Kristin and Danny Adams

became YouTube starsovernight when their video,

which has now been watchedover 300 million times,

went mega viral.

Although this duo believeslaughter is the best medicine,

they're quick to pointout they're not perfect

and don't have it all together.

In their book, "The Roadto Love and Laughter"

Kristin and Danny share challenges

they faced in their marriage

and tools they'vediscovered to help keep joy

throughout the journey.

- Please welcome to "The 700Club" Kristin and Danny Adams.

It's good to have you both with us.

- Thank you, Terry, thanksso much for having us.

- Well, Danny, let me start with you,

how did you and Kristin meet?

- We met in Hollywood, I'mfrom Indianapolis, originally

Kristin's from Dallas, Texas,

but we met in Los Angelesand we were at a little

chili party, some friendswere throwing a little party

that was serving chili.

- It was like a chili, comeover and have some chili,

with some Southern Midwest people.

- That's right and so I was there,

I knew everyone in the roomand then Kristin walks in

and she was the newgirl and I'm like, hey,

who's the pretty new girl?

Let's go introduce ourselves to her.

- I didn't even rememberthe first time we met,

I was telling a differentversion of it for a long time

and then Danny leanedover and he's like, babe,

we actually met beforethat, at the house party,

it was a big deal for me,apparently not for you,

but we were both,

like you mentioned pursuingcareers in entertainment.

I was out for "American Idol"and we met at this house party

and that was how our friendship began.

- Obviously she didn't.

- It's a tough row to hoe out in LA,

Kristin, you burned out inthe Hollywood spotlight,

tell us what happened.

- Well, I auditioned for thefirst season of "American Idol"

like 20 years ago you guys,

so yeah, I made it to the top 30,

in Season One when Kelly Clarkson won,

and that drastically changedthe trajectory of my life.

I found myself from a college dorm room

when I was going to TCU and then

all of a sudden overnightI'm on a stage in LA singing

and asking people tocall in and vote for me,

and I ended up getting voted off

right when they went fromthe top 30 to the top 10,

so I always tell people I'mnumber 11 on season one,

'cause it could have been.

And so after that, thenthey asked me to come back.

Well, I actually asked fora job on the second season

and I was like, hey, Ilove television hosting.

I mean, singing was greatbut after being in Hollywood

and watching, you know,Seacrest host the show

and all these things, I was like,

that's a better deal because

Simon Cowell doesn't judgehis at the end of his segment.

I was like, let's do that,

and they actually gave me a job.

And I talk about that inour book about just asking,

you never know,

like you could be one stepaway from some amazing,

amazing thing, we just have to ask.

And so they brought meon the second season

and that's what starteda hosting career for me.

I was like the hardestworking cable television host

that no one knew for 15years in Los Angeles, so.

But like you mentioned,

it was a 15 year careerfor both Danny and I

in the entertainment industry,

but really like the purpose-driven stuff

that's like blowing ourminds right now to watch

has really been happeningin the last five years

since we started makingvideos for the internet.

- Well, Danny, you and Kristin wound up

in the course of all of this

in your relationship living together,

and then what happenedafter the two of you

started going to church?

- Wow, we were, as a dating relationship,

we had the high highs and thelow lows, and at that time,

which was now 15, some years ago,

we just had no coping methods at the time,

we were very immature.

- We weren't going to church regularly.

- We weren't going to church,

we weren't making Christ Lord of our life.

But yeah, we just,

I think it was the crazy cycle we ran of

having no coping methods,

dragging old fights into current fights,

and I just knew thatthere had to be a change,

and I knew in my heart, I wasconvicted that I just wasn't

giving him the throne of my heart and so,

so I went to church, askedKristin if she would go with me.

- And it really scared me Terry,

because this was back when we were dating,

we both grew up in the church,

but had kind of fallen awaywith our walks with the Lord

out in LA,

and so we were living togetherbefore we were married,

we were doing all thesethings that we just knew

was out of God's order,

and so Danny gets the crazy idea

in the midst of our fightsand all those things

that we should start going to church,

and I wasn't really feeling it at first

'cause I'm like, I grew up,

I grew up in the belt buckleof the Bible belt in Dallas.

Like I've been to church my whole life,

it feels good, but

it's not gonna helpthe mess that we're in.

And so he's like, well,we're going, so I went,

he instantly rededicateshis life to Jesus that day.

And it scared me 'cause Ihad to go home with him.

- What does that mean?

- What does that mean, you know?

And he like starts readingthe Bible every day,

and then when I would startmy normal things of like

trying to, you know, picka fight or whatever it was,

and he wasn't fighting backas much because, you know,

Jesus was in his heart now

and he had the fruitsof the spirit operating.

I'm like, this is not fun anymore,

he is not fighting back,

and I have something to sayand it just really kind of,

you know, it was like a hornet's nest,

so that stirred the hornet's nest

of things that were goingon in our relationship,

but ultimately for the good, you know,

like we had to deal with these issues,

we ended up moving out

and during our datingrelationship for three years,

a year and a half we datedwithout the Lord in our life,

and we were living together,like I said, all those things,

we move out, we break up,

I rededicate my life to Jesus

about eight months after Dannydid, and then we dated again,

but we tried our best to pursue it

with God in our life at that point.

- I just wanna jump in here and say again,

how God uses everything

especially the hard things we go through

to teach us lessons

and then to allow us toshare that with other people,

we have just a minute left,

can you tell us about your lip sync video

that went mega viral,

you had to be shocked.

- We were shocked.- Very shocked.

We moved from LA toIndiana five years ago,

that was like a God thing too,

that we don't have timeto tell you about this,

but we get to Indiana,

we start posting videoson the internet every week

and all of a sudden we postthis one on a Sunday night,

we would go to bed and wewake up the next morning

and we thought ourFacebook page was broken

because the count just keptgoing up by the millions,

and people started followingus from all over the world

and we were getting all these comments,

you guys look amazing,

your marriage must be great.

And we were like, wait, no,

we have issues just like everybody else.

- Well, I wanna mention to folks

that your book is called "TheRoad to Love and Laughter

Navigating the Twists andTurns of Life Together".

It's available where books are sold,

thank you both of you.

What a wonderful story of God,

taking what was tough

and making something special out of it.

Great to have you withus today, thank you.

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