(tense music)
- [John] Tonight.
Supreme threat?
This commission was established
because President Trumpappointed three justices.
- [John] The debate over whetherexpanding the Supreme Court
helps or hurts the cause of justice.
- Any reform thatdiminishes the independence
of the Supreme Court should be rejected.
(gavel pounds)
- [Jenna] Plus, food fight.
(bell dings)
- Ben & Jerry's, you shouldbe ashamed of yourself
for your hypocrisy.
- [Jenna] The fallout over apopular ice cream company's
international protest.
- It doesn't make anysense, but it makes sense
if you're anti-Semiticand you hate Israel.
- [John] And,
leading by kneeling and praying.
- This is such a blessing, man.
This is only God.
- [John] An all men's movement
aiming to strengthen thefamily and transform society.
- All this and moretonight on "Faith Nation."
(rhythmic music)
Court packing or preservingdemocracy and equality?
Good evening. I'm Jenna Browder.
- And I'm John Jessup.
Tonight, we begin with a battle
to expand the US Supreme Court.
President Biden's commission tasked
with looking into the matter recently met
to hear from judicial experts.
- Yeah, conservatives andliberals both weighing in.
Here's CBN's George Thomas.
- President Biden's SupremeCourt commission met virtually
for the third time thisweek, and once again,
the debate about adding more judges
to the nation's highestcourt took center stage.
The 36-member commissionlistened to hours-long testimony
from more than two dozen experts
on the court's nomination process,
its makeup, and how longjudges should serve.
Among those testifying, a group of lawyers
who often appear beforethe Supreme Court justices.
They call proposals to pack the court
with more judges counterproductive.
- Increasing the number of justices
represents an escalation ofthe problem, not a solution.
And a larger bench could makearguments less productive,
deliberations more difficult,and yield even more opinions
with less clarity in the law.
- [George] The court hasremained at nine justices
since 1869, and nowthat conservatives hold
a six to three majority, some progressives
like Nan Aron with theliberal Alliance for Justice
are pressuring the Bidenadministration to add more.
She sees the current makeup of the court
as a threat to democracythat needs reforming.
- The court today ispartisan, politicized,
and anti-democratic.
In fact, Republicans areusing this undemocratic
and partisan majority on the court
to cement their own powerand enact an unpopular agenda
that they cannot achieve legislatively.
- [George] Commission members
also heard testimony from those for
and against justices servingon the bench for life.
- Many respected scholarssupport staggered 18-year terms.
While the potential benefits are real,
I doubt it would be a panacea.
18 years is still a long time
and tying the court's membership
to the results of eachpresidential election
might actually ramp up partisan rhetoric
and lead to even more contentiousconfirmation hearings.
- [George] Biden'sSupreme Court Commission,
formed in April, is made up of dozens
of mostly liberal scholars and activists.
Conservatives have blastedthe president's proposal
to overhaul the high court.
The commission plannedtwo more public meetings,
after which they willpresent their final reports
to the president in November.
George Thomas, CBN News.
- Thank you, George.
And joining us now withmore as Giancarlo Canaparo
with The Heritage Foundation.
Giancarlo, great to have you today.
You know, some say reform is needed.
Others disagree.
We just heard from yourHeritage colleague there,
John Malcolm.
Tell us why you believe, like him,
that the changes to the court
would create more problems than it solves.
- Yeah, well, one thingI'd like to start off with
is challenging the underlying assumption
that the Supreme Court is political.
We heard that from Nan Aaron.
But when you look at what theSupreme Court does every term,
politics can onlypossibly explain, at most,
10% of what the court does.
The court hands downdozens of cases every term.
The vast majority ofthem are either unanimous
or split with only oneor two judges in dissent.
And when you factor insort of a political lens
and you look at the court'scases, only 10 at most,
in fact, this term, it was seven cases,
only seven or eight casescan be explained as politics.
So if you want to challengethe court as being political,
you have to explainwhat the rest of the 90%
of the court's docket is,and it's just not political,
so that argument just doesn't hold up.
And what this court packing push
and court reform push is all about
is the fact that Democrats have lost
in the political arena.
They failed to earnenough seats in the Senate
to push through Obama's nominees.
They failed to earnenough seats in the Senate
to stop Trump's nominees.
And what this reflects is a willingness
on the part of Democratsto take political fights
into the constitutional arena.
The Constitution sets sortof guidelines, if you will,
in which we have our political fights,
but the Democrats are willing
to throw the Constitution out entirely
to get that politicalvictory that they want.
- Looking back at history,does history prove or disprove
that the court, as it standswith nine justices, works?
- Absolutely.
We have had nine justicesfor more than 160 years,
with one brief blip during the Civil War,
and it has worked over time.
The justices are typically,
it is a plurality of theircases, if not a majority,
where they are unanimous.
In fact, over time, inthe recent, last 30 years,
that trend has only been positive.
Now we're seeing a majority of cases,
sometimes more than 60% of cases,
where the court is unanimous.
They are more effective, more congenial,
more unanimous than Congress is by miles.
And in fact, they are the mostunanimous, most collegial,
and most trusted branch of government.
They have been for more than 100 years
and that hasn't changed.
- All right, Giancarlo Canaparo
with The Heritage Foundation,
we thank you for joiningus, for your expertise,
and for your time.
- Thank you.- My pleasure.
- Meanwhile, the battleover infrastructure
is also raging on Capitol Hill.
Republican senators speaking out today
about the Democrat effortto pass President Biden's
$3.5 trillion human infrastructure plan
through reconciliation.
Senator Lindsey Grahamsays this kind of spending
is not a good idea in an economysuffering from inflation.
- This is a nightmarefor American business.
It's gonna be a nightmarefor American consumers
if this reconciliation bill passes.
It will take an inflationproblem that we have today
and pour jet fuel on it.
- Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell
echoed Graham's concern,accusing Democrats
of playing Russianroulette with the economy.
- And speaking of the economy,
while many Americans feel the squeeze
of inflation on their pocketbooks,
the administration is promisingprices will go back down.
- Yeah, will that happen,
or is it just more of a political wish
in the midterms quickly approaching?
CBN White House CorrespondentEric Philips has the story.
- [Eric] You can't miss it.
Americans are paying morefor the food they eat,
the cars they drive, andthe gas that fuels them.
Republicans are pointing thefinger of blame at Democrats,
who are in majority power,
especially the chiefDemocrat, President Biden.
- He's continued to cause crisesfor every American family.
Gas prices are up 45.1%.
Used cars and trucks are up 45.2%.
Fruit at the grocery store is up 7.3%.
Milk is up 5.6%.
- [Eric] The president insisting
the increases are temporary.
- Economists call all thesethings transitory effects
and they account for about60% of the price increases
we've seen over the last last few months.
- [Eric] But even if that's true,
people across all socioeconomic lines
are still feeling the pinch right now.
According to a recentlyreleased Fox News poll,
83% of respondents areconcerned about inflation.
- We did notice thedairy stuff is going up.
- I usually spend maybe20% more, 10% more.
- The cost of produce has gone up,
especially, like, we shop at Whole Foods
and anything organic is expensive.
- [Eric] A separate poll being released
by Republican non-profitAmerican Action Network
indicates 88% of voterssay they are worried
about the rising cost of living,
73% about about possible tax increases.
- And Joe Biden, by the way,
promised he wouldn't raisetaxes on hard-working families.
And yet he already has
because inflation hits thelowest income people the hardest.
- [Eric] Republicans see an opportunity
with the upcoming midtermsbecause higher prices resonate
with voters across allsocioeconomic levels.
Republicans hope it's their ticket
to regaining power in Congress
and maybe even convincing someto change political parties
in light of what they callBiden runaway spending.
Case in point, a $3.5 trillionbudget reconciliation package
to fund social programsranging from child care
to free college tuition toenvironmental initiatives.
- And Eric Phillips joins us now.
Eric, let's pick upright where you left off.
How are Democrats respondingto this criticism?
Clearly, they want to keep the needle
from moving too far aheadof the midterm election
and give Republicans the advantage
when it comes to the economy.
- Well, they absolutely dowant to keep that needle
from moving too far.
And at this moment in time,
it is an uphill battlebecause, let's face it,
when you go to the grocery store
and you're spending more money,
when you're paying more on every hand,
all you have is a promisethat things will get better,
but you know what you'reexperiencing right now.
So that's why Republicans areseizing on this opportunity.
Democrats are hoping thatthe situation will change
before the 2022 elections roll around,
that it won't even be an issue then.
But one thing is for sure,
they say no matter where inflation stands
come the midterm elections, they're hoping
that voters will bear inmind a couple of things.
One, they're hopingthat they will remember
this White House's commitmentto getting people vaccinated,
to all of their vaccination efforts.
And two, they hope they will remember
the American Rescue Planthat this White House pushed
and that it passed without the signature
of one single Republican,though they say that plan
has certainly benefitedAmericans in an immense way,
especially during these tough times.
- Eric, those polls you mentioned,
how reliable are they at providing insight
into public sentiment?
If you can, in about 30 seconds.
- Yeah, well, nothing is perfect, right?
You can't really say
that a poll is evergonna be 100% accurate.
It depends on who you get on the phone,
whether they're going to give accurate
and true answers to thequestions that are asked,
and whether those answersactually represent the masses.
But as Nathan Gonzalez toldus here on "Faith Nation"
just the other day, he saidhe continues to believe
that polling is imperfect,but a yet useful way
to look at the situation at hand,
and that really holds true,
whether you're talking about elections,
whether you're talking
about people- Right.
- discussing inflationor whatever it may be.
- All right, that hasto be the final word.
Eric Phillips, thanks so much.
- All right.
- [Jenna] Coming up, lifeexpectancy in the United States
now the lowest it'sbeen since World War II.
The question is, why?
(uptempo music)
(driving music)
(protesters shouting)
(foot stomping)
- But having sex beforeyou're married is a bad idea.
- [Man] Don't tell me there'sno such thing as gun violence.
- That just depends on yourdefinition of when life begins.
- [Announcer] Watch Dan and Dale
tackle trending topicsthat test your faith
on the next "Faithwire"Monday night at 8:30
on the CBN News Channel.
- [Announcer] "The Global Lane"takes you around the world,
providing facts over fiction.
- What might rising tradeand geopolitical tensions
mean for you on the home front?
- [Announcer] With over45 years of experience,
award-winning journalist Gary Lane
brings you the truth from a global angle.
- What about the issue of immigration?
- [Announcer] World news analysis
you won't see anywhere else.
- And it's all right hereon "The Global Lane."
- [Announcer] Thursday night at 8:30
on the CBN News Channel.
(upbeat music)
♪ And where there's joy, there's action ♪
♪ It's like a great attraction ♪
♪ That starts a chain reaction ♪
♪ Moving on, more satisfaction ♪
♪ I know the way is joy ♪
♪ Makes me move ♪
♪ I got the joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy's in the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy's in the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy's in the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
- Welcome back.
Americans' lifespansis at its lowest point
since World War II, downoverall by a year and a half.
The decline mainly attributed to COVID-19,
according to the Centers forDisease Control and Prevention.
Experts say coronavirus is responsible
for close to 74% of the decline.
A full 11% of the 3.3 milliondeaths in America last year
were from COVID.
That number is higher thanany other year in US history.
- Well COVID-19 andfireworks on Capitol Hill.
Tonight, Senator Rand Paulsays he will send a letter
to the Department of Justice
asking for a criminal investigationinto Dr. Anthony Fauci.
The two clashing yesterdayin a Senate hearing.
The Senator accusingFauci of lying to Congress
about US involvement with theWuhan Institute of Virology.
That's the lab at the center
of the COVID-19 lab leak theory.
Paul believes US grant moneyFauci approved for the lab
went to gain-of-functionresearch on deadly viruses.
Fauci categorically denies the accusation.
Senator Paul tells CBN Newshe's not letting up on this.
- We're going to be referring this
to the Department of Justiceas a criminal matter.
It is a crime to lie to Congress.
We do believe that he isstill lying to Congress,
that he is saying it didn'thappen when it did happen.
- Paul says he doubtsthe Biden administration
will investigate, but that he plans
to keep bringing up the issue
so that it doesn't happen again.
And here now to discuss,
CBN News Chief PoliticalAnalyst David Brody.
David, this is certainlynot the first time
we've seen these two spar andit surely won't be the last.
What do you make of it all?
- No, you're right.
This has been going on for quite a while.
It's kind of like "The Days of Our Lives,"
starring Rand Paul and Dr. Fauci.
Look, the big questionI have in all of this,
'cause let's be clear,let's take a step back,
they're always gonna disagree
on whether or not it'sgain-of-function or not.
The question is, where'sthe media on this?
Why does Rand Paul haveto be the journalist here?
Where is the deep digging by the media?
We haven't seen it.
We've not seen any deep dives at all.
And I think that's the concern.
So Rand Paul is, in essence, vilified
in many of the media headlines today
for going after Fauci,and everybody's saying
Fauci got the best of Rand Paul.
Look, why is the medianot digging on this?
I think that's really the key question.
There's a lot of unanswered questions.
And you know, viewers andAmericans overall need answers.
- Another thing Senator Paul is proposing,
he's proposing a bill that would repeal
the mask mandate on airplanes.
David, this is coming justafter we saw the Delta variant
of COVID-19 flare upamong the Texas lawmakers
who flew into DC earlier.
They came in maskless
and we're seeing somemask mandates return.
How is this playing out politically?
- Well, we're gonna seemore of an increase in this.
I was talking to a couple of sources
close into the conservative world,
a bit in the Trump orbit,and they're very concerned
that here we go again interms of mask mandates,
that it's not just gonna be Los Angeles,
that it will start to increase
in cities and countiesacross this country.
Look, I think there's obviouslypolitics at play here,
but the truth of the matter is,
and this is CDC numbers here,so Jack Dorsey, have a seat,
you don't need a fact check me on this,
it's about 1.8% in terms ofthe people that die of COVID,
and that's CDC.
So, it's obviously a minusculeamount of people that die.
And so I think this timearound with the Delta variant
and, who knows, what'snext, the Jet Blue variant,
the American Airlines...
You know what I'm trying to say.
The point is that we'regonna be going through this
for a very long time.
I just wonder, John and Jenna,
if people are just gonna say, "Enough.
You know, look, we got it.
We shut down for a year, it was horrible,
but we're ready to moveon with our lives."
And with the 1.8% chance of dying,
I just wonder if peopleare just gonna not take it
as much this time around.
- All right, well, David Brody,
we have to leave it there, but thank you.
We always love having you on.
Good to see you.
- Thank you. You too, Jenna.
- Well House MinorityLeader Kevin McCarthy
will pull all Republican membersfrom the committee tasked
with investigating theJanuary 6th Capitol Hill riot.
The move coming afterSpeaker Nancy Pelosi today
tossed out two of hispicks for the committee.
- This is the people'sHouse, not Pelosi's House.
We will do our job though.
We asked to do our job.
We want to do our job.
- McCarthy says he may object
to the people Pelosi put on the committee,
but at the same time, herespects her right to do so.
- Congress could soon beconsidering a new bill
aimed at prohibitingcolleges and universities
from offering abortionprocedures to students.
Texas Congressman ChipRoy introduced the bill
after lawmakers inCalifornia recently passed
another measure that requiresall state universities
to provide abortionpills on their campuses
by the year 2023.
Pro-life advocates say Roy'scounter bill is needed.
- Schools should not be in the business
of ending the lives of future students.
This does not bring hope.
This does not bring a future.
Corporate abortion will push
these deadly pills wherever they can.
This is why we desperately need
the Protecting Life on College Campus Act.
- The measure would withholdfunding to any college
or university that offersthose abortion procedures.
Stay with us.
There's more "FaithNation" right after this.
(light music)
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- [Announcer] Wednesday at3:00 on the CBN News Channel.
(patriotic music)
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Call the 700 Club.
- Welcome back.
An international disputeinvolving an ice cream company
is heating up afterBen & Jerry's announced
it would stop selling its products
to Israeli settlements in the West Bank.
- Yeah, some call it anti-Semitic.
Others call it a victoryfor the Boycott, Divestment,
and Sanctions movement against Israel.
As CBN's Chris Mitchell reports,
Israel is pushing back.
- [Chris] Israeli ForeignMinister Yair Lapid
went on the offensive afterBen & Jerry's ice cream
announced it will nolonger sell its products
in Jewish communities in the West Bank
and Jewish neighborhoodsin Eastern Jerusalem.
(Yair speaking Hebrew)
- [Interpreter] Ben & Jerry's decision
is a shameful surrender to anti-Semitism.
To BDS, to all that isevil in the anti-Israel
and anti-Jewish discourse,we won't stay silent.
- [Chris] Ben & Jerry'sdecision gives a boost to BDS
that has targeted Israelfor more than a decade.
(Yair speaking Hebrew)
- [Interpreter] Morethan 30 states in the US
have anti-BDS submissionlaws passed in recent years.
I'm gonna go one by one and require them
to enforce these anti Ben & Jerry's laws
because they will not treat us in this way
without encountering a response.
- [Chris] Israel's ambassadorto the US Gilad Erdan
tweeted that he sent a letterto 35 US state governors,
saying, "I ask you to consider
speaking out againstthe company's decision
and taking any other relevantsteps, including in relation
to your state laws and commercial dealing
between Ben & Jerry's and your state."
Ben & Jerry's issued a statement,
saying it was inconsistent with its values
for its ice cream to besold in what it called
occupied Palestinian territory.
But its parent company, Unilever, said
it had prevented the ice cream maker
from boycotting Israel proper too.
Israel gained controlof the West Bank, Gaza,
and all Jerusalem duringthe 1967 Six-Day War.
Known as Judea and Samaria,
some 700,000 Israelis live in areas
they believe are part oftheir biblical heritage.
(Yossi speaking Hebrew)
- [Interpreter] We are herebuilding the land of Israel,
realizing the eternalvalues of the Jewish people,
and the whole civilization andI am calling on every person
also here in Israel, everyhonest man, seeker of justice,
to boycott the internationaldisgraceful company, Unilever.
- [Chris] Israeli residentsin Judea and Samaria
spoke out against the boycott.
- It doesn't make anysense, but it makes sense.
If you're anti-Semitic and youhate Israel, this is perfect.
Do it over something moreimportant that ice cream.
- Ben & Jerry's, therehave been other companies
that have done, like, they'recapitulating to the woke mob
saying, "Oh, we're protectingthe interests of our values
and the oppressed people."
You are not.
You are taking away theirjobs, just like SodaStream.
Ben & Jerry's, you shouldbe ashamed of yourself
for your hypocrisy.
- The Palestinian Authorityapplauded the boycott,
calling it legal and moral.
And the PalestineSolidarity Campaign tweeted,
"This is huge.
Very important step by Ben & Jerry's
and a message to whilecomplicit companies.
The tide of history is turning."
In 2018, Airbnb launched a boycott
of bed and breakfast placesin Israeli communities
in the West Bank.
But it didn't last long,
crumbling in the faceof a number of lawsuits.
Unlike this coffee flavor,the boycott has inspired
a number of satiricalflavors on social media
by those opposing theboycott, including one called
Push the Jews into theSea Salt and Caramel.
Israelis are now hoping thisboycott by Ben & Jerry's
will melt away in the summer heat.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.
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- Finally tonight,
nearly 30,000 men metfor a time of reflection
and transformation last weekend in Dallas.
- Husbands, fathers, and brothers
attended this year's PromiseKeepers men's conference
with a goal of becomingstronger Christian leaders.
- [Nick] His grace is sufficient for you.
That's the promise of God, and my God,
the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
is the promise keeper.
- And the two-day conferencewas held at AT&T Stadium,
home to the Dallas Cowboys.
And it looks like they had a huge showing.
- A great event, and I know many people
were watching from thechurches and at home.
- Well that is going todo it for this Wednesday.
- Have a great night.