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Faith Nation: July 20, 2021


(mid tempo music)

- [Announcer] Tonight, mixed messaging.

- Feasibility ofdetermining who's vaccinated

and who's not among students

is really gonna be challenging.

- [Announcer] New guidancefor kids and masks

as the Delta variant ripsthrough the United States.

And as the US blamesChina for cyber attacks,

a look at a critical pieceof Chinese made hardware.

- Transformers have beencalled by many people,

the Achilles heel of the electric grid.

- [announcer] Plus(shuttle engine roaring)

billionaire Jeff Bezos, and three others

make history launching into space.

All this and more tonighton "Faith Nation."

(upbeat music)

- COVID cases on the climbagain in the United States.

Welcome to faith Nation I'm Jenna Browder.

- Good evening, I'm John Jessup.

The highly contagious Delta variant,

now accounts for 83% of allsequenced COVID-19 cases

here in the United States.

- The CDC says the US is now averaging

30,000 new coronavirus cases a day,

a spike in the weeklyaverage of nearly 300%

in just the last month.

Our senior Washingtoncorrespondent Tara Mergener,

is here now with the latest

and why sparks are flying on Capitol Hill.

- Well John and Jenna,

the discussion on CapitolHill turning testy

between the nation's topinfe&ctious disease expert

and a Senator as accusationsfly about the origins of COVID.

At a hearing intendedto chart a path forward.

Dr. Anthony Fauci foundhimself backtracking

and on the defense.

- And you are implying that what we did

was responsible for thedeaths of individual.

I totally resent that-- And it could have been.

- And if anybody is lyinghere senator, it is you.

- [Tara] Senator Rand Paul,

again, accusing Fauci oflying about NIH funding

for gain-of-function research in China.

A process which alters of pathogen

to make it more transmissible.

- [Rand] How you can say that

is not Gain-of-function-- It is not.

- [Rand] It's a dance andyou're dancing around this

because you're trying toobscure responsibility.

- [Tara] The two also atodds over whether people

remain at risk of COVIDafter they've had it

or been vaccinated.

Meanwhile, fears continueto rise along with cases,

thanks to the highlycontagious Delta variant,

as 37 states blame it for more patients

entering their hospitals.

- Over the last week, we haveaverage 239 deaths per day,

an increase of nearly48%, over the prior week.

- [Tara] Many of thesix said to be children.

- This is probably about the10th leading cause of death

for kids in the past year.

- [Tara] With a new schoolyear about to begin,

the question of maskwearing in the classroom

is again intensifying.

On Monday, the AmericanAcademy of Pediatrics

recommended universal masking in schools

for students and teachers alike.

- The feasibility of determining

who's vaccinated andwho's not among students

is really gonna be challenging.

- [Tara] Pressure is building on the CDC

to reverse its guidance torequire masks in schools,

regardless of vaccination status.

Right now, children under12 are not eligible.

Thousands of miles away in Tokyo

COVID is taking a growingtoll at the Olympic games.

An alternate on the US gymnastics team

becomes the latest to test positive.

This a day after one of America's

biggest tennis stars withdrew

after a positive test.(spectators applauding)

Meanwhile, the CDC still insisting

that the unvaccinated arestill the most vulnerable.

New CDC data is also showing COVID deaths

leading to major hardshipsfor American children

with nearly 120,000 losing aprimary caregiver to the virus.

John and Jenna.- All right, Tara Mergener.

Thank you very much.

And joining us now is John Quelch

University of Miami Business School Dean,

and a former professor ofhealth policy and management

at Harvard School of Public Health.

John, welcome.

It's great to have youwith us this evening.

New concerns over therise of the Delta variant

come as the Biden administration

struggles to reach its vaccination goal.

How can health officialsovercome vaccine hesitancy?

- It's an excellent question.

And obviously the latest data

and the virulence of the Delta variant

will actually help,

I think, nudge morepeople to get vaccinated

and younger people inparticular to be vaccinated

who have not participated

as widely in the vaccination program.

But basically what we need

is more of a precise targeted messaging

against particularpopulations and subgroups

who have different reasons

for not having so far been vaccinated.

If I can just briefly summarize

there's one group of minorityand perhaps rural Americans

who are still not succeeding

in accessing conveniently the vaccines,

they need to speak to trustedpeople in their communities

to help them gain accessto those vaccines.

Our second group,

young people who think they're invincible,

and it can't happen to them,

they need to hear from their peers,

people who they trust to tell them,

"Hey, it's not a goodthing to die from COVID,

"that's pretty dumb.

"Get vaccinated, you'renot gonna be a hero

"by not doing so."

And then thirdly, perhaps another group

that's tough to convince

are the individual freedoms/morelibertarian minded folks

who really don't like to betold what to do by government

and maybe 40 years ago

those are the people

who wouldn't have been wearing seatbelts,

when seatbelt wearing became mandatory.

So different groupsneed different messages

targeting their particular concerns

and their particular attitudes.

- You're talking about different groups,

but we know that you've written John,

that there's a right way and a wrong way

to get people vaccinated.

Can you explain what you mean by that?

- Well, I think the right way

is always to meet peopleon their own terms

and not to be authoritative,not to be judgmental.

There is of course,

a large plurality of Americans,

as there is in most countries,

who respect experts likeDr. Fauci, for example,

who accept science and follow accordingly

and trust the governmentto tell them what to do.

But there is a minority of people

and not insignificant minority

who are not interested inthat kind of an argument.

And when I say a rightway and the wrong way,

the right way is to meet people

on their own terms and dialogue.

For example, if you have a relative

who has not been vaccinated

or a coworker, who's not been vaccinated

and you've been vaccinated,

that's, it's no use to say to them,

"You're stupid for not being vaccinated."

You have to engage with that individual

on their terms and questions as to

why do you feel that wayand try and work them

towards a more positive disposition.

- Now, a new Axios-Ipsos poll

shows Americans are growing more concerned

about the COVID-19,

but they're also unwilling totake additional precautions

or to change their behavior.

Where does that leave health officials

in terms of fighting this virus?

- Yeah, so I thinkwithout repeating myself,

what we find typically isthat public health officials

very sincere people who trustscience and trust expertise,

and they are not necessarily versed

in how to convince people

who don't trust experts

and who don't trust science to do so.

They're not really attunedto managing the conversations

that are necessary withthese groups of people,

whether or not they are invincible

or for other reasonsdon't trust the expertise

of public health officials.

They are scientists first,communications experts second.

And if I can just illustratethis very briefly,

there's a document that was delivered

by the Surgeon General last week,

which is called "ConfrontingHealth Misinformation."

It's a very worthy documentat the strategic level,

but it really doesn't shine depth

about the tactics of messaging.

- Unfortunately we are out of time,

John Quelch with the Universityof Miami Business School.

Thank you so much for your insights

and being with us today.

- Thank you.

- Well to the battle over abortion

and the issue of using taxpayerdollars to pay for them.

The debate in Washington is heating up.

- Last week at key Congressional committee

voted to eliminate the Hyde Amendment,

a measure that prohibitsfederal funding of abortions

that both sides supported for decades.

For more on where things stand,

we turn now to our CapitolHill correspondent,

Abigail Robertson, Abigail.

- That's right John and Jenna,

for more than 40 years,

the Hyde Amendment has beenincluded in budget bills

with bipartisan support.

But this year, progressive Democrats

hope to end that tradition.

- They've taken a far left turnin terms of their ideology.

- [Abigael] Congressman John Moolenaar

told CBN News' "Faith Nation,"

he's disappointed many Democrats,

including president Joe Biden,

no longer support thelong standing measure.

- But now he has thrownthe taxpayers under the bus

and is also actively when youstart to subsidize abortion,

you're encouraging more of it

and he's very much changedhis tune on that and.

- Moolenaar believes weshould be using that money

to pay for abortion alternatives.

- We oughta be encouraging adoption,

we oughta be protectingthe lives of the unborn.

- [Abigael] He thinks the House

will likely pass the budget without Hyde,

but not the Senate.

- I'm optimistic that we can still have

a backstop in the Senate.

- [Abigael] Pro life advocates agree.

- A majority of Americans donot want their taxpayers' money

going to fund abortion.

- Quigley says GOP Senator Mike Bron

attended the Houseappropriations meeting last week

to send this message.

- If they send a bill back to the Senate,

that does not include the Hyde amendment

that forces taxpayers tofund abortion on demand

that this is simply a non-starter

and the bill is notgoing to pass the Senate

- [Abigael] Democratic Senator Joe Manchin

says he won't support abudget bill without Hyde.

- So far he's been very strong,

but we want of course to make sure

that he continues to hearfrom the Pro-life Movement

inside and outside of his state,

to know that he's representing more

than just West Virginia at this point,

because of the key role that he's playing

in this tight margin Senate.

- [Abigael] Even if Democratsdon't have Manchin support

Quigley believes it's unlikely,

they will concede by adding Hyde

to the appropriations bill.

- I think what's more likely

is that they will just continue to be

at a standoff on this issue

and they'll end up having topass continuing resolutions,

which would fund, thegovernment at the same level,

as we did under theTrump-Pence administration.

- Pro-life advocates alsoargue this as an issue

of justice and equality.

That's because the majorityof taxpayer funded abortions

performed within Medicaid

are disproportionatelyperformed on women of color,

John, Jenna.

- [John] All right, thank you, Abby.

Coming up, why tomorrow'sdeadline for a vote

could blow up President Biden's hopes

for bipartisan infrastructure deal.

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(mid tempo music)

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(upbeat music)

- Welcome back.

Tonight massive wildfiresacross several Western states

are spreading smoke as faras Canada and New York.

This as extreme weather fuelsa major wildfire in Oregon.

Oregon officials are asking wildfire crews

to prepare for additionalfires due to lightning strikes.

The Bootleg Fire is burning300 miles Southeast of Portland

and spans more than 500 square miles,

about a third of the size of Rhode Island.

At least 70 homes and over 100 buildings

have gone up in flames.

So far 2000 homes have been evacuated.

- Republicans are threatening to scuttle

a bipartisan infrastructure deal,

if Democrats proceed with theirvote in the Senate tomorrow.

GOP leader, Mitch McConnell said

Republicans will notvote to advance the bill

until negotiators on both sides

reach an agreement on the text.

Senate Majority Leader,Chuck Schumer pledged today,

the vote will go as planned.

- On Wednesday, the Senate will take

the first proceduralvote on the shell bill,

merely a vehicle to getthe whole process started.

It is not a final deadlinefor legislative text.

It is not a cynical ploy.

It is not a fish or cut bait moment.

It's not an attempt to jam anyone.

It's only a signal thatthe Senate is ready

to get the process started.

- [John] The $1.2 trillioneight year bipartisan proposal

needs support from at least 10 Republicans

to pass in the Senate.

- Here with us CBN News,

Chief Political Analyst, David Brody.

David, you heard Chuck Schumer there.

Is this a cynical ploy byDemocrats to set up a vote

on this infrastructure deal

before the legislativetext is ready to go?

- It's a political ploy.

Look, the truth of the matter is this

the Progressives in the party.

Want to get moving on this?

And really let's be honest,

the Progressive's the infrastructure bill.

Yeah, sure they wanna get going on that,

but they really wanna get going

on that $3.5 trillionextra infrastructure,

the Social Infrastructure Bill,

but they can't do that

until they get theinfrastructure bill done.

So that's what this is really all about.

And it's honestly...

What's the word I'm thinking?

Oh, stupid, it's just astupid move by Chuck Schumer

it opens Democrats up to awhole bunch of criticisms

to say, really, whyare you doing this now?

Because, you have 10 Republicans

along with those 10 other Democrats

that are really to votefor an infrastructure plan,

why would you sabotage this

by going ahead andstarting to debate a bill?

That's what this votewould be on Wednesday

to start to debate abill that, wait for it

hasn't even been written yet.

So what are they debating exactly,

if the bill hasn't been written?

It makes absolutely no sense.

- David, you mentioned the 10 Republicans

who are matching with the 10 Democrats

to negotiate this bill.

Democrats though oftencite how they were burned

by the illusion of bipartisanship

while debating Obamacare,

that wound up of course, aswe all know, a solo venture.

So on the Republican side,

is threatening to dash this bill,

a delaying tactic to run out the clock.

- Not at all, it's not a delaying tactic.

I mean, look, you'vegot 10 Republicans, John

that wanna vote for $950 billion,

almost a trillion dollars ininfrastructure, it's there.

Rob Portman, Mitt Romney,Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski.

I can go on and on.

It's there for Democrats

to have an easy spike in the end zone.

So what in the world isChuck Schumer doing this?

This isn't a delayed by Republicans.

These 10 Republicans areready to vote for the bill,

they've just got to goahead and write the bill.

It's gonna take a little bit more time.

Chuck Schumer's rushing this

because Progressive's arepushing him, that's the truth.

- David's switching tack here,

the Republican leader in the house

has named five Republicansto the select committee

investigating the January 6, Capitol riot

among them Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio.

What can we read intoleader McCarthy's picks?

- Well, what this means

is that a physicalBulldog wasn't available,

so the next best thing was Jim Jordan.

I mean, look, he's a Bulldog.

He's the human version of aBulldog and that's exactly...

I didn't expect anythingdifferent from Kevin McCarthy.

Jim Jordan is not only a Bulldog,

but he's an articulate Bulldog,

and he's able to reallymake the Republican's points

because this is gonnabe a dog and pony show.

Boy, that's two dogreferences in one answer,

which I believe might bea "Faith Nation" record.

But the truth of the matteris, it's all dog and pony.

Therefore, this select committee

is really gonna have ultimatelyno way to do anything.

The commission was jettison,

so bottom line is that

this is all about scoring political points

and Jim Jordan's one of the best doing it.

- David, only about a half aminute left, not a half second,

give you a little bit more time than that.

Republicans are seizingin on rising inflation.

Is this a little bit of a risky strategy,

if inflation is transitoryas some experts say

and falls back by the timeof the midterm elections?

- Possibly, but I thinkit's a minuscule risk

because it's not just about inflation,

there's a lot of other economic numbers

that are problematic

and I can just go on andon regarding the economy.

Republicans have seen poll numbers,

knowing that people, Americans overall,

a majority of them are concerned

about the direction thePresident's taking the economy.

So I think it's a good, smart play.

- All right, CBNs David Brody,

we always appreciate yourinsights and your jokes.

- Thanks David.

(effects whooshing)

Up next made in China, acritical piece of hardware

that keeps the lights on is made there.

Why that puts the us power grid at risk.

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- Welcome back.

The United States and its allies

are blaming hackers tied to China

for cyber attacks againstAmerican entities.

And as the warnings over a major attack

on critical infrastructuregrow more imminent,

it focuses attention on network security.

- National securitycorrespondent, Caitlin Burke

spotlights a vulnerabilitythat's been largely ignored.

- Substations like this one

are in almost every city nationwide,

most house transformers,

which are a huge part ofgetting power out to you.

The larger they are, the more critical.

- Transformers have beencalled by many people,

the Achilles heel of the electric grid.

- [Caitlin] Transformers takevoltage sent by power plants

and convert it to a levelthat can be distributed.

Essentially they keep electricityflowing at safe levels.

While the US electric gridconsists of thousands of them.

The high voltage carriersmake up less than 3%.

Even so they're responsiblefor transporting

60 to 70% of our electricity.

- These are 500 ton,

20 feet tall multi-milliondollar machines.

- [Caitlin] They're alsocustom made in China.

And experts like Joe Weiss say,

while the US is busysecuring its networks,

China has the ability and opportunity

to sabotage the equipment werely on them to manufacture,

essentially creating a backdoor into our electric grid.

- What they have is the ability today.

They have their fingeron that trigger today,

that they can take over that transformer

and everything that transformers supplies

coming in or going.

This is a very big deal.

- [Caitlin] Weiss and engineerand independent consultant

says, this is no hypothetical warning.

The US has already discoveredbackdoor electronics

in a Chinese made transformer.

It was that discovery thatled then president Trump

to sign an executive order in May of 2020

banning the acquisition,importation, transfer

or installation of any bulk power systems

from foreign adversaries.

The discovery also led

to something that's never happened before.

- The next large transformer from China

that arrived at the port of Houston

was intercepted by theUS Department of Energy

and taken to the SandiaNational Laboratory.

Remember, this is a 500 tonmulti-million dollar machine.

So there was a utility missing.

- [Caitlin] Llewellyn King is a journalist

who's been covering theenergy field for decades.

When he approached thedepartment of energy

about the missing transformer,

he was met with a veil of silence.

- No comment is to me very much a comment,

It says, says there's asmoke, so there must be fire.

- So not only do ourdomestic utilities not know

what's been found,

our closest allies who alsohave Chinese made transformers

do not know what has been found.

- [Caitlin] There are more than 200

of these large Chinese transformers

in our electric grid today.

One accounts for 10% of thepower going to New York city,

another supplies 18 to 20% ofthe power going to Las Vegas.

- [John] And that wasCaitlan Burke reporting.

Coming up a round tripticket to the edge of space.

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(upbeat music)

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- Finally tonight, after test flights

with pilots and engineers,

Jeff Bezos' is Blue Origin

completed its first passengerflight this morning.

- A Blue Origin's, new Shepard rocket

traveled to the edge ofspace and back in 11 minutes,

carrying a historic crew.

- [Lady] All the way to space

with our first human crew.

Go, Jeff, go Mark, go Wally, go Oliver.

You are going to space.

- [Jenna] You are going to space.

Bezos was joined by his brother Mark,

along with Wally Funk an82 year old woman pilot

and a teenage paying tourist.

- What we're hoping to do

is to build the road to space

so the future generations willbe able to do amazing things.

- [Jenna] It took therocket only three minutes

to reach space and fortwo of the passengers

to make history as the youngest and oldest

would be astronauts.

- Jenna, it was riveting TVand watching history happen.

- Oh, it's a proud moment.

- Thanks for watching.

- Have a great night.

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