Archaeologists Uncover City Wall from First Temple Times that Protected Ancient Jerusalem
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- [Julie] Finding this part of the wall
in the City of David archeological site
provides a key to understanding
the first temple era of ancient Jerusalem.
- In the '60s, famous Britisharcheologist, Kathleen Kenyon,
just few meters north of here,
uncovered 30-metersection of the same wall
then she claimed, already,this is the wall of Jerusalem
during the time period.
- [Julie] Then, accordingto Dr. Vukosavovic,
about a decade later,
Israeli archeologist Yigal Shilo
found another section further south,
but a piece of thepuzzle remained missing.
- [Flip] For a number ofyears, we attempted to find
additional sections ofthis wall and we couldn't.
So much so, that we started doubting
the existence of this wall.
- [Julie] That brings us to this discovery
of two more sections whichclears up the mystery.
- So now, we canconclusively say that yes,
the City of David, at least,
had one massive wall thatsurrounded the City of David.
- The wall behind me would have protected
the ancient city of Jerusalemfor about 200 years,
from the 8th centuryBC until about 587 BC.
In 600 BC, the Babyloniansbesieged the city,
which is described in the book of 2 Kings.
The Bible says "Nebuzaradancame to Jerusalem.
He set fire to the temple ofthe Lord, the royal palace,
and all the houses of Jerusalem.
Every important building he burned down.
The whole Babylonian army
under the commander of the imperial guard
broke down the walls around Jerusalem."
Archeologists found evidence
of that burning just inside the wall.
This part apparently wasn't destroyed,
possibly because of thesteep hill below it.
In addition to the wall,archeologists found artifacts
indicating what life was like
in the kingdom of Judah in those days.
- And we found right here where I stand,
a bullae of a person called Safan,
which is abbreviation of Tsafania
which we find in the Bible as well.
Just few centimeters away,
we found a Babylonian stem seal.
- The jar handles were stampedwith rosettes and circles
and with Lemelech belonging to the king.
- To find a really beautifulwall in so many ways,
you touch something oryou walk on something
or you lean againstsomething that you know
somebody did the samething 2,600 years ago.
So it's emotional.
- For now, the excavation continues
as archeologists try to understand
how the nearby Gihon Springand other sites fit together.
Julie Stahl, CBN news, thecity of David, Jerusalem.