On Newswatch AM July 19th: the controversy over the White House working with Facebook to target misinformation- which some are calling censorship; can Republicans retake the House and possibly Senate next year?; Dan Andros of Faithwire.com ...
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- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.
- And thank you so much for joining us
on this Monday, July 19,2021, I'm Efrem Graham.
Ahead today, controversy over COVID,
with critics claiming theWhite House is working
with Facebook to censor freespeech online over the virus.
With crime rising anda crisis on the border,
Republicans are aiming torecapture Congress next year.
It is more than just a classic movie.
We're gonna introduce you toa man who's been searching
for the lost Ark of theCovenant, and he says finding it
will have major prophetic implications.
- If it does exist, we'rereally gonna see it,
hopefully in our lifetime again.
It is a catalyst for the Messiah to come.
- [Efrem] So where does hebelieve the Ark is located?
We'll hear what he has to say coming up.
And we'll meet a coupletouring the United States
to help support some veryhardworking people, pastors.
- Many of them receive nobenefits, no health care,
no retirement, no employee benefits,
and yet they're working50 to 70 hours a week.
- So what can congregationsdo to show their appreciation?
We'll hear some practical tips on
how you can bless your pastor.
All those stories and more are ahead
in today's edition of CBN Newswatch.
We begin this half hour witha controversy over free speech
and online discussions about COVID-19.
Health officials claimthat nearly every state
is seeing increases mainlyfueled by the Delta variant.
But how far should the government go
to get more Americans vaccinated?
Should free speech online be monitored?
Dale Hurd is on this story.
- [Dale] The WhiteHouse is frustrated that
what it calls misinformationon social media
is preventing peoplefrom getting vaccinated,
and it wants the misinformation stopped.
- What's your message toplatforms like Facebook?
- They're killing people.
I mean, they're really...
Look, the only pandemic wehave is among the unvaccinated,
and they're killing people.
- [Dale] Facebook refuted the claims,
saying vaccinations are up,
but health officialssay it's an urgent issue
with a new rise in COVIDcases in most states,
fueled by the Delta variant.
- This Delta virus is reallya cause of greater concern.
This is not last year's virus.
- [Dale] More than 65%of Americans 12 and over
have received at leastone dose of the vaccine,
but the White House believessocial media platforms
that allow posts attacking thevaccine are keeping millions
of other Americans from being vaccinated.
- I've been deeplyconcerned about the flow
of misinformation acrosstechnology platforms
and throughout societyover the last many months.
- [Dale] And a firestormerupted in Washington last week
when White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki
said the White House is inregular contact with Facebook
about flagging posts seen as problematic.
- We're flagging problematicposts for Facebook
that spread disinformation.
- [Dale] Which led a WhiteHouse reporter to ask-
- For how long has the administration
been spying on people's Facebook profiles
looking for vaccine misinformation?
- That was quite a loadedand an inaccurate question.
- [Dale] But Texas Senator Ted Cruz
accused the Biden administrationof colluding with big tech.
- It makes clear thateverything we thought
about the Biden administration,about their willingness
to trample on free speech, totrample on the Constitution,
to use government power to silence you,
everything we feared they might do,
they are doing, and worse.
- [Dale] COVID cases areup in all but two states
in the U.S.
Officials in Los Angeles County
are even reinstitutingan indoor mask mandate.
But the sheriff says he won't enforce it.
Among the latest cases arefive of the Texas Democrats
who fled to D.C. to stalla vote on election reform.
They met with Kamala Harris last week.
Dale Hurd, CBN News.
- Amid the controversyover COVID, big tech,
and free speech, alongwith the immigration crisis
at the Southern border andgrowing concerns about crime,
Republicans are aiming toretake Congress next year,
and possibly the Senate as well.
Abigail Robertson looks athow the races are shaping up.
- In 2022, Republicansare specifically targeting
57 vulnerable DemocratHouse and Senate seats.
While former President DonaldTrump won't be on the ballot,
he's making it clear he will very much
be a part of these races.
- Now, for the next 16 months,
we must pour every ounce of our energy
into winning a historicvictory in the mid-terms.
- [Abigail] This pastweekend, Trump took credit
for expanding the GOP's base.
- [Women] Drain that swamp!
- [Abigail] And believes his supporters
will help Republicans win big.
- We will lead the conservative movement
and the Republican Party back to victory,
and it will be a greater victory
than this party has ever had.
- [Abigail] RNC spokespersonParis Dennard tells CBN News
Trump will definitely play a role.
- When it comes to electingRepublican candidates,
his support is important.
- [Abigail] Dennard alsobelieves the key for Republicans
will be recruiting diverse candidates.
- Look at the last election.
We had a won over a dozen seats
that we flipped fromDemocrat to Republican.
Those seats were won byeither a Republican woman,
a Republican veteran, ora Republican minority.
- [Abigail] And when asked if the RNC
will support outspoken Trump critics
like representatives LizCheney and Adam Kinzinger-
- If they're out of touch or out of step
with where the Republicansconstituents are,
they'll be voted out of office.
- [Abigail] Dennard argues the GOP needs
to remain united on the broader goal.
- We have to be focused on making sure
that the Democrats are held accountable.
Republicans need not tohave this party infighting
and this palace intrigue thatthe media just feeds off of.
It does us no good.
- [Abigail] Republicans need to gain
just a single seat in the Senate
and five seats in theHouse to win the majority,
with the main battlegroundstates being Georgia, Arizona,
Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and Nevada.
- We're talking aboutsuch narrow majorities.
- Inside Election's Nathan Gonzalez
told CBN News' Faith Nationit's too early to tell
which party has the advantage.
- I'm not sure we're evergonna have a clear idea
about who has firm control
because the majority is so narrow.
And in the House, we'rein a holding pattern
because we are in a redistrictingcycle and the states
have not yet finalized theirnew congressional maps.
So we don't know whatthe districts look like.
- Unless Democrats hold the House
and substantially expandtheir Senate majority,
it's unclear if PresidentBiden will be able
to accomplish much more of his agenda
without working with Republicans.
Reporting from Capitol Hill,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.
- [Efrem] Coming up, she's a star
in the Women's NationalBasketball Association.
Then she shocked the sports world
by putting her career on hold.
So why did Maya Moore do it?
What did she accomplish, andhow did it change her own life?
We're gonna bring you theamazing story when we come back.
(dramatic music)
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(woman sighs)
- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.
Get your free DVD or bookletof Protect Your Sleep.
- [Announcer] As the worldwatches from the outside.
- It's a big diplomatic tug ofwar here in the Middle East.
- [Announcer] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.
- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery
that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.
- [Announcer] Join CBN JerusalemBureau Chief Chris Mitchell
and get the biblical perspective
on the events shaping the world.
- It's what starts inIsrael then ends up going
to other places.
- [Announcer] Watch Jerusalem Dateline
Friday night at 8:30 onthe CBN News Channel.
- [Announcer] Life, it'smeant to be lived fully.
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- Welcome back.
Maya Moore was in the prime of her career
in the Women's NationalBasketball Association.
Then she put her careeron hold and walked away.
Here to tell us why she didit and exactly what happened
is Dan Andros of Faithwire.com.
So Dan, why did MayaMoore decide to walk away
from such an outstanding career?
- Yeah, it's really anincredible series of events
that all started back in the late 1990s
with an armed robbery.
This was when Maya Moorewas just eight years old.
A young teenager namedJonathan Irons was convicted
of this armed robberyand eventually sentenced
to a whopping 50 years in prison.
And then Maya's extendedfamily at the time
were doing some prison ministry,
and so they struck up arelationship with Irons here
while he was a young teenager in prison.
And then Moore eventuallybecame kind of involved
with that effort whenshe was in high school.
This was before she hadgone on to star at Yukon
and star in the NBA, winning championships
and MVPs and all the rest.
And so they were heavily involved,
and she decided to quither career full time
when she was in the WNBA.
This is after years oftrying to help Irons.
She quit at the top of her game.
- Wow, so what part didher Christian faith play
in those actions?
- Yeah, it played a huge role,
because you could see inthis film, by the way,
it's really great, thewhole family has strong
Christian faith and it's veryevident throughout this film,
which I appreciate it,'cause a lot of times
that gets pushed to the background.
But it was very much front and center.
And Maya was exploringher faith in middle school
and in high school, andshe said that it's then
that she deeply rootedher identity in Christ.
And later in life, when shewas a superstar in the WNBA,
that's what enabled her to step aside,
because she didn't put heridentity in basketball,
which is a very remarkablething for somebody
on top of their game notto put their prime identity
in the sport.
So it was that early identityin Christ that enabled her
to make this decisionand put her priorities
in a different place.
- So was she successful,
and is Jonathan Irons a Christian as well?
- They were successful.
After 23 years in prison, Irons was freed,
thanks in large part tothe efforts of Maya Moore
and her family.
And yes, Irons is a strong Christian,
became a Christian when he was in prison.
In fact, the first thing he said,
you could hear it on thephone in the documentary
when he was freed was, "Praise you, Jesus,
thank you, Jesus," so yeah,his faith is very strong.
- And what's happenedsince he got out of prison?
- This story really hasa fairy tale ending.
He and Maya Moore actually got married
because they became veryclose over the two decades
that his family wasfighting for his freedom.
And they got married, sofairy tale ending there.
- What can we look forwardto this evening on Faithwire?
- We'll be talking to a pastor, author,
Lucas Miles about hisbook, "The Christian Left."
We're gonna be looking at,among this political divide,
how can Christians pursue unity?
- [Efrem] Beautiful, DanAndros, the faithwire.com.
Thank you so much, weappreciate your time.
Want to remind you at homethat you can catch Faithwire
at 8:30 Eastern on the CBN News Channel,
or simply download the CBN News app.
Still ahead, we're gonnatake a look at a man
who's been carrying out a real life search
for the lost Ark of the Covenant
from the Old Testament Israel.
We're gonna hear why he says finding it
will be a sign of the return of the Lord.
We've got the story for youfrom Jerusalem right after this.
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- Movie makers, archeologists,and even the Queen of England
have all been fascinated by the search
for the Ark of the Covenant.
Some legends claim the Ark is as far away
as Ethiopia or Ireland.
But one explorer believesit lies behind a giant rock
at Judaism's holiest site.
Why is he so convinced?
Our Chris Mitchell explains.
- [Chris] Researcherand author Harry Moskoff
took CBN News throughthe Western Wall tunnels
up to the ramparts of the Temple Mount
and into the chambers surroundingJudaism's holiest site.
His book, "The A.R.K. Report," chronicles
his two-decade quest tofind the legendary icon.
- [Harry] So here we areapproaching the three arches.
- [Chris] He says one theory is
that it was taken out of the Temple
and carried to Jericho 18 miles away.
- It says in Jeremiahthat some of the vessels
of the Temple were exited,sort of escaped as it were,
through this area after thedestruction of the First Temple.
- [Chris] But Moskoff took us to the spot
where he believes the ark lies.
- This particular sectionof the Western Wall
is really fascinating actually,
because this stone is 570 tons.
- [Chris] Moskoff believes a key clue lies
behind this giant rock andsays high-tech search tools
give credence to his theory.
- There were tests done bythe University of Nebraska,
sonar tests, et cetera,using electromagnetic waves.
And they actually foundwhat's called a storage space
across from here.
So actually there was a purpose
for putting this giant stone,this massive slab, here.
One of the reasons inmy opinion is to protect
whatever it is on the other side.
And according to my theory,the Ark actually was buried
by King Josiah, I think it was a 568 BC,
in back of these boulders,these massive stones.
- [Christ] In fact,underneath the Temple Mount
lie dozens of undergroundtunnels and chambers.
- Back then, 150 yearsago, Charles Warren went
and actually did a survey.
Nothing's really been donefor political purposes,
obviously, unfortunately-- Since then.
- Since then, no one's been allowed
to even put a shovel, nothing.
But basically they were the ones
that surveyed the whole area.
And they were the ones whopicked out the tunnels,
et cetera.
They couldn't find the Ark.
- Maybe it wasn't time.
Warren, a British explorer,documented those tunnels
at the request of Queen Victoria,
just one of many throughouthistory looking for the Ark.
- When people like the Crusadersand the Knights Templar,
even the Palestine Exploration Fund,
which was originallycommissioned by Queen Victoria,
came over the centuriesto look for the Ark,
what they were looking for wasa golden box with the staves.
But what they really shouldbe looking for is a room.
They could have beenright up against the wall
and on the other sideof the wall is the Ark.
- [Chris] Moskoff says theoriginal Holy of Holies
had another chamber directly below it.
- Actually, the blueprint itself
of the First Temple,chambers should be built
exactly the same, Holy of Holies,
exactly the same level of holiness
as the one right above it.
It was set up right from the beginning
to house the Ark, with thegolden floor and everything.
- [Chris] That's how Solomonbuilt it, instructed?
So there's the Ark itself could go down?
- [Harry] Right, it could go down.
- Do you feel like there'sa time when the Ark itself,
when the time is right, will be revealed?
- I do, timing is incredibly important,
incredibly significant.
Obviously, it's agroundbreaking, game-changing,
biblical type of discovery.
My person opinion isthat when it does happen,
it won't be in a clandestine way
where we're sneakingthrough these tunnels,
you know what I mean,and we're bringing it out
under cover of darkness.
It will be a great occasion
and it will help bring the Messiah.
It'll be something that allnations will really rejoice in.
- [Chris] Moskoff credit"Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark"
for the renewed interest.
- There are some things theygot right about the power
of the Ark, et cetera,and its destructive forces
shouldn't get in the wrong hands
and it knows where it is, so to speak.
It suddenly became a thing, you know?
What is the Ark of theCovenant, what is that?
Oh yeah, and it sortof put it into the face
of the public, and maybethat was its best success.
I loved it, personally.
It's Hollywood.
- What do you think is the main takeaway
people need to know aboutthe Ark of the Covenant?
- It's a real thing, justlike it did 2,700 years ago,
it still exists today.
It's got the brokentablets that Moses crafts
down there at Mt. Sinaiand the second tablets.
It really does exist,we're really gonna see it,
hopefully in our lifetime.
Again, it is a catalystfor the Messiah to come.
- [Chris] Until it is revealed,
the Ark of the Covenant builtby Moses in the wilderness
will continue to fascinate the world.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News,
the Western Wall tunnels, Jerusalem.
- [Efrem] Coming up, they'resome of the hardest working
and yet often underappreciatedpeople around, pastors.
So one couple is traveling the country
to show congregationshow they can encourage
and support their pastors.
We'll hear their insightson how you can do just that
when we come back, stay with us.
(dramatic music)
- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.
Get your free DVD or bookletof Protect Your Sleep today.
- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Graham,and this is Studio 5.
Cruise with me as I discoverthe good things happening
in the world of music, sports,television, and movies.
- The fact that Ryan Cooglerwas gonna be directing the film
I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.
- [Efrem] We'll chat withartists at the forefront
of entertainment andexplore the connection
between popular culture and faith.
- I asked my pastor, I said,
"Well, does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?"
He says, "No, you already have a pulpit."
- [Announcer] Wednesday night at 8:30
on the CBN News Channel.
- [Announcer] Remember for a moment
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(upbeat music)
- A recent survey by theBarna Research Group shows 29%
of pastors thought aboutquitting in the past year.
The work of pastors can go unnoticed,
even in their own churches,but the National Association
of Evangelicals is working to change that.
Mark Martin caught upwith a married couple
who is crisscrossing the country
to help congregationsshow their appreciation.
- [Woman] All right, we are off.
- [Mark] Brian Kluthand his wife Mary Ellen
are traveling the country in an RV
on a mission to encouragepeople to show their pastors
how much they appreciate theirhard work and dedication.
It's all part of the nationalBless Your Pastor movement.
- Most pastors are servingthe smaller congregation
and often they cannotpay the pastor very well.
Most pastors in Americamake under $50,000 a year.
The majority of them receiveno benefits, no health care,
no retirement, no employee benefits.
And yet they're working50 to 70 hours a week.
Sometimes their spouse addanother 20 to 30 hours a week.
- [Mark] A once-in-a-century pandemic
and the resulting shutdownsadding to the workload,
and the stress.
- They had to do morethan they've ever done
to try to serve their people.
And then also every decision that was made
this last a year-and-a-half,somebody wasn't happy.
So you got more criticism than ever.
So pastors really need thelove and the support and care.
- [Mark] CBN News caughtup with the couple
on their stop in Virginia Beach.
- They are sometimesforgotten about all the work
and everything that they do.
This is our chance to get the word out
and to have people andcommunities love on their pastors.
- By the time Brian and Mary Ellen finish
the national Bless Your Pastor tour,
altogether they will havetraveled six to seven months
and hit more than 100 cities.
- And it's time to show that appreciation
and share God's love withthem in very practical
and tangible ways.
And we help people do thatwith our 50 Ways List.
- [Mark] 50 Creative Ways toBless Your Pastor and Staff,
from giving them a gift cardto lending a helping hand.
- What are you good at,what skills do you have?
I say, if you're a barber, cut their hair.
If you're a mechanic, help fix their car.
If you're a gardener, go plantsome flowers at their house.
- [Mark] Don't forget thepower of a financial blessing.
Kluth also encourages congregations
to take up a special appreciation offering
for the pastor and staff orgive them a year-end bonus.
In addition, he hopes churcheswill honor them publicly.
Pastor Marc Stephenson ofFirst United Brethren Church
in Pennsylvania and hisfamily reaped the generosity
of the Bless Your Pastor movement.
- The mental strain andemotional and spiritual strain
that comes along with ministry,
and sometimes being the tip of the spear
when people are disgruntled in life
and dealing with theirtraumatic struggles,
it can be very defeating.
And so to have a church comeand surround their pastor,
I would say adds years andyears to vital ministry.
- [Mark] Blessing your pastorand giving them a boost
to continue ministeringin very challenging times.
Mark Martin, CBN News, Virginia Beach.
- And time now for your Monday Motivation.
I want to leave you with this thought
to jumpstart your work week.
You are designed for divine connection.
God did not create youfor a life of isolation.
You are a living vessel for His hands
to use to reach others.
With that word, I encourage you
to make today a marvelous Monday.
And be sure to haveyourself a wonderful week.
I want you to do that onpurpose and do that in purpose.
That is gonna do it for thisedition of CBN Newswatch.
We thank you so much for watching.
Want to remind you, youcan always find more
of our news programs onthe CBN News Channel.
You can find them there at any time
as well as online at CBNNews.com.
We'd love to know what you think
about the stories you've seen here today.
You can email us, theaddress is right there
at the bottom of yourscreen, Newswatch@CBN.com.
And of course, you canalways reach out and touch us
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We welcome hearing from you
and we thank you again for watching.
We'll see you right backhere same time tomorrow.
Goodbye and God bless.(dramatic music)