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Archaeologists Uncover 3,000-Year-Old Inscription with Bible Name 07/16/21

Hamas, Islamic Jihad hold kids’ summer camps but no swimming, hiking, only shooting, marching; plus UAE opens Embassy in Israel in another step in Abraham Accords; and Israeli archaeologists uncover a 3,000-year-old inscription with a Bible name. Read Transcript

(horn blaring)

- This week on "Jerusalem Dateline,"

Hamas and Islamic jihadhold their summer camps

and they don't includeswimming and hiking,

but shooting and marching.

Plus the UAE brings its embassy to Israel

in one more step in the Abraham Accords

and Israeli archeologists recover

a 3000 year old inscriptionwith a name from the Bible,

all this and more this weekon "Jerusalem Dateline."

(dramatic music)

Hello and welcome to this edition

of "Jerusalem Dateline,"I'm Chris Mitchell.

Summer usually means swimming,boating, and friendship.

In one part of the world, the Gaza strip,

this tradition is more like bootcamp

with a dangerous message.

(dramatic music)

They call them the pioneers of liberation

and the Sword of Jerusalem summer camps

run by Hamas and Islamic jihad.

These videos posted by MEMRI,

the Middle East Media Research Institute

show what the youth ofGaza are doing this summer.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] We did not come here

to enjoy ourselves or toplay or anything like that,

we came with our souls,our blood, our martyrs,

and our wounded to sacrificeourselves for Palestine

and for our people.

- [Chris] This promotional video

urges students from primaryschool, high school and college

to participate in the camp.

Target practice involvesAK 47s, anti-tank weapons

and video simulations.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] So that inthe next phase, Allah willing,

these boys will be able to confront

the plundering enemy anddisfigure its face in the next war

- [Chris] In May, Hamas and Islamic jihad

called the 11 day war withIsrael, the Sword of Jerusalem,

their goal preparing the nextgeneration for the next war.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] We say to the enemy,

these children picked up these weapons

and we train them how to use them

as well as how to take security measures

so that they will follow inthe footsteps of their fathers

and take up arms, Allah willing

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] I choseto spend my vacation,

in the Pioneers of Liberation summer camp

in order to continuethe path of my father,

the martyred commanderWalid Shamaleh Abu Bilal,

in order to strengthen our determination

and to liberate Jerusalem, Allah willing.

- [Chris] These young menand boys learn antisemitism

at an early age.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] We asked Hitler

why he left some of you alive.

He did so in order to showus how wicked you are.

We will come to you from under the ground

and hammer fear into your hearts

and above the ground

we will tear your bodiesapart with our rockets.

Scram into the shelters, youmice you sons of Jewish women.

- [Chris] MEMRI has beenmonitoring these summer camps

for 10 years.

- [Yael] The videos andthe images from those camps

illustrate and reflect theway Hamas is optimizing

and deepening its control.

In 10, 15 years from now,

the kids will be adults or parents

and maybe even an officialsin Gaza and decision makers,

so the extremism inGaza will be even worse.

- [Chris] Hamas took overthe Gaza strip 13 years ago

in a bloody battle withthe Palestinian authority.

- [Yael] So since birth, thisgeneration has been raised

only on the values ofthis terrorist movement.

This is of course onlydeepening the crisis there,

forfeiting any chance fordignified peaceful life,

for the kids and for allthe residents of Gaza.

- [Chris] She feels theinternational community

needs to speak up about these camps.

While these kids are in campHamas leader Ismail Haniyeh

is visiting nations like Mauritania,

pledging to continuethe war against Israel.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] Let me tellyou my brothers and sisters,

the Sword of Jerusalemwill not be sheathed

until the blessing Al-AqsaMosque is liberated.

- Given these summer camps,

it appears clear the goal isthat the battle for Jerusalem

will continue into the next generation.

(dramatic music)

While Hamas and Islamic jihad

are preparing the next generation in Gaza

for war with Israel, otherMiddle East countries,

like the United Arab Emirates

are preparing their people forpeace with the Jewish people.

The UAE took a step into that future

by bringing its embassy to Tel Aviv.

Israeli, president Isaac Hertzog

and UAE's ambassador to Israel

talked about a new partnershipand a new Middle East.

- This embassy we serve notjust as a home for diplomats

but a base for our task to continue

to grow and our new partnership,

to seek dialogue not dispute,

to build a new paradigm of peace,

and to provide a model fora new collaborative approach

to conflict resolution in the Middle East.

- I'm so delighted to have the opportunity

at the beginning of my term,

as President of the State of Israel,

to take part in this historic opening

of the Embassy of the UnitedArab Emirates in Israel.

The opening of this embassy

is an important milestonein our shared journey

towards a future of peace,prosperity and security

for the Middle East.

(digital music)

- US intelligence uncovereda plot by the Iranian regime

to kidnap an American citizen

for criticizing Iran strictreligious laws for women.

Masih Alinejad, an Iranianborn writer and activist

living in New York,

worked with the FBI afterlearning of the alleged plot

to abduct her from her home in Brooklyn.

In an interview with the associated press,

she vowed to keep speaking out.

- I give voice to the motherswhose children got killed,

got shot in the head,got shot in the chest,

got tortured to death in prison.

I gave voice to those of women inside Iran

who say no to compulsory job,

who say that we to be our true selves.

If you arrest me, you'regonna keep them silent?

No.(upbeat music)

- [Chris] 15 Years after thesecond Israel-Lebanon War

could the two sides be heading third war.

(upbeat music)

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(dramatic music)

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(upbeat music)

- 15 Years ago, this summer,

Israel and Hezbollah foughtthe Second Lebanon War

a decade and a half later,

both Israel and Hezbollah arepreparing for the next war.

Here's a story we didrecently about the danger

for a possible third Lebanon war.

The border here between Israel and Lebanon

is deceptively quiet,

but on the other side ofthis fence lies Hezbollah

with more than 100,000 rockets

that can hit almostanywhere inside Israel.

- All of them were brought to Lebanon

in order to be launchedagainst Israel one day.

- [Chris] Retired, LieutenantColonel Sarit Zehavi

studies the danger of Hezbollah

through her research organization, Alma.

- Hezbollah is the proxyof Iran in the region.

It's the most professional,proxy of Iran in the region.

It's the most equipped,

dangerous proxy of Iran in the region.

And we are here standing,

looking in the eyes of Hezbollah

and the people that are raising their kids

just a few feet from us,

every morning looking inthe eyes of Hezbollah.

- I'm standing in the village of Hanita

here on the Israeli Lebanese border.

Behind me you can see childrenplaying in this kindergarten.

And over here, you can see howclose the Lebanese border is.

The sense of danger isreal and ever present

for those living here.

In 2006, they lived through a 34 day war,

which saw Hezbollah fire nearly4,000 rockets into Israel.

That barrage paralyzed Northern Israel,

chasing a million Israelis to the south

while the rest spent most of that month

in bomb shelters.

In 2021, the IDF believes Hezbollah

is once again considering attacking Israel

in what Zehavi describesas, days of battle.

- Days of battle would mean

that the people that are living just here,

a few feet from us would not be able

to get out of their home becauseit will be too dangerous.

Meaning that their childrenwill hear the sirens

every two weeks and willhave to run for shelter.

This is a reality that is unbearable

for the people of the North.

- This is the only active border crossing

between Israel and Lebanon.

The UN base is just down theroad within a no man's land

and I'm standing in an IDF base

that keeps constant watch over Hezbollah.

- Their threat is no joke

and we never underestimate our enemy,

but we keep training, we keep practicing,

we keep on gathering intelligence

and always getting prepared

and keeping readinessfor the next conflict

for the next fight,

making sure we have the upper hand.

- [Chris] Lieutenant Dalton

describes Hezbollah's military strategy

as one of blending in

by creating a virtual civilian camouflage.

- Hezbollah decided to take the step

and make all of itsestablishments in Southern Lebanon

based on civilian clothing,

civilian territory, civilian houses,

really blend itself camouflageitself into the population

and keep operating in.

But they know to hide,

whether it's taking overcivilian villages or households

and really setting base up over there,

but our intelligence isstrong enough to understand

their work and how they operate

and to really pinpoint thelocation of their bases,

incisively and territory.

- [Chris] Another hiddenweapon in Hezbollah's arsenal

is these undergroundtunnels along the border.

CBN News got a rare look into this one

that took years to build.

Measuring at least 25 stories deep.

It had already crossedinto Israeli territory

before the IDF uncovered and sealed it.

Zehavi's organizationidentified another weapon

by exposing assemblingprecision guided missiles

inside Beirut.

- What most Americans, mostChristians in the United States,

North America and aroundthe world don't realize

is that Lebanon is important to Iran

because it is the forward operating base

of their most aggressive offensive attack,

whenever they decided to attack Israel.

- [Chris] Middle East expert and author of

"The Beirut Protocol,"

Joel Rosenberg warns what might happen

as the Biden Administration considers

re-entering the Iranian nuclear deal.

- If Israel feared thatthe Biden Administration

was gonna go down someroad of negotiations

that was shortsighted, illconceived, and dangerous,

Israel might have to attack

to neutralize those sites.

- [Chris] hat could trigger Hezbollah.

- Iran would unleash a barrage,

the most devastating missile attack,

maybe in the history of mankind.

They have upwards of,

I hear 150,000 missiles positionedright across that border

all through Southern Lebanon.

And they would light up the skies

and all the Israel defenses,

all the missile defenseswe have would do some good,

but it couldn't possibly stop a barrage

of thousands of thousands of thousands

of missiles coming in every day.

- Israel's leaders realized those dangers.

Some believed the IDF score would be

to make its next response so massive

that the next war with Hezbollah

would be known as the last.

(upbeat music)

Up next, we talk with pastor Ray Bentley

about a new book series thatdiscusses current events,

prophecy, the city of Jerusalem.

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] Roman soldiers

destroy the second temple of Jerusalem.

Centuries of eye witnesses say

the temple treasuressurvived, but where are they?

- [Lady] They went from Jerusalemto Rome, Rome to Carthage,

Carthage to Byzantium.

- Historians are silent aboutwhat happened to it next.

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] CBN Documentaries presents

the worldwide release of

"Treasures Of The Second Temple.

- So does it still exist today?

- [Announcer] A story of mystery.

- Where is it?- Calamity.

Most of the victims were butchered.

And destiny.

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(dramatic music)

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(dramatic music)

♪ I got Joy ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I dance around because I know it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I move around because I've got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy inside my heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I dance around because I know it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I move around because I've got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's inside my heart ♪

(dramatic music)

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(dramatic music)

(upbeat music)

- Pastor Ray Bentley of Maranatha Chapel

in San Diego, California,

partnered with bestsellingauthors Brock and Bodie Theone

to write a trilogy thatmixes current events,

Jerusalem and prophecyand modern day thrillers.

I talked with pastorBentley about the trilogy

and why he believes prophecy is unfolding

before our very eyes.

(digital music)

So pastor Ray, you and Bodie Theone

have coauthored a trilogyof the Jack Garrison novels,

"The Mountain of The Lord,"

"The Threshing Floor"and "The Cyrus Mandate."

I find it particularlyinteresting and exciting.

I live here in Jerusalem

and I felt like you weretaking me into the city itself.

So it was a great work.

Tell us about the trilogy.

- By God's amazing grace,

I got to meet Bodie and her husband Brock

a few years ago.

And I had read their seriesin "Design Chronicles"

and all their great storytelling.

Brock is the researcher andBodie's the storyteller.

Then I got to meet themand shortly thereafter,

I had an idea becausethey've mostly written

historical fiction novels

that have a lot of biblicaltruth prophecy in them

about the past.

Either the first century,

the rebirth of Israel in 1948, 1967.

But they've never writtenanything contemporary

about what's happeningliterally right now.

Well, that's what God'sput a fire in my heart.

Maranatha Chapel are Jesus people, guy,

Jesus is coming soonand Israel is the sign,

the clock on the wall.

So I called them and I said,

"Hey, Brock and Bodie

"I don't know if you'veever done this before,

"but would you consider joining together,

"and I'll provide how I'mseeing prophetic things

"coming to pass.

"And you wrap that in a story,

"Brock, you do the research."

And they prayed about it and they said,

"Oh man, we're excited about this."

And so we launched this series.

And it's about this Americancharacter named Jack Harrison,

who has had a tragedy in his life,

like many believers maybe in America.

And he's kinda lost hisfaith to a great degree,

and he doesn't believe in prophecies

and the Bible relating to end times,

but he is in a unique position

to be sent on a peacekeepingcommission to go to Israel

and the Middle East and Europe

and try to forage a peace deal.

And basically he goes on this

tremendous journey of discovery that,

"Oh my gosh, this is really happening,

"the Bible is really coming alive."

- Well, you have a wonderful way.

You and Brock and Bodieof weaving in the Bible

and prophecy and historyand current events.

For example, you talkedabout the Abraham Accords

in a prophetic sense.

Tell us how you wove all that together.

- I think that people,

even Christians, many timesthey see the big picture

of what's going on,

but they don't know,

what does that really mean?

And what Brock and Bodiehave been able to do

is to put that in a story,

but bring it in a context

where characters get to talkabout what does this mean?

And basically the Abraham Accords,

as you well know arehistoric to the degree,

there has never...

All the way going back to Abraham,

there is never been a peace agreement

that goes all the way back to Abraham,

between his two sons, Isaac and Ishmael,

the coming together.

You know what happened,

obviously with, having two moms,

you've got Ishmael has Hagar

and then Isaac with his mom, Sarah,

so they they're divided andthey go in different directions.

Interestingly, they only come together

at the end of the book of Genesis

when Abraham dies.

But the last scene that is given

is that Abraham their father

is the one that broughtthese two brothers together.

Well, Chris what's happening today

is that the descendants of Ishmael,

which are much of theArab and Muslim world

are now saying we wouldlike to be reconciled

and they're calling it...

I mean, this is a political deal.

They're the ones that arecalling it, the Abraham Accords.

So Israel is like,

"We could make peace with90% of our former enemies,"

mostly within the Sunni Muslimworld, the Arab Muslim world,

and partly driven by theother side, the Shiite side,

the Iranian side,

that's wanting to take over Saudi Arabia

and they have a wholedifferent eschatology,

but they're not relatedto the Jewish people.

Iranians do not have any blood ties

and they're wanted tothreaten Saudi Arabia,

so Saudi Arabia is like,

"Hey, we need Israel, we needour brothers and sisters.

And so I just think it's fascinating

that God is using modern geopolitics

to literally drive and compel

the descendants of Isaacand Ishmael back together

under the same tent

with the name before thewhole world of Abraham.

So what I wanna tell Christians,

and that's what this wholebook series is about,

is that this has neverhappened in 4,000 years.

I mean, we're livingin unprecedented times

for many reasons,

but that's one of them.

And of course the Bible talks about

there will be a driving peace deal

that is finally puttogether in the end times.

And that opens the whole scenarioof the book of revelation.

So there's a lot of excitingfun things to talk about,

but I think people needto connect the dots

and begin to pray because...

Not to go immediately to,

"Oh, it's gonna be the end of the world

"and all these badthings are gonna happen,"

but this is a healing time.

This is a meaningful time

we're to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

And I think God is gonnause this season of peace

to bring a lot of healing,

a lot of melting of hearts

and a lot of good cancome from this season.

But we need to be awareof what time it is.

So it's been fun to put that in a story,

and let people read it, discover it

and get excited about it.(upbeat music)

- Up next, Israeli archeologists uncover

a 3000 year old inscriptionfrom the time of the Bible.

Thank you for watching"Jerusalem Dateline."

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Our vision is to reachmillions around the globe

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- Hi.

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(dramatic music)

- After seven years at one site,

Israeli archeologists haveuncovered an amazing discovery

with a connection to thetime of the Biblical judges.

CBN Middle East correspondent, Julie Stahl

shows us why a 3000 year old inscription

is getting so much attention.

(singing in foreign language)

- This is Khirbet El-Raiin Southern Israel,

where archeologists say theyfound a piece of pottery

with a rare inscription.

This is the seventh yearfor this excavation site.

This year, archeologistsare talking about finds

from the Biblical Book of Judges.

- The most excitingdiscoveries and inscription,

which is from 1,100 BC,

the time of the judges.

We know very little about this period

from archeological point of view,

and we don't have anymeaningful inscription

from this spirit.

- [Julie] Then they discoveredpart of a jar handle

in a storage pit in the ground.

The name (speaking in foreign language)

Jerubbaal in English waswritten on it in ink.

- And this is the first timethat we have an inscription

from the time of thejudges, with a meaning.

And in this case,

even the same name appearing both

on the inscription and onthe Biblical tradition.

- [Julie] Excavation director,professor Yosef Garfinkel

says they've found about ahundred thousand pot shards

at the site.

- But why this is so importantbecause it was inked.

And we have here five letters.

We have (speaking in foreign language)

And when you read it, youget the name Jerubbaal.

- [Julie] Gideon's father Joash,

calls his son Jerubbaalin the Book of Judges

because he tore down the altar of baal

and then defeated the Midianites.

Archeologists say the owner likely

wrote his name on the small jar.

They don't have proof that the inscription

refers to Gideon of the Bible,

but Garfinkel says it's significant

because it highlightsthe historical connection

to the Bible.

- [Yosef] So it's indications

that there was historical memories

embedded in the biblical text

and passed from generation to generation.

- [Julie] Several years ago,

Garfinkel told CBN news,

he believes potterydating back to king David

and other findings point to Khirbet El-Rai

as the Philistine town of Ziklag

where David escaped King Saul.

This year about 25 localuniversity students

had to replace a hundred volunteers,

kept away due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Most are studying archeology

and are happy to be here.

- It's fun when you go tothe field and then you see,

"Oh, I do know,"

I mean you pick upsomething and you're like,

"I know what this is,

"I studied it in classand I know what it is."

- [Julie] And they seethe biblical connection.

- Dr. Yosef Garfinkel is doing great job

in actually proving the Bible

is actually historical storyand not just a mythology.

- This was meant to be the last season

for excavating at the site.

But Garfinkel says, ifthey find more artifacts,

they may keep digging.

Julie stahl, CBN News,Khirbet El-Rai, Israel.

- Well, that's one more archeology story

here in Israel that confirms the Bible.

Well, that's all for this edition.

Thanks for joining us.

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I'm Chris Mitchell.

We'll see you next timeon "Jerusalem Dateline."

(upbeat music)


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