While doing routine yardwork Abelina suffered a shoulder injury. After years of pain, she agreed with a prayer on TV and experienced healing.
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- [Narrator] There are few things
that would keep AbelinaMartinez from her garden.
- That's my therapy, I call it,
because I love workingin the yard doing stuff.
So I take my Bible outthere and just read on it
and admire how God does.
- [Narrator] There was onething that spoiled her joy.
It started in July of 2018.
She had just come off aladder after trimming a tree.
- So I was cutting it and cutting,
and I cut all the branches.
I mean, I finished.
I said, all right, thank GodI'm done with this thing.
Then I realized what I had done.
- [Narrator] What she haddone was injure her shoulder.
- I was just hurting bad.
I thought it was justsomething that would go away.
But then by the next day,I thought, no, no, no,
there's more to this becauseit was hurting more and more.
- [Narrator] Finally,after a couple of days,
she went to her doctor.
- So I thought maybe I pulled something.
And sure enough, he said, "Well,it's just a pulled muscle."
So I thought, "Oh, well,that's why it hurts so bad."
He said, "Yeah, it'll be okay."
So he gave me some relaxers or whatever.
He says, "Once you start taking this,
you'll be fine in a week or so."
But it didn't go away, so I thought, hmm.
- [Narrator] Actually, itstayed for another three years,
restricting her range of motion.
- My pain that I hadwas all like right here
and it would go to my neck and down.
- [Narrator] It got to thepoint she couldn't enjoy working
in her garden like she always had.
By then, she realized the onlyone who could help was God.
- Well, I would say, "Lord,
I can't take this crazy thing anymore.
I gotta do stuff."
And so I would say, "Will youplease just take this thing,
put it together.
I'll just wait on you,
but I'll let you do it whenyou have time, not on mine."
- [Narrator] And as a CBN partner
and viewer of "The 700 Club,"
Abelina hoped for a word from God.
Then one day while sheand her husband, Vic,
were watching the show,Pat had a word of knowledge
about someone's shoulder.
- Just reach over and touchthat shoulder and move it.
And it's right back in place,
and then all the pain willleave, in Jesus' name.
- (gasps) That's me, that's me, that's me.
And I started just moving myarm all excited and everything.
Praise God. Yes.
- [Narrator] Today,Abelina is still pain-free.
- And I believe God has something special
for each and every one of us.
If we trust and we keeppraying and hanging in there,
he'll come through every time, so yeah.