Pat and Wendy pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.
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- Amen.
Wow, no medical explanationfor why he survived.
The doctors just gave him a blank stare,
but he knows why and we know why.
Pat, the power of prayer at work
in David's life.- [Pat] It's marvelous.
- Well, Wendy, here's somebody else.
Her name is Diana.
She lives in a place calledDaniels, West Virginia.
She was suffering withsevere shoulder pain.
Her doctor was neverable to find the cause,
so she just thought she'sgoing to live with it.
One day she was watching thisprogram and you said, Wendy,
"There's a person, youjust saw that story,
"the lady's hand washealed after six months.
"You're saying, 'I havesomething similar.'
"And but yours goes allthe way up your shoulder.
"Raise your hands."
Diana said, "That's me,"and she believed God
and she hadn't had any pain since.
- [Wendy] I love it. Praise God.
All right, here's one, Pat.
Norma sent this by email.
"I was working on my arts and crafts
"and listening to "The 700Club" when you said, Pat,
"'There's someone named Normaand you have back pain.'
"I immediately turned andsaid, 'Abba Father, that's me.'
"I sat down and my body was trembling
"and tears ran down my face.
"That's when I knew it was me.
"I started bending, hopping, running.
"I was praying forhealing of my dry mouth,
"so God healed that too,both at the same time."
- Folks, I believe in God.
I believe in His power.
We have seen it overand over and over again.
So right now, Wendy and I aregoing to be praying for you,
and wherever you are,
all I ask you to do is just receive it.
Don't fight it.
Just say, okay, Lord, I'll take it.
Hither to you've asked nothing in my name.
Ask and you shall receive
that your joy may be full.
So we're joining hands right now.
Father, in Jesus' name, wepraise you and thank you
for these wonderful answers to prayer.
And we know, Lord, that you are a God
that created all the earth,
and so it's nothing for youto take care of your people.
Thank you, Lord.- [Wendy] Thank you, Lord.
There's a guy named Charlie.
You've got a bleeding ulcer.
You know, that pylori virus is there,
and God, you'll feel like apain in the middle of your gut,
and you are healed in the name of Jesus.
Wendy, what do you have?
- Yeah, there's a woman.
You're in your late fifties
and you're contemplating hip surgery.
Your hips have been hurting so badly,
but just put your hands
on both sides of your hips right now.
God's touching you.
You've been asking the Lord
that you do not want to have surgery
and God's heard your prayers.
So just touch right now, in Jesus' name.
- Thank you, Lord.
In Jesus' name right now,
there are people who are suffering from,
several of you have epilepsy,
and right now, God is just,
multiple miracles taking place right now.
You will not carry thisdisease any longer.
You are healed in Jesus' name.
- There's a man, you've gota torn ligament in your knee.
I believe it's your right knee,
but put your hands right now on your knees
because God is touching that knee
and you are gonna behealed in Jesus' name.
- Somebody again, we'vetalked about a shoulder.
This is one where it'salmost you wrenched,
Marcy I believe it is,
your shoulder was almostwrenched out of its socket,
and right now all thetendons are being healed.
Just put your hand on that shoulder.
In the name of Jesus, touch her!
Now, Lord, all over thiscountry we're praying for you.
We think of those people in Cuba
who are voting against communism.
We think of the people inVenezuela who are suffering.
We think of people inMyanmar who are suffering.
Lord, all over this worldpeople are crying out to you
and we hold them before you,
and we ask, Lord, that you might reach out
in the name of Jesus and bringdeliverance to the captive
and those who are suffering.
In Jesus' name,- [Wendy] In Jesus' name.
amen and amen.- [Wendy] Amen.
We'd love to hear from you.
Please tell us what God's done.
Telephone number is availableand if you need prayer,
1-800-700-7000, okay?