- Hey there and welcometo "The Superbook Show."
Has there ever been a time that you knew
you needed to do the right thing,
but you were scared of whatwould happen if you did?
Queen Esther of Persiaknows exactly how you feel.
(logo whooshing)
(upbeat trumpet music)
Esther has her own book of the Bible,
but we're going to focus onchapters three through seven,
follow along in your Superbook Bible app.
(audience applauding)
- Cousin Mordecai, what's wrong?
You're looking pretty glum.
- Esther, it's terrible.
Haman wants to kill allthe Jews, all you Jews.
You have to do something.You just gotta do something.
- Me? What can I do?
- Gee, I don't know, maybetalk to your husband,
the king.(bell dings)
- Are you nuts? I can't talk to the king.
I haven't talked to him in a month.
If I talk to him and hedoesn't want to talk to me,
he could have killed.
- Esther, you could save us all.
- I could literally die.
- This could be thereason you became queen.
- I can't be queen if I'm dead.
- You're gonna die anyways
if you don't stand up for all of us.
- (sighs) I know you'reright, but, Mordecai,
even if he doesn't kill me,he might not believe me.
- Esther, I truly believeyou were chosen to be queen
for such a time as this.
- Okay, I'll do it.
Pray for me?
- You got it.
(shoes squeaking)(Esther sighs)
(dramatic music)
- Esther, wifey, what a lovely surprise.
Come on in.
What can I do for you?
- Oh, well, um, I would like
to, to, uh,
throw a banquet for you and Haman.
- Wonderful! We lovebanquets, don't we, Haman?
- Yes, very much.
- [Narrator] The next day.
- Okay, Esther, get ittogether. Today's the day.
All you have to do is tellthe king about Haman's plot
in front of Haman.
No matter, easy peasy, squeezy lemon.
(dramatic music)
Oh man, what if theking doesn't believe me?
What if the king does believeme, but he doesn't care?
This is a disaster.
(gentle music)
So, your majesty, thereactually is something
I wanted to talk to you about.
- I thought so. I can sensethese things, you know?
- Right, well, you see, the thing is...
(Haman laughing sinisterly)
The thing is Haman is trying to kill me
and all of my people.
(record scratching)- What?
- Oh wow. I'm glad I gotthat off my chest. (laughs)
- Haman, explain yourself.
- (spits) No, I didn'tknow the queen was Jewish.
Honest, I didn't.
If I had known, Iwouldn't try to kill her.
- Enough. Guards, arrest Haman.
- Honest, I didn't.Please, please, please.
(grunts) No!
- Don't worry, I won't letanyone kill you or your people.
I'm so glad you spoke up.
- Yeah, me too. Thanksfor listening to me.
- Of course. You're mywife, I gotta protect you.
- Aw, thanks.
(audience applauding)
- Esther risked herlife to save her people,
because, in the end, she knewit was the right thing to do.
So don't be afraid of whatother people might think.
Have courage and standup for what is right.
His Word is forever alive.
(logo whooshing)
Thanks for tuning in today.
Do you want to see moreBible Theater? (laughs)
Send in requests at superbookshow@cbn.org
and make sure to downloadthe Superbook Bible app
and visit thesuperbookshow.com.
(logo whooshing)