'Bless Your Pastor' Movement Encourages Church Members to Support Their Minister Through Giving
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- It's the Bless Your Pastor movement,
sponsored by the NationalAssociation of Evangelicals.
More than 2000 churches have participated
and collected $1.2 million plus
in offerings for their pastors.
And joining us now with more
on the Bless Your Pastormovement is Brian Kluth.
So good to have you here.
Talk about this, you and your wife
are traveling around the country.
- Yes we are.- In an RV.
- We are in an RV.- How is this helping pastors?
- Well, we are speaking on TV and radio,
just talking about theimportance of blessing pastors,
especially these are challenging times.
COVID's really affected pastors.
It's been a difficult 15 months,
and they need all thelove and support they get.
And we have free materialsto help every Christian
and every church in America
bless their pastor and church staff.
And just go to blessyourpastor.org website
to get those free resources.
- Awesome, you mentioned pastors
being in crisis, if youwill, and the pandemic.
Talk about that impact, what do you see?
- Yeah, it's been a challenging 15 months.
Pastors typically work50 to 70 hours a week,
and that's, and even more this last year.
In every decision a pastormade this last year,
somebody wasn't happy.
So it's been a very,very challenging time.
But we really want people tofulfill 1 Thessalonians 5:12,
which says, "Show your deepappreciation for pastors."
Galatians 6:6 says, "We areto share all good things
with our pastors."
So it's really about showing and sharing
the love and the care thatany Christian can give them,
with their abilities, with their skills,
with their resources,whatever God has given them
to bless their pastor and staff.
- What is the easiestone, two, three plan,
and what are some creative ways
our viewers can bless their pastors?
- Yeah absolutely, easyas one, two, three,
is one is you go to the website,
get the free resources, "50Ways to Bless Your Pastor."
So your church distributesthat to everybody.
Secondly, they take upan appreciation offering,
or give a year-end bonus.
Third, they honor thempublicly in some way.
And when they do that,we have a million dollars
in gift cards to give awayto pastors, $100 at a time.
So when your churchdoes the one, two, three
at the blessyourpastor.org website,
we will bless your pastorwith $100 gift card.
So any Christian in Americacan help that happen.
But on a practical level, you know,
whatever you're good at,
do something to bless your pastor,
or get them a gift card,and just put a note on it.
That would bless and help your pastor.
- Good advice, what's got you
so personally involved in this?
- Well, I became a pastor at 45,
took a $70,000 pay cut to become a pastor.
But my church loved me sowell, I never missed the money,
'cause they cared for me.
My wife had cancer at the time.
They loved us well.
There was so many thingsthey did to bless us,
to help us, encourage us.
And I want other pastorsand other congregations
to experience what I had theprivilege of experiencing
those 10 years I was a pastor.
- Beautiful, what should our viewers do
if they do wanna get involved with this?
- Simply go toblessyourpastor.org website,
and get the easy as one, two, three.
Look at that 50 ways list,
and then you pick out somethingpersonally you can do,
and then pass that informationalong to your church leaders,
not to your pastor, your church leaders
or your office staff andlet them carry the ball
to then turn around andbless their pastor and staff.
- Indeed, Brian Kluth.
with this Bless Your Pastormovement, much appreciated.
They certainly deserve the assistance.
- Thank you so much, God bless you.
- Pleasure having you,God bless you as well.