Palestinians protest murder of prominent activist making some wonder how long PA President Abbas can continue to rule; Plus, Israeli teams lend a hand to those affected by the Miami condo tragedy; and To Life: Israeli Volunteers Changing the World.
Read Transcript
(shofar trumpets)
- This week on Jerusalem Dateline.
Palestinians protest themurder of a prominent activist,
making some wonder howlong Palestinian Authority
President Mahmoud Abbascan continue to rule.
Plus, Israeli teams lend a helping hand
to those affected bythe Miami condo tragedy.
And "To Life," Israelivolunteers changing the world.
All this and more thisweek on Jerusalem Dateline.
(dramatic music)
Hello, and welcome to thisedition of Jerusalem Dateline.
I'm Chris Mitchell.
Recently, thousands ofPalestinians have taken
to the streets of Ramallah and Bethlehem
to protest the death of Nizar Banat,
a prominent critic of thePalestinian Authority.
Some believe theunprecedented demonstrations
could pose a serious threat to the rule
of PA President Mahmoud Abbas.
For months, Nizar Banatposted videos on Facebook
accusing the PalestinianAuthority of corruption
and betraying the Palestinian cause
because it worked closely with Israel.
Banat also criticized PA President Abbas
for canceling elections thathad been scheduled for May.
They would have been thefirst elections in 15 years,
and Banat was a candidate.
On June 24th, Banat's familysays PA security forces
burst into his home,beat him with iron rods,
and arrested him.
He later died in custody.
After Banat's death and funeral,
thousands mourned him inhis hometown of Hebron.
And in Ramallah, protestors marched
on Abbas' headquarters,blaming the president
for Banat's murder.
They chanted, "The peoplewant to overthrow the regime."
PA Prime Minister MohammadShtayyeh says Banat's murder
is under investigation and vowed
to prosecute those responsible.
- [Translator] Whoever isinvolved in this matter
will be referred to thecompetent judicial authorities,
which gives everyone their rights.
And we ask the investigation committee
to complete its reportwithin the next two days.
- [Chris] Casting doubt on that effort,
journalist Nadia Harhashexpressed the frustration
of many fellow Palestinians.
- They didn't care and they killed him.
That's why it's so dangerousthat these people don't care
about anything, they don'teven care about publicity.
They don't care what anyone thinks of.
Because they know thatthey can get away with it.
- [Chris] The European Union,the main donor to the PA,
wants an independent murder investigation,
and the U.S. State Departmentsaid it was deeply disturbed
by the reports that non-uniform members
of the PalestinianAuthority security forces
both harassed and used force
against protestors and journalists.
Harhash goes on to blamethe international community
for enabling Abbas to basicallyrule over a police state.
- It's the internationalmoney that blesses
what's happening to us.
And they know that nobodyis holding them accountable.
And yet the internationalmoney enters their pockets.
It's not a Palestinian internal affair.
It is the international responsibility
that we're getting killedbecause we speak out.
- They must see that a 17-year dictator
is now using the security apparatus
which is funded by U.S. aid contributions
in order to crack down on dissidents,
in order to quash democracy.
- The high profile murder and protests
could also represent a seriousthreat to Abbas' leadership.
Polls show his popularity is decreasing
while support for Hamas,the ruling body in Gaza,
is growing.
Following the recent Gaza conflict,
a Palestinian poll showed Ismail Haniyeh
leading Abbas by 59% to 27%,
a margin of more than 30 points.
Before the war, Abbas led Haniyeh
by a single percentage point.
- It gained them atremendous amount of support
within the Palestinian population,
because that's unfortunatelyhow you gain support,
political support, inthe Palestinian sector.
- [Chris] That growth also elevated Hamas
on the world stage.
Lebanese President Michel Aounwelcomed the group's leader,
who also visited Morocco,Mauritania, and Egypt.
That tour happening whileAbbas faces an uprising
in the West Bank.
For some, it's one more sign that the end
of Mahmoud Abbas' rule couldbe just a matter of time.
While the PA faces major challenges,
Israel's new government is pressing ahead
with international diplomacy.
And as CBN Middle EastCorrespondent Julie Stahl explains,
one of the key arenas isthe United Arab Emirates
that signed historic peace agreements
known as the Abraham Accordswith Israel last year.
- [Julie] New Foreign Minister Yair Lapid
is the highest ranking Israeli official
to visit the United Arab Emirates
since the signing of lastyear's peace agreement.
- This is an historicmoment and it is a reminder
that history is created bypeople who understand history
but are willing to change it.
People who prefer the future to the past.
- [Julie] In the capital of Abu Dhabi,
Lapid dedicated the Israeliembassy in a ceremony
that included Jewish prayers
and placing a mezuzah on the doorpost.
- Israel wants peacewith all its neighbors.
We aren't going anywhere.
The Middle East is our homeand we are here to stay.
So we call on all thecountries of the region
to recognize that andto come to talk to us.
- [Julie] Lapid alsothanked leaders responsible
for bringing the AbrahamAccords to fruition,
the first peace agreement between Israel
and Arab nations in more than 25 years.
- To Israel's former PrimeMinister, Benjamin Netanyahu,
who was the architectof the Abraham Accords
and who worked tirelesslyto bring them about.
I want to thank former U.S.President Donald Trump.
- [Julie] Since the agreement's signing,
Israel has established severalhundred million dollars
worth of trade agreements with UAE,
and more than 200,000 Israelitourists have visited there.
Lapid also opened a consulatein the Emirate of Dubai.
- It's a place of life,of tourism, of business,
of dialogue between twotalented peoples who can
and who want to contribute to one another.
- [Julie] Ambassador Eitan Na'eh,
Head of Mission at theIsrael Embassy in Abu Dhabi,
told CBN News the AbrahamAccords opened the way
for a different future.
- I think the AbrahamAccords, first of all,
are a dream and a vision.
And now we are down torealizing it, materializing it,
and really rolling up our sleeves
and starting the hardwork of making it happen.
Creating the new model ofpeace and normalization
in the Middle East wherecooperation is the key word.
- [Julie] Na'eh said it doesn't mean
there won't be challenges, butthere's a strategic decision
to build normal relations.
- In a few weeks we will signquite a few more agreements
to really cement the cooperation
and the relationships to show peoples
and governments in the region
what true, close relationships look like.
- [Julie] Na'eh saidthey want other countries
in the Middle East to askthemselves, why not us too?
Julie Stahl, CBN News, Jerusalem.
- U.S. President Joe Bidenordered the U.S. military
to carry out air strikes against the bases
of Iranian-backed militia groups
near the border of Iraq and Syria.
Pentagon spokesman JohnKirby said the militias
were using the facilitiesto carry out drone attacks
against U.S. troops in Iraq.
Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
discussed those attackswith CBN's David Brody.
- Air strikes the Bidenadministration has just completed,
if you will, on some ofthese Iranian strongholds
in Iraq and Syria, what doyou make of that strategy?
- I'm glad they did it.
If you've got soldiers on the ground,
you have to establish tactical deterrence.
You have to make sure they know
that there'll be a real cost.
But second, if you allow proxy forces
of the Iranians to fire at Americans
and the Americans turnaround and fire back
at the proxy forces, theIranians feel no pain.
We made clear that we weren'tgonna let their proxy forces
serve as that intermediary todisconnect them from the risk.
So we made clear if you haveproxy forces come after us,
we were gonna go after Iranian targets.
I hope this administration isprepared to do the same thing.
If they're not, they're gonnacontinue to suffer attacks
and we'll have Americans killed.
- What do you think of on Israel?
As we rapid fire throughsome of these issues,
and just so much to unpack on each one.
Naftali Bennett, whatdo you know about him?
How confident are you that he will be
as strong a leader as Benjamin Netanyahu?
And evangelicals especiallywant to know the answer
to that question.
- Yeah, so only time will tell.
I know Prime Minister Bennett some.
I know, too, that he takesIsraeli security very seriously.
I also know he's got a coalition
that I cannot figure outhow he's gonna manage.
- Razor thin.
- It would be likehaving the Freedom Caucus
and AOC in the same caucus.
It'll be really difficult politically
for him to manage that process.
And so I wish him well.
It is important that this relationship
between the United Statesand Israel stay strong.
I regret that we're not doing our part.
It doesn't look like theBiden team is leaning
into the importance of this relationship
in the way that theTrump administration did.
(upbeat rock music)
- [Christ] Coming up, Israeli teams join
in the search and rescue effortat the Miami condo collapse.
(upbeat music)
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(upbeat rock music)
- In Miami, there's an ongoing search
for survivors at thedeadly condo collapse,
where work continues around the clock.
Foreign search andrescue teams from Israel
and Mexico are now on the scene.
Officials say this isstill a rescue mission,
not a recovery.
And the commander of Israel's team says
he's seen the impossible happen before.
Caitlin Burke has the story.
- Of those still unaccounted for
at the Surfside condo collapse,
more than two dozen are Jewishwith connections to Israel.
Now an Israeli search andrescue team is on site,
bringing decades of experience.
- We came because people arehere, lost their families,
lost their relatives,lost their loved ones.
And we are here as we are always doing
in the last 35 years all over the world.
- [Caitlin] The Israeliteam has seen this kind
of disaster before, and thecommander says he believes
they can still find survivors.
- Most like this place I found a man alive
10 years ago in Haiti after 100 hours.
And we still have hope, butthis site is very complicated,
and I hope that we'll find someone.
- [Caitlin] United Hatzalah,an Israeli non-profit
that provides emergency medicalresponse, is also in Miami.
Their psycho trauma andcrisis response unit meeting
with anyone affected by the collapse.
- What we're basicallytrying to do is we're trying
to make this process of thewaiting, of the unknowing
a process where they canbe active, be effective,
be helpful to the searchand to one another
by helping provide relief to one another.
'Cause they're all goingthrough the same thing.
They're all going through the same trauma.
- [Caitlin] Firefighters,who also make up elite
federal search and rescueteams out of Miami,
were some of the first to respond.
- Just when we firstarrived and what we saw,
the horrific, catastrophictype of collapse,
Miami-Dade Fire and Rescue, we were able
during that timeframe toremove 37 individuals,
37 individuals.
And we continue searching.
- [Caitlin] The Florida task forces
now helping search through the rubble,
looking for pockets of air or voids
where survivors could be trapped.
Governor Ron DeSantissays teams are working
under grueling conditions,all with the goal
of bringing victims home.
- They understand that in every one
of those condominium buildings were people
whose different family'sworld revolved around them.
Grandmothers, grandkids,brothers and sisters.
And I just thank themfor all their efforts
and I thank them forleaving no stone unturned.
And the families, we're gonna be there
for the long haul on this.
- As investigators continueto determine a cause,
the "Wall Street Journal"publishing a letter it says
was sent by the condoboard's president in April,
warning that significantrepairs were needed
and that the building had deteriorated
since a 2018 inspection.
An engineer who studiedthe 9/11 Pentagon attack
has been hired to inspect the collapse,
although it will likely be quite some time
before any real questions are answered.
Caitlin Burke, CBN News.
(upbeat rock music)
- [Chris] Up next, as Americacelebrates its independence
on July 4th, one IsraeliAmerican offers advice
how the U.S. can learn from Israel.
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♪ I got the joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy's in the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy's in the heart ♪
- Here we're committed to a heritage
of rigorous scholarship datingback over a thousand years.
- [Man] And to a faith tradition
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- [Woman] And a culture of hope.
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(upbeat rock music)
- As America celebrates itsindependence on July 4th,
the country is going through a political
and cultural crisis.
Now one Israeli Americanhas written a book on
how the U.S. can learn fromthe experiences of Israel
to survive this crisis.
Well, David Rubin, thanks for joining us
on Jerusalem Dateline,great to see you again.
- Well, thank you, Chris.
- You've written a bookcalled "Confronting Radicals,
What America Can Learn from Israel."
Why'd you write the book?
- Well, it was duringthe George Floyd riots
when the American cities were burning,
when all of the monumentsto American heroes
were being torn down orvandalized or under attack,
they were changing names of schools,
and I just could not understand it,
because here it's not like that.
We have a very differentapproach to our heroes.
And I felt somethingneeded to be done about it.
I started to research it
and that's how the book got started.
- [Chris] So what canAmerica learn from Israel?
- Well, first of all,it's important to learn
from Israel's successes aswell as Israel's mistakes.
And Lord knows we've madea lot of mistakes, too.
So among our mistakes, socialism.
From 1948 until the early 1980s
we were a socialist country,Democrat socialists,
as AOC would say.
In addition, we have theproblem of appeasement.
In Israel, we appeased thePalestinians for many years.
We had the Oslo peace process, 1993.
That lasted for about 25, 30 years.
And it brought theworst waves of terrorism
that Israel has ever experienced.
In America, we had the defundingof the police movement,
which is an appeasementactually of the rioters,
of the looters in the hope thatthat's going to please them.
Well, the problem isthat when you appease,
it's like giving achunk of meat to a wolf.
It's going to eat the meat
and then it's going to attack you.
It's not gonna be enough.
Now Israelis understand
that you cannot appease Muslim terrorists.
It's important for Americansto learn that lesson as well
about the radical secular left.
When people are burning downmonuments to American heroes,
when people are burning American flags,
when people are burningBibles in these riots
in American cities, in those cases
it is definitely not about racism.
It's not about protesting racism.
It's about a Marxist revolutionthat is being spearheaded
by movements like BlackLives Matter and Antifa.
- Talk about some of theJudeo-Christian values
that undermine our civilization
and how can we protect those?
- This has been a decades-oldgrassroots movement
among the secular left tochange the values of America,
to tear down Judeo Christian civilization.
Now, the United States wasbuilt on Judeo-Christian values.
The founding fathers, ThomasJefferson, Benjamin Franklin,
George Washington, Abraham Lincoln,
they all had that connectionwith the values of Israel
that are rooted in the Hebrew Bible.
Those are values thatare under attack today.
They've been under attack since the 1960s
when the left wingradicals of the 1960s went,
they seemed like theywere going establishment,
but they really didn't go establishment,
they just joined theestablishment to gain power.
The only way to combat it is
to have a similar grassroots movement
on the conservative side.
Learn from Israel, learnfrom Israel's successes,
Israel's mistakes, thevalues of hard work,
the values of family, ofthe traditional family.
The traditional familyis on the rise in Israel.
It's a good thing here.
And people are getting married.
More people are having more children.
We honor the traditionalfamily of a father
and a mother and children.
And that is the basis for agood, healthy, productive life.
Not a life based on handouts.
Yes, I want people to get active.
I want people to get activeon the grassroots level.
It's not just looking forsome savior in a president,
in a Senator, it's being active yourself.
- That's a great message for today.
Thanks for being with uson Jerusalem Dateline.
- Thank you, Chris.
- [Chris] Up next CBNDocumentaries' inspiring film
"To Life, How Israeli Volunteersare Changing the World."
Thank you for watching Jerusalem Dateline.
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- [Announcer] Call us tollfree at 1-800-700-7000.
Or go to
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of truth about Israelthroughout the world.
- [Gizmo] Chris and Joyhave gone back in time,
and I do not know where!
- [Announcer] From Superbook.
- Let me tell you howthis trouble started.
- Hi!
- [Gizmo] Pastor Aaron invited Chris
to be group leader at thevery next Bible study meeting.
- I didn't volunteer to run the meeting.
- That's when everything went kaplooey!
- But the heroes of my Hollow Nine games
are more today, you know.
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- [Joy] It seems Superbookhas dropped me and Chris
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- This mission callsfor our very best spies.
- Reporting for duty, sir.
- Let us have the men whoare staying at your house.
- [Woman] You mean them?
- Don't play games with me, Rahab.
- [Chris] I thought I knewwhat it takes to be a hero.
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- As you saw earlier inCaitlin Burke's story,
Israeli teams are on the ground in Miami
helping in the search andrescue operation for survivors
and to help comfort andtreat those suffering trauma.
CBN Documentaries chronicledhow Israelis reach out
in times of trouble, inall kinds of situations.
It's in the film "To Life,How Israeli Volunteers
are Changing the World," take a look.
(ominous music)
- [Narrator] The massive earthquake killed
nearly 9,000 people andinjured 22,000 more.
In just a few moments,hundreds of thousands
of people had become homeless.
The world mobilized tohelp, and among the first
to arrive in Nepal were doctors
from the Israel Defense Forces, or IDF.
- I got a phone call, middleof the night, "You're going."
- We are now in Gongabu district
inside the City of Kathmandu, which is one
of the worst areas hit by theearthquake on last Saturday.
As you can see here, thedevastation is just enormous,
and the recovery processwill take long time.
- Within 96 hours after the earthquake,
we already have a fieldhospital here fully operational.
- [Narrator] The devastationin Nepal was extreme,
but for the Israelidoctors, it was nothing new.
When a catastrophic earthquakedevastated Haiti in 2010,
more than 200 IDF volunteers arrived
in Port-au-Prince to help.
In less than 12 hours,they built a hospital
on this soccer field, andover the next two weeks
they treated more thana thousand patients.
The dedication and efficiencyof the Israeli army doctors
caught the attentionof the worldwide media.
- One unit has become legendary,the Israeli medical unit.
- As you walk through this campus,
it has military precision.
You see a pediatric ward,you see a maternity ward,
a newborn intensive care unit.
- I've been here since Thursday, no one
except the Israeli hospitalhas taken any of our patients.
- I'm just amazed, I'mjust amazed at what's here.
This is, this is like another world
compared to the other hospital.
My God, they have machines here.
They have actual operating rooms.
And it's just amazing.
- If you would like to orderyour own copy of "To Life,
How Israeli Volunteersare Changing the World,"
you can order onlineat
Well, that's all for this edition.
Thanks for joining us.
Remember, you can follow us on Facebook,
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I'm Chris Mitchell,we'll see you next time
on Jerusalem Dateline.(upbeat rock music)