3-year-old Lorelei was found unresponsive at the bottom of the pool during a Fourth of July celebration. Through her family’s immediate actions to save her life, Fourth of July is now a celebration of life. Learn more about her amazing story!
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(somber music)
[Narrator] July 4th, 2020, Blake Wilson
and his wife, Tori, werecelebrating at her parents' house.
Their three-year-old daughter, Lorelei,
was swimming in the poolwith family and friends.
- She had never takenswimming lessons before
so we always relied onfloaties while she was
in there just because of her age,
but she's always been supercomfortable being in the water.
- It was a normal day,but she knew that she had
to have her floaties on.
(tense music)
- [Narrator] While everyonetook a break for lunch,
Lorelei sneaked back to the pool unnoticed
without her floats on.
Sometime later, one ofthe kids discovered her
in the water, then ranto get Grandpa Mark.
- He said somebody's already in the pool.
And as soon as he said it,I knew it had to be her.
- I'd only been inside a few minutes
before my oldest came in and said that
Lorelei was in the pool.
- When I got to the topstep, I could see her laying
on the bottom of the pool,and my heart just broke.
- [Narrator] Mark quickly jumped in
and pulled Lorelei from the pool.
She wasn't breathing and was unresponsive.
- Her lips and aroundher eyes was dark blue,
her face, not as blue as, you know,
around her lips and eyes,but it was real scary.
I thought she was gone.
- I was petrified.
I felt helpless, I didn't know what to do.
It's a very, very scary feeling.
- I mean, I was brokenat that moment, that was,
I was staring at mybaby girl who was blue.
- We've had CPR training,so we knew what to do,
but I got her on her sideand stretched her arm out,
and everything they tell you to do.
- At that point, everythingwas outside of my control,
but the one thing thatI could do was pray.
- We all prayedconstantly, and just again,
just panic and fear.
I didn't know what was gonna happen.
- I tapped her on the backmaybe three or four times
and by the grace of God,she just, she took a breath.
(soft music)
- [Narrator] Lorelei was breathing,
but remained unresponsivewhen she arrived at the ER.
Dr. Majou and his staff atGeorgetown Memorial Hospital
were the first to treat her.
- Lorelei was in criticalcondition when she came in
and she was in respiratory distress.
Her vital signs were somewhat unstable
as far as her respiratory condition.
- [Narrator] A chestx-ray revealed that one
of Lorelei's lungs was full of fluid.
Her family and hospital staffknew she needed a miracle.
- The doctors and the nurses,
they were praying right there with us.
Everyone was, wantedthis positive outcome.
- I called in her family,I wanted them to pray,
I wanted all of hersupportive staff to be there
to be able to pray forher and with her parents
to let them know that they're loved
and you know, God is here.
(helicopter blades chopping)
- [Narrator] Lorelei was airlifted
to Medical University, South Carolina
due to the severity ofher respiratory condition.
Amazingly, the next x-ray showed the fluid
in her lung had vanished.
- When we got there and they took x-rays
of their own there, wediscovered that there was,
the fluid was not in herright lung at that point.
I believe, deep down, that that was God.
- [Narrator] Still, Dr. ElizabethMac at MUSC was troubled
by the lack of oxygen to Lorelei's organs.
- She was in some respiratory distress.
Her lab work was concerningfor an elevated acid level
in her blood, meaning that her organs,
for a period of time, didn't get
enough oxygen or blood flow.
- We were praying and hopingthat there would not be
any brain damage or anypermanent damage done.
- [Narrator] That night whilemost people were watching
4th of July fireworks, Tori and Blake were
carefully watching theirlittle girl in the hospital.
- I was concerned just because she
had not fully woken up yet,and said anything to us.
She would kind of rouse up a little bit,
but she had still neverfully opened her eyes.
I can remember me and my husband
would watch the monitor like a hawk.
They had told us what heroxygen level needed to stay at.
- [Narrator] For over 30hours, the Wilsons prayed
and waited, then theyheard something wonderful.
- At about two o'clock thatSunday morning, she woke up
and she turned and she lookedat me and she said, mama.
And I went over thereto her and it's like,
it's like nothing happened, at all.
She was talking just completely normal,
and she, she remembered what had happened,
she knew what happened.
- She told us that she snuckup on the deck, really quiet,
and she held her fingerover her mouth and tiptoed,
and that she held her nose and jumped in.
- She asked me, she said, can we go back
to Mimi, Mimi and Big Daddy'shouse and go swimming?
And I remember saying no, we're not going
swimming any time soon.
- [Narrator] Lorelei made a full recovery.
The Wilsons say they are grateful to God
for watching over theirdaughter and will always
remember His faithfulnessevery 4th of July.
- Oh it's nothing but the Lord.
I mean, like I said, all, He did it all.
All I did was pull her out the water.
He took care of everything else.
- And they told us that we were very,
very lucky that day because a lot
of the cases don't turn out that way.
They considered her accidenta near-drowning accident.
And just for her to come out of that
and not have any permanent damage at all,
there's no doubt in my mind that
that was God looking out for her.
- The 4th of July, it's acelebration of life, now.
You know, we were not promisedthe outcome that we got,
but we prayed for it, and we received it.