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Parents Fight to Recall Loudoun County School Board: 'They Are Emotionally Abusing Our Children'

Parents Fight to Recall Loudoun County School Board: 'They Are Emotionally Abusing Our Children' Read Transcript

- This Loudoun County,

not only is it thewealthiest in the country,

it's also become ground zero

for public schoolcontroversies nationwide.

Loudoun voices are among the loudest

with a growing number ofparents insisting the system

is indoctrinating their children

with an anti-American agenda.

About an hour west of DC,

Loudoun is famous forrolling hills, wineries,

and staggering growth.

These days however.

- Today, instead of focusing on the hate,

that seems to be dripping

off the followers of Jesus in this room.

(audience gasping)

- [Tara] It's getting headlines

for explosive school board meetings.

- And people like me and a lineof all the people out there

who will gladly take your seat,

and figure it out.

- [Tara] Where irate parentsread X-rated book excerpts

from the required school reading list.

- He had a big (beep),

and sometimes a girljust needs a big (beep).

- They're perverted, because,

there is no other rational,reasonable explanation

for why adults would want to expose

other people's kids to sexual content.

- [Tara] Accuse members of targeting

traditional family values.

- The school's immersedin this leftist ideology.

- They're teaching

essentially children to hate their parents

- [Tara] And sound off.

- They wanna divide usby the color of our skin.

- [Tara] On what critics calla divisive race curriculum.

- CRT is racist, it is abusive.

It discriminates against one's color.

- [Tara] Week after week.

- The why do you have Black Lives Matter?

All lives matter.

- [Tara] Meetings as heated outside as in.

- Enough of the toxicity and the division

and looking at your skincolor and your skin color.

- [Tara] One group insisting students

are used to push politics.

- I was taught at a very young age,

what to look for in socialism.

What do they do?

They go right to the children.

- [Tara] The other,trying to drown them out.

(parents shouting)

While some parents arebehind the school board.

- To stop turning equality into a weapon.

- [Tara] Calls continue togrow from others who say

it has got to go.

As volunteers collect signatures to recall

six of the nine board members.

- [Narrator] Cyprus Schoolsis going to fight for

Loudoun County students,parents and teachers.

- All eyes are on Loudoun County.

- We get outreach fromplaces all across the country

asking how they can replicate there,

what they're doing here.

- [Tara] Topping the list of complaints,

that Loudoun is part ofa national effort to push

critical race theory.

- They've just been tricked into something

that not many Black people are into.

- [Tara] Which your opponents say teaches

all institutions are racist.

- We're just trying to

let everybody know whatthese people are doing.

And they're trying to, you know

you put a lipstick ona pig, it's still a pig

- [Tara] Though an LCPS spokesman denied

several of our requests to interview

Interim Superintendent Scott Ziglar,

Ziglar publicly insists its equity plan

is not critical race theory.

We also caught up withtwo school board members

clearly at odds.

How is critical race theorydifferent than the equity plan?

- Well, they're not the same, period.

- Can you give me one sentence

that tells me what the difference is?

- I don't think its a onesentence, it's complicated.

- Do you think that they'reinjecting critical race theory

if you had to make your own analysis?

- Encouraging teachers toat least think about it

and to put it as ainfluence of their teaching.

- [Tara] Some parentsare suing administrators

over race-based initiatives in the plan

they claim could stifle freespeech and discriminate.

- One of their equity groups,

which I don't really agree with because

I actually got rejected joining that group

because I'm white.

- They are doing a lot of theirdirty work through teachers.

- [Tara] In this virtualZoom meeting obtained by CBN,

we see and hear a group of teachers

and the local NAACP'seducational chairwoman,

discussing ways to get schoolboard members in their camp.

- You know, she especially has a heart

for special needs kids.

- I can frame most issues onrace in a disability rights

framework to speak to her in that way.

- I will say that Leslie and Ian

both ran on the Democraticticket in the last year,

so they better act right.

- [Tara] Another sensitivesubject for many parents

and even educators here,

perceived attacks on religious freedom,

like LGBTQ books they say arein kindergarten classrooms.

- There's a lot of stuff in the classrooms

that are kind of sh sh sh,

but they're there.

- [Tara] That in May, anelementary gym teacher

placed on administrativeleave for saying this.

- But I serve God first

and I will not affirm that abiological boy can be a girl

and vice versa becauseit's against my religion.

- [Tara] Per order of a judge,Tanner Cross is back to work.

(congregation applauding)

The fallout still spillingover into a local pulpit.

- They are emotionallyabusing our children

by perpetuating the lieabout gender confusion

when they affirm pronounsthat are contrary to biology,

reality in the beautiful design of God.

So they need to be held accountable.

- [Tara] As local Democratsdemand Pastor Gary Hamrick

recant his comments,

Tanner's congregationis lining up in support.

- As they see thisliberal progressive agenda

infiltrating our school system,

the parents should rise up and say,

we don't like the people whoare making these choices,

and if they want to replace them,

they should not only replace them,

but they should themselves wantto run for the school board

and get in people that they can support

and who will betterrepresent their values.

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