Johns Hopkins Professor Dr. Marty Makary to CBN News: 'The Pandemic Is Really Over'
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- You've possibly seenDr. Marty Makary on TV
or read one of his newspaper articles.
He makes the case that manyexperts have been wrong
and why it's time for all ofus to get back to normal life.
- Now the pandemic is really over.
- [Jenna] This from oneof the medical field's
most respected voices, Dr. Marty Makary,
professor at Johns HopkinsSchool of Public Health.
- The number of dailycases of COVID are 1/50
the number of daily cases of flu
in the middle of a mild flu season.
- [Jenna] Dr. Makary talksabout it all in his book,
"The Price We Pay: WhatBroke American Health Care
And How To Fix It."
He says there's a lotthe medical establishment
and those like Dr.Anthony Fauci got wrong.
- And one important thing as a leader
in the medical field oranywhere is humility.
We didn't see that.
He got so many things wrongand we all make mistakes,
but the principal job of that position
is to warn us of a pandemicand tell us how to manage it.
We didn't get the warnings,and then once it happened,
I wrote the first articlecalling for universal masking
in the New York Times.
Why didn't we hear thatfrom our medical leadership?
That was something where Ithink it would be helpful
for him to say, "I got it wrong."
- [Jenna] He says medicalexperts also got it wrong
with natural immunity and highlights why
in his latest Wall Street Journal op-ed.
- It's one of the biggest failures
of our medical establishmentto dismiss natural immunity.
It's about half thecountry, and if you have it,
it turns out, the data hascome out even this week
with two big studies showingthat it works, it's durable,
you may not need the vaccine,
and it's probably long-lasting.
It's probably lifelong.
So when you dismiss natural immunity,
you see only 63% of adultsin America are vaccinated,
the road to get to 85%is a dire situation.
It requires mandates andkids getting vaccinated
and demonizing those who are hesitant.
But recognizing thathalf of the unvaccinated
have natural immunity,
it explains why we'reat herd immunities now
and cases are plummeting.
- [Jenna] On the China lab leak theory.
- There are a lot of data points here
that suggest the story is very plausible.
- [Jenna] Dr. Makary was one of few
to give it any credence last spring.
- If you think aboutthe consequences here,
this is the largestliability or malpractice case
in the history of the world,
so people have a rightto get more answers,
and we're not gonna get itfrom a full investigation.
Be careful when you hearpoliticians posturing
for a full investigation.
We have all the data we'regoing to get right now,
and the conclusion is very obvious.
- [Jenna] Another obviousconclusion he says,
it's time to put this all behind us.
- We need to move on.
We need to reestablish a human connection.
We've gotta address the effects
of profound lonelinessand rebuild communities.
- And to that point, Dr. Makarysays he's also against calls
to oust Dr. Fauci.
He says we shouldn't be goingafter individuals like that,
but instead, moving forward.
In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.