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Violent Crime Steadily Rising in America, and the 'Defund the Police' Aftermath Could Hurt Dems in 2022

Violent Crime Steadily Rising in America, and the 'Defund the Police' Aftermath Could Hurt Dems in 2022 Read Transcript

- From coast to coast,violent crime is rising

in American cities.

In just one recent weekend,

more than 120 Americanswere killed in shootings.

In New York, policewant to talk to this man

about a terrifying shooting in the Bronx.

A ten-year-old and her little brother

caught in the crossfire last week.

- I want to acknowledgethe the young lady that

pretty much saved her brother.

She pretty much covered them up.

- [Jenna] In another part of New York,

family and friendsremembered Justin Wallace,

a 10 year old shot andkilled in what police think

was an argument among adults over parking.

♪ This little light of mine, all mine, ♪

♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪

- [Jenna] And in Detroit,

a vigil for a two yearold killed last week.

- Not only is theviolence affecting adults,

but right now the violenceis affecting children,

and children are innocents.

They should not bepulling into this, at all.

- [Jenna] It's a patternacross the country.

Homicide rates in large cities

rose more than 30% on average last year

and climbed another 24% forthe beginning of this year.

The issue of risingcrime has quickly become

a political one, as seen ina recent survey by YouGov.

Asked which issues were very big problems,

49% of Americans placed violentcrime at the top of the list

compared to 39% for the economy,

and COVID coming in at just 32%.

Conservatives and Republicansblame democratic leadership

in big cities and movementslike Defund the Police,

and they're likely touse it as election fodder

in next year's midterms.

Hoping to get ahead of whatcould be serious political

peril for his party, PresidentBiden is launching an effort

to head off violent crime.

His anti-crime strategy

focusing on gun crimes and homicides.

And regarding the Defundthe Police movement,

a recent report commissioned by Democrats

shows the effort hurt the party,

which lost a lot of groundin the House in 2020.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.


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