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Faith Nation: June 21, 2021


(soft tense music)

- [Jenna] Tonight, no deal on voting.

- The biggest power grab inthe history of the country.

- [Jenna] But a compromise inthe works on infrastructure.

- [John] Plus, the Iranianpresidential election.

- They didn't even put upthe facade of democracy.

- [John] The man knownas the Hangman of Tehran

becomes the new presidentof the Iranian regime.


- My name is-- Dad!

- [John] A new advocacygroup wants to, quote,

"save the family."

- [Jenna] And the premature baby boy

given 0% odds of survival turns one.

All this and more tonighton "Faith Nation."

(uptempo music)

- A consequential weekin the nation's capital.

Good evening. I'm John Jessup.

Welcome to "Faith Nation."

- And I'm Jenna Browder.

John, great to have you back.

Refreshed talks on infrastructure

begin this week in Washington

along with a battle over voting rights

that could hit a wall as soon as tomorrow.

- That's right, alleyes are on the Senate,

where Democrats would need towin over Republican support

to advance their election law reform bill.

CBN's Senior National AffairsCorrespondent Heather Sells

joins us now with the latest.

Heather, where do things stand right now?

- Yeah, John, Democratsare doing their best

to ramp up support fortheir voting rights bill.

They need 10 GOP votes, but right now,

Republicans are giving thema firewall of opposition.

- It takes the electionsystem in this country

and federalizes it, soit's a federal takeover

of our election system.

- [Heather] Republicansenators are not mincing words,

despite a slimmed downvoting rights proposal

from Senator Joe Manchin.

It would turn Election Dayinto a national holiday,

mandate 15 days of early voting,

require states to send absenteeballots to eligible voters,

and ban partisan gerrymandering.

Dems say the idea isto make it easy to vote

and hard to cheat.

They know that the Constitution

provides for federaloversight of elections.

Republicans say it goes too far.

- In my view, S.R. 1 isthe biggest power grab

in the history of the country.

It mandates ballotharvesting, no voter ID.

It does away with the statesbeing able to redistrict

when you have population shifts.

- [Heather] Unless GOPsenators get on board,

the bill could derail.

The White House vowing to press on.

- Our effort, the president's effort

to continue that fightdoesn't stop tomorrow at all.

This will be a fight of his presidency.

- [Heather] At the same time,

the Biden administrationis playing the long game

on infrastructure, settlinginto a new week of wrangling

on a deal for roads,bridges, and broadband.

The president meetingfor a third time Monday

with lead GOP negotiator,Senator Shelley Moore Capito.

Moderates like Manchin are hopeful.

- The president has 2.25trillion down to $1 trillion.

The Republicans have come up quite a bit

from where they started.

- [Heather] But how to fund the bill?

Republicans want to use moniesalready approved by Congress,

but the White Housesays there's not enough.

- The president hasproposed a range of ways

to pay for this package, including ways

that would not violate the red lines

the Republicans have put forward.

One of them is ensuring the highest,

wealthiest individuals in this country

pay what they're supposed topay as it relates to taxes,

additional tax enforcement.

- [Heather] Democrats are also warning

they might bypass the GOP.

- Folks want a bipartisan deal.

If we don't get there, thenwe'll consider other options.

- The White House today saidthe president is encouraged

by progress on infrastructure

and depicted the former senator

as relishing the legislative details.

On voting rights, watch forSenate Leader Chuck Schumer

to try and win over all 50 of his senators

so he can blame Republicans for any defeat

of the voting rights bill.

- [John] All right, CBN'sHeather Sells reporting.

Thanks so much, Heather.

- You're welcome.- Well joining us now

is CBN Chief Political Analyst David Brody

fresh off of his interview

with former President Donald Trump.

David, you had your phone interview

and I know that you guyscovered a lot of territory

with former President Trump.

I think the biggest questionthat may be out there though

is about 2024.

Did he hint that he'sready for another run?

- Well, I think he hintedpretty strongly at it, actually,

and I think some of the newscoming out of the interview

is that he says, and this is a quote,

"I think you'll be veryhappy," is what he says,

"with the decision that I make."

And so, you know, leave it to Trump

to kind of put someambivalence in his words,

but that is what he saidso we'll wait and see.

It was a very reserved interview.

It was very, about a15-minute phone interview,

which you can see on"The 700 Club" tomorrow

and also on "Faith Nation" as well

in the coming day or two.

It just got over with herejust the last hour or so.

But I will tell you this,that as it relates to 2024,

he seems like he wants to run.

There's no doubt about it.

But what I thought was also interesting

is that he didn't necessarily say

that it would be becauseif all of his candidates

that he supports win.

He says that wouldn't be the reason.

He just thinks that,

he's just not happy with thedirection of the country.

- David, the Western Conservative Summit

wrapped up over the weekend.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantishas beat Donald Trump

in its 2024 GOP straw poll.

One thing we do know about Donald Trump

is that he does not liketo share the spotlight

or be upstaged.

What do you make of this poll,

and does it mean Trump is losing

some of his hold on the Republican Party?

- Well, it doesn'tsurprise me, the polling.

Ron DeSantis is the golden child right now

in Republican politics.

I actually asked DonaldTrump about Ron DeSantis.

I was curious to see if he would

maybe, as they say, disshim a little, but he didn't.

As a matter of fact, he said,

he thinks what Ron DeSantisis doing in Florida

is amazing, it's great,and then he had a...

He kind a dissed him alittle bit by saying,

"And I helped him with his poll numbers

and he'll remember that."

You know, something along those lines.

So leave it to Donald Trump

to kinda get a little jab in there.

But he said many kindwords for Ron DeSantis.

But look, I think it doeskinda make you wonder

what's gonna happen in the future.

I mean, if Trump getsinto the race in 2024,

is there enough room in therace for DeSantis and Trump?

My sense of it is no,but we'll wait and see.

- David, you know, we justhad the Supreme Court rulings

that came out last week.

Obamacare of course survived.

I wonder, did he sayanything about those cases

in regards to the threeSupreme Court justices

that he got appointed?

- He did.

I asked him point blankabout his reaction.

He said he was disappointed,

and then he went on to sayhe was very disappointed,

those are his words, verydisappointed in that,

and then he said he worked veryhard to get them confirmed,

both, he's talking about Amy Coney Barrett

and Brett Kavanaugh.

And then I followed up by asking him

any second, or misgivingsor any second thoughts

about picking them, andhe said, no, really,

I can't even go there at this point.

It's a little too early.

So that's kind of where he's at

on both on both ACB and Brett Kavanaugh.

- David, not too much left,

not too much longer lefthere, about 30 seconds,

but a big week on CapitolHill and a test for Biden,

the administration'slegislative priorities,

the Senate first tacklingthe voting rights bill,

which looks like it's dead on arrival.

If it's not going anywhere,

why are Democrats intent on taking it up?

- Well, I think they want to make this

a campaign issue, 2022, andthey're gonna get people...

You know, a lot of times,it's not just so much

whether or not legislation passes or not.

It's whether or not theyactually take the vote

and get people, senators,congressmen on record

as to where they stand.

And then at that point youmake hay, politically at least,

in 2022 against certaincongressmen and politicians.

- All right, David Brody,we will leave it there,

but we look forward to your interview

with the former president tomorrow morning

on "The 700 Club."

- Thanks, guys.

- Thanks, David.

Well, turning overseas to theIranian presidential election.

The executioner is now thehead of the executive branch.

The man known as the Hangman of Tehran

is the new president of Iran.

- Jenna, the expectation

is he'll accelerate thecountry's nuclear program.

For the reaction from the region

and the ramificationsfor the United States,

CBN Middle East BureauChief Chris Mitchell

reports on the warning some are sounding

based on his rise to power.

- [Chris] As Iran'sSupreme Leader Ali Khamenei

boasted how the Iranian nation

fulfilled its democratic responsibilities,

many others called the election a sham.

- They didn't even put upthe facade of democracy.

It was a one-man race.

Anyone who could havethreatened his victory

was screened by the guardiancouncil about a month ago

so they wouldn't get in the way.

- [Chris] As a prosecutor and member

of the infamous deathcommittees in the 1980s,

the incoming president, Ebrahim Raisi,

earned the nickname The Hangman of Tehran.

- The executioner is now in the head

of the executive branch.

He sentenced thousands of people to death.

They're the death sentencesof the mass murders of 1988

that were buried in commongraves without even marking.

- [Chris] In 2019, the USgovernment placed sanctions

on Raisi and AmnestyInternational has called for him

to be charged withcrimes against humanity.

Official results indicate less than 50%

of Iranians voted, anhistoric low turnout.

Some claim it was even less,

ass dozens of videos onlineshow no one at many polls.

(man speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] In an election

where they know a murdererwill win, why hold it?

- [Chris] These Iranianmothers joined an online appeal

to boycott the election.

(woman speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] Deep, brave Iranians,

don't vote in these elections.

We have been voting for 40 years.

This is the result.

They killed our children.

- [Chris] In Jerusalem,new Israeli Prime Minister

Naftali Bennett says the election results

will hopefully open the eyes of the world

to see Iran for what it truly is.

- Raisi's election is Iwould say the last chance

for the world powers to wake up

before returning to the nuclear agreement

and to understand whothey're doing business with.

These guys are murderers, mass murderers.

A regime of brutal hangmenmust never be allowed

to have weapons of massdestruction that will enable it

to not kill thousands, but millions.

- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Thanks, Chris.

And joining us now is Alireza Nader,

senior fellow with the Foundationfor Defense of Democracies

and an expert on Iran.

Alireza, thank you for being with us.

What more can you tellus about the integrity

of the elections in Iran?

Was this a real contest

that represented the will ofthe majority of the Iranians?

- It's a selectionrather than an election,

the selection of Iran'sleader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,

who is relatively old.

Now he's 82 and reportedto be sick with cancer.

and he is determining his succession

and he has picked oneof the most brutal men

in Iran responsible for executing

as many as 8,000 politicalprisoners in 1988,

including women and childrenand the handicapped.

This is a man who brags aboutit rather than is apologetic.

Even today, he said hehas worked his entire life

to preserve human rights.

So the Biden administrationwill be negotiating

with a presidency led by him.

And if reports are correct,

the Biden administration will soon release

tens of billions of dollars to this regime

by reentering the highlyflawed nuclear agreement,

also known as JCPOA.

I believe yesterday,

the president's nationalsecurity advisor, Jake Sullivan,

stated that it doesn'tmatter who the president is,

saying implicitly it doesn'tmatter if he's a mass murderer.

The nuclear agreementis of utmost importance,

and so I think Washington right now

has no problem dealing with him.

- So there were reports

that many Iranians wereplanning to stay home

and sit out the election.

What was the turnout like,

and did that have aneffect on the results?

- I have seen reports fromIran and firsthand testimonies

that show many empty polling stations.

I have heard from people inside Iran

that the population boycottedthis election en masse.

The Iranian people, the vast majority

of the Iranian people anyhow,despise the Islamic Republic

and they have rebelled against it twice

in the last three years.

And Iranians don't want this regime.

They don't want Raisi, the mass murderer,

to be their president.

They want a free countryand they want free lives.

I believe the turnout couldhave been much lower than 50%.

In the last parliamentary elections,

there were credible reportsthat the turnout was 10 to 25%,

and it's very possiblethat it could be very low,

I would even argue in the single digits.

You have to consider also,

a lot of people are forced to vote.

So if you're a government employee,

member of the revolutionary guards

or the paramilitaryforces, in the military,

if you're a teacher, all those people,

these are millions of peoplewho are forced to vote,

and many actually left their votes blank,

their ballots blank.

There was one report that alot of people wrote Batman

as their choice for the new president

so you can see that the population of Iran

is way done with theseguys, including Raisi.

- All right, Alireza Nader

with Foundation forDefense of Democracies,

thank you so much.

It's great to get your insights.

- Thank you for having me.

- [John] Thank you.

Coming up, game changer.

The Supreme Court sideswith student athletes,

allowing them compensationfor college sports.

(uptempo music)

(paws tap)

(water splashes)

(man yawns)

(woman sighs)

- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.

Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep."

- [Announcer] As the worldwatches from the outside.

- It's a big diplomatic tug-of-warhere in the Middle East.

- [Announcer] Go inside thestory with "Jerusalem Dateline."

- Israeli archaeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.

- [Announcer] Join CBN JerusalemBureau Chief Chris Mitchell

and get the biblical perspective

on the events shaping the world.

- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.

- [Announcer] Watch "Jerusalem Dateline"

Friday night at 8:30 onthe CBN News Channel.

(soft piano music)

- [Announcer] Life.

It's meant to be lived fully.

Jesus said it.

I came to give you life,

life to the fullest,

life in your family,

life in your finances,

life in your body, mind, and spirit,

life in your every day.

At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

We're here to help you discover life.


Live it fully.

- Tonight, student athletesare getting their due.

The Supreme Court ruling today

that they may be compensated.

The unanimous decision

siding against the NCAA's strict limits

on colleges offering educational perks.

The court says those restrictionsviolate antitrust law

by limiting schools from competing

for talented student athletesby offering better benefits.

Any compensation offered by schools

must be tied to education.

- Well, some relief tonight

for people battered by Claudette,

now downgraded to a tropical storm.

After leaving behind atrail of destruction,

in the South over the weekend

and spawning multiple tornadoes,

the storm is now headed out to sea.

Meanwhile, at least 13 people are dead

due to the effects of the storm.

10 were killed in amulti-vehicle crash Saturday

along a wet interstate,including eight children

in a van for a youth home forabused or neglected children.

The National Transportation Safety Board

sent 10 investigators tolook into the tragic crash.

- The return to normalcy inthe United States continues

even with the new deltavariant of COVID-19

now detected in at least 45 states.

For the first time in 15 months,

concert goers in New York City

flocked to Madison Square Garden

for a sold-out Foo Fightersconcert Sunday night.

They did have to show proofof vaccination though.

And in LA, the firstfull capacity soccer game

in over a year, with more than23,000 fans in the stands.

All this as the CDC estimates

the delta variant of the virus

now accounts for 10% ofthe new cases in the US.

(logo whooshes)

- [John] When we come back,fighting for family values.

The new initiative that'staking on critical race theory,.

girls' sports, and othercultural flashpoints.

(uptempo music)

- [Narrator] On October 1st, 1961,

history was made when a tiny station

began transmitting the first signals

of the Christian Broadcasting Network.

- [Announcer] CBN, theChristian Broadcasting Network.

- [Narrator] And now, a new era has begun

with the all new CBN News Channel.

- Just moments ago, theIron Dome intercepted

an incoming rocket righton the Gaza border.

- In ministering in this area,

spiritual warfare is definitely involved.

- [Narrator] A 24/7 news network

bringing you the news you wantfrom a source you can trust.

- In Kenya, 40% of the medical services

are actually provided bythese Christian hospitals.

- Let's talk about the economy.

- Believers here are joining together

to win people to Jesus Christ.

- [Narrator] All your favoriteshows now in one place.

Go to

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CBN News.

(dramatic music)

(dad yawns)

(cereal patters)

(whimsical music)

(juice splashes)

(dad grunts)

- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.

Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep" today.

- [Announcer] Life.

It's meant to be lived fully.

Jesus said it.

I came to give you life,

life to the fullest,

life in your family,

life in your finances,

life in your body, mind, and spirit,

life in your every day.

At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

We're here to help you discover life.


Live it fully.

- And welcome back.

Well, if you're a parentof children at home,

don't be surprised if you find

some extra cash in your account.

The White House isannouncing a child tax credit

of up to $1,800 per child.

It's part of the American Rescue Plan

signed by President Biden.

Starting July 15th,around 36 million families

will start receivingmonthly checks from the IRS,

which would last through December.

Single taxpayers making less than $75,000

qualify for the enhanced child tax credit.

Married couples with anincome below $150,000 a year

will also qualify.

- One million members in five years.

That is the goal of a new campaign

described by as fightingto save American families

by challenging the influenceof big government, big tech,

and big business.

The American Principles Project

launched what it calls The Big Family,

which rolled out this weekendin line with Father's Day.

- They're teaching ourkids that America is evil.

And instead of protecting our kids online,

they're protecting the porn companies.

Screen time's up, Bob.

(rock music)

And now, they're trying todestroy our daughter's sports

by allowing boys to compete against them.

- And joining us now is Terry Schilling,

president of the AmericanPrinciples Project.

Terry, welcome.

It's great to have youwith us this evening.

So what has been the responseso far to this new initiative?

- It's been incredible, andthanks so much for having me.

We have raised over $100,000in less than a week.

We've gotten over 2,000 peoplehave signed up to join us.

And I haven't even started,paid to start to advertise yet.

So the response has been so strong.

And I think that theresponse has been strong

because the the attacks onour families are so strong.

It's like a pendulum.

It's swinging back justas hard the other way.

But you know, we're not stopping at 2,000.

We're not stopping untilwe get to a million

and I need everybody onboard, that's for sure.

- Terry, you're starting off with a bang.

You say the goal is tolaunch an NRA for families

and that politicians needto be afraid of families

the same way they fear corporateinterests and lobbyists.

Does the idea of weaponizing family values

at all give you pause?

- Well, it doesn't becausethey've been weaponizing

anti-family values against our families

and trying to force that on us.

Look, this is the political system

that our founders designed, right?

They designed a systemin which politicians

were supposed to care aboutone thing and one thing only,

and that's their re-election,

and that's the systemthat we're playing by.

So we want politicians to be more fearful

about hurting families.

That's really what the goal is,

to be fearful of hurtingfamilies and upsetting us

rather than their corporate sponsored

special interest groupsthat they've been bowing to

over the past several decades.

- Yeah, well speaking ofthose corporate interests,

how does advocating on behalf of families

put you up against someof these corporations?

- Well, you know, across the board,

these corporations havebeen attacking our families.

You look at this criticalrace theory stuff.

You look at the transgender stuff

that they're pushing on kids.

Nickelodeon, for example,

you know, they're having dragqueens on "Blue's Clues,"

they're pushing the transgender,changing your gender stuff.

They keep attacking us

and there's no one standing up for us,

and the people that weneed standing up for us

won't do it unless we areorganized and engaged in politics.

And so we're trying to start this.

There are a lot of other ways

that corporations are hurting us as well.

It's not just...

You know, you look atthe online situation,

you can't go to a gamblingwebsite and cast a $10 bet

on the Cubs to win theWorld Series next year,

but any little kid witha smartphone or a tablet

can go to hardcore siteswith very explicit content.

We need to change the system and update it

and hold these people accountable.

- Terry, we know that youwere at Governor DeSantis'

bill signing protecting women's sports.

Is your aim by launching this group

to get more bills likethat signed into law,

if you can in about 30 seconds?

- Absolutely yes.

We're very focused on fightingagainst this gender insanity

that everyone's pushingon our kids in schools,

but we're also focused on fighting

this radical racializationof our children in schools

with critical race theory and 1619.

But undergirding all of this,

we also want to protect kidsfrom online pornography,

but we also need to get school choice.

Parents are the ones that are in charge

of their kids' educationand they need to be able

to send their kids towhatever school they want to.

- Terry Schilling, president

of the American PrinciplesProject, thank you.

- Thank you.

(logo whooshes)

- [John] Still ahead, from preemie

to the "Guinness Book of World Records."

See this incredible storyof this miracle baby

who defied the odds andclaimed a spot in history.

(uptempo music)

(papers shuffle)

(buttons beep)

(copier whirs)

(paper rips)

- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.

Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep" today.

- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Grahamand this is "Studio 5."

Cruise with me as I discoverthe good things happening

in the world of music, sports,television, and movies.

- The fact that Ryan Coogler

was gonna be directing the film,

I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.

- [Efrem] We'll chat with artists

at the forefront of entertainment

and explore the connection

between popular culture and faith.

- I asked my pastor, I said,

"Well does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?"

He says, "Well no, youalready have a pulpit."

- [Announcer] Wednesday night at 8:30

on the CBN News Channel.

- [Terry] Remember for a moment

what it was like to be a child.

You believed every story you were told.

You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.

What stories will the world's orphaned

and at risk children believe?

We believe the Bible tells the only story

truly worth believing.

We believe that every child

should have the opportunity to dream,

the chance to take challenges

and turn them into possibilities,

the chance to stand onthe promises of God,

to recognize their place inthe greatest story ever told.

They have their whole lives ahead of them.

Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.

They are looking for a story to believe.

We will tell them that story.

Will you join us?

(soft music)

(child giggles)

- Finally tonight, when RichardScott William Hutchinson

was born nearly four months early,

he was given a 0% chance of survival.

- Not only did he beat those odds,

he made history and earned a top spot

in the "Guinness Book of World Records"

all before celebrating his first birthday.

Richard turned one earlierthis month on June 5th.

Guinness World Recordsofficially recognized him

as the most prematurebaby ever to survive.

Richard's come a long way

since being discharged fromthe NICU six months ago,

just like his parentsbelieved that he would.

We all here would like towish Richard a happy birthday

and also a happy Father's Day to a parent

who believed in their childfrom the very beginning.

And as you often hear,Jenna, there's nothing like

a mother and a father'slove for their children.

- Yeah, absolutely.

Seen right there.

Yeah, happy birthday to Richard

and he's a miracle baby.

- And hope for happyand healthy, long life.

- All right, have a great evening.

- See you tomorrow.

(uptempo music)


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