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Catholic Bishops Advance Effort to Deny Biden Communion Over His Pro-Abortion Policies

Catholic Bishops Advance Effort to Deny Biden Communion Over His Pro-Abortion Policies Read Transcript

- Today, US Catholic bishopsoverwhelmingly voted in favor

of advancing a push todeny him his communion

over his support of abortion.

Let's get right to SeniorWashington Correspondent,

Tara Mergener,

who's here with more on thatdecision just announced, Tara.

- Well, Jenna, despite awarning from the Vatican,

73% of the bishops approvethat measure to push a document

that could deny holy communion

to Biden and other pro-choice politicians.

Outcry over Biden's position,

again, revealing a deepdivision within the church.

Here is what he said

when a reporter asked forhis reaction this afternoon.

- Are you concerned about therift in the Catholic church,

and how do you feel personally about that?

- That's a private matter,

and I don't think that's gonna happen.

- [Tara] Catholic church policy says

that any parishioner in good standing

can receive communion at mass.

- If you receive the Eucharistin a state of grave sin,

you are doing yourselfvery grave spiritual harm.

- [Tara] But the debate over

whether a vocal politicalsupporter of abortion rights

qualifies is growing.

- The church belongs to Jesus.

That's why I implore thepresident, please, repent,

turn away from this error,and you know it's an error,

and be faithful to whatthe church teaches.

- [Tara] This week,

playing out at the USConference of Catholic Bishops.

Attending mass eachSunday, rosary in hand,

President Joe Biden has longput his faith front and center.

- [Joe] Faith is whathas gotten me through

difficult times in my life.

- [Tara] While Biden's faith is celebrated

by his new DC church, PopeFrancis, and many news outlets.

- I support a woman's right to choose.

- [Tara] His position on abortion,

creating an increasingdivide among Catholics.

During a press briefingon Capitol Hill Thursday,

Democratic House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi,

dodged a reporter's question

about whether a 15 week unborn baby

constitutes a human being.

- Is an unborn baby at15 weeks a human being?

- Let me just say that I'm abig supporter of Roe V. Wade.

I am a mother of fivechildren in six years.

I think have some standing on this issue

as to respecting awoman's right to choose.

- [Tara] Since taking office,

Biden has been targetingrules that protect the unborn.

- If I believe healthcareis a right, as I do,

I can no longer support an amendment

that makes that right dependenton someone's zip code.

- [Tara] In the '80s,

Biden voted in favor of aconstitutional amendment

to allow states to overturn Roe V. Wade,

and in the '90s,

voted against federal fundsfor abortion at least 50 times.

Archbishop Joseph Naumann,

Chairman of the US Conferenceof Catholic Bishops,

is among those who fears Biden

is deliberately tryingto confuse the faithful.

- The American people have given him

a lot of authority and power,but one power he doesn't have,

is to define what it means tobe Catholic (sound cuts out).

- Now, the text of theBishops' proposal itself

has not been written

and would ultimately require approval

by a 2/3 majority vote.


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