In his book, “Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table,†Louie Giglio offers biblical insight on how to fight Satan’s attacks and embrace God’s plans.
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(upbeat music)
- God prepares a table for us
in the presence of our enemies.
That's a verse from the 23rd Psalm
that most of us know by heart.
What you may not know isthat if you don't watch out
an uninvited guests willpull up a seat at your table.
(logo squishing)
- [Announcer] Are you winningthe battles for your mind?
Louie Giglio, pastor ofPassion City Church in Atlanta
says we all lose thatbattle, but we don't have to.
In his new book, Don't GiveThe Enemy A Seat At Your Table,
pastor Giglio helps us takecontrol of our thoughts
and emotions and reject lies.
- [Giglio] Take the place prepared for you
and don't give the enemya seat at your table.
- Pastor Louie Gigliojoins us now via Skype.
Pastor, welcome back to the 700 Club.
- So great to be with you today,
it's amazing to see you
and thanks for having me on.
- Oh, our pleasure.
Well, first of all, what does it mean
for God to prepare a table before us?
- What an amazing promise,
you know, the 23rd Psalm is so well known
for most everybody on planet earth,
but we miss out on that verse five
where our shepherd is saying,
no matter what situation you're in,
no matter what the circumstance,
whatever it's surroundingyou, the opposition,
the hardship, our shepherdprepares a table for us
right in the middle of the conflict.
He said He anoints our headwith oil and our cup overflow.
So in the middle of every situation,
Jesus provides what we need.
- Amen, where you go through five lies
that the enemy uses totake a seat at that table,
what are some of those?
- Yeah, and just makesure people know today
we're talking about the capital E enemy,
not the ones that were supposed to love
and you know, treatwell, the people in life
that maybe are out to get us in some way,
but we're talking about our adversary
who comes to steal, kill, and destroy
and you know, he's at your table.
If you're hearing lies like this
A, it's better at another table
than the table Jesus prepared.
You know, the enemy haspulled up a seat at your table
if you're hearing thatyou're not good enough,
you know the enemy is at your table,
if you're hearing, you'renot gonna make it through
this season of life or this circumstance,
you know the enemy is at your table.
- Pastor, one of the liesand you just cited it
is that is the beliefthat we're not good enough
and I think we all hearthat lie from time to time.
But on the other hand aren't Christians
supposed to be humble?
- You know, being humble is a reflection
of being in the presence of God.
So humility for me isn't acharacter trait you work on,
it's the by-product of being with Jesus.
When you're with God,you realize you are small
and he is great.
But when you're withGod, you don't realize
that you don't matter to God,
you realize how much you matter to God.
And our good shepherd books this table,
made the reservation, paidfor it with his own life,
and it is the guests at the table
so that each one of us canhave a relationship with him,
the good shepherd lays downhis life for the sheep.
And that's how much everyperson matters to God.
You are worth Jesus to God.
- Amen, and in your book,
Don't Give The Enemy A Seat At Your Table,
you also discuss the misguided belief
that there's no way out.
How do we get out of situationswhere we've made a mistake
and we're dealing with theconsequences of our own actions?
- Well, you know God promisesus that in every temptation
He will provide a way out.
That way starts by being a three door,
garage door size way out.
But the more we disobey God,
the more we turn our back onthat voice of the holy spirit
and the more we keep walkingtoward that temptation,
the way out it gets smallerand smaller and smaller
until then it's too late.
We've done the wrong thing,but every step of the way
even up until the last instant,
the spirit of God is making waves,
call a friend, leave thehouse, unplugged the computer,
get out of the story,say no to the invitation,
there's always a way forus to step towards God
in a way from the temptation.
- And even if you ignore all the red flags
and you still do whatever it is,
there's God's mercy, right?
He could still rescue you.
- Yeah, the enemy is a great tempter,
he always creates these scenarios
where he crops out all the disaster
and gets us to focus on all the pleasure,
but once we take thestep and take the bait
and makes the fall, heinstantly turns from,
wow, this is gonna beamazing to our accuser
and he says, you're the dumbestperson who's ever lived,
you're a reject as a Christian,
there's something wrong with you,
God will never accept you,
never love you,
you'll never be back inthe story with God again.
And so, the same one who was tempting us
is now condemning us and in both cases,
follow the spirit beforehand,
but look to the cross after hand
and let God convict us and leadus out of the condemnation,
back into a relationship with them.
- And you also talkabout our need to embrace
our true purpose,
how do we find what that is?
- Well, I think for all of us,
there are two things going on in life,
there's our passion, and our purpose.
And every one of us todayhas a unique passion,
we have a gift, an opportunity,a calling on our life,
an aptitude, a love forsomething that's our passion.
But all of us have the same purpose,
we were all created by God and for God
and all of us today usingour various passions
were created to bringglory to our creator.
And that's the ultimatepurpose for everybody
on this planet today, to know God,
love Him, enjoy Him and bring Him glory.
- Amen, well, we havejust scratched the surface
of pastor Giglio his brand new book,
it's called, Don't Give TheEnemy A Seat At Your Table,
it's available nationwide.
Pastor Giglio, thanks for being with us,
always a pleasure to see you.
- It's great to see you as well,
thank you so much.
- God bless you.