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Growing Global Movement Prays for the Peace of Jerusalem 6/11/21

Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast: growing global movement of believers praying for the peace of Jerusalem; and an Israeli company makes water out of air, friends out of enemies; plus tourists return to the Holy Land for the first time in more than a year. Read Transcript

(shofar blares)

- This week on "Jerusalem Dateline,"

the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast,a growing global movement

of believers praying forthe peace of Jerusalem.

And an Israeli companymakes water out of air

and friends out of enemies.

Plus, for the first timein more than a year,

tourists return to the Holy Land.

All this and more this weekon "Jerusalem Dateline."

(driving music)

Hello and welcome to thisedition of "Jerusalem Dateline."

I'm Chris Mitchell.

In Psalm 122, the Bible commands believers

to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

An annual event is mobilizingChristians around the world

to both pray for and standwith the nation of Israel.

(driving music)

- Dear Father, we pray forthe peace of Jerusalem.

We pray, Lord, for justyour blessing over Israel.

- Father, you are a good God,

and bless this country.

- Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast exists

to call the nations' decision-makers,

to pray for the peace ofJerusalem, to unite their efforts,

to bring their embassies to Jerusalem.

- [Chris] The three-day event was held

just weeks after an 11-day war with Hamas

and an unprecedented surgeof worldwide anti-Semitism.

Knesset member Natan Kahanahosted the prayer breakfast

and called on Christiansaround the world to join in.

- To stand in the gap to support Israel

and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Today, as the world is changing rapidly,

we need the prayers and the support

of our Christian friends as never before.

- Sometimes, the Jewishpeople feel very despondent

about the scenes thatwe see around the world,

anti-Semitism cloaked as anti-Zionism,

but we know that we cancount on one community,

and that is the evangelical community,

to always be by our side

and that's a verysignificant thing for us.

- [Chris] Israel's presidentelect Yitzhak Herzog,

former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo,

members of Congress, governors,

and other leaders around the world

addressed the delegates.

The president of Hondurasmade a special announcement.

- My mission will be toofficially inaugurate

the opening of the Embassy of Honduras

in the eternal capital ofIsrael, the city of Jerusalem.

- [Chris] Last year, the COVID pandemic

forced the Jerusalem PrayerBreakfast to go online,

where they say it reached amillion and a half people,

and they expect even more this year.

- That's a million and a half people

who knew better last year

and now this year how to pray.

I think the Jerusalem PrayerBreakfast helped mobilize

and ignite or fan even further into flame

a wonderful prayer movement,not just in Israel,

but all over the world.

- [Chris] Since it began in 2017,

the Jerusalem PrayerBreakfast reaches worldwide

from Australia to Africa and the US.

- I believe that this movementwill go to every nation

in this world that isopen and want to accept,

acknowledge the Bibleand the Bible truths.

I believe a major blessing can come

to the nations of the world

when they recognize thesimple truths of the Bible.

- CBN's CEO, Gordon Robertson,was one of the many leaders

to address the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast.

Here's what he had to say.

- Hello, this is Gordon Robertson,

the president of the ChristianBroadcasting Network.

Years ago, decades ago,back in the early 1970s,

my father made a commitment to Israel

that regardless of whatever happened,

CBN, the Christian Broadcasting Network,

would always stand with Israel.

And over the past few weeks,

we've seen incredible events happen there

and we want to send themessage to everyone in Israel,

everyone in the Christian world as well,

that we continue to stand with Israel.

We stood with you in therioting on the Temple Mount

and we filed a news reportshowing that they had stockpiled,

the Palestinians hadstockpiled rocks and fireworks

in that mosque, the Al-Aqsa Mosque,

and were using that religious site

as a place to inciteviolence against Israelis.

And that was the provocation

that led to Israeli security forces

trying to bring peace to the Temple Mount.

We stood with you also at Sheikh Jarrah

to show the real storybehind what was happening

in that neighborhood, thehistory that dated back to 1948,

how before 1948, it was owned by Jews

and not by Palestinians.

And we had an interviewwith a Palestinian resident

to show the real story of what happened.

- My father take the housefrom the Jordanian in 1956.

There is agreement betweenJordanian and UNRWA.

Jordanian give the land andUNRWA built the 28 house

for 28 refugee family.

- Back in the 50th anniversary

of the reunification of Jerusalem,

we stood with you to show the world

the real story of the Six Day War,

the real story of the Battle of Jerusalem

told by the combatants themselves,

the members of the Israeli Defense Force

who went into the cityand, for the first time,

said the Temple Mount was in our hands.

And in that story, we told the real story

of the Jordanian occupationof Jerusalem in 1948.

- [Narrator] In the end, 350 Jewish men

were taken as prisoners ofwar, 68 people were killed,

and 1,400 Jews wereexpelled from their homes.

In the Jewish Cemeteryon the Mount of Olives,

thousands of graves were destroyed,

headstones were used as building blocks

for the Jordanian army barracks,and officers built latrines

on top of the stones to defile them.

58 synagogues were demolished,

hundreds of Torah scrolls were burned,

and for the first time in 1,300 years,

Jews were denied access totheir remaining holy places,

including the Western Wall.

After the battle, Colonel ElTell reported to his superiors

that the Jews had been defeated.

- [Colonel] Only four daysafter our entry into Jerusalem,

the Jewish Quarter hadbecome their graveyard.

Death and destruction reigned over it.

As the dawn of Friday, May28, 1948 was about to break,

the Jewish Quarter emergedconvulsed in a black cloud

of death and agony.

For the first time in 1,000 years,

not a single Jew remainsin the Jewish Quarter.

Not a single building remains intact.

This makes the Jews'return here impossible.

(soft tense music)

- And we know that with God,all things are possible.

And with God, Jerusalem hasbecome the unified capital

of the modern state of Israel.

As rockets were fallingon southern Israel,

we stood with you then,and we stand with you now.

- [Chris] Then, at the end of our visit,

our CBN news teamexperienced what it means

to have a shelter nearby.

(rockets booming)

- We got a live one.

That fell down.

(rocket booming)

- And that shelter was madepossible by CBN Israel.

We want to provide protection and comfort

for our friends in Israel.

And we do this because we love Israel

and because of the commitmentthat my father made

to always stand with Israel.

But we also know there's someoneelse standing with Israel

and He will always be there.

So in the middle of your trouble,

always remember Psalm 1:21:

"I will lift up my eyes to the hills

from whence comes my help.

My help comes from the Lord,who made heaven and earth.

He will not allow your foot to be moved;

He who keeps you will not slumber.

Behold, He who keeps Israel

shall neither slumber nor sleep."

And today, remember those words.

Israel is a miracle.

For a nation to be born in a day in 1948,

for the exiles to come home again,

for the desert to bloom,

for all these wonderfulthings that have happened,

we must praise God,because He has been the one

to stand by Israel.

He watches over His Word to perform it.

May God continue to bless Israel,

and may we all pray forthe peace of Jerusalem.

God bless you.

(driving music)

- [Chris] Up next, an historic partnership

between the UAE and Israelmakes water out of air

and friends out of enemies.

(upbeat music)

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(dramatic music)

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- [Announcer] A new wave of anti-Semitism

is sweeping the globe and theJewish state faces hostility

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(driving music)

- Making water out ofair seems far-fetched,

but an Israeli companyhas become a world leader

in this groundbreaking technology.

Its vision is to provide everyone

with clean and safe drinking water.

CBN Middle East Correspondent Julie Stahl

shows us how that vision isalso helping strengthen ties

between the Jewish stateand the Arab world.

- [Julie] Abu Dhabi is amodern jewel in the Middle East

and capital of the United Arab Emirates.

Located on the Persian Gulf,

you might think it has plenty of water.

But there's a problem.

- I'm not talking just aboutthe ocean that you see outside.

I'm talking about the groundwater.

It's all very, very salty and undrinkable.

- [Julie] Last year, the UAEbecame the first Arab state

in more than 25 years tomake peace with Israel

when it signed on to the Abraham Accords.

That opened the door for Watergen.

(Michael speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] The second I heard

and saw that the AbrahamAccords were signed,

I dropped everything I was dealing with

and went directly to the UAE

in order to strengthen the accords.

- [Julie] Dr. Michael Mirilashvili

is owner and president of Watergen,

which makes water out of air.

Now that technology ishelping make friends

out of former enemies.

- We started here almost six months ago,

and today, our machinesinstalled all over Abu Dhabi.

- [Julie] Temperatures in Abu Dhabi

regularly soar to 100 degreesand above, and that's hot.

But this Watergen machinehere in the Al Fay Park

gives water and refreshmentto those who come

to enjoy and play.

- The United Arab Emirates isvery, very similar to Israel

because it's a relatively young country

that is located in themiddle of the desert.

- [Julie] Now Watergenand the Emirate company

Al Dahra Group have signeda landmark agreement

for a water research program.

(Michael speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] We openeda water research institute

in the UAE, which is a sub-institute

from Tel Aviv University in Israel

named after my father, Moshe Mirilashvili.

It helps us at Watergento produce a formula

for the best premium water in the world,

which will be the tastiest, the cleanest,

and the healthiest in the world.

- [Julie] Ben GurionUniversity of the Negev

is also involved.

President Daniel Chamovitz says

the goal is to combine researchon water and agriculture.

- What we're doing with Watergen

is bringing these two institutes together,

such that with water purifiedthrough Watergen from the air

can then be used to funnelin to agricultural systems

to provide horticulturein desert urban settings.

- [Julie] Another major announcement came

with laying the cornerstone

for a Watergen productionfacility in the UAE.

It will provide products here

for other Gulf states and Africa.

(Michael speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] They have a dream.

Also, it's our dream and vision

that the Abraham Accords impactnot only the Middle East,

but the entire world and demonstrate

that peace, cooperation,and mutual respect

are much more beneficial than animosity.

- [Julie] While 70% of the earth's surface

is covered by water, onlyhalf of 1% is fresh water.

More than two billionpeople don't have access

to safe drinking water.

That's where Watergen comes in.

(Michael speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] My main goal

is that every person in the world

could afford to use our machines

and have the best drinking water.

- [Julie] Watergen co-CEO Michael Rutman

explains how Watergen works.

- For the last 100years, people were using

a very, very simple mechanismcalled the heat exchanger

in order to cool air.

When the air is reachingthe dewpoint temperature,

the humidity separated and you get water.

- [Julie] Company scientists worked

to reinvent the heat exchanger.

- Now, with this revolutionarypatented new heat exchanger,

we can extract up to five times more water

per one kilowatt of energy

than any other technology on the market.

- [Julie] Their biggestmachine makes some 1,300

to nearly 1,600 gallons a day.

- We're gonna introducebigger machines in the future

but factories, no, becausethe whole idea here

is about de-centralization.

The whole idea is to placeas many small machines

or medium machines all around the place

and to create the waterwhen you consume it.

- [Julie] That includes a smallGenie machine for the home

and even for cars to providerunning water while you drive.

Already in more than 80 countries,

Watergen has also placedmachines in the Gaza Strip

powered by solar panels.

Ambassador Eitan Na'eh, headof mission in Abu Dhabi,

tells CBN News what makes this partnership

so strategically important.

- What we see around Watergenis that it defines the reason

why the United Arab Emirates

wanted to have such relationships

in the first place with Israel,

which is about what wecan give each other:

technology and scale-up.

- [Julie] Na'eh added why that combination

leads to a strong synergy.

- It's really a symbolof our relationship.

We create water from the air.

We create relationships.

We create contacts.

We create business andtrade out of animosity

or indifference before.

Friends out of enemies.

So this is what we'reheading for hopefully.

- [Julie] Mirilashvili saida key part of the decision

is that the UAE didn't choose Watergen

just because it's Israeli.

- [Interpreter] They tested alot of companies and compared,

and they realized that we hadan edge over everyone else.

They told us, "No one caneven compete with you."

- [Julie] He says that's ledto a stronger partnership

with very good people.

- [Interpreter] When one hasgood and serious intentions,

the Almighty always lends His help.

- [Julie] Julie Stahl,CBN News, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

(driving music)

- [Chris] Coming up, for thefirst time in more than a year,

tourists set foot in the Holy Land.

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(inspirational music)

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- [Woman] And a culture of hope.

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♪ I got the joy ♪

♪ I dance around because I know it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I move around because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I dance around because I know it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I move around because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in the heart ♪

(driving music)

- Israel is cautiously reopeningits borders to tourists

after more than a year dueto the COVID-19 pandemic.

As CBN News Middle EastCorrespondent Julie Stahl tells us,

the first group receiveda special welcome.

- [Julie] Pastor Tom Zelt hasled of study tours to Israel,

but this time, his groupheld a special honor,

the first group of tourists to return

after the COVID-19 closures.

- We were honored in such away that I didn't even expect,

to be greeted with flowers,escorted through the airport.

- We were welcomed really, really well

by the Israeli government.

Everyone's been incredibly friendly.

- It feels almost like they'vegiven us celebrity status.

It's humbling to be here

and realize what adifference we're making.

I know that our trip alone

is not gonna make thatbig of a difference,

but it's a sign of the things to come.

- [Julie] A pilotproject allowed 20 groups

of up to 20 vaccinatedtourists each into Israel.

That's already been expandedto bring another 1,000 visitors

in groups by the end of the month,

and now, individualtourists starting in July.

- We as Israel experts, wereally feel proud and privileged

to bring to the Holy Landthe first tourist group

after the very long coronavirus pandemic.

- Most of the people arevaccinated in Israel.

We are back to normal.

- [Julie] Members of the grouphad to undergo COVID testing

at the airport, and allvisitors must be vaccinated.

- I hope that soon we canwork on a different system

where people can come alsothat are not vaccinated.

- [Julie] CBN News met upwith Zelt and his students

from the Concordia Seminary in St. Louis

in Jerusalem's Old Citytowards the end of their trip.

- We are thrilled to be back in.

It's exciting to be the first group in.

Everybody has been wonderfuland hospitable to us.

And it's just great to get back

to the place where God didthese incredible things for us.

- [Julie] Due to the recent11-day war with Hamas,

Zelt's group didn't knowuntil the last minute

if they'd be able to come, andsome canceled, but 12 came.

- The conflicts before we arrived

really put us in an emotionalrollercoaster for a good week.

So finally being here, it's a huge relief

that it is open and free.

- We had some hesitation

because of everythingthat was going on here,

fear of safety, and I knowmy family was concerned.

- [Julie] Despite the ups and downs,

the trip is really about one thing.

- I love this placebecause it's authentic.

The places that have impactedmy faith and my children,

it makes me emotional, isthat Jesus really lived here.

- [Julie] Hassan Madafrom the tourism ministry

told CBN News, in the yearbefore the COVID-19 outbreak,

Israel had some 4 1/2 million tourists.

- We are excited.

We wish to see more people.

We are working on that,

getting, you know, more people here.

And let's hope that peoplecan come from the US

and from other countries also.

- [Julie] Julie Stahl, CBNNews, Jerusalem's Old City.

♪ Emmanuel ♪

(driving music)

- Up next, "In OurHands," the CBN docudrama

that remembers the historic Six Day War

from the men who foughtit more than 50 years ago.

Thank you for watching"Jerusalem Dateline."

We're committed to providing you

with unbiased reportingfrom the Holy Land.

Through weekly broadcasts,podcasts, and online media,

our vision is to reachmillions around the globe

with the true story ofwhat's happening in Israel

and the Middle East all from a biblical

and prophetic perspective.

This is a big vision andis only made possible

by the generous supportof people like you.

- [Announcer] Call ustoll-free at 1-800-700-7000

or go to make a donation

that will help spread thelight of truth about Israel

throughout the world.

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(driving music)

- 54 years ago, Israelwon an unexpected victory

over the Golan Heights, Judea and Samaria,

and here in Jerusalem.

To mark the 50th anniversaryof the Six Day War,

CBN Documentaries produced a docudrama

marking the historicalbattle over Jerusalem.

It's called "In Our Hands:The Battle for Jerusalem,"

and it's available on DVD.

- I believe the time has come

to begin a battle of annihilation.

(dramatic music)

- They divided my land.

They divided the land of God.

- [Interpreter] In these three weeks,

people felt like there wasgoing to be a second Holocaust.

- I just started this job 10 months ago.

Now you want me to planan entire war in two days?

- Yes.

- [Interpreter] Peoplewere very motivated,

but to say that there wasno fear is telling a lie.

- [Interpreter] You'rescared until the first shot.

The minute the first shot is being fired,

you're bent on completing your mission.

- [Man] If we breakthrough those walls now,

the whole world will stand on your head.

- To be right here,Motta, and not to go in,

history will never forgive you.

- Have you gone crazy?

You'd set the whole Middle East on fire.

(soft tense music)

- It's a powerful film.

Again, if you would like a copy

for yourself, church, or home group,

go to

Well, that's all for this edition.

Thanks for joining us.

Remember, you can followus on Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram, and YouTube.

And you can also access CBN content

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And don't forget to sign up

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to receive all of ourexciting CBN content.

I'm Chris Mitchell.

We'll see you next timeon "Jerusalem Dateline."

(driving music)

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