Barry and his wife Beverly invited two foster children to stay with their family over Father’s Day weekend. They knew God was forming a special bond and less than a year later the joyous family shared the last name Abernathy.
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- I've never had a thoughtof before all this happened
never had a thought of raising young kids
at 50 plus years old.
I mean that never had crossed my mind.
- [Announcer] Barry and Beverly Abernathy
had already raised twodaughters into their teen years
when their older daughterChassady came home from work
at a daycare center excitedabout two foster children.
- She came in one daytalking about these children
and she said, "Hey, thelittle boy," she said,
"You're just not going to believe it."
She said, "He's got a handexactly like your hand."
And she said, "It's exactly like yours."
- [Announcer] Barry was bornmissing most of his fingers
on his left hand.
Still, he's a two-timeGrammy nominated banjo player
and singer with the groupAppalachian Road Show.
Chassady knew the kids were struggling
and pleaded with her parents to help.
- I called my mom firstand I sent her a picture
of Tyler and she says,"Chassady you're crazy."
Cause I mean, I had thetendency to call her
about kids before, but I was like,
"Mama, this times different.
You gotta come meet him at least."
And she just let it go.
And I told my daddy andhe said, "You are crazy."
And I said, "Well, honey, there's no way.
I mean, we're not fosters, it takes,
months of classes andyou've got to get educated
on how to handle foster kids.
And we're not even prepared."
- [Announcer] The siblings,Tyler and Zoey, had already been
through eight different fosterhomes in the last two years.
Beverley was reluctant toget emotionally involved.
- I work in the courtsystem and I see these kinds
of things happen, ids placedin foster homes and everything,
And I was like, I willnever get that attached.
I tried to stay away fromit and keep it separate
from our life.
- I was really crying 'causeI felt so strongly about it
'cause I've met 'em andknew if they had met 'em,
they'd feel the same feeling I did.
It was just a drawingtowards them, both of 'em.
- [Announcer] A few weeks later,
Barry was leaving town for a concert.
Before driving off, hefelt prompted to stop
by the daycare center to meet the kids.
- That little boy Tyler,was the first one I seen.
He was in a class and theywere kids were out playing
and he was sitting at alittle bench table like thing
with one of his friends.
And my daughter Chassady,had shown him me playing
the "Dance, Dance, Dance" video of
Appalachian Road Show whereI was playing the banjo
with no fingers.
Well, he had never seen,he'd never known a dad.
Hadn't had a dad and hehad never seen anybody
with a hand like his.
So he immediately, to my dismay,
he immediately thought I was his dad.
So he looks up and he(inhales) his eyes like that.
And he reaches over andgets his little buddy
and he pats him on topof the head, and he says,
"Hey, look, that's my dad."
And he jumps up out of his chairand he starts running to me
and he just runs and I was standing there
and he just jumps upand grabs a hold of me.
So I pulled him on up and he grabbed me
and he grabbed my face andhe looked back like this.
He said, "You, my dad?"
And I said, (laughs) Ijust kinda froze, you know,
I didn't know what to say.And he said, "You, my dad."
And he reached up andkissed me on the cheek.
And he patted me and it was touching.
I mean, it was very, very touching.
- [Announcer] Barry then found out,
Beverly had also felt drawn to the kids.
- He called me and he's like,"I went and saw the kids,"
and I said, "Well, I did to."
And he's like, "What do you think?"
And I said, "I reallydon't know what to think."
- She said, "Do you think we're going
to need to do something?"
I said, "Well, what can we do?
We're not foster parents,there's nothing we can do."
- [Announcer] Things weren't working out
with the current foster family.
So the Abernathy'sarranged to take the kids
over Father's Day weekend.
After a great time together, they got word
Zoey and Tyler would soonbe sent to an orphanage.
- The state had called,"We're going to come get him."
So immediately everybodywent to jumping and saying,
"Hey can y'all keepthese kids a little while
while we're working something out?"
And we were like, "Yeah, we will."
And it's amazing how somethinglike that could happen
in a couple of days.
It come to fruition
and nobody, nobody knew,but God, nobody did.
- [Announcer] The Abernathys went
through the steps tobecome foster parents.
Then they made a big decision.
10 months after thatFather's Day weekend visit,
through a Zoom court date,Tyler and Zoey were adopted
and officially became partof the Abernathy family.
- Yeah baby.
(family laughs)
- Oh, it was, it wasa blast, yeah, it was.
And I think the kids,they recognized it, even,
I don't know that they knewwhat Tyler says, "doction."
He didn't know what "doction" was exactly.
But he knew that he was an Abernathy.
- I can't remember my life before them.
There's no other way to describe it
other than they belong to us.
- Well, I'm thankful that Godbrought 'em into our lives
because I don't know, it's just,
you know that they're here for a reason.
When we adopted them that morning,
you could just like feel it,like the Lord was with us.
And you just knew it was right.
- The correlation betweenus and these children
and God and all of his children,I've thought of that a lot.
We're all adopted in thefamily and not just adopted
but we're, we're made partakers.
I mean, we're partakersof life through him.
- Tyler all the timesays, " Thank you, mommy.
I appreciate you."
He thanks us for the house, everything.
And it's just like to seethe world through their eyes,
the simple life.
That's what it means.
Nothing else matters.
- Father's Day will takeon a different meaning.
The fact that we took thesechildren in on Father's Day,
the family came togetheras a whole on Father's Day,
last year, and it'll alwaysbe special to me that,
where it might not havebeen as special before,
just to know that theway God dealt with us
and what he gave us andwhat he required of us,
all that coming together on Father's Day.
It'll be a special day from now on,
as long as I live for sure.
(banjo music)