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Painful Cystic Rashes Disappear Supernaturally!

Jamie tried numerous medical and natural remedies to heal painful rashes and cysts under her arms, but when that didn’t work, Jamie began to pray and ask for healing while tuning into The 700 Club. Read Transcript

- [Narrator] Jamie Kaneand her husband, Jim,

couldn't imagine anythingspoiling their love

for the outdoors.

That is until the summer of 2020

when Jamie developed painfulcysts under her arms.

- Yeah, it was this intense itching,

it was very, my skinwas so inflamed and red

and then I have these cystlike bumps under my arms

and it honestly felt like it was on fire.

- [Narrator] Jamie had been dealing

with a rash under her arms for years

caused by the deodorants she was using.

- It'd go away and it'd comeback and go away and come back

and this has been somethingthat's been ongoing.

- [Narrator] Her husband,Jim, a family physician

diagnosed the rash as contact dermatitis.

- It's an allergic rashdue to a sensitivity,

usually something topical orlike a soap or a detergent.

- [Narrator] Over the next several years

Jamie tried different deodorants

but they always caused a flare up.

In fact, the rash was getting worse.

Then in 2020, after using a different,

more natural new deodorant.

- I had developed theselittle cyst under my arms.

They were very painful.

They were spreading.

They were just really embarrassing.

- [Narrator] Jamie stoppedusing the deodorant

but this time the rashand cysts didn't go away.

So, she tried severalways to treat the issue

or at least to make it more bearable.

- We tried steroid cream,steroid shots, prednisone.

I tried all sorts ofnatural remedies as well

and nothing was helping it.

Emotionally I was very, veryfrustrated, I was annoyed

and a little bit depressed about this

'cause I didn't know howlong I would have this,

if this would ever truly go away.

- You know, I was getting quite concerned.

I have this beautiful wife that, you know,

I don't want to see her suffer, obviously,

and I can see she's very distraught.

- [Narrator] Jamie told hermother, a retired nurse,

about her condition.

She told her daughter to pray.

She also shared the story ofhow she was healed one day

while watching "The 700 Club".

- My mom had said

that she had gotten a word ofknowledge on her right knee

and she hadn't had any pain since then

so she encouraged me to alsotune in to "The 700 Club"

and, you know, perhaps Icould get a word knowledge,

you know, as well.

- [Narrator] Taking her mom's advice,

Jamie began to pray for healing.

- Father, I know this isnot that big of a deal,

I know it's not terminal

but would you please, you know, heal this.

- [Narrator] Every day, she prayed

and watched "The 700 Club."

Then in December of 2020 TerryMeeuwsen and Gordon Robertson

were praying for theneeds of the audience.

- Someone else,

you have a painful lumpunder your right arm,

very concerned about it

and large enough for you to easily feel.

God is healing that for you right now.

It's just going to dissolveand be gone, in Jesus' name.

- I was thinking, well,that's gotta be for me

and, you know, I willdefinitely claim this

because if this means thatthis is going to be resolved

once and for all.

- [Narrator] In just afew days, it disappeared.

- Not one speck of anythingleft, not anything.

No redness, no nothing under my arms

all the cysts were gone completely.

100% gone.

I told my husband, I waslike, come look at this,

these are completely gone.

This is incredible.

- Praise God, you know,God's will be done.

- [Narrator] Jamie ishappily living pain-free,

she has even resumed hikingwith her husband, Jim.

- God's sovereign, God's the healer.

Every breath we take that'snot anything else, but God.

- It had to be supernatural

because they only thing that cured it

and healed it completelywas the touch of God.

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