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Free to Laugh, Jump and Enjoy Life After Years of Incontinence

Patti discovers how important she is to Jesus when she is miraculously healed from years of incontinence. Read Transcript

(somber music)

- [Narrator] For years,Patty Lloyd was afraid

to leave her home becauseshe often suffered

embarrassing accidents from incontinence.

- For 20 years, I couldn'tdo anything, nothing.

I had to stay close toa bathroom at all times

or have Depends on ifwe went to those things.

Always anticipating, Inever could sit still.

- [Narrator] Although doctorsprescribed medications

through the years, she saysthey only made things worse.

Six bladder surgeries also failed

to alleviate her incontinence.

- I felt terrible at all times.

I couldn't enjoy my grandkids because I,

I couldn't lift them, Icouldn't laugh with them

because I would have a problemimmediately, right then.

I prayed to God that it would stop.

I prayed continually and Ithought that having that issue,

I would be that way the rest of my life,

even though I prayed.

- [Narrator] Then on October 28th, 2020,

while Patty was watching the 700 Club

as she does every day, Patand Wendy were praying,

when Wendy said,

- There's a lady and you've had serious,

chronic issues with your bladder.

Anyway, put your hand right there.

God is touching you.

And this pain and thisirritation is leaving.

You are receiving a supernatural touch.

In Jesus' name, thank you, God.

- And I said that's me.

When I heard that word,I anticipated a healing

but yet the human side of me was scared,

elated, and hopeful.

- [Narrator] Patty saysfrom that point forward,

her incontinence improveda little every day.

- I would say that it took two weeks

and then I realized I was healed.

And I was just like jumpingaround and laughing,

and so excited and praising God saying,

"Thank you, Father," 'causeyou're really do care

about each and every one of us.

- [Narrator] Patty hasbeen able to enjoy life

with her family ever since.

- I am a free human being.

That freedom has allowedme to pick up my grandkids,

to laugh at anything.

We go walking, we can go anywhere now.

It doesn't matter how long the trip is,

I'm able to be free.

I always believed in Him,but I never in my life

thought I was that important to Jesus.

And I really, really was.

He loves me and He caresabout me, little ole' me.

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