On Newswatch AM June 9th: As Biden is set to leave for his first overseas trips, critics say his foreign policy projects an image of weakness; new government could be sworn in Sunday in Israel; new infrastructure bill talks begin; conservatives ...
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- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.
- It is Wednesday, June9, 2021, I'm Efrem Graham.
Ahead today, President JoeBiden heading to Europe
on his first overseas trip.
But critics warn his foreign policies
are projecting an image of weakness,
which could be dangerous for America
and its allies, including Israel.
Here at home, new talks begin
over the president's infrastructure bill.
Amid concerns, his $6trillion budget proposal
could lead to an exploding national debt.
It is the invisible enemy,the threat from cyber attacks,
computer assaults that couldcome against our food supply,
transportation, and even more.
And remembering EilatMazar, known as the queen
of Jerusalem archeologists.
She discovered some ofthe most significant finds
in the city, and some of thembrought the Bible to life.
All those stories and more are ahead
in today's edition of CBN Newswatch.
Wat to begin this half hourwith President Joe Biden set
to leave for his first overseastrip trying to assure allies
and meet with RussianPresident Vladimir Putin.
But critics say the Bidenadministration's policies
are projecting the perception of weakness
to America's enemies,something they believe
is very dangerous, andthey worry his policies
are hurting allies like Israel.
Our Dale Hurd is on this story.
- Joe Biden entered the White House set
to ride a post-COVIDeconomic boom and correct
what Democrats considered Donald Trump's
reckless foreign policy.
Four months later, Biden has been dubbed
the master of disaster,taking America back
to the dark days of Jimmy Carter.
High gasoline prices andinflation have returned at home.
But critics say far moredangerous is the perception
among our enemies abroadthat America is weak again.
As Joe Biden makes good on his promise
to roll back DonaldTrump's foreign policy,
it certainly doesn't feelas if it has made America
or the world safer.
North Korea greeted thenew administration in March
by firing missiles into the Sea of Japan.
The White House response wasbasically don't do that again.
That same month, Chinamocked and humiliated
the U.S. delegation at asummit held on U.S. soil.
The White House hasreopened talks with Tehran
over the Iran nuclear deal,which some experts say
will increase the chances of a future war
between Iran and Israel.
And it resumed hundredsof millions of dollars
in U.S. aid to the Palestinians,
one month before Hamasfired rockets into Israel.
- And every one of thoserockets might as well
have Joe Biden's namewritten on the side of it,
because it is hisweakness, his appeasement,
his moral relativism and ambiguity,
his lack of backbone to standup and stand with Israel
that is causing thiswar in the Middle East.
- It's not a coincidence, I don't believe,
that all of a sudden Hamas attacks Israel,
because it realizes the UnitedStates is going to be weak
and probably try and underminewhat Israel is trying
to do to defend itself.
- [Dale] Frank Gaffney wasan Undersecretary of Defense
in the Reagan administration,
which had to rebuildAmerica's foreign policy
after the disastrous Jimmy Carter era.
- I would describe JoeBiden's foreign policy
as basically Barack Obama's on steroids.
I mean, think about this.
A little over a hundred days ago,
Israel was in a totally differentposition than it is now.
And that's a hundred percent
because of the Bidenforeign policy mistakes.
- [Dale] Biden is alsoallowing the completion
of Russia's Nord-Stream Pipeline,
while canceling America'sKeystone Pipeline.
But the biggest falloutfrom White House policy
is right on our Southern border,
with record numbers of illegal immigrants.
A new poll shows academics approve
of Biden's foreign policy,but old hands like Gaffney
say they've seen these kindsof policies in action before,
and it doesn't end well.
Dale Hurd, CBN News.
- Israel's parliamentspeaker has scheduled a vote
for Sunday on a new government,a vote that would end
Benjamin Netanyahu's 12years as prime minister,
the longest in the country's history.
Now, if the vote succeeds,the new government
will be sworn in Sunday as well.
The fragile coalitionconsists of eight parties
across the Israeli spectrum.
Religious conservative Naftali Bennett
will take over as primeminister for two years,
followed by his coalitionpartner, Yair Lapid,
a key member of the secular left.
But some analysts questionwhether the coalition
can hold together over time.
Back here at home, PresidentJoe Biden has ended talks
with Republicans on hismassive infrastructure bill,
which originally had a$2.3 trillion price tag.
Now, a bipartisan groupof senators is going
to start new talks on the measure.
That bill is part ofthe president's enormous
$6 trillion budget plan,which includes a deficit
of nearly $2 trillion.
But the plan quickly faced pushback.
Here's CBN White HouseCorrespondent Eric Philips.
- According to thepresident's budget proposal,
that $1.8 trillion deficit will exist even
with his proposed taxincreases on businesses
and the wealthy.
Administration officialssaying to see the benefit
of this budget, one can't be shortsighted.
You have to look long-term.
The president's $6 trillionproposal is aimed squarely
at the middle class, withgenerous tax credits for families,
subsidies for children and seniors,
plus, free community college.
- The best way to grow our economy is
from the bottom up and the middle out.
- [Eric] Two-thirds ofthe proposal consumed
by these main pillars, 2.3 trillion
for Biden's American Jobs Plan,
which focuses on the nation's crumbling
physical infrastructure,job creation, and more.
And the $1.8 trillionAmerican Families Plan,
which the administration deemsas social infrastructure.
The president wants to payfor it by raising taxes
on businesses and the wealthy.
- I don't have anythingagainst anybody in Wall Street.
I don't have anything againstanybody making a million bucks
but Wall Street didnot build this country.
The middle class built this country.
- [Eric] Even with those tax increases,
the country would be$1.8 trillion in the red
if the proposal passes as is.
Administration officialsinsist a number of factors,
including the tax increases,will work together
over the long term toactually lower the deficit.
- It's a terrible budget.
- [Eric] Economist Stephen Moore
calls the proposal fiscally irresponsible.
- One of the reasons sincethis is such an unwise budget
and so harmful to America'seconomic future is
that if we were to passa $6 trillion budget,
we would see inflationcontinue to rage out of control
and much higher than it is today.
- [Eric] There's also asocial issue sticking point
for conservatives.
The budget fails tore-enact the Hyde Amendment,
a longstanding provisionwhich prohibits federal money
from being used for abortions.
- For these 45 yearsthere's been agreement
that maybe you support abortion,
but you don't support the idea
that someone should beforced to pay for it.
That's been the common ground.
That has been jettisonedby this administration
and the proposed budget thatthis president has put forward.
- One other aspect of the budgetthat's grabbing attention,
military spendingincreases by less than 2%,
something that's sure to get pushback.
Of course, the budgetprocess has a long way to go
before it's approved.
The White House is expectingto make concessions.
At the White House,Eric Philips, CBN News.
- [Efrem] Coming up, theinvisible threat to America,
cyber attacks on our fuel,our food and transportation.
Colonial Pipeline thought it was ready,
then a ransomware attack shut them down.
Now a call to action for businesses
and the government to beprepared for future attacks.
We'll have the story foryou when we come back.
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- Welcome back.
We are learning what wentwrong after a ransomware attack
completely shut downa major fuel pipeline.
If you live on the East coast,
you likely felt thedirect impact last month,
either by waiting in gaslines or seeing higher prices
after the cyber attackon the Colonial Pipeline.
The company's CEO told senators Tuesday
how to better protect criticalinfrastructure in the future.
Here's CBN's National SecurityCorrespondent, Caitlin Burke.
- Those behind the operationof the Colonial Pipeline
thought their systems were secure.
Then Russian hackers shut them down.
- We felt comfortably historically
that we're where we felt we needed to be
to protect our assets.
This threat grows every day.
The sophistication of thisthreat grows every day.
- [Caitlin] During this Senate hearing,
Colonial Pipeline CEOJoseph Blount told lawmakers
that private companiesand the government need
to work together to preventagainst future attacks.
- I think if we look atthe number of incidents
that are taking placetoday throughout the world,
let alone here in America,
private industry alonecan't do everything.
It can't solve the problemtotally by theirselves.
So it's the partnershipbetween private and government
is very important tofight this ongoing slot
of cyber attacks around the world.
- [Caitlin] With suchan ever-evolving threat,
lawmakers acknowledged the U.S.can't keep playing defense.
- We need to startimagining what can happen
and respond accordinglyas opposed to always
be looking at what the last problem was.
- [Caitlin] The JusticeDepartment showed the fruit
of its more aggressive approach in dealing
with ransomware attacks,revealing it recovered
some of the ransom Colonial paid
in order to get their systems back online.
- This represents the swiftwhole of government response
represented in the work of this task force
and our determinationto go after the entire
ransomware criminal ecosystem used
by these types of criminal networks
and their affiliates, which are targeting
and going after, includingin disruptive ways,
our critical infrastructure.
- [Caitlin] The DOJ's majorwarning, no one is immune.
- Pay attention now, invest resources now.
Failure to do so could be the difference
between being securenow or a victim later.
- Given the international component,
the Biden administration isconsidering these attacks
a national security priorityand calling on other countries
to monitor theircryptocurrency transactions.
The president is alsoexpected to discuss the issue
with Russian PresidentPutin next week in Geneva.
Caitlin Burke, CBN News.
- [Efrem] Still ahead,actor Martin sheen helps
to bring a best-sellingbook to the big screen,
and he's here to share the miracle story
of the "12 Mighty Orphans"when we come back.
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- This next story takesus back to the time
of the Great Depressionand to some inspiring
real life events you mayhave yet to hear about.
We will begin with a manwho gives up a position
of privilege to coachfootball at a Texas orphanage.
And then his ragtag teamfinds itself in the spotlight,
delivering hope to the city, the state,
and the entire country.
Actor Martin sheen helpsto bring this true story
and best-selling book to the big screen.
And he makes a stop in Studio 5
to share "12 Mighty Orphans" with us.
- It's Harvey Nual Russell.
I'm the new math science teacher.
- The football coach?
- Would you call this a miracle story?
- They'll never make it on the outside.
- For me, every day is a miracle story
if you live through it
and you're lookingforward to the next one.
- The way I see it, youcan either work the field
or play the field.
- The field sounds good to me, I'm in.
- Of course, it's a miracle story.
It's about service to each other.
It's about the old adagewhen we serve others first,
we serve ourselves best.
- Ready, set, hike!
(man laughs)
- This is going to be morework than you imagined.
- It's about the miracleof creating community,
looking out for each other andnot worried about yourself.
- [Harvey] Today we'regoing up against a team
that's won two state championships.
- Stay down in the dirt whereyou belong, loser orphan.
- That's a funny formation.
Get your new offense lined up.
Corner, you're directlybehind A.T. for the snap.
- What position does that make me, coach?
- [Harvey] We'll call you the quarterback.
This is how we're gonnabeat the bigger teams.
We don't have the size,so we gotta utilize
what we do have, speed.
- You finally got a team.
- What was it about this story
and your character that made you say yes,
I've got to be a part of this?
- Oh, well, you know,
the moment I finished reading the script,
I said yes without hesitation.
I didn't know that it was a true story.
- Every second that they're on the field,
we're losing money.
- I was intrigued by the period
of the Great Depression.
The Depression's alwaysintrigued me, for some reason.
But the character of Doc himself
really penetrated the best part of me.
He lost his wife in childbirthand never remarried,
so he was just this endearing character.
- When are you gonna standup for these children
and do what's right?
We have a chance to makea real difference here.
- They don't want you to win.
Everybody's gonna be behindthe team with nothing,
just like them.
- Am I correct that youguys had real life orphans
involved in this?
- Yeah, very much so.
They invited us to use their facilities,
both interior and exterior.
So they let us film on thegrounds where all the practice
of the football took place.
And inside, we filmed inside,
and there were children whowere members of this community.
And they were, I think wewere a nuisance to them,
but they were very, very welcoming.
And they were very curiousabout what we were up to.
They'd never seen a movie set before
and now they're part of it.
The last scene where we were all gathered
on the front steps, that is the orphanage,
the facade of the orphanage,and all those children,
together with the castand crew, are members
of that community and thestaff of that orphanage, yeah.
- It's hard to believe whenall we've known is hurt
and loss, I look at you boys
and I can honestly sayI'm proud to be an orphan.
And you'll feel the same way
if you can believe in yourselvesand believe in each other.
- How timely is this film and its message
for what we're seeingin our world right now?
- Well, I think that wehave, we're always looking
for a way to unite the will of the spirit
with the work of the flesh.
And whenever we're able todo that, we become whole.
And I think that that wastried during the pandemic
in a very, very specific way on all of us.
No one was gonna get out of this.
And the only way we couldget through it was together.
And so that image oftrying to unite the will
of the spirit with the work of the flesh
was a great sense of community to me.
- "12 Mighty Orphans" isin theaters this weekend.
We're sharing more fromMartin sheen and the film
in this evening's edition of Studio 5.
Singer Todd Delaney is alsowith us to preview his new album
and we'll get a previewof an intimate documentary
on the life of Anthony Bourdain.
You can catch Studio 5 this evening
at 8:30 Eastern Standard Time.
And you can find thaton the CBN News Channel.
Coming up, remembering the queen
of Jerusalem archeologists, Eilat Mazar,
who died unexpectedly recently.
We're gonna take a look backat some of her discoveries,
and some of them broughtthe Bible to life.
We've got the story foryou when we come back.
Stay with us.(dramatic music)
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- Family, friends and colleaguesmourn the recent passing
of one of Jerusalem's most well-known
and beloved archeologists, Eilat Mazar.
She was called by some the queenof Jerusalem archeologists.
She discovered some ofthe most significant finds
in the city, and some of thembrought the Bible to life.
CBN News interviewedMazar a number of times
throughout the years.
Here's a collection of some of the stories
that she helped to contribute to Israel.
- [Reporter] Eliat Mazar
was a third generation archeologist.
Mazar's grandfather Benjaminoversaw the first excavation
after the 1967 Six-Day Warthat reunited Jerusalem.
- My grandfather excavated10 continuous years
without stopping, thiswas a fantastic project.
Almost no pile in dimensions,hundreds of people work.
They revealed fantastic remains
of ancient Jerusalem from all periods.
- [Reporter] At 10 years old,
Mazar felt like partof her family came home
when she first heard thatIsrael recaptured the Old City.
- Even as a child, I couldsense that this is a huge event.
It's like you get something back.
People related to it likereturning a lost son.
It was that's what we were expecting for,
now it's happening.
- [Reporter] She made someof Israel's greatest finds.
While digging in the City of David,
Mazar believed she discoveredKing David's palace.
- Its monumentality is obvious.
Everybody can see.
Also its date, constructedsometime around 1000 BC,
the time of King David in general,
based on the portrait that wefound underneath and within.
These effects brought us to understand
that we've got fantasticmonumental construction.
- [Reporter] Mazar also uncovered the site
called the Ophel, just belowJerusalem's Temple Mount,
restored it, and toldher story in the book,
"Discovering the SolomonicWall in Jerusalem."
Perhaps Mazar's greatest findbrought the Bible to life.
- From the biblical times,finding the seal impression
from King Hezekiah himself,this is unparalleled,
unheard of to come asclose as it can imagine
to a biblical figure, not to mention
such a king as King Hezekiah.
So to find his seal impression,it's almost touching him.
- [Reporter] For Mazar, it wasthe discovery of a lifetime.
- Astonished.
This was, I think thiswas most amazed find
for me personally ever.
- [Reporter] While manyarcheologists dismissed the Bible,
Mazar maintained it to be animportant historical source.
- The biblical stories andthe New Testament story,
by the way, it goes togetherbecause they just prove
quite accurately thedevelopment of Jerusalem,
and the way Jerusalem isdescribed is quite accurate.
And I'm amazed to see repeatedly
that archeological evidencegoes so beautifully along
with the biblical story.
It just repeatedly showing us that so much
of the biblical narratives are accurate.
Simply as that, accurate.
- [Reporter] Since a child, Jerusalem
and its treasures captured her heart.
- I come in the morning andgo to sleep with Jerusalem.
I mean, excavating Jerusalem,it's 100% only mine,
besides my family.
I mean, we are family people.
- [Reporter] Former Ambassadorto the U.S. Michael Oren
called Mazar a hero.
- She has fought for Israel's future
by fighting for its past.
And against the faceof a lot of naysayers,
and particularly people in the world today
who deny a historicalconnection between Israel
and the City of Jerusalem.
People who deny that thereever was a King David
or King Hezekiah or prophet Isaiah.
Eilat digs down and she finds it
and she proves them all wrong.
- [Reporter] Archeology is not just
about revealing the past,
archeology is about securing our present,
archeology is about ensuring our future.
Archeology is about richness,
and as Eilat Mazar willtell you, it's about truth.
- And time now for your Wednesday Word.
Today's word is peace.
Be careful to protect your peace.
It is valuable.
And the price of losing it istoo high of a price to pay.
God gives us peace for a purpose,
and it is a peace theworld is not able to give.
Again, don't lose sight of its value.
With that word I encourage you
to make today a wonderful Wednesday.
That is gonna do it for thisedition of CBN Newswatch.
Wanna remind you, you can always find more
of our programs on the CBN News Channel.
You can find them there at anytime.
You can also find themonline at CBNNews.com.
We would love to know what you think
about the stories you've seen here today.
You can email us at theaddress on your screen,
And of course, you canalways reach out and touch us
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We'd love to hear from you.
We'll see you right back here tomorrow.
Goodbye and God bless.(dramatic music)