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'Church is not Just a Building': Worshippers Gather at VB 'Boat Church' for 2nd Year

'Church is not Just a Building': Worshippers Gather at VB 'Boat Church' for 2nd Year Read Transcript

- COVID may have inspiredit, but the idea to bring

Virginia Beach boatersand beach-goers together

for worship services wastoo good not to continue.

Wendy Griffith with reports

on the idea's growing popularity.

♪ Bless the Lord oh my soul ♪

- The second season of Boat Church

got off to a rainy and overcast start,

but it didn't dampen the spirits

of those who came outto worship on the water.

- We were a little hesitant.

We live on the bay and it waslooking nasty this morning

but God provided, and it'sjust been a great day out here.

- I like it because I thinkit just reinforces the fact

that church is not just about a building.

Where two or more aregathered in his name,

that's where Jesus will be.

So I like the fact thatpeople can come together

with a common interestand just enjoy nature

and worship the Lord.

- I feel like I'm back with the disciples

just hearing the word on the beach.

And it's just a great experience,

whether they're sunshine or rain

- It was a rainy morning.

It was easy to like just layin bed and just watch it on TV,

but we decided let's get outhere and you just, you feel it.

You feel the people out here,you feel the spirit moving.

It's just a great environment.

We're so blessed to be a part of this.

- What a great start anda great worship service

that we have here.

- [Wendy] Former Virginiagovernor Bob McDonnell,

one of the organizers, says he's excited

about another year of Boat Church.

- We weren't sure how much oflast year was driven by COVID

and how much just because it'sa unique worship experience

and we've got greatsupport from local pastors,

'cause we want to drivepeople to their churches

when Boat Church is over.

This is about a four-month experience.

And we'll see whether itwas only a COVID phenomenon.

- God loves to use theweak to shame the strong

and God loves to use thefoolish to shame the wise.

- [Wendy] Pastor RandySinger of Trinity Church

who gave the message, sees Boat Church

as a creative way to reach the unchurched.

- People come to BoatChurch that might not come

inside the walls of a normal church.

It's non-threatening youcan come just in your boat

or set up your chair and thenyou might not be expecting it,

but maybe you'll hear aword from the Lord that day.

♪ The wrath of God was satisfied ♪

- [Wendy] And Christianrecording artist Josh Wilson

brought his soulful worshipall the way from Nashville.

- I think it's amazing.

I think it's a great idea.

I love that it started up last year

and my wife and I love the beach

and it's really fun to bein the Virginia Beach area.

And I love that it's still going

and that we're doing it eventhough there's some clouds out.

That's actually, cloudcover is kinda nice.

- [Wendy] Virginia Beach Boat Church

meets every Sunday at 10:00AM at First Landing State Park

at the Narrows through September.

Wendy Griffith, CBN News.


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