Hedieh sought a relationship with God in the religion of Islam, but she found only a burden to be perfect. After removing her hijab and being told she would suffer eternal damnation, she cried out to God, and to her surprise, He answered.
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- In Islam, God is not a father.
God is the ultimatejudge and he sits apart
from us judging absolutelyevery single thing that we do.
- [Narrator] Hetia's parents emigrated
from Iran to the US insearch of the American dream.
They found it.
Hetia grew up among the wealth
and opulence of Beverly Hills
but she says it wasn't enough.
- It never was fulfilling.
I actually felt really guilty
about having what the world would describe
as just about everythingand yet being sad.
And I always wondered whatwas that space in my heart
that made me feel empty.
- [Narrator] While in college at UCLA,
she hoped religion would fill the void.
Her dad pushed her to Islam
and her boyfriend tookher to a local mosque.
- It was somewhat of an extreme mosque
and they had all theseprinciples about politics
and what it would be like to turn America
into a Muslim nation
and very, very antisemitic.
And I thought to myself,
oh, this is terrible,I don't want anything
to do with this.
If this is religion, Iwant nothing to do with it.
- [Narrator] Repulsed by Muslim extremism
and still wanting to know God,
she joined a different branchof Islam called Sufism.
- A mystical practice in Islam,
which is all about love and harmony
and finding a personalrelationship with God
and I thought okay, this is perfect.
This is where I could find peace
and where I can find thatrelationship with God.
- [Narrator] After law school,Hetia began writing reports
on Muslim extremism.
Her work led her to theFBI and career working
with government agenciescombating terrorism.
- It was a natural fit for me
to be in Islam and in these communities
and studying them
and working againstextremism at the same time.
I really felt that I wascontributing to my country
and my faith.
- [Narrator] She gotmarried and had a daughter.
For years, Hetia maintaineda strict adherence
to Islamic law.
- It was this never-ending attempt
to control your fleshly desires,
your behavior in an effortto draw closer to God.
You're always afraid of whathe's gonna do to judge you
and it's not about love at all.
You were constantly praying to a God
that didn't answer you.
- [Narrator] Eventually,she became frustrated
that despite her efforts,
Islam gave her no assurance of salvation.
- What they were telling me
is the most importantgoal I had in my life,
I didn't know if I was ever gonna achieve
and that weighed on me extremely heavy.
And as I grew older
and as my daughter grew older,
this heaviness was intolerable.
- [Narrator] Then one day,after 22 years in Islam,
Hetia took off her head covering.
Her imams said her eternaldestination was now certain.
- They told me I wasgonna hang from my hair
for an eternity in hell fire
'cause I took my head cover off.
So despite the uncertainty ofnot being promised salvation,
because I'd done this one thing
to decrease my external religiosity,
they said I was gonna spendan eternity in hell fire.
And that was unacceptable.
And I left Islam.
It was devastating.
It was devastating.
I felt that I had nobearings underneath me.
I felt really, really lost.
- [Narrator] Hetia longedto have God in her life.
While online, she watched a video
of a Christian pastor
who spoke about having a relationship
with God through Jesus.
She was moved and confused.
Soon after, she prayed a desperate prayer.
- I was on my knees, I was inritual prayer form of Islam,
down with my head on theground and just crying,
and saying can you pleasereveal yourself to me
because I am so utterlyconfused on who you are.
And it was in one of thoseprayers in my bedroom
that I audibly heard the voice of Christ.
And he said, "Hetia, it's me."
And it was extraordinary.
To this day, I can tell youas if it happened yesterday.
I knew from that moment on,
I would never be the same.
- [Narrator] She continuedwatching the pastor online
and started reading the Bible.
- The Bible came aliveas the Quran never did.
I could hear God speak to me
and I knew he was speaking directly to me
'cause he was usingthe Quran as an example
of why the Quran was not correct
and why his word in the Bible was true.
I got to a point where I was like I have
to accept that Jesus is Lord.
I have to accept that he has saved me.
And I was praying one day
and I just felt the Lord say to me,
"Daughter, you don't haveto be afraid anymore."
- [Narrator] Hetia wassoon baptized at the church
she had watched online.
She says she now has arelationship with God
she never thought possible.
- And I catch myself all the time
when I'm struggling
where he's like, "Daughter,just walk with me."
And it's just His way oftelling me don't be afraid.
I have plans to prosperyou and not to harm you,
to give you goodness, togive you a life filled
with love and with joy
and don't be afraid."
- [Narrator] She shares herjourney about receiving the love
of God through Jesus
in hopes of reaching otherswho long to know Him.
- He's been with me the whole time.
I wonder, at times I ask him why I had
to experience certain things
but he's used all of mypast in order to do it
and it wouldn't have beenpossible 25 years ago,
it wouldn't have beenpossible with that girl
in Beverly Hills to do whatHe's calling me to do now.
And so I am forever at his feet.