Vanessa's family fled their home when ISIS closed in and settled in Amman, Jordan where Operation Blessing donors continue to provide food and Christian education.
Read Transcript
- [Narrator] When Vanessa's family
learned ISIS was closing inon their village in Iraq,
their only choice wasto flee from their home
or face certain death.
- [Translator] As ChristiansISIS would have killed us.
We had to leave everythingand come to Jordan.
But here I'm not allowed to have a job.
I have two children andmy wife to take care of.
- [Narrator] OperationBlessing gives Vanessa's family
food each month.
She and her brother missedmore than a year of school.
Then we invited them to ourChristian school in Amman.
- [Translator] Theteachers are so nice to us,
and we have lots of fun learning.
- [Narrator] Iraqi refugeechildren study Arabic,
English, science, math and history
at no cost to their families.
They also learn about the love of Jesus.
- [Translator] Now theystart getting ready
hours before the bus arrives,
'cause they are so happy tosee their teachers and friends.
I thank God every day for this.
- [Narrator] With the supportof Operation Blessing donors,
Vanessa and her brother aregetting a great education
while their parents knowthey'll have enough food
for their next meal.
- [Translator] Without youwe would have nothing to eat,
and my children would still feel lost.
You are the only ones who can help us,
and I pray for you every day.
- [Translator] Like anymother I want my children
to have a strong education,
and the best chance for a good future.
They have that chance,
and I'm forever grateful.
You're the answer to my prayers.
- [Translator] Thankyou so much for caring
about me and my family.