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Shocking Rise in Anti-Semitism Sparked by Hamas-Israel War 05/28/21

Shocking rise of anti-Semitism worldwide sparked by Hamas - Israel war; plus, Israeli expert warns Hezbollah is a greater threat than Hamas; and friends & family mourn the passing of Eilat Mazar, called by some, the Queen of Jerusalem archaeology. Read Transcript

(shofar blaring)

- This week on, "Jerusalem Dateline,"

the shocking rise ofanti-Semitism around the world,

sparked by the warbetween Hamas and Israel.

Plus, a warning from an Israeli expert

that Hezbollah represents amuch greater threat than Hamas.

And friends and family mournthe passing of Eilat Mazar,

called by some, "The queenof Jerusalem archeology."

All this and more this weekon, "Jerusalem Dateline."

(happy rock music)

Hello and welcome to thisedition of, "Jerusalem Dateline."

I'm Chris Mitchell.

It's open season on Jews,

in a shocking spike of anti-Semitism.

They're being savagelyattacked in American cities

from Los Angeles to New York.

So how are certain political leaders

fueling these heinous crimes?

And what can we do to stopthis torrent of anti-Semitism?

Dale Hurd has the story.

(dramatic music)

- Phone video of attacks against Jews

in cities across the U.S.,shared on social media

show how Palestinian supporters

are bringing the war againstIsrael and against Jews

to America's streets.

Jews around the world know

that when Israel isattacked and fights back,

they become even biggertargets for violence.

A Jewish man was savagely beaten

in New York's Diamond District,

another in Times Square.

Police are looking for these suspects.

In Los Angeles, a man is being held

on suspicion of assaultwith a deadly weapon,

after an anti-Semiticattack on Jewish diners.

10 cars full of Palestinian supporters

rolled up and tried to attack them,

as they ate outside in Beverly Hills.

Police are investigating theincident as a hate crime.

In Canada, a Jew attackedin broad daylight,

and in Florida, thispro Palestinian caravan

says, "Hitler was right."

Rabbi Abraham Cooper of theSimon Wiesenthal Center.

- The language of the caravans

that are going through Jewish areas,

with anti-Semitic slogans being spat,

"And we're gonna rapeyour wives and children,"

and things like that.

There's a sense that it's open season

and fair game against Jews.

- [Dale] The Anti-Defamation League

has documented anti-Semitism

on multiple social media platforms,

including 17,000 tweetswhich used variations

of the phrase, "Hitler was right,"

and 193 anti-Semitic incidents

in the week after the fightingin the Middle East began.

Rabbi Cooper says statementsby Palestinian supporters

in the Democrat partyembolden anti-Semites.

- When the squad membersopenly lie about Israel,

use anti-Semitic tropes,

knowing they can say whatever they want

as elected members of Congress,

and that the leadership of Congress

won't take them down onthat kind of rhetoric,

you know, the signals aboundthat you can get away with it.

- And Rabbi Cooper says it's imperative

that Christians stand by Jews,

and speak out stronglyagainst the attacks,

and that the White Housemust do more to stop it.

Dale Hurd, "CBN News."

- Here's more with Rabbi Abraham Cooper

about this alarming rise of anti-Semitism,

not only in the U.S.,but around the world.

(dramatic music)

Rabbi Cooper, what's your reaction

to the anti-Semitic attacks in the U.S.,

from New York, all the way towhere you are in Los Angeles?

- Actually the tsunamistarted first in Germany,

where they had attacks across the country.

Hearing on the streets ofGermany, "Death to Jews,"

has a special added component.

In Dusseldorf, therewas even a fire started

on a Memorial to the Dusseldorf Synagogue,

that was the arsoned onKristallnacht in 1938.

The situation in the UK iscompletely out of control.

The type of attacks going on,on both sides of the Atlantic,

and you can throw in Australia as well,

it's a kind of perfect storm,extremely disconcerting.

This is an anti-Semitism really escalating

on a whole 'nother level.

- Final question, Rabbi Cooper,

how can evangelical Christians help?

- I think first of all,first and foremost,

that next Sunday, there needs to be,

using the sermon toeducate the parishioners,

first, not so much about Israel.

You don't really have to,

they're light yearsahead of everybody else,

but about the scourge ofanti-Semitism in the United States,

that's really out of control.

Their prayers will be very important.

And then the other thing is to remember

what so many people,including Mr. Wiesenthal,

our namesake, the great Nazi hunter,

would always remind us thatit often starts with Jews.

It never ends with Jews.

Our best friends are membersof the Christian community.

We just need them to be themselves,

to be aware of what's going on,

and to report to us what they see online,

and what they hear.

We're never gonna defeatanti-Semitism alone.

It's gonna be our neighborswho are gonna lead the way.

- For 11 days, Hamas, aided byIran and other terror groups,

tried to paralyze Centraland Southern Israel

by firing thousands of rockets from Gaza.

Now, strategists are lookingfor other potential threats,

and one Israeli expert points to the north

as a much bigger threat.

(dramatic music)

- And I have to admit that as an Israeli,

this is not the onlyfront that I'm concern of.

I look north and I seeLebanon, and I see Hezbollah.

- [Chris] Counter-terrorismexpert Boaz Ganor

tells "CBN News,"

Hezbollah and its estimated150 to 200,000 missiles

represents a far greaterthreat than Hamas.

- If you asked me whatconcerns me with Hezbollah,

everything that's concernme with Hamas, but big time,

much more than what we had.

- [Chris] After studying the recent war,

Ganor believes Hezbollahwould try to overwhelm

Israel's number onedefense, the Iron Dome.

Ganor also points out Hezbollah possesses

not just rockets, but missiles.

- What's the difference betweena missile than a rocket?

A missile is a guidedrocket, you can guide it,

you can direct it to the targets.

So there, they have guided missiles,

with much, much bigger warheads,

and they cover all theterritory of Israel.

They can launch rocketsfrom Lebanon, and hit Eilat,

which is the most Southern part of Israel.

- [Chris] "CBN News" has reported

on Hezbollah's facilities inside Beirut,

that convert its rocketsinto guided missiles.

It's all part of a multi-billiondollar Iranian project.

- Iran have built this enormouscapability for one purpose,

and in my view, one purpose only,

to deter Israel from attacking military,

attacking the nuclear facilitiesthat they build in Iran.

- [Chris] Ganor, like mostIsraelis, takes Iran at its word,

regarding the desire to eradicate Israel.

- They are saying that loud and clear.

Once they can meettheir ideological goals,

with practical capabilitieslike a nuclear bomb,

that's an existential threat to Israel,

but in mind how small Israel,

Israel cannot observe one nuclear bomb

and recover out of it.

- [Chris] Ganor says Hezbollah represents

an unprecedented challenge to Israel,

and that any war against it

would dwarf the recentconflict with Hamas.

- I believe that Hezbollahwould cause much more damage,

and much more casualties,

in the numbers ofhundreds if not thousands.

In that case, no doubt in my mind,

that the Israeli government,and the Israeli military,

and the Israeli public wouldexpect the Israeli government

to do whatever they can,

in order to prevent thoseatrocities against Israel

in a much lesser, restrictivemanner then Israel,

than in Gaza.

- While the U.S. seeks toreenter the Iranian nuclear deal,

the chief of the UN nuclear watchdog

says Iran is now enriching uranium,

at levels only reached bycountries seeking atomic weapons.

As that clock speeds up,

it could be just a matter of time

until Israel sees thisnorthern border threat

come to fruition.

(dramatic music)

Coming up, U.S. Secretaryof State Antony Blinken

pledges aid to Gaza, butwill it actually help

Hamas's war against Israel?

(happy music)

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(dramatic music)

- U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken

visited the region, including meetings

with Israeli Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu,

and Palestinian AuthorityPresident Mahmoud Abbas.

During the recent conflict,

Hamas and Islamic jihad inside Gaza

pounded Israeli towns and cities

with more than 4,000 rockets.

And now more evidence is emerging

that Iran is the sourceof most of those rockets.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

told Secretary of State Blinken

he hoped the U.S. will not renewthe nuclear deal with Iran,

and then if necessary, Israelwill chart its own course.

- We also iterated that whatever happens,

Israel will always reservethe right to defend itself

against a regime committedto our destruction,

committed to getting theweapons of mass destruction.

- [Chris] Blinken came witha message to rebuild Gaza.

- The United States will workto rally international support

around that effort,

while also making our ownsignificant contributions.

We'll work with ourpartners, closely with all,

to ensure that Hamas does not benefit.

- [Chris] For many, it's an open question

to see how U.S. and internationalaid can rebuild Gaza,

without benefiting Hamas.

Israeli attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner

is a pioneer in the legalfight against terror funding.

- Unfortunately, the UnitedStates did not learn the lesson

that any money they're giving to Gaza

goes directly to Hamas,and creates and funds

the next round, the nextattacks against Israel.

- [Chris] Blinken also met withPA President Mahmoud Abbas,

and pledged more U.S. aid tothe Palestinian authority.

It's all part of the Bidenadministration's effort

to renew negotiationsfor a two-state solution,

and work with Abbas,currently in the 15th year

of a four-year term.

Abbas canceled electionsseveral weeks ago.

After the conflict, Hamas's leader

gave much of the credit to Iran.

(speaking in a foreign language)

- [Interpreter] And Icannot but thank those

who brought forth money and weaponry

to the valiant resistance.

The Islamic Republic of Iran,who do not hold back money,

weapons, or technical support.

- [Chris] The leader of thesecond largest terror group

inside Gaza, thePalestinian Islamic jihad,

also praised Iran.

- [Interpreter] I'm notsorry, I'm proud to say

that the rockets that areused to pound Tel-Aviv

have an Iranian signature on them,

the signature of Qasem Soleimani.

- [Chris] During the conflict,

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

displayed an Iranian drone

intercepted on the Jordanian border.

- And that I thinktells, it says everything

on the true patron ofterror in the Middle East,

and in the world, Iran.

- [Chris] It's thisflagrant support of Hamas

and other terror groups in the region

that led 44 Republican senators

to send a letter to president Biden

to suspend its nuclear talkswith the Islamic regime.

Many, like former IsraeliAmbassador to the U.S.

Ron Dermer are concerned sanctions relief

would enable Iran to export its terror

throughout the region.

- Iran is stirring thepot in Iraq, in Syria,

in Lebanon, in Yemen, in Gaza.

That's all of Iran's terrorproxies in the region,

which is another reason, whilethis is going on in Gaza,

we shouldn't lose sight ofwho the big enemy is, Iran.

I hope very much thatthe U.S. administration

will not go back into thedangerous nuclear deal with Iran,

and they will continueto keep the pressure

on that Iranian regime thatrepresents a threat to us.

It represents a threatto our Arab neighbors,

and it represents a threat topeace throughout the region.

(dramatic music)

- The United Nations Human Rights Council

called for the creation

of a permanent commission of inquiry,

to monitor Israel's treatmentof the Palestinians.

It's the first commission of inquiry,

with an ongoing mandate.

And Mark Regev, a senior advisor

to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

called it, "A shameful day for the UN."

- Not only do they defame a democracy

that is simply tryingto protect its people

from terrorist attack,

but they shamelessly whitewash

a brutal genocidal terrorist organization,

that not only tries tokill Israeli civilians,

but abuses Gaza civilian population,

exploiting it as a human shield.

That's a double war crime.

(dramatic rock music)

- [Chris] Up next, an exclusive interview

with Israel's ambassador tothe United Arab Emirates.

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(dramatic music)

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♪ I got the joy ♪

♪ I dance around because I know it ♪

♪ Joy, I move around because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in the heart ♪

♪ Joy, I dance around because I know it ♪

♪ Joy, I move around because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in the heart ♪

(dramatic music)

- As we showed you in the wake

of the recent Israel Hamas war,

anti-Israel and anti-Semitic incidents

have spiked around the world.

But as CBN Middle EastCorrespondent Julie Stahl shows,

the relations between Israel

and the United Arab Emirates formalized,

and the Abraham Accords are growing.

- [Julie] Ambassador EitanNa'eh is Israel's first diplomat

to the United Arab Emirates.

CBN news spoke with Na'ehon a trip to Abu Dhabi,

regarding the reaction of the UAE

to the recent conflict with Hamas.

- I visited the salonhere during the campaign,

the Gaza campaign, and I heard the things

that I don't think thatthe Israelis heard before.

So the whole time untilthe Abraham Accords,

we only got one side,the Palestinian side.

And now for the first time,

we can hear the otherside, the Israeli side.

- [Julie] Last year, Israel, the UAE,

and other Arab countriesestablished diplomatic ties,

known as the Abraham Accords.

Na'eh a described those ties as an effort

by what he called, "The people of tomorrow

to depart from the rocket-firingpeople of yesterday."

- It doesn't mean that thereare not that many people

who will try to challengeit, who will try to test it,

but the thing of thedetermination is here.

The strategic decision is here,

and we are back to normal,to build relations,

to sign agreements, to create contacts,

to build our embassy here.

So we are continuing, andthat's the messages we get

from our Emirati counterparts.

- [Julie] In the lastseven months, Na'eh said,

"Israel has been able to advance the idea

that there are two sides

to the Israeli Palestinian conflict."

He said, "The foreignministry's Arabic pages

on social media had 56 millionviews in the last few days."

- The Israeli narrative,

in spite of what seemedto be the contrary,

is getting traction in Arab streets.

And I think we shouldpay attention to that.

- [Julie] One sign ofthe growing relationship

is the opening of the firstever Holocaust Memorial exhibit

in the Arabian Gulf, in a museum in Dubai.

- I think it's very important to recognize

and acknowledge, andto have the compassion,

and to have the couragealso to acknowledge

this negative story thathappened at that time,

history of the massacreof ethnic cleansing,

singling one ethnicity, one religion,

this was very, very bad.

- [Julie] Na'eh, as wellas the Jewish community,

were invited to the opening.

- As we can see, with this exhibition

is the exact oppositeof what we see in Gaza.

Tolerance, the wholenormalization process,

a departure from the past, from the wars,

and the battles, and the rockets firing.

- [Julie] The exhibit

at the Crossroads of Civilizations Museum,

is designed to raise awareness

among local Emiratis and others.

It explores the eventsleading up to the Holocaust,

and includes a tribute to the Arab heroes

who defended and saved Jews.

Na'eh said, "It's important to recognize

that the Middle East isin a different place,

to embrace it andnurture those relations."

Julie Stahl, "CBN News," Abu Dhabi

in the United Arab Emirates.

(dramatic rock music)

- [Chris] Coming up,Jerusalem says goodbye

to one of its greatest archeologists,

and some called, "The queenof Jerusalem archeology."

- Thank you for watching,"Jerusalem Dateline."

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- [Announcer] Call us tollfree, at 1-800-700-7000.

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- [Gizmo] Chris and Joyhave gone back in time,

but I do not know where.

- [Narrator] From, "Superbook."

- Let me tell you howthis trouble started.

- Hi.

- Pastor Aaron invitedChris to be group leader

at the very next Bible study meeting.

- I didn't volunteer to run the meeting.

- That's when everything went kablooie.

- But there heroes in my Hollow Nine games

are more today, you know,

so they have more flavor.(grunting)

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- Whoa.- Don't leave me.

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- [Joy] It seems Superbookhas dropped me and Chris

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- This mission callsfor our very best spies.

- Reporting for duty, sir.

- Let us have the men whoare staying at your house.

- You mean them?

- Don't play games with me, Rahab.

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(gentle music)

(dramatic music)

- For the first time in more than a year,

Israel welcomed its first tour group.

It's part of a pilot programby the tourism ministry

to reopen Israel, followingthe coronavirus pandemic.

- Is a very exciting day for me.

And we're starting, likea pilot of a few weeks,

where we will experiment the best process

to bring in groups oftourists, then later on,

even individual tourists,so we can go back to normal.

- It's incredible, we'vebeen hoping to come out here

for a really long time,

and it's just a massiveblessing to be here,

and just to be where Jesus was.

That's just incredible.

- Thanks for working sohard to be so safe for us.

And we're very grateful to be here.

(dramatic music)

- Finally, family, friends and colleagues

are mourning one ofJerusalem's most well-known

and beloved archeologists, Eilat Mazar.

Called by some, "The queenof Jerusalem archeologists,"

Mazar discovered some ofthe most significant finds

in the city.

And "CBN News" interviewedMazar a number of times

throughout the years.

Here's a look at some of those stories.

Eilat Mazar was a thirdgeneration archeologist.

Mazar's grandfather Benjaminoversaw the first excavation,

after the 1967 Six-Day Warthat reunited Jerusalem.

- My grandfather excavated10 continuous years,

without stopping, thiswas a fantastic project.

Almost no piling dimensions,hundreds of people at work,

they revealed fantastic remains

of ancient Jerusalem from all periods.

- [Chris] At 10 years old, Mazar felt like

part of her family came home,

when she first heard thatIsrael recaptured the Old City.

- As a child, I could sensethat this is a huge event.

It's like you get something back.

People related to it,like returning a lost son.

It was that's what wewere expecting for it.

Now it's happening.

- [Chris] She made some ofIsrael's greatest finds.

While digging in the city of David,

Mazar believes she discoveredKing David's palace.

- Its monumentality isobvious, everybody can see.

Also, its date, constructedsometime around 1000 BC,

the time of King David in general,

based on the pottery that wefound underneath and within.

These facts brought us to understand

that we've got fantasticmonumental construction.

- [Chris] Mazar also uncovered the site

called the Ophel, just belowJerusalem's Temple Mount,

restored it, and toldher story in the book,

"Discovering the SolomonicWall in Jerusalem."

Perhaps Mazar's greatest findbrought the Bible to life.

- From the biblical times,finding the seal impression

from King Hezekiah himself?

This is unparalleled, unheard of,

to come as close as it can getimagine to a biblical figure,

not to mention such aking as King Hezekiah.

So to find his seal impression,it's almost touching him.

- [Chris] For Mazar, it wasthe discovery of a lifetime.

- Astonished, this was,

I think this was most amazedfind, for me personally, ever.

- [Chris] While manyarcheologists dismissed the Bible,

Mazar maintained it to be animportant historical source.

- The biblical stories, andthe New Testament story,

by the way, it goes together,

because they just prove quite accurately

the development of Jerusalem,

and the way Jerusalem isdescribed is quite accurate.

And I am asked to see repeatedly

that archeological evidencegoes so beautifully,

along with the biblical story.

It just repeatedly showing us

that so much of the biblicalnarratives are accurate,

simply as that, accurate.

- [Chris] Since a child,Jerusalem and its treasures

captured her heart.

- I come in the morning, andgo to sleep with Jerusalem.

I'm excavate in Jerusalem,it's 100% on my mind,

besides my family.

I mean, you know, weare very family people.

- [Chris] Former ambassadorto the U.S. Michael Oren

called Mazar a hero.

- She has fought for Israel's future

by fighting for its past,

and against the faceof a lot of naysayers,

and in particular,people in the world today

who deny an historical connection

between Israel and the city of Jerusalem,

people who denied thereever was a King David,

or King Hezekiah, or a prophet Isaiah.

Eilat digs down and she finds it,

she proves them all wrong.

- Archeology is not justabout revealing the past.

Archeology is about securing our present.

Archeology is about ensuring our future.

Archeology is about richness,

and as Eilat Mazar willtell you, it's about truth.

- Eilat Mazar was a dearfriend to the CBN family.

We will miss her, and mayher memory be blessed.

I'm Chris Mitchell,we'll see you next time

on, "Jerusalem Dateline."

(dramatic rock music)

(wind whooshing)


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