Former Super Bowl quarterback and TV analyst Trent Dilfer explains the repurposing of pain after losing his 5-year-old son, while now impacting the high school students he coaches.
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(upbeat light music)
- Well, welcome to the show.
U.S. intelligence is now showing
that workers at a lab in Wuhan, China
displayed COVID-like symptomsas far back as November, 2019.
- Well, now lawmakersare demanding answers
with one Senator telling CBN News
there could be a reasontop U.S. scientists
have downplayed the lab theory.
Capitol Hill correspondent,Abigail Robertson, reports.
- Senator Rand Paul is becomingmore and more convinced
COVID-19 originated in a lab in Wuhan
and he fears China maynot be the only country
responsible for creating it.
- NIH, and Dr. Fauci, havebeen funding Wuhan research.
- [Abigail] Paul suggestsCOVID-19 spread by mistake
during gain-of-function experiments
intended to study the virus
conducted by a U.S.-supportedgroup called EcoHealth.
- They do it through anintermediary called EcoHealth.
Interestingly, when they investigated
whether this virus came out of a lab,
or occurred naturally, theyhired the head of EcoHealth
to be in charge of the investigation.
- [Abigail] In Senate hearings.
- With all due respect you are entirely
and completely incorrect.
- [Abigail] Dr. Faucicategorically denies those claims
although he now admitsCOVID-19 might not be natural.
- The NIH has not ever, and does not now,
fund gain-of-function researchin the Wuhan Institute.
- [Abigail] Senator Paul however,
thinks Dr. Fauci hasn't been honest
with the American people.
- For goodness sakes it looks like people
who had a self-interestin funding this lab
were the ones investigating
and that they were tryingto obscure the truth.
- How confident are you
that we will get to the bottom
of where this virus came from?
- I think China will not be helpful,
but we know a couple of things,
they have tested thousands ofanimals in that wet market.
You know the people whosay this came out of nature
say it didn't come from the lab
it came from this exotic wet market
with these exotic animals,
they've tested thousands of them,
none of them have had the virus so far.
- [Abigail] Paul believesany Americans responsible
should face consequences.
- The people who supportedfunding of gain-of-function,
the creation of super viruses,
the people who supported giving this money
to the Wuhan Institute shouldimmediately be relieved
of their responsibilities.
So Dr. Fauci should go.
- [Abigail] Another issuePaul's investigating this week,
why Planned Parenthood clinics
received $80 million in loans
from the Paycheck Protection Program.
- I don't want PlannedParenthood to have any money.
I don't think they should begetting any taxpayer dollars.
I think that ultimatelythat money does aid and abet
the killing of unborn children.
- [Abigail] Paul says legally
the company with 16,000 employees
should be ineligible for the loans
meant to help smallbusinesses with the pandemic.
- The Biden administrationis not only asking,
not asking them to send the money back,
they are actually giving more loans.
- Now, Gordon, there is a growing amount
of bipartisan questions being raised
over this lab-leak theory andeven though Dr. Fauci says
that the U.S. was not sending funds
for these super virus studies in China,
on Tuesday the Senate unanimously passed
Senator Paul's amendment toensure that these studies,
these gain-of-function studies in China,
will never again be possibleto be funded by U.S. dollars.
- Well, I've got a question for you.
The NIH is now testifyingbefore the committees
on the hill this week,
how are they respondingto Senator Paul's claims?
- Well, they areacknowledging that the NIH
did send a grant to this lab in Wuhan,
but they said that this grant was not used
for super virus studies, thesegain-of-function studies,
they said that it was used to study bats
that might be carrying coronavirus
because that is where thebats are, they're in China.
Dr. Fauci said thesebats are not in the U.S.
so that was why he's backingup sending the funds there
because he says that's where the bats are.
But Senators really pressedDr. Fauci on the question
of how do they know thatthese scientists in China
were not taking the U.S. funds
and doing these researcheswithout their knowledge?
And Dr. Fauci, his response was
that he believes thatthe Chinese scientists
are trustworthy, he saw their reports
and he doesn't believe thatthey were studying super viruses
with the money that the U.S. provided,
but as you can tell, bywhat Senator Paul says,
he's not fully convincedthat that's the truth.
- Well, I don't know howyou could be convinced.
The Wuhan Institute of Virology
doesn't exist without U.S. funding.
There's a memo that's beenreleased, somehow leaked,
that shows the Chinese military
was involved with the famous Dr. Bat Woman
and they were specifically going after
gain-of-function inorder to weaponize virus
for military purposes.
So I don't see, it's just strange your,
every single beliefmechanism to say, well,
we weren't responsible.
The institute doesn't exist
without funding from the U.S.
that Dr. Fauci oversaw and he did so
during the Obama administration.
Why can't we just getto that as a basic fact?
Anyway, I think I'm editorializing.
The White House, have they weighed in
on the growing questions?
- Yes, just this week President Biden
put out a statement thathe wants his agencies
to redouble their effortsto get to the bottom
of the origins of the Corona virus
and that includes studyingthis lab-leak theory
and if it's possible thatit did escape from the lab
in Wuhan, China.
He wants a report in 90 days and he says
that he is committed and determined
to finding out how this pandemicstarted in the first place.
But there are a lot of lawmakers
who aren't so sure because of lack,
what they say, lack oftransparency from China
that we will get a clearanswer on where it came from.
- Is anybody looking ata political narrative?
One of the things that isreally starting to bother me
is there seems to be alot of politics in this,
both in terms of what came out of CDC
in the early months of the outbreak,
what has come out of Faucileading to the election,
and then most specificallywhat I consider a cover up
of what happened in China,
where it seemed like our media
gave them a complete passwhen they destroyed evidence,
they didn't allow researchers in,
is anybody asking questions,
was there a politicalmotivation behind the "theory,"
that this arose naturallyas opposed to being released
from a lab?
- Well, if you remember a year ago,
many Republican lawmakers did not shy away
from raising the questionof this lab theory
pointing to the fact thatthis lab is in Wuhan, China
and President Trump wesaw him talking about it
and we also, we saw Dr.Fauci kind of dismiss it
and say that it wasn't credible.
That was something he wasasked about this week as well
as why was he so quick todismiss the lab-leak theory
and as these experts were testifying
what I thought was interesting
is they were testifying before
a Senate AppropriationsCommittee yesterday
about the NIH's budgetand every Democrat Senator
really sort of stuck tojust regular questions
about the yearly budget whileevery Republican Senator
raised at least one question
about the origins of the Corona virus
and if they believe it came from natural,
it originated naturally
or if this lab-leak theory is credible,
but Democrat lawmakers weren't really
pressing them on that.
So we are kind of seeing, you know,
Republicans sort of leading the charge
on getting to the bottom of what happened
and exploring that theorywhile it seemed yesterday
that the Democrats weren'tquite as interested
in questioning the NIH experts
on the origins of COVID,
- All right, which tellsme there's politics here
and that actually makes mestart to question everything
in terms of CDC, in terms of NIH.
Did they understand the downside of that?
I'm not sure they do.
One last question.
If these two lab workers,
if it's traced down that theyhad COVID in November, 2019,
if that proves out true, what now happens?
If this virus came out of again-of-function experiment
in the Wuhan Institute of virology,
what does Senator Paul,what do the Republicans say,
are the next steps?
- Well, Senator Grahamissued a stark warning
for China yesterday, that if it comes out
that they are responsible thatthere will be punishments.
But when I asked SenatorPaul that question
he said that it can be very challenging
and very hard to punish countries.
He said, obviouslysanctions are an option,
but it will be difficult,
yet he did say if there isany U.S. scientists involved,
and he named Dr. Fauci, specifically,
he said that they should immediately
be relieved of their duties.
But as far as what we can do,
if it turns out that China is responsible,
he didn't really layout any concrete plans
and acknowledged that itmight be a bit difficult,
but I think the worldwould have a lot to say
about that too, notjust the United States.
- Well, yeah, it's clearthey're covering something.
So you don't engage inthat kind of behavior
unless there's something to cover.
So that, it just, for meit's just waving the red flag
that there's some serious problems.
They blocked the World HealthOrganization coming in,
they destroyed evidence,
they put an absolute clampdown on any interviews
with any of the lab scientists,
they have put them into someplace
where they can't be accessed anymore,
they're not free to be in society.
I mean it's quite clear thatthey're covering something up.
Anyway, Abigail, thanks for joining us
and thanks for all the insight.
You can always get the latestnews on this story and more,
by downloading the CBN NewsChannel App today, Terry.
- Well, still ahead a SuperBowl winning quarterback
hits rock bottom.
Trent Dilfer remembersthe agonizing moment
he lost his five-year-old son.
How has he turned his paininto a passion project?
You're gonna find out next.
Super Bowl quarterback, ESPN analyst,
Trent Dilfer reached the upper echelon
in the world of professional football
so what's Trent doing now
and why does he sayfootball is just a subplot
to the bigger thing going on in his life?
Tom Veering brings us the answers.
- God takes what we view as tragedy
and turns it into triumph
and I'm now wise enoughto see that happen.
- [Tom] Trent Dilfer is stillthe impassioned quarterback
first fueled by a 14-year NFL career
then as a prime time football analyst.
Now he roams sidelines and weight rooms
as Lipscomb Academy's head coach
shaping young sons from thecrucible of his own journey.
- And the football's cool, andwe don't sacrifice it ever,
but it is a subplot to thebigger thing that's going on.
And guess what that'sgonna be, great husbands,
compassionate people,and empathetic people,
and people that handle socialjustice issues the right way.
We'll fill that gap
out of a small Christianschool in Nashville.
- [Tom] Is there aquarterback in all of us?
- A lot of people likethe flash and sizzle
of the quarterback,very few want the burden
that comes with it.
Your job is to makeeverybody around you better,
and you can't make them better
unless you're bringing them together,
and you can't bring themtogether if it's about you.
- [Tom] Halfway into your
14 NFL seasons.- Yeah.
- You win the Super Bowl with the Ravens.
Ultimately was that enoughto satisfy your NFL ambition?
- No, I'm very honest that I'm
very, very disappointed in my career.
I under achieved, I was aterrible teammate really,
didn't attack the developmentpart like I should've.
Our defense obviously is arguably
the greatest of all time, weplayed with great togetherness.
It makes the disappointment
of my personal performance worthwhile
because I was part ofsomething truly great.
- 2003, you're approachingyour 10th season,
your five-year-old son, Trevin,
surprisingly grows sick.- Yeah.
- It changed your life.
- He gets a virus that attacks his heart,
one in a million.
It kills his heart in a matter of days.
He gets resuscitatedfour times miraculously,
gets put on life support whenthey said it can never happen,
he stays on that lifesupport system for 40 days.
He gets a systemic infection.
We understand that thisis out of our control.
To have to turn off life support
and to watch end of life of your son,
that's the hard part is thinking,
putting myself in his shoesas he went through this.
- [Tom] Rock bottom?
- Rock bottom is probablythe best way to explain it.
Anger is my default for pain.
The scar tissue thatbuilds up gets thicker,
self-awareness and whatthe pain's done to you,
fear sets in at that point,because now you're afraid
what it's gonna do toyour kids, your spouse,
your loved ones, numbing sorrowof life not being the same.
This is the beauty of this story.
We took our kids to a breakfastplace on Monday nights,
we called it crazy dinner,
and as we're walking out that night
my five-year-old son pullson my jeans and says,
"Dad, I wanna know Jesus."
I said, "That's awesome."
He goes, "No I think, Iwanna know Jesus right now."
This is the Holy Spirit
working through a five-year-old saying
I'm calling you to me this moment.
And we kneeled at a pancake house
while people are walking in,
as the girls walked behind usand Trevin at five years old
authentically prayed to receive Jesus.
So let's fast forward six months later
when we turning off life support,
we know where he's going.
Now we can thank God that he's with him
instead of with us.
- [Tom] You played five more seasons.
You jump in with ESPN for a decade,
than coaching up prospects.
- The end of my careerat ESPN hardened me,
definitely some good thingsthat came out of that,
but it hardened me as a man.
My kids started seeing it,I lost some gentleness,
I lost some compassion.
I had gotten complacentI was chasing the world,
I was edgier.
- But you started being confronted
about significance.- Yeah.
- [Tom] What challenged you?
- I did not feel like I was having impact.
Okay, Lord I'm listening,
obviously you're doing something
and he just made it really clear
that I had said no to servehim, to do hard things,
to be uncomfortable, to have impact,
to show grace and mercythat has been shown to me
and I hadn't been doing itI had been serving myself.
- [Tom] In 2019 a highschool coaching search
brought Lipscomb Academy toTrent for recommendations.
Instead of taking his advice,they offered him the job.
He surprisingly took it,a rebuild for the program,
and a renewal for Trent.
- I'm going to coach ahigh school football team,
there's 38 kids on it.
They've won three games in two years
and that's where he took me.
- [Tom] Turning agony around,
are you seeing this transformation
playing out before your eyes?
- I am, and I think thatcomes from all this pain
that's now beingrepurposed in this passion
to see every individual inmy care chase their best
and to understand that their best
is the same power thatrose Christ from the dead,
lives in us and giveslife to our mortal bodies.
The power of raising Christfrom the dead lives in us
and that's the passion and I'm fired up.
- Do you see Trevin-- Oh yeah,
in every single kid.- In the eyes
of those high school kids?
- And I tear up every once in awhile,
and in fact I'm tearing now.
- It's okay Trent.
You're giving them themechanics of a coach,
but the heart of a dad.
- [Trent] I'm simply pouringmy life into your kid.
Let him be the fullness of who he is,
his God-given potential andall that goes with that.
- [Tom] Where do you find your savior
in the face of suffering?
- There's a lot of pain and that's where
I'm seeing Jesus surface the most
'cause that's where he meetspeople the most intimately.
You are broken, you areconfused, you are angry,
you are hurting, guess whereJesus is he's right there,
he's like, I got you.
The redemptive quality of Christ
has taken really bad stuffand turned it into good stuff.
That's where I'm seeing Jesusshow up the most as a coach.
- Boy, there's a wordfor all of us isn't it,
because life is filled withpain from time-to-time,
don't turn into the pain,turn into your Savior
because pain repurposed creates passion
when we give it to God.
And so I just encourage youto listen to what Trent said
and to follow the wisdom that he brings us
because he's walked the walk.
If you need somebodyto pray with you today
I want you to know ourprayer lines always open.
Our line is toll free,
it's 1-800-700-7000, Gordon.
- Well, up next on herfeet 12 hours a day,
lifting patients, pushing stretchers,
this ER nurse paid a highprice to work in health care.
How did a fall nearly end her career
and what single wordset her free from pain?
She'll tell you herself right after this.
Two surgeries, painkillers, acupuncture,
none of these remedies evenput a dent in Marie's pain.
This ER nurse was desperate for relief.
So how did the sound of herown name help her to find it?
Take a look.
- I had a couple of surgeries,steroid shots in the neck,
steroid shots in the back.
I would have lidocaine patches,
anti-inflammatory gel, ibuprofen, Tylenol.
I'd go to the chiropractor,I'd go to acupuncturists,
just anything that I could do.
- [Reporter] For 10 years,ER nurse, Marie Cronin,
did whatever she could to find relief
from the chronic pain inher neck, back, and knees,
the results of a car accidentand later a fall at work.
- I'm on my feet 12 hours a day,
pulling people up, pushing stretchers,
you know, starting IVs.
I could tolerate it during work,
but when you're in pain
trying to care for somebody in pain
it's hard to concentrate
- [Reporter] While out for a walk
at the park in December 2020,
Marie had hopped on a wall
to take a picture-(camera shutter clicking)
Of some beautiful scenery.
When she jumped down.
- Instead of landing whereyou bounce on your knees,
my knees gave out andI just hit the ground
right on my, right, on the coccyx bone
and I heard that clicking
and I could feel everything in my,
from my neck likedominoes it sounded like,
click, click, click andeverything pulled to the right
and then I thought, oh mygoodness what did I do?
- [Reporter] When she returned to work
the pain Marie had battledfor 10 years was much worse
and so was the stress and anxiety.
- I used to worry aboutthe pain not going away
and me not being able to do my job.
Sometimes it took away some of the joy
that I had doing my job,
but definitely impairedwhat I needed to do.
- [Reporter] Marieturned to God in prayer,
like she'd been doing for years,
but this time it was different.
- So just about threeweeks, I was praying,
I was crying in bed at night.
In that moment I was sodesperate for him to hear me.
So my prayer every night to God was,
I know that you can heal me,please take this pain away,
let me wake up in themorning without the pain.
- [Reporter] On themorning of January 22nd
Marie sat down for her daily prayer time.
- 'Cause I remember my prayer was I can't,
if I can't get any relief from this
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
I have faith more than a mustard seed,
I know you can heal me.
I need you to say my name'cause I need to know
that you see me in this moment.
- [Reporter] Then sheturned on the "700 Club"
just as Gordon and Terry
had started giving wordsof knowledge for viewers.
- There's someone, your name is Marie,
and you're trying to with your right hand
reach that area of yourspine that needs healing
and you're frustrated you can't reach it
because of the pain.
God sees you right now,he's calling you by name,
and he's saying to you, I'm healing you,
I'm restoring your spine, no more pain,
no more curvature, no more,
everything's gonna be inproper alignment, no more pain.
Be released and be healednow in Jesus' name.
- And in that moment, my jaw is dropped,
I sit up and it's gone.
Every bit of that pain is gone.
- [Reporter] Today Marieis living her best life
still free of pain and anxiety.
She continues to work as an ER nurse
where she can share her storyand point others to God.
- And God sees you, you're his child.
If you really reach outand with all your heart
ask him to come intoyour heart and help you,
he will, he will.
- Ask him and he will.
Listen to Marie's testimony.
Here she is she's struggling with pain
and she's crying out,
"God, I've got to know that you see me,
could you call me by name,
could you let me know that you care?"
And God answered her,he showed up for her.
He will show up for you.
That's what Jesus promises.
He says, "Those that love me,the Father will love them,
and I will manifest myself."
There's a wonderful descriptive word
in the original Greek about,
literally it means turn the light on it,
it means that you illuminate things
so you finally see how much he loves you,
how much he cares,
how he numbers everysingle hair on your head,
he loves you.
Even if you don't have anyhair he knows that too.
He wants to heal you,
he wants to save you,
that's why Jesus came.
That's the great victory of the cross
that he conquered sin and death,
that he took away all our inequity
and he healed all our diseases.
That's the gospel.
That's the report from thebattlefield of the cross
and he didn't stop there.
He went on, he got raised from the dead,
and now what is he doing?
Well, he's praying for you.
We're going to pray for you.
We're gonna join together.
When you realize Jesus is praying for you,
boy that encourages you,that gets your faith going,
but we're gonna share some other stories.
Here's a viewer on YouTube that says,
"God saved me from RockyMountain Spotted Fever
and Lyme disease just whenI was ready to give up.
God is a miracle worker!"
- Well get this one.
This is Steven on Facebook, he says,
"On April 26, 2021 I was watchingthe 700 Club Interactive.
I had been fighting throughpain with Trigeminal Neuralgia
on the right side of my face.
Because of the sensitivity of the nerve
I hadn't blown my nose for four years.
I could also hardly speak or eat
without fear of the stabbing pain
the wrong facial movement would bring.
During the show Gordon andTerry were praying for healing
when Gordon said, 'Someone has nerve pain
on the right side of your face.'
'God is healing that for you right now!'
I received it and was completely healed
it has rocked my world."(laughing)
- All right, get ready, yourworld's gonna get rocked
because God's gonna answeryour prayer right now.
Lord, we lift everyone with pain,
everyone with disease-- Yes, Jesus.
- And we say over them, allyour inequity has been forgiven,
all of it has been taken away
and all your diseases have been healed
right now in Jesus' name,be healed and be restored,
let there be no morepain, no more suffering.
There's someone you've got a pinched nerve
in your neck and there's shooting pain
going down into your right shoulder
all the way to your fingertips
and there's numbness, tingling,
all of the problem is gone right now.
In Jesus' name the nerveis back in the right place,
the bulging disc isback in the right place,
everything has been healed.
Go back to the doctor, get checked,
you've been healed, Terry.
- Someone else, you have ahistory of cancer in your family
and you live with anxiety and fear.
God is not, he's in charge of your life,
you're not going tosuffer from any of that
you're going to live a long, healthy life.
- Amen.
Here's a word from Isaiah,
"Don't be afraid for I am with you.
Don't be discouraged for, I am your God."
God bless you, we'll see you tomorrow.