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'Fauci Should Go': Rand Paul Raises Questions About U.S. Link to Wuhan Lab

'Fauci Should Go': Rand Paul Raises Questions About U.S. Link to Wuhan Lab Read Transcript

(air whooshes)

- Senator Rand Paul is becomingmore and more convinced

COVID-19 originated in a lab in Wuhan,

and he fears China maynot be the only country

responsible for creating it.

- NIH and Dr. Fauci havebeen funding Wuhan research.

- [Abigail] Paul suggestsCOVID-19 spread by mistake

during gain-of-function experiments

intended to study the virus

conducted by a US-supportedgroup called EcoHealth.

- They do it through anintermediary called EcoHealth.

Interestingly, when they investigated

whether this virus came out ofa lab or occurred naturally,

they hired the head of EcoHealth

to be in charge of the investigation.

- [Abigail] In Senate hearings...

- With all due respect,

you are entirely and completely incorrect.

- [Abigail] Dr. Faucicategorically denies those claims,

although he now admitsCOVID-19 might not be natural.

- The NIH has not ever and does not now

fund gain-of-function researchin the Wuhan Institute.

- [Abigail] Senator Paul, however,

think Fauci hasn't been honestwith the American people.

- For goodness sakes, it looks like people

who had a self interestin funding this lab

were the ones investigating

and that they were tryingto obscure the truth.

- How confident are you thatwe will get to the bottom

of where this virus came from?

- I think China will not be helpful,

but we know a couple of things.

They have tested thousands ofanimals in that wet market.

You know, the people who say

this came out of nature sayit didn't come from the lab;

it came from this exotic wet market

with these exotic animals.

They've tested thousands of them.

None of them have had the virus so far.

- [Abigail] Paul believesany Americans responsible

should face consequences.

- The people who supportedfunding of gain-of-function,

the creation of superviruses,

the people who supported giving this money

to the Wuhan Institute should immediately

be relieved of their responsibilities.

So Dr. Fauci should go.

- [Abigail] Another issuePaul's investigating this week,

why Planned Parenthood clinicsreceived $80 million in loans

from the Paycheck Protection Program.

- I don't want PlannedParenthood to have any money.

I don't think they should begetting any taxpayer dollars.

I think that, ultimately,

that money does aid and abetthe killing of unborn children.

- [Abigail] Paul says legally,

the company with 16,000employees should be illegible

for the loans meant tohelp small businesses

with the pandemic.

- The Biden administrationis not only asking,

not asking them to send the money back,

they are actually giving more loans.

- Paul will discuss the moneyPlanned Parenthood's received

during a Senate hearing this week,

and he sent a letter signedby other GOP senators

demanding the Departmentof Justice look into it.

Reporting from Virginia,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.


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