'Open Season' on Jews as Antisemitic Attacks Surge with Violence and Pro-Hitler Palestinian Messages
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(men shouting)
- Phone video of attacks against Jews
in cities across the USshared on social media
show how Palestinian supporters
are bringing the war against Israel
and against Jews to America's streets.
Jews around the world know
that when Israel isattacked and fights back,
they become even biggertargets for violence.
A Jewish man was savagely beaten
in New York's Diamond District,
another in Times Square.
Police are looking for these suspects.
In Los Angeles, a man is being held
on suspicion of assaultwith a deadly weapon
after an anti-Semiticattack on Jewish diners.
10 cars full of Palestinian supporters
rolled up and tried to attack them
as they ate outside in Beverly Hills.
Police are investigating theincident as a hate crime.
In Canada, a Jew attackedin broad daylight.
And in Florida, thispro-Palestinian caravan
says, "Hitler was right."
Rabbi Abraham Cooper of theSimon Wiesenthal Center.
- The language of the caravans
that are going through Jewish areas
with anti-Semitic slogans are being spat
and we're gonna rapeyour wives and children
and things like that.
There's a sense that it's open season
and fair game against Jews.
- [Dale] The Anti-Defamation League
has documented anti-Semitism
on multiple social media platforms,
including 17,000 tweetsthat used variations
of the phrase, "Hitler was right,"
and 193 anti-Semitic incidents
in the week after the fightingin the Middle East began.
Rabbi Cooper says statementsby Palestinian supporters
in the Democrat Partyembolden anti-Semites.
- When the Squad membersopenly lie about Israel,
use anti-Semitic tropes
knowing they can say whatever they want
as elected members of Congress
and that the leadership ofCongress won't take them down
on that kind of rhetoric,
the signals abound thatyou can get away with it.
- And Rabbi Cooper says it's imperative
that Christians stand by Jews
and speak out strongly against the attacks
and that the White Housemust do more to stop it.
Dale Hurd, CBN News.