Israel, Hamas agree to ceasefire but where will it lead? And Israel's Iron Dome technology, saving lives on both sides of the conflict; and we'll visit a family whose home was hit by a Hamas rocket; plus, the worst Israeli-Arab violence in decades.
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(shofar blares)
- This week on "Jerusalem Dateline."
Israel and Hamas agree to a ceasefire,
but where will it lead?
Is it the end of the fighting?
And Israel's amazing Iron Dome technology,
saving lives on bothsides of the conflict.
But what happens whena rocket gets through?
We'll visit a family whose home was hit.
And the worst Israeli Arab violence
inside Israel in decades.
All this and more this weekon "Jerusalem Dateline."
(driving music)
Hello and welcome to thisedition of "Jerusalem Dateline."
I'm Chris Mitchell.
Israel and Hamas agreed to a ceasefire
that stopped the heaviest fighting
between the two since 2014.
More than 200 died in Gaza,while 12 died inside Israel.
The ceasefire came after intense pressure
from the United States.
(missile roars)
In 11 days, Hamas firedmore than 4,000 rockets
into south and central Israel
that sent millions ofIsraelis running for shelter.
In response, Israel launched a massive
and surgical bombing campaignto stop those rockets.
Despite devastating damage toits military infrastructure,
Hamas and its supporterstook to the streets
and declared victory.
(Khalil speaking in foreign language)
- [Interpreter] Netanyahu,the Zionist enemy,
and his army said that theywould destroy the tunnels
above our resistance, and I tell him today
that our fighters are nowstriding proudly in the tunnels.
- [Chris] Iran supplied manyof the rockets to Hamas,
and in Tehran, the head ofIran's Revolutionary Guard
boasted a new Palestine has emerged.
In a live address,
Israeli Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu told the nation...
(Benjamin speaking in foreign language)
- [Interpreter] Theonly thing that leads me
in making decisions is the security
and safety of the Israeli people.
If there was a need to enterGaza with ground troops,
we would have done it, but I believe
we could accomplish ourgoals without doing so.
- [Chris] US President Joe Biden
pressured Israeli PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu
to stop the fighting.
- I commended him for the decision
to bring the currenthostilities to a close
in less than 11 days.
I also emphasized what I'vesaid throughout this conflict.
The United States fully supports
Israel's right to defend itself.
- [Chris] Yet in Israel,nearly 3/4 of Israelis
felt the ceasefire came too soon
without eliminating Hamas'ability to wage war.
Hamas' charter calls forthe destruction of Israel.
And Islamic expert Dr.Mordechai Kedar told CBN News
that, for Hamas, the 11-dayconflict was a jihad,
a holy war, and Israelwas on the front lines.
Kedar says while the West maylook on this as a ceasefire,
Hamas sees this through the eyes
of the Arabic concept of hudna.
- Means a temporary ceasefire,
which is used by the jihadists
in order not to start the cause of peace,
but in order to regain his power
in order to have a betterjihad in the next phase.
- Israeli leaders now go back
to trying to form a government.
Even though most Israelisfelt the war ended too soon,
many approve of how IsraeliPrime Minister Netanyahu
handled the crisis, so hemay yet survive the challenge
to his leadership.
And it's possibleIsraelis will also end up
heading to the polls once again,
the fifth time in justmore than two years.
During the conflictbetween Israel and Hamas
and other Islamic terrorgroups inside Gaza,
I talked one-on-one withformer Israeli Ambassador
to the US Ron Dermer, whoaddressed a number of issues,
from Israel's right to defenditself to the importance
of evangelical Christiansupport for Israel.
(rockets roaring)
In the first week of the conflict alone,
Hamas and other terror groupsfired close to 3,000 missiles
into Israel, putting upto four million Israelis
in bomb shelters day or night.
Ambassador Ron Dermer wondershow Americans would respond.
- I would ask Americans
who are watching this unfold in Israel,
think about this.
Our army is fighting this war
and surgically going after the terrorists
not thousands of milesaway from our shores.
It's right in our backyard
when our own populationis in bomb shelters.
So imagine 150, 200 million Americans
sitting in bomb shelters.
What do you think they'dwant their army to do
in order to get at the terrorists
who were firing rockets at them?
- [Chris] Many of Hamas' rockets
have hit towns in southand central Israel,
including its secondlargest city, Tel Aviv.
Dermer blames Hamasfor a double war crime.
- They target our civilians
by firing rockets indiscriminately
into our population center,
hoping to kill as manyIsraelis as possible.
But the other thing they do
is they embed theirterrorist infrastructure
in civilian areas.
So they place theirweapons next to schools,
next to mosques, next to hospitals.
And they even took over,military intelligence of Hamas
took over a building where journalists are
because they want to usethese people as human shields.
Well, these are legitimatemilitary targets.
And even though they'relegitimate military targets,
we will take the steps necessary
to keep civilians out of harm's way.
(bomb explodes)
- [Chris] Israel has taken outlarge towers inside Gaza City
and large parts of Hamas' war machine,
but with relatively few casualties
in light of Israel'smassive bombing campaign.
- Because we warn them.
We actually call people.
We then fire a weapon
that sort of knocks atthe top of the building,
telling people get out of the building.
We give them the time to leave,
and then we take out the building.
- [Chris] The Associated Press is outraged
over Israel destroying thebuilding that housed its offices,
even though Israel reportedlyshowed evidence to the US
that Hamas worked out of that building.
Dermer says Hamas ismanipulating the media.
- Part of Hamas' strategyis to turn the media
into enablers for what they're doing.
How does it work?
They will fire rockets at us.
Then when we respond to that rocket fire
in those civilian areas, andunfortunately make a mistake
or there's collateraldamage, civilians die,
then Hamas wants the entireworld to blame Israel.
The media should report oneverything, on everything,
but they should lay the blamesquarely where it belongs,
on Hamas.
And if they understand Hamas,
the media will not enable them.
- [Chris] Dermer says Hamas' strategy
is to confuse the situation.
- They want to say bothsides are at fault.
Both sides are not at fault.
On one side, you have ademocracy called Israel
that values human life, thelives of our own citizens
and also the lives of our enemy civilians,
those who they are using as human shields.
On the other side, youhave a terror organization
that glorifies deaththat is trying to kill
as many Israelis as possible
and doesn't care about their own people.
They actually will use themin their propaganda wars.
And I don't think any moralequivalency should be made
between the two.
- [Chris] During the current conflict,
Dermer says US evangelicalsupport is vital.
- And I hope that Christians
will make their voices heard now.
I hope that they will calltheir representatives,
tell 'em how important itis to stand with Israel.
Because I can tell you something, Chris,
and you've seen this around the world,
those people who arethe opponents of Israel,
they're in the streets,
they're waving their flags,they're demonizing Israel.
And it's important that thefriends of Israel go out there
and make clear thatthey stand with Israel.
- [Chris] According to Dermer,
what lies ahead is adetermined Israeli campaign
to degrade Hamas' ability to wage war
so that this conflict does notrepeat itself anytime soon.
Around the world, people havebeen amazed at the ability
of Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system
to shoot down most of therockets fired out of Gaza.
We visited one of those batteries
somewhere in central Israel
where the Iron Dome has saved lives
on both sides of the conflict.
(rockets roaring)
During the recent conflict,
as some four million Israelissought cover in bomb shelters,
an aerial battle wastaking place in the sky
with Israel's Iron Domeproviding an amazing layer
of protection.
Behind me is one of the manyIron Dome anti-missile systems
here in south and central Israel.
During the conflict withHamas and other terror groups,
the Iron Dome has shot downmore than 90% of the rockets
coming out of the Gaza Strip.
- Imagine yourself that those 90% rockets
that were intercepted wouldbe falling into our city.
- [Chris] CBN News metone of the men responsible
for creating this technological marvel,
retired General Doron Gavish.
Through cooperation andfunding from the US,
Israel developed theanti-missile system 10 years ago.
It's the technological equivalent
of a bullet hitting a bullet.
- 10 years ago, it was only the beginning.
We had to kind of invent the wheel
because there is noother place in the world
that something like this is going on.
- [Chris] This viral picture,
literally seen 'round the world,
captured the essence of the Iron Dome.
On the right side, you seerockets fired from Gaza.
Then on the left side,Iron Dome shuts them down.
- I see, first of all, thewillingness of the Hamas
to throw rockets into our cities.
This is something intolerable
and this is somethingthat we cannot accept,
I think neither us and neitherany democracy in the world.
- [Chris] CBN Newsexperienced the effectiveness
of the Iron Dome when we tookshelter from a rocket attack
and heard the Iron Domeintercept two missiles overhead.
(missile explodes)
General Gavish sees it as a true lifesaver
on both sides of the fight.
Many believe, without Iron Dome,
Israel would have beenforced into a ground war,
with potentially massive casualties.
- By the end of the day,we could look in the mirror
and we could say we did somethingfor the defense of Israel,
we did something for ourcivilians, and we're saving life.
And this is what the air defense is doing.
- Terrorists from Gaza launchedmore than 4,000 rockets
at Israel in this 12-day war.
Most that were headed for populated areas
were intercepted by Israel's Iron Dome.
But here's what can happenwhen one breaks through.
(sirens wail)
After enduring a night of sirens,
Keyla and Javier Montenegro
spent Friday night sleepingin the bomb shelter.
(Keyla speaking Spanish)
- [Interpreter] About sixo'clock in the morning,
the siren went off again.
I heard it at a distance,
because when you're in theshelter, it's not very loud.
I got up very quickly and closed the door,
and when I turned, I heard a boom.
It was the explosion.
- Boom.
(Keyla speaking Spanish)
(bomb explodes)
(Javier speaking Spanish)
- [Interpreter] When I left the shelter,
there was a smell of gunpowderand water was falling
because the rocket hadhit the water tank first,
and that prevented a fire in the house.
- [Chris] The rocket hit their building,
then exploded beforecrashing through the ceiling
of their top floor apartment.
(Javier speaking Spanish)
- [Interpreter] What impacted me the most
was that the Lord put peace in my heart.
The neighbors were witnesses.
They didn't know why we had so much peace.
(Keyla speaking Spanish)
- [Interpreter] Later, we realized
that we had several miracles.
A few centimeters more,
the rocket would havegotten into the house
and it would have destroyed everything.
Thank God the explosion wasabove and not inside the house.
- [Chris] Some four million Israelis,
nearly half of Israel's population,
have been terrorized inside bomb shelters.
Most of the rockets havehit the coastal region,
but many have come here to Beer Sheva,
and this one made a directhit on the Montenegros' home.
(Javier speaking Spanish)
- [Interpreter] We've beenliving in Israel for 19 years.
This is our seventh war.
With each war, we see thatthe technology is greater
on the enemy side with a longerrange and much more power.
- [Chris] The Jewish Agencyvisited the Montenegros,
who are immigrants fromArgentina, to show their support.
- This round has been a veryrough one, an intensive one,
and I should say it never makes sense
and it never should be natural for anyone,
any civilian population togo through what we're going.
And so we are strong people.
We will come out ofit, hopefully stronger,
but we pray for quietand for peace for all.
- [Chris] Christians from around the world
also showed support to the Montenegros,
who bear no ill willtoward the people of Gaza.
(Javier speaking Spanish)
- [Interpreter] The Palestinianpeople are not Hamas.
Unfortunately, they havea terrorist government
and they're the ones that arebringing on this conflict.
We all want peace.
Jews want peace, but alsothe Palestinians want peace.
The only thing we can do is pray.
- [Chris] They are thankful to be alive.
(Keyla speaking Spanish)
- [Interpreter] We haveexperienced in our lives
the sovereignty of God.
Everything that happens is for a purpose,
and to those who love God,
all things work together for good.
I feel we're safe in His hands.
(Javier speaking Spanish)
- [Interpreter] God in His mercy
allowed His Word to be fulfilled.
10,000 may fall at your right hand,
but it will not touch you.
We thank God we're healthy.
We're blessed by God.
We want to take this messageof peace and hope to Israel
and the rest of the world.
(driving music)
- [Chris] Coming up, Islamic groups target
one of the largestChristian Facebook pages
that brought millionstogether to pray for Israel
during the conflict.
(upbeat music)
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(rhythmic music)
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(driving music)
- While Islamic groups fromGaza fired rockets into Israel,
another battle, this time online,
when Islamic groups attacked
one of the largestChristian Facebook pages.
The page brought millionsof Christians together
to pray for Israel andthe peace of Jerusalem.
The Jerusalem Prayer Team,established nearly 20 years ago
with a reported nearly 77million followers on Facebook,
saw it suddenly shut down.
Mike Evans tells CBN News ananti-Semitic campaign of hate
targeted the Facebook page.
- An organized Islamic campaign
coming out of Pakistan,Indonesia, and Turkey
targeted our site withover one million comments.
So Facebook, rather thancontact Bible believers
and find out the truth, they responded
to radical Islamic 911would-bes and pulled us down.
- [Chris] The cyber campaign happened
in the middle of the team's prayer time
during the conflictbetween Hamas and Israel.
- We've been praying for peace.
We've been praying forGod to protect Israel.
We've been praying for peace in Jerusalem.
We've been praying for a blessing
over the Jewish people,protection over the Jewish people.
We've been praying forprotection over Arab Israelis.
- [Chris] The attack campaign was twofold.
First came the negative Facebook comments.
- People coming from anti-Semitic groups
calling for a second Holocaust,
people attacking us personally,
people making threats upon us personally.
- [Chris] Second, the hackersspread a false narrative
that Facebook created thepage during the conflict
and then had people like thepage without their consent.
Dozens of videos with thousands of views
across social platformscelebrated the news
that the prayer team's page was down.
Al Jazeera also reported on the situation.
- I'm incredibly disappointed right now,
basically that instead ofthese anti-Semitic people
who are attacking Christians
for praying for peace in Jerusalem,
for praying for peaceand end of the bloodshed,
and instead of stoppingthose anti-Semitic attacks
against us, Facebookhas shut our page down.
- [Chris] The Jerusalem Prayer Team
is appealing the decision andEvans has enlisted the help
of US and Israeli leaders.
CBN News reached out to Facebook
and provided us with this statement:
"We removed JerusalemPrayer Team's Facebook page
for violating our rules against spam
and inauthentic behavior.
- My prayer right now is that Facebook
would start to act with,hopefully, integrity
on the situation and restore our prayers.
You know, in this era,
the fact that yourprayers could be canceled
on the internet is an unimaginable thing.
- [Chris] Evans came to Israel
to report from the frontlines of the conflict
as part of a television special
that includes many Christian leaders.
- But it's to bring solidarityfor the state of Israel
and to oppose the lies to theevangelicals of the world.
- [Chris] Evan sees thespecial as an effort
to win the media warand counter what he says
is the mainstream media believingthe lies of radical Islam.
(driving music)
Up next, as the world focusedon the Israeli Gaza conflict,
the worst Jewish Arab tensions in decades
raged inside Israel.
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(speaking foreign language)
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- [Man] We know that everyminute counts to save life.
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(driving music)
- While most internationalattention has been focused
on Hamas launching rockets from Gaza
and Israel's militaryresponse, on the ground,
some fear a greaterscourge is taking place:
growing violence betweenArab and Jewish Israelis
throughout Israel.
We traveled to the mixedJewish Arab city of Lod
and spoke with policespokesman Micky Rosenfeld
about the situation.
(driving music)
Micky, tell us, we're here in Lod.
What's been going on?
- We're at the entrance ofLod in the heart of Israel.
We're about five kilometersfrom the international airport.
We've had major disturbances and riots
that have taken place inside the city.
And at the moment,
there are more than 500extra border police officers
tactically located at all different areas
in order to prevent any further riots.
Both inside the city itself, where we are,
we've had synagogues that had been burned.
An Israeli man was murdered brutally
by Israeli Arab suspects who were arrested
as part of the ongoing investigation.
But this is a flashpoint
in the heart of Israel at the moment.
- So as we cross here,Micky, what sparked all this?
How did this all get started?
- Well, this was part of the tensions
that took place all across Israel,
unfortunately, by Israeli Arabs
who were involved in disturbances,
took to the streets unnecessarily,and it's very sad to see
because the Israeli Arabsare part of our community.
All of a sudden, they take to the streets,
and as you can see here, they were burned,
burning stuff, burning equipment.
They were involved in full-scale riots.
All of this was equipment thatthey use to block the roads.
There was a full scale riot
where our police units, overhere where we are right now,
had to use non-lethal weapons and disperse
and prevent the Israeli Arabsfrom attacking Jewish people
here in the city.
It's not 1948. It's not 1967.
It's not the pogroms.
These type of acts cannot take place
in a modern democratic society.
- What has been done to tryto diffuse the situation?
Have leaders of Jewish andArab communities been meeting?
- Our police officers andthe commanders of the city
have met with the mayor.
We're calling upon all of the residents
to take control of thesituation and be calm.
We are asking the leadersalso to walk around with us
and be on the streets,get the message out.
It's not just a tacticalpolice effort on the ground,
but it's also an importantleadership effort
that has to also take place by the mayor
and the leaders of theIsraeli Arab communities.
I can also confirm to youthat, over the last 24 hours,
the situation has calmed down somewhat,
but a lot of policeactivity's taking place,
searching for weapons thatcould be inside apartments
that could be used, and wewant to do everything possible
to make sure that there won'tbe anyone that will be killed
or majorly injured here inside the city,
both Jewish residents, as wellas Israeli Arab residents.
- A lot of people thatwatch this pray for Israel.
How would you recommend thatthey pray for the situation?
- Well, Israel is a strong country.
Israel has a humanitarian army.
We're praying for our soldiersand our security officers
and the Israeli National Police.
They're doing everything toprotect and serve the country.
We've been through difficult times before.
We'll succeed in gettingthrough these times as well.
And we're hoping that we'll be able
to minimize the number of casualties,
and that's what we're dealing with.
(driving music)
- [Chris] Still ahead,
an artist who has been working for years
to turn deadly Hamas rocketsinto something beautiful.
(driving music continues)
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(driving music)
- As you have seen throughout our show,
Israelis have beenplagued by rocket attacks
for more than a decade.
Here's a story we did some years ago
about one Israeli artist
who was working to turnthat suffering into beauty.
- [Julie] Yaron Bob is anart teacher and blacksmith
who lives in Yated, asmall Israeli community
near the border with the Gaza Strip.
- The first Kassam that I was receiving,
I didn't want to touch them.
This is an instrument of death.
- [Julie] Bob gets the spent rockets
after they have beenchecked by the bomb squad.
- I start to play with the Kassam
and start to see what I can do.
It struck me that I need tomake a rose from the Kassam.
- [Julie] The base is a map of Israel
with a rose growing outof the border with Gaza.
- I take the Kassam,the instrument of death,
and I change it, I transferit into something of beauty.
- Well, that's just one wayIsraelis have, for years,
been redeeming this horrific situation.
Please remember to pray forthe protection of Israel.
And remember the psalmist said
that "he that watches over Israel
shall neither slumber nor sleep."
And pray that He will comfort all those
who have lost loved ones in this conflict.
And remember to, on Saturday, May 22nd,
we'll be presenting an online webinar
called "Israel Under Fire from Gaza."
To sign up, go
Well, that's all for this edition.
I'm Chris Mitchell.
We'll see you next timeon "Jerusalem Dateline."
(driving music)