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News on The 700 Club: May 21, 2021

As seen on “The 700 Club,” May 21, 2021. Read Transcript

- Hello, everyone.Welcome to "The 700 Club."

Thank you for joining us today.

A cease fire betweenIsrael and Hamas has ended,

the heaviest fighting since 2014.

So why are the Palestiniansclaiming victory

in the name of a new Palestine?

And why do most Israelis saythe ceasefire came too soon?

Chris Mitchell brings usthis look at the aftermath

of the brutal battle and what comes next.

(air whooshing)

- [Chris] In 11 days, Hamasfired more than 4,000 rockets

into south and central Israel,

that sent millions ofIsraelis running for shelter.

In response, Israel launched a massive

and surgical bombing campaignto stop those rockets.

Despite devastating damage toits military infrastructure,

Hamas and its supporters took

to the streets and declared victory

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] Netanyahu, Zionist enemy,

and his army said that theywould destroy the tunnels

above our resistance.

And I tell him today that our fighters

are now striding proudly in the tunnels.

- [Chris] Iran suppliedmany of the rockets to Hamas

and in Tehran,

the head of Iran'srevolutionary guard boasted

a new Palestine has emerged.

In a live address,

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,

told the nation,

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] Theonly thing that leads me

in making decisions is the security

and safety of the Israeli people.

If there was a need to enterGaza with ground troops,

we would have done it,but I believe that we

could accomplish ourgoals without doing so.

- [Chris] US President Joe Biden,

pressured Israeli PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu

to stop the fighting.

- I commended him for thedecision to bring the current

hostilities to a close,within less then 11 days.

I also emphasize what I saidthroughout this conflict.

The United States fully supports

Israel's right to defend itself.

- [Chris] Yet in Israel,

nearly three quarters of Israelis felt

the cease fire came too soonwithout eliminating Hamas'

ability to wage war.

Hamas' charter calls

for the destruction of Israel

and Islamic expert Dr.Mordecai Kadar told CBN News

that for Hamas

the 11 day conflict wasa jihad, a holy war,

and Israel was on the front lines.

Gadara says while the west maylook on this as a ceasefire,

Hamas sees this through the eyes

of the Arabic concept of hudna.

- It means a temporary ceasefire,

which is used by the jihadists

in order not to stop the cause of peace,

but in order to regain his power,

in order to have a betterjihad in the next phase.

- Israeli leaders now go back

to trying to form a government.

Even though most Israelisfelt the war ended too soon,

many approve of how IsraeliPrime Minister Netanyahu

handled the crisis.

So he may yet survive thechallenge to his leadership.

And it's possibleIsraelis will also end up

heading to the polls,

once again, the fifth time,in just more than two years.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- So the term being usedis temporary ceasefire.

Let's not stop prayingfor Israel at this point,

feeling like somehow thishas all been quelled.

I mean, it's a temporary cease fire.

And on top of that, there's somuch confusion, politically.

It's an opportunity for us to pray,

to ask God to intervene inthe midst of all of this

to see change, to seepeace come to Jerusalem.

Well, here at home, Republicansstrongly supported Israel

during his fight with Hamas,

but many of them on CapitolHill are growing concerned

about the weakening Democraticsupport for the Jewish state.

John Jessup has that story

from our CBN News bureauin Washington, John.

- Thanks Terry, for decades

the Democratic party hasbeen a champion of Israel

but the party support hasbegun to erode in recent years.

Several Republican senators

criticized congressionalDemocrats this week

for a lack of support for Israel

during the fight with Hamas.

In the meantime, someDemocrats are taking a stand

against the Jewish state, CBNCapitol Hill correspondent,

Abigail Robertson, has that story.

- Law makers here havehistorically been unified

in their support for Israel.

Now Republicans say they'reconcerned with the growth

of anti-Israel rhetoric fromtheir Democratic colleagues.

- Israel is a democracy.

Hamas is a terrorist group.

- [Abigail] But not all lawmakers agree.

- Well I think the squadused to be a fringe element

of the Democratic partywhen it comes to Israel,

probably still are, butmore and more Democrats

like Elizabeth Warren andBernie Sanders and Chris Murphy

are openly siding with thismoral equivalency argument

that there's problems on both sides.

- [Abigail] Senator LindseyGraham tells CBN News

he's shocked by the number of Democrats

reluctant to firmly stand with Israel.

- When the Iranians and Hamas here,

democratic members of Congress,Senate, basically showing,

seeing no differencebetween Israel and Hamas.

It only incentivized more violence.

- [Abigail] Senate MinorityLeader Mitch McConnell

adds when it comes to Israel and Hamas,

they play by very different rules.

- When Israel strikes, for example,

they call the buildingand say, "Please get

out of the building becausewe're about to attack it."

In order to minimize civilian casualties.

Hamas is lobbing rockets intoIsrael to kill civilians.

There is no moral equivalency here.

- [Abigail] Both senator'ssupport Israel defending itself.

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib,who has Palestinian relatives

in the West Bank, confrontedPresident Biden Tuesday

in Michigan, over his support for Israel,

reportedly sharing a message

similar to her recent House speech.

- As long as the messagefrom Washington is that

our military support forIsrael is unconditional,

Netanyahu's extremism,right-wing government

will continue to expand settlements,

continue demolish homes,

and continue to make theprospects for peace impossible.

- [Abigail] The WhiteHouse announced Wednesday,

President Biden spoke toIsraeli Prime Minister,

Bibi Netanyahu.

- [Karine] The presidentconveyed to the Prime Minister

that he expected asignificant deescalation

today on the path to a ceasefire.

- [Abigail] Graham describedBiden's Israel responses

as uneven, and also criticized his plans

to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal.

- Why would you go backinto a nuclear deal

with the largest statesponsor of terrorism.

- [Abigail] Pointing to Iran's role

in the current attacks on Israel

- Without Iran's support for Hamas,

there would be no 3,500 rockets

- As the situation continues in Israel,

Senate Republicans agreedthat until Hamas stops

targeting Israeli civilians,

there should be no ceasefire.

Reporting from Capitol Hill,

Abigail Robertson, CBN News.

- All right, thank you Abigail.

While Islamic groups fromGaza fire rockets in Israel

in recent days, anotherbattle took place online

when Islamic groups attacked

one of the largestChristian pages on Facebook

that brought millionsof Christians together

to pray for Israel andthe peace of Jerusalem.

Here again, Chris Mitchell from Jerusalem.

- [Chris] The Jerusalem Prayer Team,

established nearly 20 years ago,

with a reported nearly 77million followers on Facebook

saw it suddenly shut down.

Mike Evans tells CBN News anantisemitic campaign of hate

targeted the Facebook page.

- An organized, Islamiccampaign coming out of Pakistan,

Indonesian, and Turkey targeted our site

with over one million comments.

So Facebook, rather thancontact Bible believers

and find out the truth,

they responded to radicalIslamic 911 would be's,

and pull us down.

- [Chris] The cyber campaignhappened in the middle

of the team's prayertime during the conflict

between Hamas and Israel

- We've been praying for peace.

We've been praying forGod to protect Israel.

We've been praying for peace in Jerusalem.

We've been praying for a blessing

over the Jewish people,protection over the Jewish people.

We've been praying forprotection over Arab Israelis.

- [Chris] The attack campaign was twofold.

First came the negative Facebook comments.

- People coming from antisemitic groups

calling for a second Holocaust.

People attacking us personally.

People making threats upon us personally.

- [Chris] Second, the hackersspread a false narrative

that Facebook created thepage during the conflict,

and then had people like thepage without their consent.

Dozens of videos with thousands of views

across social platformscelebrated the news

that the prayer team's page was down.

Al Jazeera also reported on the situation.

- I'm incredibly disappointed right now.

Basically that instead ofthese anti-Semitic people

who are attacking Christians

for praying for peace in Jerusalem,

for praying for peace andan end of the bloodshed.

And instead of stopping

those anti-Semitic attacks against us,

Facebook has shut our page down.

- [Chris] The Jerusalem Prayer Team

is appealing the decision

and Evans has enlisted thehelp of US and Israeli leaders.

CBN News reached out to Facebook

and they provided us with this statement.

"We removed JerusalemPrayer Team's Facebook page

for violating our rules against spam

and inauthentic behavior."

- My prayer right now is that Facebook

would start to act with hopefully,

integrity on the situation

and restore our prayers.

You know, in this era,the fact that your prayers

could be canceled on the internet,

is an unimaginable thing.

- [Chris] Evans came to Israel

to report from the frontlines of the conflict,

as part of a television special

that includes many Christian leaders.

- But it's to bring solidarityfor the state of Israel,

and to oppose the lies to theevangelicals of the world.

- [Chris] Evan sees the special

as an effort to win the media war

and counter what he saysis the mainstream media

believing the lies of radical Islam.

Chris Mitchell, CBS News, Jerusalem.

- Thanks Chris.

Terry, it's stunning to think that a page

or a group of people prayingfor peace would be shut down.

- And that's really true, John,

but it's not the firsttime that we have seen

conservative or Christianmessages shut down

or taken off even temporarily.

You know, it's unfortunate

because many of us enjoybeing able to follow

family pictures, familyinformation on Facebook,

but this is one of the things that happens

when you allow monopolies to exist.


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